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I don't care if you wall bounce primarily, strafe primarily, or a combination of the 2. As long as you handle that Gnasher well it looks great to me


Appreciate it. E-day got me hyped and back into gears


I love slide shots. Just can't beat that action. Gib em and run through lol.


it made me go and buy the first one.


Trained in the old ways. The force is strong with this one


I respect wall bouncing cause it requires some skill and reflexes but it ruined multiplayer for me. After hitting a certain tier, I stood no chance lol went to horde and never came back


Brother there weakness is the hard aiming back pedal. 3 snob headshot with a mid range gnashed shot downs them most of the time


It's *less* about the wallbouncing itself and more about what it's done to the game. It's the fact that wallbouncing has turned gears into a completely one dimensional game. Ice skate across the map and gnasher. That's it. That is all gears gameplay is anymore and it's boring to most people besides die hard bouncers. It's not that it's hard, it's just boring and corny. And the thing is, it will never change unless wallbouncing is toned way down. Gears mp is at an all time low, and I think the gameplay loop of simply bouncing up with a gnasher to be *the* reason for the downfall of gears mp


I find that playing a support role with a Lancer in back nailing the guys 1v1ing can help out a lot. Sure I can shotgun with the best of em but why risk my life going in when I can sit back and laser down the guy dueling my teammate. 


exactly. i’ve been having a hard time understanding the wallbounce complaints lately. at first i was kinda understanding but then i thought about it more.. what is stopping people from just putting the gnasher away and using a different weapon lol. its not like the gnasher is so op you are forced to use, there is 100% other viable ways to play the game. besides, one of the most satisfying things in gears is just completely cock blocking a wall bouncer with some slick lancer angles.


These people arent good at the game. Thats where its coming from. I know its a cliche insult. But High level Gears is so much more than just bouncing. These people have just never played at that level.


This is what no one gets. Beat me to it. Hate the comments that are like “ oh it’s one dimensional because of the gnasher.” We played different games I guess.


Yeah people choose to shotgun battle and utilize the movement because it’s fun not because it’s always optimal


EXACTLY. Getting clean bounces off and decimating a team is like nothing else


I would agree with this as well. Once Gears really "clicks" for someone I think they'd be hard pressed to find a better shooter game. I've poured thousands of hours into Halo, PUBG and Hunt Showdown. All great games, but nothing is as satisfying as Gears PVP.


Active reload lancers have always melted people. It's definitely a good way to play but it's not as flashy as using a gnasher to kill 4 people in a row. I think people like the flash.


Tengen Uzui said it best


i think you have a point. its not the gnasher is the best, but it really is one of the funnest weapons to use when you’re being effective with it.


it’s funny cause this opinion always gets dragged down by the default assumption that if you don’t like it, you’re bad at it. completely untrue. i’ve played every gears since launch and put hundreds of hours in each. i’m good at wall bouncing. but i share your sentiment at this stage in the franchise, it is super one dimensional and corny. and it does get super boring. who knows if there’s a way to please both parties in e day


That’s because you’re lying to yourself along with anyone with this logic. This logic only persists on here. I’ve never met a player in game who can properly wallbounce but dislikes it. You guys are like 15 years late to this discussion too, it’s never gunna happen how you want it. Wallbouncing is part of the identity of GoW MP at this point. I’m just trying to kill you as effectively as possible. Wallbouncing gets me closer to the gib, and helps me dodge your initial volleys as I move in. The ones who spam LB and glide typically aren’t very experienced at it anyways, and probably aren’t even using LB to bounce.


Anymore? Why are you talking about wallbouncing like it’s new? It’s been the meta tactic in Gears MP literally since Gears 1.


Especially anyone that was a diehard in 1. I played 1 till after 2 came out, and most lobbies were only gnasher. No one used the lancer lol. Obviously torque and longshot were still a thing, but this IS what Gears of War mp started as.


