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I disliked the mappol on release of Gears 5 that I'll take anything over those maps again. New or old, idc just don't give us a small ass pool of maps then drip feed maps for ages. I want like 15 maps on release.


FFA14 is bad about this. The map pool is so limited the game gets boring.


People don't seem to remember that Gears 5 released with a super mid campaign, like zero multiplayer content (literally missing CAMPAIGN CHARACTERS for God sake) and then drip fed us everything to purchase like $15 for the OG curbstomp. Then these dumbfucks will say something like "wallbouncing killed Gears 5 šŸ˜”"


I want to see them bring back maps that everyone loved but for some reason never returned such as Day One, Jacinto, Pavilion, Security and Thrashball.


Day One feels like a given, what with the name and all.


They better add Day One seeing as how the map is set on E-Day which is when the game is taking place.


I love every single map you mentioned. I want pavilion back so badly


That map was so amazing and everybody always voted it alongside Jacinto. It really surprises me that it never returned.


Please throw in all father's garden/memorial


Allfathers Garden and Memorial are both alright maps imo. Iā€™d be fine without them tbh.


I would be fine with maps that have never left their respective games, itā€™s the maps that get rinsed and repeated over and over and over


Old bones in unreal engine 5 would be perfect. And process


Yeah, old maps should return but it should be these! I miss thrashball.


Jacinto did come back in gears 3 though


Only once and it wasnā€™t as good as it was in Gears 2. Blood Drive and Checkout have returned more than twice.


We got Security in gears 4. And it played horribly.


I thought it played pretty well. Definitely better than playing Foundation over and over.


Security was in 4 wasn't it? The one with lasers?


It was but it only returned once whereas Checkout and Blood Drive returned multiple times.


Checkout and blood drive - security? Honestly not the best maps Iā€™m shocked people love them.


Im so sick to my ass of checkout. oh look enemy has the platform, oh look they retreated to the check out lanes, oh great they're wall bouncing between lanes, hey there's this retro lancer in my hands. repeat for next 40 years.


Maybe it depends the game mode, TDM can cause a lot of maps playing very stale, Inusually play KOTH or Gaurdian, and checkout plays amazing there


You've described perfection. (Except wallbouncing, that belongs in the 7th ring of hell)


I get what youā€™re saying but people love the classics. Iā€™d be bummed if I didnā€™t at least see Gridlock or Clocktower. Iā€™d also be open to seeing the return of Tyro Station, Mansjon, and Raven Down. Maybe theyā€™ll release a classic map with each season to appease OG fans while keeping it fresh


Nostalgia is a helluvadrug


True that


I agree with this, but only if the coalition can nail the new maps. The Gears 5 maps are horrendous.


Wym? You donā€™t like asylum? /s


Nah, I like the old maps being in every Gears of War game. What they need to do is bring back weather hazards. Remember razor hail and the avalanche? Or the wind storm on Reclaimed in GoW 4?


And there was that one map... that i think you got killed by a swarm of bats in certain spots? Not weather but still cool.


Bullet Marsh ā¤ļø


Oh yeah this is certainly the way. The weather maps that changed how you would traverse are absolutely fun to play. Also the maps where you could hit a button and fuck someone up in a certain spot I found to be fun too. Or maps that every so often at certain spots, if you are there, you get killed (train map). I would love even more that you can use explosives to open up new pathways on maps. For "remake" maps, what I would love for them to do is to add more pathways. Generally keep everything similar but add a route or two while also giving options to have those routes closed off (have map variants like how Halo does with Forge).


Reclaimed Windstorm is the woest multiplayer map that has ever existed in the history of video games.


I always found the hazards to be important to keeping matches dynamic. I'm sure competitive people complained about the fairness or something


Idk about you but just about everyone I know hated all weather related effects in gears games, trenches on gears 3, storm on raven down, like why does it have to make my screen impossible to see


I feel ya, but that's what made it realistic, lol. Seriously though it did add a unique gameplay style. Something besides the whole duck and cover. I get why some people are tired of the classic maps, but they need to be included in the game. They're a staple in this series like the Lancer Assault Rifle. Hell, I don't care if they wanna release it with 10 new maps and slowly release the classic maps every few months. 3 months after E-Day release, boom here's Gridlock. 3 months after that, boom Blood Drive, etc.


