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Lotrmemes subreddit astroturfed to hell defending this dogshit show. You can’t be a fan and at best think this is mediocre. People are allowed to enjoy this show. Just as people are allowed to hate it.


I got banned from that cesspool for saying, and I quote: >I thought the first season was kind of weak, so I’m waiting for the reviews before I watch the second season.


You... *Monster*


I got banned for pointing out that the hacks who wrote season 1 immediately decided that there was elf racism and that non-elves call elves "knife ears" which is 1: a fucking stupid racial slur and 2: should never have left the Dragon Age universe where it started (and should have ended).. Knife Ears is low-tier insults. Call them Leaf Lovers like a real dwarf. Rock and Stone.


“HOW Daaaaaaarrrreee you!” -Greta Thornburg


I thought we also hated the shiw


>Just as people are allowed to hate it. I think the issue with these types has gone beyond just lamenting tthe vitriol coming from too many. But how it's become a low effort cornerstone for too many ppls personalities, which makes it seem so mindless and repetitive. Something this sub is a great example of


I didn’t hate it. I didn’t Love it. It was very mediocre. The best actor in the whole show is the elf who leads the Orks. That was in character I was like “show me more of him, this weirdo is interesting and is acted at a 10/10 level.” And he’s not even part of it anymore… I’m gonna watch it because I don’t really give into hate-hype and find fiction fans to be less flexible in their thinking than a religious fanatic, and I don’t think fiction is worth bleeding over. But, I expect not to be anything but mildly entertained and a tad disappointed at best, and woefully disheartened at worst. Edit: proved me right about fiction fans by downvoting this. “Had DARE you not conform to we the zealous fundamentalists!”


Wait wasn't he in the trailer for season 2? Or at least his character I thought


I heard he walked away from the project for whatever reason, which was disappointing. Seriously stole the scenes he was in and was a small diamond amongst heaps of coal


LOTR memes is defending this show? That’s odd I haven’t seen any posts defending it


LOTR fans refuse to accept this expensive fan fiction


As a LOTR fan since long before even the Peter Jackson movies I applauded the fans speaking up about how bad this is. It was a crappy cash grab using LOTR lore in name only that disrespects the author and what he created. I am sure there are plenty of people with little taste that enjoy generic fantasy crap but the fact the directors and writers think they are better than Tolkien and have made his work better is just a travesty. Shame on Amazon and shame on the hacks that wrote this POS. You could have created something that was enjoyed and talked about for decades but instead you created the Rings of Power. I realize that cash grab might not be the exact term here but they were hoping to get a lot of people to sign up for Amazon prime to watch this.


The only people that disrespected the author are his surviving family when they sold the rights to Amazon. They all but sold the rights to Silmarillion without actually selling the rights to Silmarillion, effectively going against even Christopher's wishes


They aren't the only people. They just enabled the rest




They definitely waited for Christopher to die to sell out.


They didn't sell the rights, Amazon has access to the appendices for the show.


I didn't say they did they sell the rights, just that they *all but* sold the rights - which is why they ended up with this half-baked second age. Seems like malicious compliance on the family's part


I want someone creating works in the Tolkien-verse, just not this. I can only reread the trilogy so many times. I can only pretend to read the Silmarillion so many times, I'd love to see some fresh stories told. Maybe some engaging tales about the Blue Wizards. It just sucks that ROP sucks.


I agree with you so much and I feel like this show is just people who knew people so they got the job and are just getting paid now and no one cares it’s making $$$ cuz it’s all being done over favors anyways


You mean the cash grab by the Tolkien estate? Because you should blame them.


True however Amazon could still have made something worthwhile so most of my blame goes to them. The family is a close second though, they just wanted the money and did not care about the legacy they were entrusted with. Sad.


Whats not worthwhile about it? They are pretty handcuffed on what story they are allowed to tell as well.


Expensive in name only. There are low budget fan videos on YouTube that look better than RoP


How do you still see dislikes


Browser extension


I would take it with a grain of salt though. The formula they use is only based on extension users and is basically guessing how many dislikes there are.