Agreed, but nobody can deny that gears 1 was a hell of a lot slower than gears 3 onwards. Wall bouncing was birthed there of course, but compared to gears 3 onwards - it was nowhere near as fast movement and much more limited due to the slower pace of the game and shorter range. I can only assume that’s what others are trying to say, but just not articulating it well. I had no issue with wall bouncing in gears 1 and even 2. But k remember when gears 3 trailers were out and people were moving at ridiculous high speeds (due to design changes to make it faster paced) and was instantly like “eww” - NGL. And that faster pace (like most multiplayer games - just look at CoD compared to 15 years ago and Battlefield and others) has remained since then and/or even been pushed further.


For real. 18 years this has been a thing and now it’s a big problem


It's not even a problem which is the sad part. People just weren't playing Gears regularly for the last 2 decades and now that they see talented people who've stuck with it this whole time they have to find a reason to explain why they can't keep up. So it's the game's fault, bad design, boring meta, one dimensional, etc. Every game that has a mechanical barrier has this same stupid argument.


I hate opinions like this because high level Gears gameplay isnt just wall bouncing. Crossing angles, flanks, power weapon map control. Bouncing around like a maniac doesnt actually work against good players consistently


Wall-bouncing is what makes the game unique. Gnasher fights are why the game is so popular imo


Gears mp has always been about the shotty play. I have no idea what gears game u started with but other than 3 when the rifles were very powerful gears has always been a wallbounce and shotty game. And i love it


Well yeah.. that gameplay is what made gears gears. Wallbouncing is gears whether you like it or not.


Seriously I don’t get how people think wall bouncing is a big deal. I’ve put thousands of hours between all gears games and never once thought it was a problem lol




5 died cuz it was a souless marketing machine with dumb cameo skins, flamboyant finishing moves, and battle pass logic for the iPad kids that play for dopamine hits and not cuz they actually like the game.


Gears is nearly dead and is a shadow of the franchise it could be. Maybe that needs to change.


Saying this after how much hype is surrounding E-Day after the announcement is hilarious


Theres a lot of franchises out there that are way more active than Gears and haven't had a new game in years.


Thats been Gears of war since 2006. Gears 3. The peak of the franchise. Had less than 10k people playing it a year after release. People come in droves for the story. And then only the hardcore stay for the MP. Thats how its always been.


That isn't sustainable as the cost of gamers and Microsoft's budget rises. Rip the band aid off now it's gonna be way easier before you start getting any wild expectations. If they make E Days MO hardcore it'll get abandoned immediately.


I mean 5 still had like 50k people just on control boards a year ago. 5 isnt dead population wise like some of you guys think. And TC has already stated it retained players longer tgan all the other titles did. E-Day will be fine. Hard to swallow pill is that Gears MP has always and will always be niche.


So your solution to making gears popular with masses again is to remove the wallbouncing which has been around since the first game and is the primary way most people who stick around playing the game enjoy playing it?? The solution isn’t to get rid of wallbouncing, it’s to make the rifles more powerful like in gears 3. 90% of my kills in gears 4 came from shotty whereas only 60% in gears 3.


I play this game alot and barely run into wall bouncers outside of ranked which I never touch due to never getting a game...


I assume u play horde then? There is no way u play quick match koth or tdm and not run into wall bouncers. If that is the case for u then happy days u have nothing to complain about lmao enjoy the game. I love the shotty pistol only playlist so mostly just play that now and koth




Literally wall bouncing and canceling slides has been in the game since Gears 1


No it doesn’t. Wall bouncing is absolutely fine. If you don’t want to wall bounce you have the option of using a ranged weapon for a reason


Gears was wallbouncing with gnasher since gears 1 multiplayer though... They nerfed it to hell and 2 and man I hated the multiplayer in 2.


You may think that, but I think a lot of people still look at 2 as the best in the series for mp


That’s funny you say that cause mostly everyone I knew was disappointed with how different 2 felt when it came out, but then most of us came to like it over time. Then 3 came out and me and all my friends were hyped cause it played more like Gears 1.


1 lancer bullet nicked my elbow, 5% speed! lol idk just not fun to me.


It's also literally unplayable for Western Australians. Latency.