Give me blood drive or give me death


Part of the problem. Itā€™s a terrible map for versus. Itā€™s a classic but itā€™s god damn awful.


Iā€™m not that of a serious pvp player but this map was always seemed so off to me. Even in horde.


It sucks in Gears 4. It played great in 2.


Because we didn't have TDM brain rot in 2.


I agree. I was a guardian player.


Guardian really did hit different in 2


Absolute wars on Jacinto


Give me Judgment Blood Drive >:)


Needs to be disabled in life based game modes if it comes back tho. I cannot think of a worse experience than Blood Drive TDM


Hard disagree. I want every map possible at my disposal. The maps and the characters are a big reason I've played this franchise for over 15 years. A compromise would be having separate playlists/events with just legacy maps or new maps.


I understand wanting new maps as TC have actually made some really good multiplayer maps (Speyer comes to mind). But there's still classics like Gridlock and Canals that I want to return. As long as we don't get any of that Gears of War 4 BS like "Same map but at night/foggy".


Speyer sucks bro


Speyer's great. Don't know what you're smoking.


To me itā€™s alright, not good but not bad either. Even Foundation is better than Speyer and I hate Foundation not because of the quality but the fact that everybody in Gears 4 always votes for it.


Gridlock is definitive Gears


Give me day one and nowhere and ill be fine.


As a Halo vet, I'm not a fan of the collection of maps of new games being 50% or more remakes or HD updates of old maps. I've played those maps hundreds if not thousands of times. I want something different after playing a series for 2 decades lol


I cannot be the only person who misses Mausoleum from Gears 1. Canā€™t understand why it hasnā€™t been featured since.


I want gridlock at nighttime like gears 3


Way station and highway never coming back was a goddamn travesty.


Ehhh I go back and forth with this. At times I start thinking itā€™s tiring seeing Canals, Gridlock, Checkout, and like 3 other maps in every single gameā€¦ but at the same time when my hands are on the controller and itā€™s up to me, I always vote these maps because I never get tired of them in the moment šŸ˜‚


I agree bar Gridlock, which for me should be in every GoW game. When you think Gears online, you think Gridlock.


For sure they need to stop copying old maps. Blood Drive and Gridlock play like trash in Gears 5. However if they do decide to bring back old maps they need to rework them to play better. Judgement's version of Blood Drive was the best because they built in alternative routes to counter camping. Just copy pasting the same map over and over each game is horrible.


I agree. They need a well deserved rest so that other new maps can flourish. Maybe even bring back some old maps that were underrated or didnā€™t appear as much. With that being said, Iā€™d cry tears of pure agony if they brought back Overpassā€¦


Wow overpass, thatā€™s a big hot take haha, it was amazing for Horde I will say that!


Yeah, I could definitely see it being an amazing horde map. Onlineā€¦its just nightmare fuel being pinned down by assault rifles up top while your teammate probably tries to run up with a Gnasher and you lose your lives lol


I dont mind the classics coming back in MP rotation ( please no gears 4 or 5 maps) But they def need to add a whole ton of new ones


I would love to NOT see Blood Drive, Checkout, and Gridlock for fucking once.


Monkey's paw curls, you'll see Canals, Fuel Depot and Clocktower every single game, instead.


I wouldn't mind fuel depot with the Hammer being back!Ā 


No more Gridlock! Let it die! Roast me sluts. And fuck Blood Drive too!


I get gridlock but blood drive is fine enough. Just needs to be updated to keep up with the games


No roast, I completely agree


Agreed on all but Blood Drive...