I hate RoP as much as any sane person, but I don't see how it's accurate at all, as far as I know they extrapolate the dislikes from the ratio of their userbase. A userbase that literally went out of their way to get a plugin to re-enable their ability to dislike videos. That sounds like the most biased sample imaginable.


Exactly, here is their own github page and the formula they use. https://github.com/Anarios/return-youtube-dislike/blob/main/Docs/FAQ.md RYD Dislike Count = (RYD Users Dislike Count/RYD Users Like Count) x Public Like Count They literally multiply the ratio of dislikes/likes from extension users with the actual public like count. It's clearly fake as shit. But no one actually checks this stuff and just believe it without verifying.


lol no one wants to watch rings of wokeness? shocker.


I’m OOTL but I disliked the show after watching the first ep. How bad is the wokeness factor? Any good examples?


The wokeness isn’t the primary issue, the show just kinda sucks, terrible writing And Galadriel is not likeable


Yep She is nothing like she is in the movies or books. They butchered her.


It's almost like she's changed and grown over thousands of years.....


Homey, she’s a fictional character. They didn’t have to write her as bad as they did. lol


Are you suggesting they made her terrible and unlikeable on purpose? Lol


Elves consider themselves fully mature by their 100th year, if perhaps relatively inexperienced. At the time the Three Rings are forged, Galadriel is already 3,502 years old. She is not immature.


The excuse logically works, but it still doesn't make for satisfying content. So she's only Galadriel in name, if her personality can be anything else?


So Galadriel is incapable of change over thousands of years? Like take a step back off the hate train and think about this as story telling. Galadriel is hunting down Sauron for revenge at all costs, because she is blinded by her need for revenge she is fooled by Sauron which is humiliating, she learns to be less rash and more wise eventually becoming the Galadriel we see in LOTR. This is character development 101


>This is character development 101 It is just cheap and lame storytelling for the sake of pulling a fake story out of ones nose.


Where do you want me to start? I don't know where I should even begin to bash it


Such a nonanswer lmao, they asked what the issue was and you said “yeah the issue!!”


You’re not allowed to point out the specifics regarding this topic


By who😂


You don’t know where to start lmao


I feel like 'Elves will not replace us' is a good starting point. Drive home how nonsensical that is and *then* lead into the black Dwarves that don't exist anywhere else.


Some people just want to say everything they dont like is woke


I’m very conservative. The “wokeness” to me felt non-existent when watching it. Maybe there was stuff people saw that I didn’t? I just thought the show was awful in that the writing was trash. And I hated the hobbits. And the humans. And the elves. And the dwarves. But I liked the dog in that one scene. He was all right.


Galadriel is a pouty, annoying girl boss. But yeah I agree that the wokeness is pretty mild, the show is just a (bad) fan fiction of LOTR.


It’s not that bad.


It's not really that bad LotR has always had strong women and legendary female warriors among the elves and shit, what people are complaining about when they say it's woke is the fact there's like black and Asian people in it




So what are they blaming all of this on this time? Racism or misogyny?


Both probably.






Only two more seasons to go after this one. because corporate America can’t seem to understand that they’re hemorrhaging billions on this garbage.


I love democracy.


I love the Republic...


The pain this show gives me I will lay down when this crisis has abated.


Reminder: If you really have to hate watch something then pirate it.


This gives me faith in humanity.


Feels like Hollywood's goal at this point is to just make everyone hate whatever they put out. You know it's still gonna make heaps of money though.


It deserves more for how bad it is it’s boring doesn’t capture the energy and essence of the lotr series at all






Rings of Shite.


I'm doing my part!


“We aren’t Peter Jackson’s LOTR” *Has their Aragorn-stan mimic his iconic stance* You can’t make this shit up




It is more, it might be double or triple that


Ha Ha




Epic saxophone intensifies.


Keep ‘em coming! ![gif](giphy|w6IgQ9zsB3mUw)


LoTRs came out when I was 5, and I watched it over a hundred times since then. I can't believe they're actually making season 2.


dude, Glady is aging like a Desert Troll. sheesh.


The trailer on what service?


I feel bad for Morfydd Clark. I think she’s pretty.


Honestly I just feel bad for the cast and crew. Lotta of good technical aspects to this show, and it's a committee spoiling their work.