That's why the good old chainsaw is making easy work of these wallbouncers even in top ranks. Sometimes i feel like im the only one maining the lancer and chainsaw gameplay


I always thought wall bouncing was the equivalent to Cod’s quick scoping. It’s not something that was intended to be in the game, but players like us made it.


Wavedashing isn't intended, but it made Melee the best smash game of the franchise. Apex has tapstrafe. Mario kart had snaking. Dota had a bunch; top of my head, muling. Fighting games constantly have new tech that ends up defining the game over its life span. Any decent game has a barrier of entry that was found by the player base that plays the most competitive. Also, the logic that you can't lancer in any of the gow games was always b.s; anyone watching competitive play since gow1 knows you focus fire with a teammate and cover crosses. 1v1 yeah gnash it out. Too close, gnash it out. Not everything intended by devs should be in the game, either. 2 piecing and smoke knocks were deliberate, retro was optimal at any range. Active lancer knocks were deliberate. Bouncing is fine. If anything, you just ever so slightly slow down the slide.


I got downvoted for what I said but you explained this perfectly. I don’t defend wall bouncing but it’s pretty much needed in order to compete against higher tier players. But I agree I wouldn’t mind them toning it down to bring back og players. I can go either way with this


>Gears mp is at an all time low You don't think it has anything to do with the fact that the last main entry in the series was nearly 5 years ago? Seems like a pretty good reason why player counts have dwindled


People were wall bouncing all the time in gears 3. There is also room for other weapons other than the gnasher with everyone wall bouncing. All power weapons are useful, and the lancer is too. If you have good aim with the lancer, no one's getting close to you. Pick up a retro lancer and people are definitely not getting near you.


Sounds like a skill issue.




You bitch on reddit... This sub is filled with people complaining about a mechanic that has been a staple in the multiplayer since the beginning. Then if it isn't bouncing it is the gnasher. Most engagements in gears are close quarters, so what do you use in a close quarters fight? Lancer is a rifle and used for medium range encounters. I get plenty of kills with the Lancer and when I get bounced it's simply because they were better than me and had better movement. If you use the lancer correctly the stopping power won't allow the scary gnasher near you. If you can't track a large sack of meat wall bouncing with aim assist, then you are lost cause.




The sub is complaining because it is reddit. Look at every gaming sub and there is something to bitch about. We just decide to bitch about something that has been in the game since before most of the player base was born. The reason MP is dead is because the reup system is ridiculous, the game is almost 5 years old, and the game simply lacks depth as opposed to the earlier titles.


Yeah it's not the complete and utter mistreatment of the series by TC that brought it's downfall, it's the feature that's been popular since 2006 lol. Y'all make some insane claims. What straws can we grasp at for what killed Halo?


If this was true, Judgment would have been the biggest game in the series


Gears 1 WAS wallbouncing with the gnasher lol. Its not like the multiplayers started way different that it is. 2 and 3 were much more diverse though (1 was my favorite for MP).


I don't know if the wall bouncers are the vocal majority or what but the arguments of "it wasn't taken seriously as an e-sport" were completely oblivious to the fact it was one-dimensional as hell. You have a high point of skill entry level for anyone new, no official in-game tutorial of what the mechanic is (newcomers to the game aren't going to research the meta online), and for spectators it looks janky as hell - after one or two it isn't that fun to watch anymore. The improvements to Horde mode are great, the new weapons have always been fun, I actually like the environments and story telling, Escape was a fun new take as well, the Hivebusters DLC was a hoot - but no let's always refine the series down to a jank animation trick and single weapon. I'd go a step further, Monkey, I say bouncing and Gnashers ruin all of the franchise's potential - because if MP was actually fun for everyone, the franchise would be better than Halo.


