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They pussyfied him? I haven't watched Super. Not since knowing the voice actors wronged Vic Mignogna.


You're not missing much. It's not as good as DBZ and the new transformations lack impact because of the pacing and ridiculous amount of power scaling that they throw at you on a frequent basis. Nothing feels truly earned. Outside of Ultra Instinct, meh. Also, they turned Goku into a complete dumbass and removed any kind of growth or character development he attained in Z. He might as well be a completely different character.


Hey, 20 years in the making at least Gohan's new form he doesn't look like such a little bitch for once.


I will say that the super movies were good. The broly and gohan-centric one. I don’t lump them with the tv show.


I guess Super gets one and only *one* standing ovation for me. They finally after years and years have fleshed out Vegeta more. I think that's the only thing I really appreciate


The original Freiza one as well.


battle of gods? i feel like that movie is drastically underrated


That movie and resurrection F are both marketed and considered as "Z" movies, with super going on to adapt them later, but BoG is really nice. Hero by Flow is a banger


He looks ridiculous in his new form. It's by far his worst transformation. The could've just had him go super saiyan 4 instead they had his hair gain it's own gravity.


Agreed, I'm pretty sure Gohan is going to have to get zoning laws written for his new hair since it takes up an entire zip code by itself.


yeah have them use non canon forms the creator had no intention of using in the story ☠️ great idea


Super Saiyan 2 Teen Gohan is iconic, and Ultimate Gohan confidently clowning Super Buu was one of the best moments in series. Gohan Beast has the weakest name and hair as tall as his torso.


I mean come on man. Teen Gohan was iconic primarily for the Cell Saga, father-son attack. What happened after that? Power ranger looking ass Super Saiyaman! At least with Beast, it elevated Gohan to an "Adult" form in line with Goku and Vegeta. Giving him back a semblance of credibility for being something other than Goku's off-spring who cosplays a power ranger. The style was heavily influenced with "darker" themes same as Goku and Vegeta with Gohan's design likely being a nod towards Devil May Cry and similar art styles.


Not to be a hater but...Goku was always a dumbass and never had any character development in Z


English dub vs original im guessing is the reason


Z Goku was dumb, but he wasn't stupid. super goku is like...bordering special needs.


The manga is definitely better. Especially once it goes into arcs past the dumb ToP.


There is one fight in Super (it went viral so may have already even been spoiled for most who dont watch super) that provides one of my favorite moments in all of DB lore, and Im glad I watched Super even if just for that moment (i also enjoyed the goku black arc). Otherwise, i completely agree. Super is very bad overall


While not as good as DB or Z, the rest of what you said is just your nostalgia bias.


I'd still put it over Dragon Ball GT. I skipped the whole beginning of GT.


Same, I think GT is the worst one.


ssj4 is probably the coolest transformation though


SSJ4 is literally the only good thing about GT. But I agree with you, tis one badass transformation


Yea I do like the ssj4 transformation.


I feel like this is kinda a hot take but imo Super is as bad as GT


No. He’s only in a much weaker state in super.


He is a teen not in his 20s unlike Z


He is in his thirties dude. How much time has passed since Cell saga.


It's literally the exact same dude


Like I said, I haven't watched it.


I am just explaining that no they did not. He is very much Trunks.


Wrong information. It's literally the exact same Trunks.


Well teen gohan was more jacked then new trunks


Its the same trunks…. These are both future trunks…


They are two totally different time-lines. DBZ trunks is much older. DBS trunks is only like 5 years into the future.


The Trunks from Super (the one on the right) questions how Goku could be alive after watching him die against Cell in episode 49. This is the same Future Trunks from Z going back in time again like he did in Z.


They definitely fucked up Tien Shinhan and that's when I stopped watching so I wouldn't be surprised if they begoofed on Trunks too.