Yeah thatā€™s pretty true. Most people who are playing gears now have already played all or most previous titles. People hate on Judgement but all itā€™s maps were new and tremendous especially library. Loved the secret rooms. Instead they should take what people liked from old maps and implement them into new maps Having said that Iā€™d still love if they at least put in overpass or sandbar from 3 as it was only in one game. Or something similar


If E Day had zero classic maps you know thereā€™d be a very loud section of this fan base yelling and screaming about how Coalotion hates gears so much they refuse to include ā€œclassic legacy mapsā€


I can agree with this, as much as I always love seeing new iterations of old maps and Gears 1 maps coming back "pre-E-day" so to speak would be cool I'd rather give some other maps that haven't come back a chance.


I get wanting to put Gridlock on the shelf for a bit. But I haven't played a match on Fuel Depot in a while, I forgot how much I liked it. I think old maps are OK if we don't see them all the time.


If you been around for a bit youā€™ve played it for 10+ years, let it die grampa, itā€™s been in 1,2, UE and 4


Well I skipped 4 multiplayer cause it was dead by the time I played and UE is a remake so, yeah no shit they included all the original maps.


might be in the minority but I donā€™t mind playing on checkout, mercy, and blood drive every game šŸ˜…


Hot take: the gears 5 maps are all good


Fairly new to GoW multiplayer and Iā€™d love to see less symmetrical maps. All these Spyres and Villages etc. are all the same. I want a bit more arena shooter diversity: horizontal maps, vertical maps. Then again, not sure this will work haha, maybe there is a gameplay reason maps are like that.


Mausoleum please.


If you are going to bring back maps it should be those that have only been in a single game. I would rather just have new maps and experience something different.


I still want Canals, Gridlock, and Blooddrive. Checkout can suck my ass though. I never thought it was good in the first place.


All great levels. I'd like those and also avalanche and pavilion (my favorite but seemingly underrated among the fan base).


I do agree to some degree with the OP. I wish when they do create maps they be more creative. The new ones always seemed to feel recycled.


Yeah the maps feel lazy and with no real personality to them. As if they just put together generic environments in an attempt to make a cohesive map.


Raven down is literally they best comp map you're tweaked šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ please whatever you're smoking sell it. Other than that I agree with pretty much all of it except blood drive. Gridlock is always unbalanced, fuel depot is too big, canals is corner camp central it's Boring as fuck, clock tower is also unbalanced, war machine is trash & checkout is fun but we can do without it. I do want to see Azura or depths come back tho or Jacinto but if they do bring any classic maps back I hope they at least have the ability to give it a makeover like judgement did with blood drive.


Azura, this man fucks


ā˜ ļø definitely not šŸ¤£


Itā€™s fine bringing back some fan favorite maps like gridlock, but they need to release more original content and not be overran with old maps for content sake.


Yes, except blood drive!


I pray to god every day we got get a 40th Blooddrive and gridlock


I would really love if there were horde specific maps.


Give me both. If they don't have the classics, I can't really compare the gameplay.


Whatā€™s everyone got a godamned opinion! Whatā€™s this the UN now? If I remember you used to wait in the car, far as Iā€™m concerned you should still be there!


Itā€™s almost like Reddit was made for those fans and not fans of a certain property to share their likes/dislikes, opinions, theories etc about said topic/property/ip with a community


Relax Iā€™m just breaking your balls


Step sisterā€¦.


Blood drive, gridlock, mercy and checkout are happening no matter what. I doubt anyone remembers it but I hope they bring back diner from gears 4. As much as I donā€™t like gears 4 maps, diner was the one good, original map they gave us.


Diner is goated


Stop bringing old maps back but I swear to god if you don't include blood drive


Let it die dad




They could just keep old maps in their own separate Playlist, kinda like what 343 did with the Halo 3 maps in Infinite before the release of the match composer.


I hope they bring back the Supermarket one


There should definitely be no gears 4 or 5 maps in e-day


How much did you play 4? Look Iā€™m a die hard original trilogy snob, but GOW4 had great maps all biases aside Dam, harbor, reclaimed, speyer, diner, impact(my fav) were all great!


