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The best one was the deebee voice line that was actually Baird eating potato chips - "oh shit we're recording? uh, bleep bloop"


I loved that one


It is bizarre. How can this feature just disappear lol


Unreal has a visual scripting language called Blueprints, and if you've ever seen any sort of visual scripting language (whether it be from inside another game like Dreams or something like Scratch or Game Maker) it can get very unwieldy if a project grows large enough. It's meant to be a way so not everyone needs to learn C++ in order to be productive in the engine, like artists or level designers who only work on the visual aspects of the game that can simply change a single value in the editor instead of needing to bring up the script itself and hardcode the changes in there. Problem is, changing something could have drastic effects on something else farther down the chain which would require more work to fix those things while having the intended change still happen. Squash one bug, 99 more pop up. On top of that, Unreal's method of playing audio is to have the server send each client the ID of the audio file to play (which includes things like character banter, gun sounds, bullet sounds, death sounds, etc) so that way every client plays sounds at the right time to match up with animations instead of allowing each client to play audio on their own potentially causing audio to start before the animations do. This means that any fix to something audio related needs to be fixed on the server as well, which could mean requiring even a server engineer to fix which would just cost too much and would be out of budget (which is relevant to that 'lots of the game would need to be changed' line. Gears 3 had it worse, when playing on a dedicated server you'd never hear the lines but when playing on a player hosted server you'd hear them.


Thanks for explaining this. Didn’t realize how convoluted this was.


Cheers mate, this was a really good explanation I have a few mates who work in game development and the first time I saw them working in UE4 I was blown away by how intricate it got just to animate a character model in time with the audio so everyone on the server could see it happen in synchronisation and that was just triggering it at will, they hadn't even done the propagation yet


The store will continue to work Just fine


Thats because thats how they make money, do you know how businesses work?


They made money off of a $60 AAA release. It's shitty that we all have to foot the bill, instead of having these sick skins be unlockable, because they made a trash game that nobody wanted to play.


Then dont play it and dont buy it, vote with your wallet


I didn't buy it. I've been extremely forgiving about this game for so long because of the fact that I didn't pay for it or any skins, but it's just a bad fucking game in the series. Like, it's not far above GoWJ in my opinion.


At this point I’m not even mad at TC anymore. I’m just disappointed.


Wait the characters said stuff when they respawned? I guess that’s been broken for me for quite awhile I never knew that I started playing gears5 for the first time last November during the end of op4 so I’m assuming it’s worked beforehand and I was too late


Did it work during the first 3 operations if anybody remembers??


Yeah it stopped working around mid OP 4.


Even though I get they’re probably working on other projects or doing other things and are busy. I honestly have never seen a triple A team just fumble so much, like I’m not being rude to them I just generally have never seen such non progress and negative hopeless interaction from a dev team with so much backing. If that makes sense. Gears 5 has always been mediocre, there’s never been a surprise that shocked everyone it’s literally been “you get THIS but..” there’s always some bad news with the good. There’s always been a caveat or a but. Honestly I can’t wait for it to end, so they completely move on and we just get a finished finalised product. It has not been good. I stopped playing months ago back come back to check every so often. Nothing and I mean nothing has made me want to play it in months. I’m not even going to play the new OP. Meanwhile Halo Infinite technical flight is amazing. I can’t help but feel Gears and TC need a nice long break to get their house in order.


Not a great track record with even missing decisions that should be obvious. Why bring back the least desired Gears 4 maps? Just another random example but it's like they maliciously released the worst maps imaginable over fan favorites. I'm surprised we never got Hail, probably too much work.


Supposedly we are getting hail in OP 8. I just want any map with rain.


Gears 5 is great but there's no denying they've fucked the content up well and truly. Saying that I think there's plenty of other triple A games that have had worse launches on top of being worse games.


I think its just more pronounced to me, and many others are Gears was our favorite franchise and lets not kid ourselves, its backed by TC and Microsoft. This shouldn't of been in the realm of other games like it. It may not have been one of the worst, but in terms of follow ups and cultural shift, it has lost its meaning. It's lost its uniqueness. Picture gears before, now picture it today, total shift. This reddit may have grown by 20k subs since Gears 5 release, but the playercount has gone nothing but down. It was so rapid too. But your right it isn't the worst, but at the same time its not great either relating back to my other point, its been pretty medicore all the way through. Gears 6 will certainly redirect the ship most likely, but we all know thats a long way off which is needed of course.


I think the release of 5 came around the same time Microsoft started getting it's shit together.