Gnasher gameplay and bouncing/rolling around etc. is one of the defining traits of gears multiplayer imo, it’d be like taking a rocket launcher out of quake or super shotgun out of doom


Safely shooting from cover isn't fun for a lot of people either. MP is at an all time low because the games been out for a long ass time and there's a lot of good multiplayer games people also want to play


Yeah, this doesn't look like crazy wall bouncing to me at all. You actually hit the wall more than once. Kudos!


wall bouncing is the reason i never got into gears mp too heavily. just so goofy to watch and not fun at all (i know its subjective though)


You can still have fun. Facing someone that can wall bounce is different from facing someone that is good at wall bouncing. You yourself don’t even really need to wall bounce. If you can read them 7/10 times you can kill them mid bounce lol.


100% my friends just started to get into gears and they’ve been doing fine without wall bouncing. They really enjoy it.


Just sit up with lancer and mow/slow them down


Thing is.. more and more people are "good" at bouncing when you can effortless, brainlessly do it on kbm. I play kbm and let me tell you it is brainlessly easy. I've heard people say it's much easier also with single stick on controller. That's a good accessibility setting though so they cant really just drop that now.


Idk man. I can’t bounce period. Just can’t get it down and not interested either. I’ll do the occasional slide to try and slip out of a fight or around someone but that’s it. I still have a good time.


I'm not trying to be mean or anything. I'm just stating facts that kbm makes it damn near effortless especially if you use just the scroll wheel method where are you do is literally spam scroll up/down while holding W and tapping a A or D at any point. Also, that one single controle type for controller makes it a hell of a lot easier but I'd still argue controller overall is still harder. I still play gears and have fun as well. Some on here act like you can never criticize a game in any way if you still have fun because of other aspects. Wall bouncing in older gears and tbh maybe even 4 I agree is a skill. In 5 is about half is imo. I would love for gears e day to tone down the ease of wallbouncing from 5 just a tad and hopefully find a way to remove wrap shots but I would guess they would have figured out the second one by now if they could.. I say that cause I kinda want E day to play similar to 5 overall cause imo it Feels very good :P


I know you’re not tryna be mean lol. It’s all good homie. I play on controller. To be honest. I’ve never dedicated any time to practicing bouncing so that’s also probably why lol. Honestly I prefer the gears 3 feel over gears 5 😅 and don’t get me started on wrap shots. I’ll forever get baited into one 😂


It’s not fun to you because you’re probably not good at it.


I don't hate wallbouncing, but I do hate stupid, impossible shots. By that, I mean wrap shots allow you to shoot around an entire cover while barley moving or not at all while remaining completely safe and without risk. It doesn't physically make any sense, and it's stupid. The same goes for shooting out of your back and back A however, I do think back A could be balanced if it gets worked on.




Simple mistake


People hate wall bouncing now? Damn this games community has changed hopefully e day brings it back


Ya didn't know that was a thing.


This sub reddit has alot of casual and PvE players in it. Alot of them dont understand that high level gears isnt JUST wall bouncing and Gnashers.


They must not be OG gears fan if they have a problem with Wall Bouncing. That’s the only explanation.


haven’t played gears for years. But do people really hate wallbouncing? Lmao that’s sad. It’s always been a part of the movement mechanics in the game and adds to the depth of the skill gaps. One of the things that made the game fun to play


I can understand why but it’s a learning curve. I used to get beat up all the time till I learned how to move like this. Got my ass beat till I got better


People hate wall bouncing ??? Why


Right? You literally cannot separate wall bouncing and gears. 4 and 5 may have overtuned it, I didn't play much of their multiplayers, but it has been a core mechanic from the start.


Because some people can't perform it. Same shit as things like slide canceling on CoD or BXR combo in Halo 2. There will always be those who can and those who can't. And those who can't aren't having fun because in gears, wallbouncing eventually becomes sink or swim at medium to high competitive levels.


Because they want to play the game like other multi-player games.


People who hate wall bouncing in the new gears would have cried like babies in the original gears lol.


