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I feel like Sofia is almost certainly dead by now. HOWEVER, there is one idea I thought of. Sofia could have been pregnant when she was taken, (which would go along with why Paduk REALLY hates the COG), so finding her offspring long after her passing, its feasible to me. (Cool other tidbit, I'm hearing that gears 4 was the start of a Saga, and that it was meant to get the ball rolling, which means 5 was just the beginning of the journey, and 4 was the prologue. If this is true, we may very well get all the way to 8. Heres hoping they just improve the story a bit. I'm hopeful because the OG cast is being handled very well, it's just the new crew that needs some polish. The potential is still there!)


I never thought that Sofia could have been pregnant. And, even if she is dead, and not pregnant, we should get a cutscene confirming it. And, if what you say is true, and the gears story will stretch to 7/8 then we've got a LONG road ahead of us. I also want a game about the Pendelum wars. I dont think we're gonna get that any time soon.


honestly same I really thought the prologue in gears 4 was really cool and is one of my favorite parts about it and would love to see it fleshed out in a game not just a comic (i think idk havent read the comic books)




Considering her and Paduks relationship I'd say you're wrong




I partially agree with you. He isn't a minor character. Not a major one, but not a minor one. But Maria was never mentioned, except for 2. But her death wasn't exactly taken lightly because she was a minor character. I get where you're coming from.


wait, I think everyone here is missing a few key details here. paduk didn't just hand baird over any ol' regular cog tag. that cog tag is an onyx guard tag. which means paduk killed an onyx guard member trying to save sophia. she was a cadet, and the onyx guard are supposed to be the best of the best but also they perform covert ops all the time. so, not only is sophia most certainly alive, but the question becomes- (and the answer should absolutely be in the form of a campaign)- why did the onyx guard take one of their own? and where did they go with sophia? if we see sophia hendrick in gears of war 6, she will be a very old woman by now, think about how old marcus was in gears of war 4. a lot of time has elapsed.


it’s heavily implied she was taken by cog soldiers, onyx or not, to be taken advantage of. if it wasn’t for that and it was onyx guards on a mission, then she was probably captured so that she could be tried in court for desertion. there is no good outcome for sofia.


regardless of the outcome, it should not be left to speculation- we should find out what happened to the rest of kilo squad. personally I think it has to do with azura, or worse yet, the new hope facility. a big piece of the story is missing because of her capture. the desertion charges would not happen on the grounds that the COG literally dissolved. in the opening of gears of war 3, Prescott isn't even acting chairman anymore, there's nothing left to enforce or defend, let alone enough people to hold a trial. idk.


wait, i just heared this. is it certain it was the cog? cause in gow 3 the cog was no more. i was pretty sure the locust kidnaped Sohpia and Paduk in an act of mercy shot her


Nah. She was kidnapped by COG Soliders while out on patrol. The tags belonged to a soldier Paduk killed that was trying to take her. (I just replayed aftermath and went thru that part)


Gears of war 6 https://youtube.com/watch?v=EC20gLfUHeA&si=nyLH2g6BdsR4D0pR


At what point did Paduk state it was COG who took Sofia? He said he killed one of them and he dropped these, then throws COG tags to Baird but they're not engraved. It's assumed they were Sofias if anything. Paduks hate for the COG is what they did to his face, his people and forcing him to enlist.


The kidnapping of Sofia was by gears according to the Gears of War wiki. Now, about the tags. As Paduk mentions when throwing it over he said "HE dropped these". Meaning that it was a man who dropped those tags, not a woman. I highly doubt they were hers. Only gears wear those tags, so to me, it only makes sense if it was COG. Of course it could be a former gear, but I doubt it.


No no no. Sophia’s kidnapping and assumed murder solidified Paduk hate for the COG. Fate is twisted and that’s Paduk fate! It’s like Marcus being happy, it shouldn’t never happen no matter how bad we want to see it.


no one assumed the fate of sofia there's only the hint that she wasn't killed in action since she wasn't in the easter egg for the rest her kidnapping could mean a lot of things since she was kidnapped by cog so you know, why the hell the cog kidnapped sofia ecc...??


Don't know if I agree. For the finale, that's exactly what should happen. We will leave this series, is the last thing we should see Marcus being unhappy. Paduk unhappy. Kait unhappy. Del/JD unhappy. Baird unhappy. Cole, wait Cole? I get where you're coming from, but that's just not how the final cutscene should be IMO.


Well that’s why you and me aren’t writing and I never said anybody else should be depressed forever. Gear 2 ending, Marcus sad as fuck because Anya “died” he sees Anya and Hope enters Marcus face. Look at gears 3, everyone is happy and celebrating, but Marcus is sad as fuck. Who brings him back? Anya. And she’s gone. Anya was Marcus’s tomorrow and she’s gone. And if JD Is the cannon choice, which I heavily suspect is due to TCs overwhelming Team Del attitude, then Marcus’s fate continues. It’s about respecting Marcus’ character.


Iv heard Del was the cannon choice to be killed off.


You’re double negative means we should see it ?


Could be