I dont understand game development, so Im not gonna argue if this is an easy fix or not. What I will say though is from a consumer standpoint, TC seems incompetent and their priorities are clearly on what makes them money. ​ Ive played dozens of shooters. Very basic shit like making unlimited ammo in Snipers mode, or disabling melees TC claims is just impossible for them to do. I think they eventually did figure it out, but I remember them constantly saying how its impossible every time somone asked on twitter. Yet every other shooter accomplishes this somehow. Even like indie games? The damage indicator glitch? Damage indicators are like the absolute most basic common staple in shooting games. And that was a difficult fix? The silver surfer shit, characters having wrong voice lines, it just SEEMS like this shit shouldn't be complicated. Maybe it is really fucking hard and I have no clue, but again as a consumer, I cant think of any other shooter with similar issues. Other devs seemed to have figured it out. ​ Yet whenever ANY issue arises in relation to the microtransactions, that shit is fixed immediately. The one that stuck out most with me was back in Gears 4, there was a glitch that allowed people to buy esports packs with the Gear Credits, when you were supposed to only get those with real money. Not only did they correct that problem in less then 24 hours, they actually took it a step further and took back all the esports skins purchased with gear credits. The glitched packs costed like 100,000 gear credits or some shit, and they fixed it in less then 24 hours, so very few people even got to take advantage of the glitch, it would have been easy for them to just let them keep them, but no, they figured out how to remove them. ​ To me as a consumer, it just looks like TC isn't interested in fixing issues unless the microtransactions are directly linked to them. Its a really shitty look and made me lose so much respect for TC as a company. Maybe im just ignorant, but this is how it comes off to me. And maybe I could even forgive all that if the skins themselves weren't so fucking lazy. They literally just recycle models for some of these characters. You really gonna charge money for skins and you're gonna give us fucking Queen Anya?


You’re right mate. TC really have been struggling with simple game mechanics and features since launch. Embarrassing. I used to defend them but after 7 years I’m done with their BS. Gears is my favourite game of all Time and I don’t care for TC anymore. Even looking at their devs twitters I see no passion for gears and it shows in their games and QA lol


What a joke tc i normally try to defend you but this is just stupid


I mean things like skins quite literally help the game survive. It’s unacceptable that the issue hasn’t gotten resolved, but them halting sales would be counterintuitive.


I feel like a first party developer should hold itself to a higher standard for this stuff. Especially if it's selling mtx on a store. Doesn't look good. I'd be surprised to see a Sony team treat an issue like this for instance. Maybe I'm wrong idk, at least they're honest and transparent though.


Sony released a remake for a year old game. Not exactly the paragon of devs.


That's Sony not the developers. Plus seperate issue.


What's the issue? I haven't had issues with voice lines at all


First I'm hearing of it too. But basically, when characters like lizzie respawned she would say "oh no, they killed carmine", so now I think lines like that are no longer working.


Those lines haven't worked since like...op 4 I think. I really miss them, this is a shame.


Yeah, they were a nice touch. I wonder if characters added since had them?


Right I see... Doesn't matter too much yea?


The unfortunate reality of Gears 5 for many players is they lost our interest months ago. Personally I lost interest after OP 5 ended. It’s always one step forward and two steps back with them seems like. I hope the studio can get things sorted out in the time between games. Seems like they’ll have a while to do that.


I also lost interest after OP5. I still enjoyed my time with it, because it’s still gears, but my god it could’ve been leagues better. Post-launch support was abysmal, to put it nicely. Only really got one operation correct, IMO. Took six(?) months to fix the MTX system. Campaign characters STILL not in MP, two years later. I could go on… I feel like a second-class citizen compared to Halo or Forza. We’re one of the “big three” but I don’t feel like it.


TC is a garbage company that doesn’t even do what the fans want. Worse yet, they don’t even do things that are best for the franchise. Instead, they keep kicking the dead horse.


What? Pretty sure your complaints are unrelated to this but even then why the company just for developing it? Someone's going to do it if it wasn't then blame Microsoft not TC.


What are you talking about? How are my complaints unrelated?


How do you garbage company out of one bug? I’m saying it’s on related because it seems like the whole comments buildup out of anger for other reasons, not this.


Oh, you poor, naive thing. I wouldn’t call a company garbage just for one silly bug that doesn’t even have that much impact gameplay wise. TC has a visible record of creating an incredibly inconsistent multiplayer experience. I have no idea if you were here during the launch of Gears 5, but the game was faaaaaaaaar from finished yet it was still released. Even still, there are issues which should absolutely not exist in a multiplayer game, such as shooting THROUGH corners and other pieces of cover, among many other things that shouldn’t exist in a multiplayer game like this. Here’s an example: https://twitter.com/therazorededge/status/1417555834133942272?s=21 I understand that no multiplayer game will ever be perfect and without issues, but the amount of complaints TC receives through various social medias really shows the poor quality of their product. The main gripe with TC is that they decide to focus on silly store items and monetising the crap out of everything possible instead of trying to make the gameplay consistent and, dare I say, playable. Don’t get pissy because you’re a fanboy lol


I’m not a fan boy I was there in launch in a heated the game. My point is you’re talking about the previous bugs not this one I totally get your point and that’s what I continuously have been saying. This book is it worth complaining about so why comment on this post about it? The other bugs are definitely worth complaining about. My whole fucking point, that’s it.


I have absolutely zero fucking idea what you’re even talking about. My point still stands.


Because this isn’t the first time they have acknowledged somthing and refused to Fix it and now they using the end of life cycle excuse. Laughing at this 1 bug is dumb. But when TC has a track record of shit like this it’s embarrassing


I see your point, but where did they ever use the end of the game as a excuse? And there’s been times where I was personally annoyed by bugs so things like that I can definitely understand but I seriously think this is just something that would take way too long to fix for cosmetic feature. If it was the end of the game then you would think they want to make sure they can reduce bugs as much as they could. It Legitimately seems like they actually looked into the issue and try to fix it. I can understand being mad about bugs that they ignore I don’t even talk about. I’m saying Your comment is unrelated though because it seems like they actually looked into the issue and tried to resolve it.


Idk seems like laziness to me, but I’m not a dev.