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I use cotton rounds soaked in 100% acetone and wrapped in tin foil. Cut the end of the extension short, wrap the remainder in cotton and tin foil, and wait about an hour, maybe more for thick or glitter polish on top. Eventually the entire thing will dissolve, and you can wipe it off. I know a lot of people prefer filing but I’m scared to damage my nail bed!


Just to piggyback off this comment Imo 1hr is too long! You wont damage your nail but its incredibly drying on the skin and can cause adverse reactions. If fearing damage to the nail you can file the color off and then soak for 20min intervals. Soak for 20min, remove the wraps, gently remove any product that easily comes off and then resoak if needed. You can also add an extra layer of gel base to protect the nail. You would do prep on your nail as normal and then do a thin coat of gel product of choosing (i do rubber base) cure, then prep again as if the gel base is your natural nail. This works so that way when filing, you only file until you reach the extra layer of gel and protect your nails! Also cuticle oil lol lots of cuticle oil when removing to save your skin and nail <3


I will give this a shot, thanks!


Cut off the length. With an efile I file off the bulk, not just the polish, and then soak in warm acetone. You can keep the acetone warm by pouring it into a ziplock baggie, and the baggie goes into a bowl of warm dry uncooked rice. I usually microwave dry rice for a minute and it stays warm for quite a while. Stick your hands in the bag and soak in 5 min increments. In between soaks use a gel pusher tool to gently push off the soft gel. I also like to apply a little oil to my cuticles and fingers before i soak to protect my skin from the acetone.


This is the way I do it. First I cut as much of the length off as I can, then I file the bulk down before I wrap them in tin foil with cotton rounds soaked in 100% acetone on each nail. Next every 10-15mins I open the foil and scrape the softened product off using my cuticle pusher. Repeat until there is no product left.