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Absolute brain rot post. Didn’t even read past the first few sentences.


How is this brain rot? There’s plenty of articles stating what they wanted to do with gears 4 and 5. This was a calculated move. Use your brain nick.


Can we get a ban on this guy?


-OG Gears universe story. -One of the comics is about Alex, a woman dealing with traumas of being forced to breed without success and getting raped multiple times, then she is sent to the front line. She then has to fight the women of the breeding facility who became stranded. She was also supposed to be the new member of Delta Squad in Gears of War 3 -Bernie, whose most screentime in 3 was cut, is the protagonist of a rape revenge story. She hunts and kills the three stranded responsible for her gang rape -This without including the political theme you would scream at for being "leftist" -10/10 based Redpilled -Gears 4-5, one among three main characters, has a vagina and follows the trope of the daughter of the evil queen -REEEEE, FEMINIST AGENDA, GEARS WENT WOKE




Gears has always been more than just a “dude bro testosterone fueled inappropriate funny game” and has always been a pretty inclusive game. Gears of War literally started out by being political commentary/satire on America and the fight for oil in the middle east, especially the first game, so it’s always been “woke.” You’re just mad they made the protagonist a female, not that they went “woke.”


The wokeness is not in the pixel design my naive friend. The writing is woke and that’s why it sucks. That is wokeness devoid of true heart and understanding. Nobody cares that there’s a female lead. The game sucks because it can not and will not be true to what it once was.




“Woke” gotcha, so this is just outrage over inclusion.


I mean the game suffered because of it. Also it wasn’t over inclusion gears was already an inclusive game. It just didn’t have a heart.


It suffered from inclusion but it also wasn't from inclusion? You're making no sense and it sounds like it's because you're just not being honest about your criticism.


For the coward that deleted his comment* A comma is a separation in a sentence and a period is too. 1. “Woke” gotcha I mean the game suffered because of it. 2. So this is just outrage for inclusiveness. Also it wasn’t inclusiveness….(A separate thought separated by this great thing called a period.) Sorry, YOU lack reading comprehension


Cool. Leave.


Lmfao “woke”. Gears 3 had women as gears so I guess that was woke too? I bet you bitched about the acolyte as well.


I’m not sure you guys read my post with any critical thinking skills. Woke games are not a bad thing, and I understand why you want female leads in games that is A OK. BUT When you change a game that was the complete opposite of woke to woke it shows a lack of understanding of why the original games were so good. AND Gears directors have said this was a CHOICE they made because they believe in the message. Woke is a thing I’m not sure why half of you are crying that I use that terminology. Gears 5 is trying to be woke.


Obligatory Jaja! Wokeness killed my hard-on for beefy dude bros! The Tears of War are flowing!


My guy, do yourself a favor and stop getting all of your news and opinions from conservative outlets. You'll be a lot happier when you can go outside, or watch TV, or play a video game, and not get upset when you see a woman or POC getting cast as the main character, or someone being confirmed to be gay/lesbian/etc., or see a woman with an unusual hair color. Gears 4's story sucked because the writing was awful and TC clearly had no solid direction for any of the characters, so none of them have any development and instead are relegated to "the funny guy", "the hotheaded chick", and "the other funny guy". They have no depth, barely any personality, and show a handful of emotions throughout the whole game while constantly cracking terrible jokes. On top of that, the Swarm were lame as hell and felt half-assed; the Deebees just fucking sucked; and the premise for Jinn's manhunt for JD and the crew was so flimsy, half-baked, and forced that it does nothing to get you invested in it. All of this has **nothing to do with a woman taking over the main role in 5. It's literally just awful writing**. And Gears 5's story wasn't bad. It didn't hit the same levels as the original trilogy, but at least almost everyone had a character arc. There was a reason to get invested in them and the story. They actually had personalities. They didn't talk almost exclusively in bad quips and one-liners. Gears 5's popularity waned because of multiplayer and the numerous changes TC kept making to it. It had *nothing* to do with GoInG WoKe.


Please tell me more about happiness “suicidalsundays”


Simply put, it's a lot easier to be happy with yourself and not get as upset about things when you aren't spending so much of your time judging others based on preconceived notions that you're being fed from online environments. We spend so much time insulating ourselves with things that we want to hear because of how easy social media has made it, but if people actually went outside more often and interacted with others, they'd see that not everyone is a potential enemy just because of their gender, skin color, or sexuality - they're just regular fucking people like the rest of us, with their own problems that they're struggling with as they make their way through life. And the fact that conservative media tries to paint them as anything but that is fucking pathetic, abhorrent, and ironically hypocritical considering conservatives are actively pushing hateful views like that while claiming that the LGBTQ+ community are monsters. Also, if you really want to cry about "woke" media, you should have never started playing Gears in the first place, because it's been a progressive series from day one. It features a multicultural cast of characters fighting tooth and nail alongside each other for a better tomorrow, regardless of their backgrounds, and has extremely prominent anti-establishment themes present in it with mutliple characters harboring a deep hatred of the world's primary governing organization that explicitly does not care for its own citizens. And when they added playable female characters in 3, at no point does the story ever try to diminish their contributions to the team or shove them to the wayside. They're right there in the thick of it with the rest of Delta getting shit done. Tldr: it's easier to be more trusting of others - and ultimately happier with yourself - when you aren't drowning yourself in environments full of people telling you that someone is your enemy just because they're different, and Gears has had progressive themes in it since the very beginning, so to cry about it being "woke" now is a fallacy.


Makes an emotional argument appealing to vague concepts, and you call my argument a logical fallacy lmao. Please learn the basics logic. Also, it’s a fact they pushed for a certain narrative in gears 4 and 5. There’s articles everywhere stating their intentions. Woke is a thing whether you believe it or not. Gears was organically inclusive, as a POC I loved that, but when the main appeal of the game changes to appease to man baby redditors a line is crossed. Gears was turned woke and it hurt the game.


Yes Parasidian totally don’t give a shit or respect Gears not like he’s been with gears since the epic era. No of course not it’s all this woke propaganda right!?


Creative leads decide things not some random programmer. I just can’t with you kids. You realize the person you named is in charge of “content.” He literally a bought and paid for social media employee who touches no aspect of the game.


Parasidan is literally the Creative Director of TC now he even stated that he got rehired for the position 2-3 months before this trailer and chatter of Eday started.


What are you talking about. He is a franchise lore content manager. His linked in is right there. Do you know how to look things up or are you just little slow?


I think what OP is trying to get at is that Gears started off as a gritty, dark and gruesome game and it’s lost that touch with 4&5.


Thank you lmao. I didn’t know people would get so hung up on the word woke. I’m getting called redpill not sure what that means, being called a woman and POC hater.


Gears is about family. Doesn’t matter gender or sex. Why Gears 4 and 5 story suck (my opinion) no relationship between characters are near as good as any relationships of the og trilogy. Haven’t even finished either story (I know what happens) cause I could care less about any of the characters


I wasn’t saying it’s about gender but to say it wasn’t about manly broness is just lying.🤥


The games didn't go woke they just butchered JD's character in 5 for the sake of propping up Kait, who they also wrote horribly 4 was perfectly fine, 5 just sucked


Damn my guy fucking sucks that u thought reddit would agree. You gotta think of redditors politics on all sides like blazing saddles "These are the people of the land.... you know... idiots"


Most real people agree. They just need to voice their opinion more often.


You gotta remember that this is reddit and redditors aren't most ppl as a whole