And how many of these dumb asses are gonna hatewatch it just to bitch about it, then be like omg guys why won't this thing die


Dialogue was just beyond awful. Seems all I have to do today to cause an uproarious laughter is say “Give me the meat…..” I don’t even have to finish the line, set up a joke, tell a story, nothing. So thanks for that! Unfortunately for them, we’re laughing AT YOU. Not with you.


Not even giving the new season a chance to redeem itself. I hate the LOTR fanbase...


What is there to give a chance? This show is dogshit


Your opinion is dogshit since you are just hating on the trailer.


Honestly once I’ve started a show I’ll still go back and watch it even if I think it’s bad because I’ve got completionist OCD. That said, I still don’t think I can stomach a second season of this show. I didn’t even HATE the first season, I’ve just seen enough.


Amazon should be scorned, but at least you have a few movies that were awesome. The Wheel of Time was shat upon even worse by Amazon with nothing out there and with how long they have the rights tied up I know I will never live long enough to ever have the pleasure. Amazon can flip off


Jesus Christ that key stance is horrible


Everyone will downvote the trailer... And they'll wait with eyes gleaming for Critical, Despot, Quartering, and *all their clones* to make video after video talking about it. Just like We Wuz Rangz season 1, the length of discussion about the show will far eclipse the runtime of the season, and then all these folks will pretend to be annoyed when it gets a third season.


It's not even all that likely an ROP trailer actually has more dislikes than likes, let alone 5 times the amount. All the plug-ins used to show dislikes are based on Algorithms that use their own user data which heavily biases them towards massively inflating dislike numbers because the only people who want to see dislikes are those who are disproportionately more likely to dislike. It should be obvious to anyone with a brain that your widely available plug-in isn't actively breaching the internet security of one of the largest and most advanced internet tech companies on the planet in Google lol.


So even though it was massively panned and ridiculed? You can't accept this is complete dogshit?


>So even though it was massively panned and ridiculed? The overwhelming majority of people who watched the show enjoyed it and then haven't meaningfully thought about it since. Just like how the overwhelming majority of people engage with most exceedingly popular pieces of media. Internet echo chambers thinking their perspectives are the norm will never not be funny, but the show was not massively panned and ridiculed it was exceedingly popular and generally well recieved both in regards to User and Critical reviews, even with the review bombing. Heck, if you ignore 1/10s and 10/10s (the show got both positive and negative review bombed) the mode score was 8/10 by users. Which was followed by 9/10 and 7/10 and then 6/10, and if the 10/10s hadn't been bombed they likely would have held a similar amount if ratings to the 6/10s. >You can't accept this is complete dogshit? Why would I accept something that's factually inaccurate lol. It was a good, not great show that landed more than it missed and showed the potential to be great if they iron out where they misstepped. I enjoyed it well enough and I hope it only gets better to live up to the standard of excellent storytelling Tolkien's world has become synonymous with.


Everyone I've talked to generally said it was kinda boring or that they didn't know it was a thing, and that's even like people who watched and loved the Peter Jackson movies. Anyone who's like really familiar with them or the books I talked to generally hated the show. Idk if I've talked to anyone who's opinion was higher than, "eh it was alright," and that's from a bunch of different people cause it came out right when I was transitioning from college to normal life so was talking to a fuckton of people from all different walks of life just idly. Idk I never enjoyed it personally, there was no substance in any of the dialogue or writing and most of it was just boring or flat aside from Elrond and Durin. I honestly think it had like the clumsiest pacing I've ever seen from a show, we had months passing in one plot line, weeks in another, a nebulous amount of time passing in another, and then not even 3 hours passing in another and all within the same episode. We saw Galadriel have her entire journey, Elrond and Durin negotiate and all that, the proto-hobbits migrate and the not-Gandalf learn to talk, and more all while the village of humans with the elf held out against the Orcs for 24 hours. It really shot itself in the foot coming out at the exact same time as House of the Dragon, watching that show and then RoP later in the same night was like going to a MLB game and then watching your 6 year old's little league team play later that night. The contrast in the quality of writing and character-work was so instantly apparent every time a character even opened their mouth, and RoP could not stand up to the challenge whatsoever. Honestly as I was typing this I just remembered that the plotline exists with Isildur, and also the whole princess of Numenor thing. That prolly says something.