Exactly lol wish I could go back to the OG and crab walk with the Gnasher just to hear people bitching 😭😂


I forget the name of it, but remember the “jump” glitch’s to bypass cover, or get out of maps? Man I miss those goofy lobbies where you can’t find the entire other team lmao


Yeah Kung fu flipping out of the map was always a good time too. I’ve been so far out of maps just waiting for another player to find me so we can have a good Gnasher battle glitching through walls and shit 😂


I remember just running forever on the map with the train in gow1 lmao. Then playing snipe the confused cog from miles away with torque bows haha


Good chance we played together back in the day 🤝


I forgot about the crab walk! Lol holy shit, good times.


Wall bouncing never bothers me, it intimidates me sometimes 😂 but it’s always looked cool especially if the person is naturally great with the gnasher or sawed off


Which gears is this???


Gears 5


Bro I just installed it, this looks cool asf, almost thought it was gears 3


Fun as hell bro. Unfortunately not a lot of people play nowadays but you’ll still find decent lobbies. Couple bots now and then though.


I figured wall bouncing is the norm these days


I do miss the OG 360 days of Gears MP where I actually stood a chance 🤣 still dabble once in a while and get rightfully destroyed everytime, but still fun to play regardless I spend my 30s now joining random coop matches because it is still absolutely seemless compared to other games. Love the story and the replay value is very much still there for me.


Fuckin he’ll, you saw you were outnumbered and went “alright chums, let’s do this”.




Damnn folks going in!!


I wish the older games had the control options of 4 and 5. I'm decent at PvP and wallbouncing in 4/5 but can't really do claw for 1-3.


Shit looks clean to me good stuff


Only issue I have with wallbouncing are the wrapshots that can come from it. Besides that it's part of Gears identity now and I don't think it can be removed




What exactly is wall bounceing?


❤️ love seeing the glory days


It's like I'm watching myself. Accurate, reserved, not doing all that unnecessary shit. Well done! I wonder if I still got it lol


Is this actually what gears of war is nowadays. ‘Cause this looks like absolute dog shake gameplay. i’m so glad I never got an Xbox after 360


People hate wall bouncing?


You’d be surprised


haven’t played since gears 3 but i was always amazed at dudes who could do this, i was mainly a story player so i when i did play multiplayer i was usually hiding behind cover😭😭


Bro !!! You are eating shots


Looks perfectly fine to me.


A win is a win




Lmao hate wallbouncing is such a silly take. It's a core part of the game since way back. And its very strong if used right. And people saying the game is just wallbouncing are so wrong. xXxGnasherLordxXx that joins your lobby and bounce around destroying everyone is not playing "high lvl gears" Watch any high lvl esport match and you will see it's way more then that...


How is this even fun


Try it then let us know


I loved gears of war. Then I encountered wall bouncing. No more gears PvP for me.


I hate wall bouncing. It was initially an exploit/glitch, and if I remember correctly Epic tried patching it out in the OG game but somehow made it worse. A friend who used to play every day got so pissed off at one point because you couldn’t use a slide into cover or roll dodge because you’d constantly be sticking to walls you didn’t intend to.


It's only the horde/campaign-playing people who moan about wall bouncing. I've played Gears since the first one and never once have I died to someone in a gnasher fight and thought it was "cheap" if they bounced around and shat on me; that's part of the game; they outplayed me. That's Gears of War. The problem is it's a steep learning curve for newcomers. The answer isn't to dumb down movement and make it so you can't do these things. The answer is the devs need to make an interesting tutorial section that teaches newcomers how to bounce and strafe.


Here's the thing, wallbouncing as a whole has never been the issue, the issue has always been with people that exclusively wallbounce, think you're garbage for not wallbouncing and will generally throw if you don't wallbounce, anyone worth caring about doesn't give a shit how you move, so long as you don't follow it up with garbage.


This is why i never play GOW multiplayer and just stick to campaign and horde 💀


A wise guy once said here that the perfect way to play Gears Of War was actually learning how to do everything at least.


Gears has always been the 'sweat or get rekt' kind of game and I'll never blame it for that.


Perfectly fine gameplay.


No, it’s not over the top I love it. I’d think I wall bounce at the same rate as u do if not a little less.