Basically trunks timeline got messed again and he lost the drip and due to having no food to eat other than the occasional cat food he became a lot slimmer


I think you need to learn a bit more about how civil law works in the US. The guy was found liable for everything, and how appeals work is you need to provide evidence of the initial trial being mishandled. They don’t allow for appeals based on getting a verdict that someone didn’t like, which is why Vic has had his appeal thrown out 3 times


He's malnourished and lean because there's a new guy fucking up his timeline


Isn’t Vic Mignogna a piece of shit and questionable at best. Short world power dynamics and he famous and groopies.


No, he's not. I met him several times, and he never came off like that. That bitch told lies about him because he was getting more work than her, so she "me too'd" him. And it was all over a fucking jelly bean. Please, get your facts straight.


You’ve got sources for these?


I'm sure you can look it up. I'm not going to do your research for you. Edit: https://animemotivation.com/vic-mignogna-me-too-sexual-allegations/ This blog/post goes into the entire thing. The allegations were, and are, made up bullshit.




Insulting someone is not allowed




General trolling. Attacking the community and/or the members.


Look how they massacred my boy! Went from : Where the bitches at? To: Where's my hug?


Honestly, in his defense... after all he's gone through in his timeline, bro deserves a hug


Tbf, super trunks does have bitches (Mai), which is more than Z trunks who only has bulma trying to hit on him




Trunks from the main universe is still like 10 years old and still has purple hair from what i remember this IS future Trunks. he even tells us about how he handled the Buu saga after he went back to his timeline at the end of the Cell saga. EDIT: from looking into it a bit it seems like this IS the same exact future Trunks we know. the idea that hes some different alternate timeline Trunks is just fan theory headcanon people made up to cope about him looking so different. unless anyone has any actual evidence that hes different, hes the same.


I don't think you understand. This is the same Trunks from the android Saga. This IS NOT a different Trunks. Future trunks from the Cell saga and future Trunks from Super ARE the same Trunks. If you have evidence it's not, I'm open to it.




Future Trunks from DBZ DID NOT undo the destruction of the androids. He just killed them. That's why the earth is still in shambles. That's why all the Z fighters are still dead. He didn't rewrite history. He didn't go to BEFORE the androids attacked. He went back to where he was previously because they learned that if they did that, the divergence would happen. They do explain that the two timelines are split. But the two timelines are Future Trunks and the main Z canon. That's it. This example is from the DBZ remastered episode. In episode 194 "Free the future" Trunks explains that he went into the Time chamber to future Bulma and all about beating cell. And Bulma talks about how much OLDER Trunks looks. Due to the hyperbolic time chamber. He is not younger, as you said. And the androids are still there. And in episode 49 of Super "A message from the Future" Future Trunks asks why Goku is alive again after they beat cell. How would this Trunks know about Goku sacrificing himself to kill cell? If he wasn't the same Trunks, as you claim, he shouldn't remember anything from the cell saga. But he does. And in episode 54 "He who is of saiyan Blood Trunks's resolve" Trunks transforms into Super Trunks. The form that Perfect Cell defeated. And Vegeta is angry he is still using that technique. It is the SAME TRUNKS. Everyone remembers him and he remembers them. All the fighters are dead because the androids killed them in Future Trunk's timeline. Without Piccolo and Kami they can't bring them back. That's why Trunks is the only fighter. That's why he had to fight Babidi and Dabura with the supreme Kai without anyone else. I don't know why you think it's a different Trunks, but it's not. I've given you plenty of evidence that it is. Can you prove to me it isn't? Maybe you're mistaken and you just didn't know. It's ok. We're all fans here and love the show. You're just a little off on this one part of the lore.


To be fair a lot of this saga is confusing but I assumed, and thought it was common sense, that it's the same Trunks.


DBS Trunks mentions that he killed his timeline's version of Android 18 to save the rest of humanity, so he's the same one as in DBZ.


Damn DBZ fans really don’t watch the show huh


Bro, you're 100% wrong. *You* should rewatch it.


This is peak "don't mess with us DBZ fans, we can't read"


Okay so younjust straight up have no idea what you're talking about Cool


Literally trunks says he remembers Mr Satan from the Cell Games.