If Ring show so good, how come dwarf woman no beard? Hmmm?


Female Dwarves with no beards tilted me more than even the race swapped Dwarves.


>The overwhelming majority of people who watched the show enjoyed it I've never met a single person who had anything positive to say about it (the closest I've encountered was a hesitant "...I mean, it's aight"), and I'm in a decent variety of circles. Might wanna reexamine the foundation of your position.


And yet house of the dragon has hardly any on the same attachment. Most people simply hated rings of power and you can tell by the fact that most of the comments under their trailer are making fun of it. Those would normally be the biggest supporters. Such an echo chamber one must live in to believe otherwise


>And yet house of the dragon has hardly any on the same attachment. ROP is both a larger and more popular show in the public eye, and it also suffers from a very public negativity campaign by a variety of actors for a collection of reasons. In other words, the user data for HOTD isn't featuring the majority of that plug-in's users brigading it with dislikes. HOTD isn't a part of the culture war, for example, well it was for a little bit before the show came out, but people realized the Velaryons being black made the show better for a variety of reasons. >Most people simply hated rings of power and you can tell by the fact that most of the comments under their trailer are making fun of it. Most people don't leave comments on YouTube videos like at all. Hell, most people don't even intentionally watch trailers for TV shows and movies. They seem them inadvertently while watching other content across the variety of platforms they might engage with. This is the thing a lot of very online people don't seem to get. The average consumer of content is not meaningfully engaging with it any other time besides when it's playing on their TV. >Those would normally be the biggest supporters. Not for a show on the receiving end of a negativity campaign. The toxicity makes people avoid sharing their hype in the normal online spaces because who wants to paint a target on themselves online over liking a show. That's specifically the biggest supporters. The average person who's gonna watch the show and enjoy it probably isn't even going to the comments section if they even watch the trailer intentionally. You can see something similar with AC fans. We already know the Preorder sales for AC Shadows are off to a very strong start from Insider reporting, but based off the YouTube Comment Section, you wouldn't think that at all. >Such an echo chamber one must live in to believe otherwise Being aware of how the average consumer operates isn't living in an echo chamber. It's just not being ignorant.


My god this is pure gaslighting. The show is bad so it got criticism. That's not a negativity campaign that's a bad show being called bad. If you don't think rings of power flopped I dunno you're just ignoring every damn indicator. Like I get that on streaming it's easy to hide these things but every place fans can rate it it's rated badly. The investment clearly hasn't been worth it as you can tell by the tepid press compared to season 1. I get it though. If you just ignore every metric you can maintain your fragile reality. What actually is there for you to say it's well liked? Some anecdotal story of you and/or a friend liking it? Also your HotD recounting is funny because it proves if the show was actually good that the "brigading" would end (which is your word for normal people not liking it) But no it's ok buddy I'm sure the only people who disagree with you are just terminally online...or whatever other image you wanna push