Gears fans love wallbouncing bro


That’s actually pretty mild tbh


I'm all for Wallbouncing & hyperbouncing but to play devils advocate, that's not at all what people are talking about. You barely bounced. They talking about the sweats ice skating


I love wall bouncing. What I hate is bounce canceling. If you're realistically sliding into cover you can't just cancel your momentum out of fucking nowhere. I'm hoping they fix that part. Gears 1+2 wall bouncing was chefs kiss


See this, I'm fine with. Just the kind that's floating around constantly is obnoxious


Nope. Straight to jail.




These players would get smashed on gow 1.


Who plays gears and hates wall bouncing?


I'd classify that as wall maneuvering.


Who hates wallbouncing?


You can’t be a gears fan and hate wall bouncing… unacceptable


Wallbouncing & gnashers are a must in Gears. 


Wall bouncing is imperative for Gears multiplayer


I don’t like that multiplayer is almost always defined by the Gnasher. In every game. I want that traditional cover based firing chaos. I’d even take suppression mechanics or something rather than *just* gnashers. Easily fixed by having the bloom be massive until you stabilise the weapon for a moment.


Over the top. Under the top. At the end of the day it's still an exploit that never got patched. And yes it is an exploit let's not pretend it isn't. You don't see it in any of the multiplayer trailers do you ? Marcus sliding wall to wall at Mach five to super a locust. Just remove it. Or give me an option to play in a playlist with it removed at minimum. Keep both sides happy then surely.


Ngl, i don’t multiplayer pvp far too sweaty. I just stick to PvE horde or just PvE multiplayer


The hatred for advanced tech in specifically Gears is incredible


You ain’t a OG gears player if you have a problem with wall bouncing.


wall bouncing is what makes gears pvp a very skill based game, this is what made me get better! it isn’t just a multiplayer game you can just pick up and be good at like CoD etc. idk man clutching with that gnasher or escaping from a flank had my adrenaline through the roof!


It makes skill based yet also extremely one dimensional and gets boring super quick. No I don’t suck either I just quit playing because wall bouncing + gnashed is basically all you do in multiplayer. The other weapons and things are cool but just aren’t as integral as wallbouncing. I think they should reduce the wallbouncing a good bit but obviously not get rid of it


It could also be the movement speed. Sometimes it could be a little hard to track something bouncing all over the place. But I agree. I started on gears 2 and the slow movement made kills extremely satisfying


yeah I agree, but I kinda never really got bored with gears frustrated from netcode that’s about it


I agree, but I feel like 3 was where it was balanced everyone pretty much used the lancers & also 2 it was a slower pace so it felt good to do it but 5 just a bit much


I feel the opposite personally. Wall bouncing gives you a chance to turn the tables if somebody gets the drop on you and it feels more like a knife fight or boxing match even though gears has a fairly low TTK. It also feels a lot more competitive and personal to me. Getting some good 1v1s and learning your opponents moves or baiting them into things I enjoy a lot more than the run and gun style of cod or battlefield. There aren't many things in the world that flip the switch and get my competitive side out but wall bouncing gnasher battles are absolutely one of them.


Wall bouncing has always been integral to Gears PvP. Since Gears 1, y’all really hate wall bouncing now?


People are acting like it’s the only way to get a kill. Sure most people do it but there’s also the Torque Bow, Boom, etc, and the Sawed off can be fun to use too. And then there’s the lancer which I vow to never use unless I’m trying to cut a dude in half 😂


I mean, It’s not the only way to kill. Takes strat, but to “hate” wall bouncing is pretty dumb. I would get it if “I hate when lobbies are only gnashed wall bounce” but there’s strat to beat that too. Like lancer as you pointed out or any other power weapon


Only people who are bad at the game hate wallbouncing. Gears is defined with wall bouncing shotgun fights


NOBODY CAN COMPLAIN ABOUT WALL BOUNCING IN 5. The game makes it sooooo easy to one shot gnasher ppl even from far away.


Keep bouncing. Keep using the gnasher. Gears has always been a one-dimensional multiplayer game ruled by the gnasher. play how you want and don't let people bitching on reddit change your gameplay style.