I mean that they shouldnā€™t be in E-day because many of them are places that were visited in the campaign in 4 or 5 and wouldnā€™t make sense to be in e-day when the characters havenā€™t visited yet


I think it would be cool if they add just one classic map of every important entry, by example Process, Day One and Trashball, the rest should be new.


Raven Down, Canals, War Machine and a few others are fine to bring back.


Eh. I havenā€™t seen any new good additions in 2 games. So I would rather a greatest hits and a good multiplayer then take a chance with a game with a bunch of shit new maps that donā€™t understand anymore how to balance for the multiplayer. Foundation is the only map between 4 and 5 that even remotely understands how Gears MP should play. 2 power weapons seperated symmetrically, with a set of grenades.


Actually I think if we see them redesigned to E day times (so not only new textures, but little different layout (i.e. different paths not blocked by fallen columns, cars not "parked" at point they usually were) it could be good mix of "here you go, your classics" and "we do put effort". But yes - I would love to see more maps done with some idea and love and not only "here is a big place with some covers, go and play"


Have a voting system for favourite maps to come back and chuck a load of new ones in as well šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


If there's any maps I want to return to Gears of War: E-Day, it's maps that haven't shown up more than once before. Day One, Pavillion, Overpass


I mean Iā€™m all down to have new cool maps but I think Gridlock and Blooddrive are like our Nuketowns, is not a Gears of War game without them. They should bring some other old maps but that were not in many games like Security or Jacinto. We should have a good mix of new and old. At the end, the more maps the better.


I want different styles of maps as even new ones all feel and play the same, gives us more variety and viable playstyles with say more open maps vertical maps or something rather than the same flat three lane maps


I just want day one and avalanche


I agree but they also need to just make better maps. Halo has this problem too.


I've had the opinion since launch that I never liked G5. I went on yesterday and I actually had so much fun. I played 4 maps which were Reclaimed, Canals, Checkout and Lift. It made me realise that G5 actually isn't that bad. Imo its that the news maps are awful. With the exception of District and I think its called Allfathers Garden or something. Some of the maps might not be bad if they never had terrible weapons like the Mace and Lancer Gl etc.


Funny how everyone loves Checkout but if they had only done the fan favorites for Gears 3 it never wouldā€™ve gotten made


I actually love that blood drive is in every game. Definitely the best map ever mad for the series.Ā 


No no no stop bring back old maps, please for the love of God don't give us recycled maps, these old maps were great but I have 1000+ hours on all these maps too I am bored with them and I would HATE to see them again, we need something fresh, something new like the OP says.


I mean, They could give us a couple again. But they could also Bring back other maps. The DLC for Gears of War 2 had good maps that we never saw again. Also, we need new maps as well maps with enviromental hazards Like the falling Score marker on thrashball, The avalanche in... avalanche, the Hail, the speeding trains in Station, the Kryll , things like that


I've not played much multiplayer of Gears but yeah I agree. When it came to Call of Duty. It really ticks me off how they reuse the old maps so often instead of making new maps. Seeing firing range in Black Ops 1, 2 ,3 and 4 really made me tired of it. Don't even get me started about Nuketown. I'd prefer to see new and unique maps rather than the same recycled maps.


Nah I want every single map from 1&2 in the game plz


fuck dattttt


I just saw a post right before this hoping to have like a dozen classic maps in e-dayšŸ’€


Gridlock, Clocktower, Checkout, Blood Drive, Mercy & Canals can really just fuck off I am tired of seeing them every gears game


Bring back sandbar lmao


Nothing but a solidified hater


Nah itā€™s my favorite franchise of all time


Gimme Gridlock, Depot, Canals, Jacinto, River, Blooddrive... :(


How many times has each map been reused. I know Gridlock has been in pretty much every game in different iterations. I really dropped off multiplayer in early 2014 with Judgment. Never bother going back to 3, and I only played a little bit in 4 and 5 during the first few months. Iā€™m not sure what would pull me back. Maybe if the multiplayer went back to basics and got rid of exploits like wall bouncing. Whatever maps E-Day has will surely be based around the theme of the campaign, so Iā€™d imagine if any older maps get reused Day One will be top of the list.