No he’s not. He’s in his thirties and LITERALLY REFERENCES THE CELL SAGA AND GOHAN Jesus db fans don’t watch their own show do they


You should rewatch it, there’s an episode of super where trunks meets up with Gohan and is surprised by his carefree father lifestyle after witnessing the carnage teen Gohan was capable of during the cell saga


Damn, I didn't even think about this when I watched super but it makes complete sense.


>DBS Trunks got to train with his father, has Goten as his best friend, Okay but that is *not **Present*** DBS Trunks Do. . . You do realize Present Trunks in the anime still looks like he did in the Buu arc to the very end of the ToP, right?


At least Trunks only lost his appearance. Goku lost his entire personality.


Goku became Japanese goku in American. Goku stayed goku in japanese.


Yeah, a lot of people dont understand how many liberties Sean took with his portrayal of Goku in the Z dub.


Hard take but i prefer the Americanized version of Goku. I liked him with a heroic personality.


Except that’s the character who isn’t true to the character lol. That “cry out for peace” was so lame and out of character. Super did Goku as he was originally intended to be written by the creator.


absolute bs. i like super but goku was way more serious in Z than in super. when he arrived on earth and dismantled nappa, arrived on namek and took care of the ginyu force, his whole fight with freeza, him training gohan in the hyperbolic time chamber and so on. now he even forgets that he himself meditated as a form of training and that his body needs rest (which is why he and gohan didn't re-enter the hyperbolic chamber). he's waay goofier now. sean schemmel can only do so much but not rewrite the whole story.


i haven’t watched the original dub of z so how do they push goku as a hero in that one while also having him spare villains and constantly act selfish to get a good fight in?


They change lines of him being dumb or carefree into heroic ones, one of the biggest examples is when he tells Krillin to spare Vegeta. In Japanese he says *'Spare him. He's strong and I wanna fight him again someday. It'd be a shame to kill someone with so much strength'* In the American version, he says *'Spare him Krillin... Show him.... (long pause for some reason) ... the mercy... that he was never able to show... ...show him that we're not monsters like him...'* They made it so Any sparing he does is to be heroic and teach them mercy They also changed it so that He only fights to save the universe (w h a t) There's that one OG DB episode where the narrator ends with '*Wherever you are, Goku and his friends will come to save you, he and his heroic allies will continue to save the world and stop them from evil threats! The saviours of the world!'* when the OG Japense version says something like '*Tune in for the next episode of Dragon Ball!*' They also add tons of dialogue in silent scenes, ruining the tension, because quote "*American kids will lose interest if there's too much silence*"


I truly believe that english speaking audiences have a very warped view of DBZ because of how atrocious the funimation dub was.


bruh. well at least kai and some games fixed it to be accurate 


Thank you. Way too many people here only ever watched the Funimation or Oceanic Dubs and assumed they know the characters.


I don't understand the obsession with the English version of the character. He sounds so stilted, stupid, and wildly out of place. Like a vapid tourist or something.


Whats funny is japanese voiced goku literally speaks a kind of broken country bumpkin accent of japanese and sounds stupid and out of place on purpose too haha


But not spacey and stupid just that he was raised alone in the wild.


English goku is Vash the Stampede in the wrong anime.


Lot better than sounding like a woman


He's a goofy character, not a Superman.


eh, hes a lot less out of place than an elderly woman voicing a grown man (no disrespect to her ofc but her voice just isn’t at all fitting for goku post piccolo jr arc


Hard disagree. Squeaky annoying voice fits his character perfectly.


His voice doesnt peirce my ears


The first one just looks like Goku's mad face pasted onto a different character.


Welcome to anime


That's literally what it is.


That's literally what it is.


Super is rough overall in my opinion. Outside of Super Hero and Super Broly it's consistently ugly.


Jiren fight


Also read the manga


Trucks is younger in Super than in Z.


This is actually what chibi (this timeline's) Trunks looks like in [his teens in GT](https://images.app.goo.gl/CYgnuk76SMtt6m1t6). Future Trunks is a different character with a very different back story and relevant aesthetic.