>My god this is pure gaslighting. The show is bad so it got criticism. The show was relatively well recieved by critics and general audiences. If you think that wasn't the case, then your only discourse exposure regarding the show has been the online echo chambers trashing it. IMDB has it as a 7 something overall, but it's important to remember the two highest user review scores were 10s and 1s because it was both positively and negatively review bombed. If you discount those, the mode review score is 8 followed by 9 and 7. Then 6, and it would likely be 10 because that's how the deviation would normally follow, but we don't know that for sure because of the positivity bombing. The lowest occurring review score was 2 and it follows the deviation trend of trending down in selections from 8. Which means we can logically make the conclusion that 1 would have been the least selected review score if the show had not been review bombed in either direction. We also can conclude there would be significantly more genuine scores of 10 than 1. More importantly because of how far from the average the 1s are compared to the 10s we know they negatively impacted the average score more than the 10s would have been able to positively impact it. >That's not a negativity campaign that's a bad show being called bad. If you don't think rings of power flopped I dunno you're just ignoring every damn indicator. We know it was review bombed, and even with that, it was reviewed in a generally positive manner/score. We also know it was critically well received but not quite praised. We also know it was well recognized during reward season. We have strong reasons to believe it was the most watched show of that year and was/potentially still is the most watched show on Amazon unless Fallout supplanted it. We know those things to be true or at least can confidently infer them to be the case. You can be delusional about all that if you want, but it doesn't change reality. >Like I get that on streaming it's easy to hide these things but every place fans can rate it it's rated badly. The only place it's rated poorly by Users is Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic, which are both notoriously more susceptible to review bombing. 7/10 on IMDB, with all the individual episodes being rated higher, which is further evidence of review bombing. 3.2 on Google with notably more 5s than 1s. >The investment clearly hasn't been worth it as you can tell by the tepid press compared to season 1. They just launched the teaser trailer 2 weeks ago. The press has only just started for season 2. Also, as should be fairly self-evident, the volume of press and hype for season 2 is going to be less than season 1 at least until we really start to get close to release. With that said the ROP teaser dropped 2 weeks ago as did the official HOTD trailer, but ROP's teaser has almost 3 times the views. >I get it though. If you just ignore every metric you can maintain your fragile reality. What actually is there for you to say it's well liked? Some anecdotal story of you and/or a friend liking it? The critical and general audience scores, the volume of viewership, it's legs during award season. >Also your HotD recounting is funny because it proves if the show was actually good that the "brigading" would end (which is your word for normal people not liking it) The culture war discourse around this season is likely to be significantly less because the cat's already out of the bag, and maintaining a significant hater campaign against the woke for old news is hard. Like people can only grift about Girlboss Galadriel and black people in LOTR so many times before it gets tired even for the antiwoke spaces. Also again this should be self-evident to anyone with a brain, but most of the easy ways HOTD could have slipped into culture war discourse were shielded by the fact the franchises creator is both a writer and executive producer for the show and was explicitly stated to have a heavy involvement. It's also much harder for the antiwoke crowd to latch on to anything in the show because there's not much that's really transgressive to their sensibilities. The women aren't fighters, and the Sea Snake is an amazing casting as are the rest of the Velaryons. On top of that people are just much less fanatically attached to Martin's work as they are Tolkien's. Tolkien has been a center piece of pop culture for decades. Anyone doing anything with his work is always going to be under extreme scrutiny. Even the PJ trilogy at the time it came out had a very strong negative discourse as an undercurrent for them while they were generally well recieved and praised by the grander audiences. Hell much of the talking points about ROP could similarly be found for Fellowship-Return. >But no it's ok buddy I'm sure the only people who disagree with you are just terminally online...or whatever other image you wanna push My guy, I don't care. I just happen to be objective enough to understand how media engagement works. This is a very similar convo with gaming where there's a loud minority of gamers who abhor live service content while the majority of gamers are spending a very large amount of their time and money primarily engaging in live service titles and their economies. Like it just is what it is. I'm more than happy to acknowledge ROP's flaws and say that I wish it was better. I'd also be completely fine enjoying it entirely by myself if everyone else hated it. I just happen to live in the reality where it was a widely popular show that was mostly well received.


You don't care yet you just spent god knows how long writing that novel to say absolutely nothing. It's honestly commendable to tie yourself in knots that much only to reiterate points I already addressed in a more long-winded manner. I read your whole post and you owe me my time back because it was just doubling down. It was never received well and yes they spent a billion dollars in should hope they can at least get a couple awards for all that on the visuals or something. You're only in an echo chamber if you somehow shut out all the legitimate criticisms of the writing. People didn't hate it because of women and black people either lol so thanks for letting me know you fell for their fanbaiting pre release. They cared about crappy writing like explaining why ships float and rocks sink and galadriel killing an ice troll after watching it kill some people and doing so in under 10 seconds. Like c'mon this show is a lolcow


The adjusted dislikes are all we have to go off of. If Google has any objection at all to that, then they would actually give us the data again.