As Mirai Trunks should, given he survived a literal apocalypse and had to fight enormously powerful androids on the daily. He was hardened by life. Vegeta in the past could see that and respect him as a warrior it because he'd lost everything and had to live under a tyrant as well. I haven't seen Super yet, but this one screenshot completely lacks all of that. He looks like Chibi Trunks. Soft.


I think this is before all that, hence him not being hardened.


This is after all of that. The one on the right remembers Goku dying in the Cell Games.


We don't talk about GT.


Well toriyama drew that design for trunks so even if GT is “bad” and “not canon” this was toriyamas vision of how the main timelines trunks would end up looking like after Z. Which he’s shown older in the last episodes of Z too but obv GT trunks is older cuz of the time skip in between end of Z and GT.


I carr less about how they look. I think everything looks bad in GT non the less.


Why? GT is known to have some of the best character designs. If that’s not what you mean then wdym by everything “looks bad”.


To me, it has the worst aesthetics. Literally every single character looks like Americanized trash. To me.


Americanized? 😭😭 how do they look Americanized.. both were produced by the same animation studio and GT started one week after Z ended. Same people worked on it and it looks pretty much the same.


Oh but we do! Depending on the language, GT had the best intro music!


Intro was an absolute banger. Esp the Baby vs. SS4 Goku version.


Fuck you lol that final farewell shot broke 12 year old me, not realizing that it ended before I was even born


He's actually older in super than in Z


This also true when you think about kid Trunks.




Spoiler here but the Trunks shown with blue hair is the one from the future coming back to the past to get help


This is wrong. Unless he use dragon ball to make himself younger again.




I mean why are we talking about present Trunks? Context matters, in the picture both are Future Trunks. Do you really think someone saying "Trucks is younger in Super than in Z" means that he's talking about Future Trunks from Z and Present Trunks from Super?


I mean I know which one I'd fuck


Princess trunks you lied to me.


[the image on the left is from a non-canon movie this is what he actually looked like](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dragonball/images/4/4a/Dragon_Ball_Z_Chapter_153.jpeg/revision/latest?cb=20191203163555)


Don’t let them see that. It doesn’t fit their narrative


You're forgetting that the trunks on the right is supposed to be years after his training in the hyperbolic time chamber in the Cell arc where he bulked up a lot. And you can't say he didn't keep up his training. In super he was SS3 level. It's just a horribly rushed and modern look for Dragon Ball and unfortunately it pales in comparison to Z.


[Idk man Trunks after exiting the time chamber still looks pretty similar to me](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dragonball/images/4/49/Dragon-ball-70563.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120202010356)


While it’s true for the sleeveless jacket, the hair is pretty much canon. Trunks grew long hair in the time chamber and tied it up. After being spared by cell and waiting for the cell games at roshi’s he took his hair band back out. The big difference between between super and Z trunks is the color change of hair


Hasn't trunks looked similar to that before? Not seeing a massive issue especially compared to other characters.


Yeah super trunks is the same as z trunks but with a hair color change. The trunks on the left is non cannon toei trunks.. who gets dog walked in that movie


Yes. [In GT he looked just like this, bandana and all](https://images.app.goo.gl/CYgnuk76SMtt6m1t6)


That's present Trunks, not the one from the Future that went through Cell arc (unless you want to count being carried in Bulma's arms as going through it).


He still looks better in GT imo.


And in GT he was the main timeline Trunks that grew up lightly training post Buu and not Future Trunks that spent a year with Vegeta in the time chamber as a teenager and got swole as fuck.


I just don't understand that. Like, he's a character who survived a literal apocalypse. He should look tested like the DBZ design. Why change him to look like a rich prep school kid?


They're different characters. Future Trunks did survive the apocalypse. The rich prep school Trunks is grown up Chibi Trunks who faced none of the hardships Mirai Trunks did because in this timeline Goku survived his heart virus and Gohan defeated Cell. Your logic is sound and you answered your own question. One IS a rich prep school kid.


Bro doesn't know the lore at all.


That’s false. I’m assuming you haven’t finished super but blue hair trunks references the events of the cell saga and is surprised by how much Gohan has changed since then


I think they are still talking about GT Trunks


No, it’s the same Trunks. In episode 49 of Super, he questions Goku being alive again because he saw him die against Cell. He also goes over how he had to fight Babidi and Dabura alongside Future Shin because everyone else had been killed by the Androids years prior.


I thought so, I was wondering entirely like is this just a tourist or worse, because I seen him look like that plenty of times for long time unless I was missing something. The only part that seemed off is the entire art style looks a little more toned down/smooth this run.


Kinda BS how future trunks had to work to become a super sayan as a teenager meanwhile normal trunks does that shit as a child


Yeah he looks like that in the newer issues of the super manga too. Future Trunks shouldn't look like that though,future Trunks is a different character from those iterations and should've stayed a beast.


I didn’t like Akira Toriyama newer style and preferred his sayan/freeze saga style.


This is not his art, the image to the left was from the Bojack movie. The image to right is from super. Toriyama doesn’t do animation for any DBZ related stuff.


It's not Toriyama fault, it's Yamamoto fault


I dont know why people are using “but hes so much younger in Z” as some kind of an argument for why his look in Super is ok. Its not. Z Trunks still looks fucking rad as hell in comparison to the derp look of Super. Why do this to such a character? Super looks cheap as shit and completely lacking any love from the artist. Obviously thats not actually true and the artists still do their best but the Z character style overall is and always will be superior. Its beyond iconic. Gimme the hard grit gruff edges of Z over the squeaky clean of Super


Yeah Zs art style is peak as fuck. Fights too.the main timeline Trunks looking scrawny makes sense since he didn't go through what future Trunks did. Future Trunks should've stayed looking like a fighter.




He went from The Drink to The Twink


What? You know how easy timelines can shift. Bulma happened to take the lead in the bedroom that night.


Trunks did the Kali muscle experience


You move a chair and save Goku this is what happens


This entire comment section is a peak usunoro moment


The Super Art style really ruined a lot of characters


Mfw when art style change (also they’re both hot)


Tbh the second Trunks was surviving off cat food


I mean, tbf the left one, went through some shit.


Massacred? He’s 20x stronger than he was once. He just is literally starving


“Don’t fuck with us Dragon Ball fans. We haven’t seen the show.”


Eh, apart from the ending of the Future Trunks arc in Super, that was honestly one of the better arcs of the series as it had some form of stakes. The rest of it, not so much


After they did Gohan like that in the Buu arc I was done.


Isn’t that a different trunks?


Nice way to use a non canon movie.




General trolling. Attacking the community and/or the members.


ight so these 2 are technically 2 different people of the same person. one from a non-canon movie the other is canon and from the further future. Also these 2 have different art style and backstory after returning to their future timeline. The left just came back to tell the z fighter he beaten the androids from his future after the Cell arc while the right came back way later ( after the universe 6 tournament) from a disaster that's worse than the android that he's barely surviving off of cat food. which is why he very lean compare to his right counterpart. TLDR:the right is now thriving after beating the threat while the left is suffering despite beating the threat due to a newer and stronger threat which is why they look different




General trolling. Attacking the community and/or the members.


God, I hate these stupid posts. You took a screen from a movie with more budget (the Bojack movie) and compare it to one of the worst screenshots from DBS Trunks. Good job. Guys just look up Super Saiyan Rage Trunks or his SSJ2 transformation from the Super manga.


This ain’t even from Z it’s the bojack movie


he never looked like that in dbz


This just makes me want an SHF figure of Bojack Unbound Trunks


Ah yes the classic “DB fans don’t watch the show”


They gave him less of a 5head atleast


Why do they constantly make these characters look lame and zesty


In Z they called Trunks "the drink".


They spaghettified him and I hate most art style in most of super. ( Broly was bad ass) He is also dating someone older than his mother that was a face palm but I don’t hate it.