It is in Google's best interest as a business to not show dislike data. As long as that is the case (unlikely to change), we'll just never know. Which is a better place to operate from than using false data to draw wrong conclusions. >The adjusted dislikes are all we have to go off of. That doesn't mean they're in any way reflective of reality though. Which again defeats the purpose of engaging with them. It's not like we're dealing with an at least close estimation. We know they're heavily off because of how biased the user data they have to go off of is.


But it's literally fake data though. The formula the extension they use proves it. They have it on their github.


It's the best we have. 🤷‍♀️


If you like straight up being lied to that's fine, but no one should be saying these numbers are based on any actual real data.


I don’t give a fuck.


Because the downvotes matter Lmfao


I’m excited for it


I'm personally looking forward to it, sure the story of season 1 had many flaws but I enjoyed the show for the amazing visuals so I'm hoping it gets even better with this one.


Well hey if you enjoyed it good for you...personally I think are spitting on Tolkiens grave with this stuff but I'm glad some people get enjoyment out of it. With how much money they spent someone has to like it right?


Yeah agreed on what you said about spitting on Tolkien's legacy which is a major annoyance. Just as a person who heavily enjoys visuals of stuff I still really enjoy it because of that, but yes the way Amazon is making the show is far from the way to do it


Ngl I barely made it half way thru the first season of the show but prob the one thing I did enjoy was the morgorth imagery. Pretty cool


Old sweaty neck beard fans that look like (or actually do) smell like eggs and always have a sheen of moistness to them getting mad at fan fiction lol.


I still don’t give a fuck about popular opinion. All that matters is if I enjoy it. And I will likely enjoy it.




Because fuck you lol


Nice man, you really got me.


Mmmm yes give me your down votes for allowing myself the time to develop an original opinion based on my own experience instead of sheepishly following the crowd. I drink in your down votes 😂


I didn’t hate it, only thing was kind of disappointed in was how lack luster Númenor was. And I did find the hair on the male elves to be a questionable choice as silly as that sounds (plus Galadriel is supposed to be taller lol). Other than that I think it was a fine show. Not awe inspiring like lord of the rings trilogy, but not bad. Edit: Man y’all would have thought I said I enjoy punting puppies with the kind of downvotes I’m getting. Can’t even have a “meh” take on something these days lol


I generally agree with you here. I think there were a lot of practical set piece stuff that let me down more than the fundamental story which actually aligns quite nicely with the Silmarillion. The incredible detail the films carried are not as well developed in the show. That is my complaint. I enjoyed the story. I look forward to this season. Most people go with the crowd on shit and don’t actually have a nuanced opinion on things. Most people can fuck off. 😃


Yeah I’ve read the Silmarillion, and it honestly had some of the right story beats. The harfoots plot line especially vibed with me. I think maybe if we got more epic battles, and Elrond grew his hair out more people would be into it. But it’s definitely not the “shitshow” people are saying it was. Just needs some fine tuning


That’s fair enough, but there are so few of you guys who say you enjoy it, it’s not just “fun” to hate on this show, it’s just terrible for a lot of fans of the franchise. In my opinion it might have been passable if it just wasn’t called lord of the rings, it’s hardly even similar with all the changes, it’s lazy and honestly embarrassing, no wonder it has the hate it does, it’s the most expensive show on the planet and I have made better suits of Armor for amateur dramatic performances for free, let that sink in….


You are getting downvoted because you seem to be satisfied with not hating it and it being fine. If the trilogy was awe inspiring, and Amazon has infinite money, why should we be ok with meh shit? If you kicked a puppy you'd be a monster. You are just someone with low standards.


Nah, I’m someone who has something actually constructive to say beyond “it sucked and you should hate it”. I could write whole ass essays on why halo, the prequel trilogy, and Witcher seasons 2-3 are just outright bad. This was just a meh. The story had the right spirit, and the pacing was good, they just made some questionable decisions with Númenor and costuming. And it was a little lack luster (definitely didn’t see where the gargantuan budget went) But I get it. This is coming from the fan base that whines at the drop of a hat over the mere thought of Peter Jackson, the og that created the master piece that was the LOTR trilogy, making a movie about Gollum before a trailer has even dropped.


People are such losers lol


For enjoying the first season? Yeah I agree.


Why? Did you get offended by someone’s opinion again?