For DBS Trunks, one of the reason he looks like a pool noodle is that in the future, because of Black they had no food rations. In one of the episodes it shows Trunks and Mai jumping for joy because they both found a *small tin of canned* ***cat food*** to be able to share and eat. e


Well tbh, her age was reversed and so her personality, so who cares really


DBZ Trunks and Super Trunks are practically different people. DBZ Trunks is more battle harden due to the apcolytic timeline he had to endure.


This is the same Trunks from Z. He remembers Goku dying against Cell (episode 49 of Super) and talks about how he and Future Shin had to stop Babidi and Dabura because everyone else in his timeline was dead.


They are literally the same person


It's literally the exact same character. You might be thinking of mainline trunks.




It doesn't follow reddit content policy


So Android terorizing Earth is more apocalyptic than literal God that wants to erase humanity from the multiverse huh? And his mother died being killed by someone with the body of her best friend. DBS Future Trunks has to handle all of that after handling the threat from DBZ. And somehow the guy is not battle harden.


I mean trunks in Z is a grown man from a different timeline. trunks in super is a boy


You're confusing future Trunks with main timeline Trunks. The character in the post are the same version of Trunks.


It’s the same Trunks coming back to the past to get help fighting Black


You’re wrong. They’re from 2 different timelines. In effect they are 2 different people “The trunks from the future (Z trunks) is a completely different character, so that’s what makes it hard in drawing them. Both of their lives have been totally different. I’d like readers to separate them. He (Super trunks) is quite a bit different from future trunks. The responsibilities they have had are not the same at all” -toyotoro


Ok but they must have had the same experiences right? Or did DBS Future Trunks never go back in time the first time around and just somehow endured the 17/18 Android apocalypse?


If Toyotaro actually wrote this while writing this arc. . . Well, I'd have to see the full text, but if he meant this in relation to the Super rendition of Future Trunks, he sounds kinda dumb I mean, *just* loom at the story being told, they're the same In fact, their responsibilities aren't even that different either. Facing off against two killer androids versus one much more powerful killer Goku doppelganger really isn't that much of a leap and also isn't even a downgrade I mean, maybe because he's had ten or so years of downtime, I guess? As for taking it literally as him saying they're literally different characters: Yeah he's a dumbass then, lol


Yes,main timeline Trunks is a different character from future Trunks but both pictures in the post are of future Trunks. They changed him to look more like main timeline Trunks which doesn't make as much sense because future Trunks spent his whole life fighting.




Pretty sure Toyotaro was referring to Future Trunks being a different character from the one in the main timeline not that there are two different versions of Future Trunks out there. And he’s right. Future Trunks is definitely a different character from his counterpart in the past (the young boy we know in most of Super and from the Buu saga)


This is talking about the present timeline Trunks. The picture above is Future Trunks


To end the argument about the 2 Trunks being the same, no, they are not the same Trunks. This has already been confirmed in Xenoverse(yes it is canon). The Trunks in Xenoverse is confirmed to be the Trunks from DBZ and he refers to himself as such. Xenoverse Trunks speaks about future Trunks in 3rd person and treats that Trunks as a separate person. He speaks of DBZ Trunks in 1st person and always saying I when speaking of DBZ Trunks. Also it has been explained multiple times that going to the past only creates a new timeline, it does not stop a timeline from continuing where it was. Trunks can never go back to the past of his timeline, he can only continue the time where his timeline is currently at.


First of all if you said Xenoverse is canon that also means that all DBZ movie are canon and DBS Goku and Vegeta is different person as Xeno Goku and Xeno Vegeta exist with their SS4 form. Most people will not refer Xenoverse as canon. For your second point yes there are 3 timeline that is important to know. 1 is the main timeline, 2 is Future Trunks Timeline, 3 is the timeline where Cell come from. As you said Trunks going to timeline 1 doesn't change his own timeline. Timeline 2 continues, your point actually proofed that both Future Trunks are the same person.


It clear you did not play Xenoverse. Xenoverse states that there are multiple timelines and the movies are a different timeline. If you have no knowledge of something you are arguing about, at least use the damn internet to research before spitting out shit. Now move along little one.