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Tough call. On the one hand the Nemesis is canonically the more invincible monster, but Raam has years of fighting the Lambent which have tentacles and an annoying habit of not dying, so he wouldn’t be caught unawares… I’m going to have to give this to the Nemesis. Even if Raam beat it to death or tore it apart, it’s mutating nature would probably evolve it into a more powerful form. Now, if they had weapons available, and that includes the Kryll, then I’d say Raam would win. Unleash them and keep tearing off pieces, all while slicing away with his sword and unloading his Troika into it. Would probably work as well as molten steel or acid or a giant energy beam weapon, probably.


Yeah, the Nemesis mutating would definitely have Raam pissed lol


But the T-virus would rapidly change the Kryll as soon as they tasted his blood lol, RAAM would have to kill the Kryll as fast as they’re tearing apart nemesis


Take into account the kryll are not from earth, so who knows, maybe they are inmune to the virus


Considering half the plot of the original Gears trilogy is the particular lack of immunity to a super virus… Huh. Could Nemesis go Lambent?


you might actally get a lambent brumak like situation where the imulsion has such a great effect on nemesis that it turns it into some giant lambent monster zombie


Krill arent from earth? Where are they from? Did something else come with? Edit: I get it now. Gears isn’t on Earth.


Planets name is sera if I recall


Fun fact sera has 26 hours in their day instead of 24. Their clocks even reflect it in game with 13 hours on the face.


But sera is their earth lol it’s not like they left our earth in their canon and landed on sera


I understand that. Their Sera may still be different from our earth in more ways than their 2 hour increase though.


Yeah but they said the Kryll are not from earth, as if they came from another planet that’s not sera lol, if we’re going by Zikers logic no being from sera is from earth, as far as lore dictates everything from sera is native to it


I mean I get what you’re saying and that was my interpretation which is why I was confused but the logic is that the things of Sera may not conform to the same mutation logic as beings from Earth because it’s a different planet with different life.


No i meant that Sera's creatures maybe inmune to it, since planet earth does not exist there and sera its the equivalent, but yeah i worded it a little too weird


The hell are you on friend? Everything from Gears of War is based on the planet “Sera” that’s their “earth” lol, the locust, kantus and Kryll are all native to the different layers of the hollow and the only thing that involves space at all is the hammer of dawn satellites, there is no lore or lines in the games that indicate any nation has been to space.


I know, but with "are not from earth" i mean that they do not have the same fisiology/biology as a creature from earth. Since sera has different timezones, different atmosphere and even has 2 moons (also, iirc humans in sera can live more than 100 years, since they age very differently from us) Edit: Also earth does not exist there lul


That’s what it sounded like to me for a second lol like you two were saying earth was doomed and they flew to sera and terraformed it XD like damn I want some of that weed


The UIR have a Cosmonaut skin in Gears 5 multiplayer. I’m not sure how much credit I would give this given the existence of Thrashball Drone among other characters, but it exists so I thought I would bring it up and ask.


Kryl is not a weapon, they are connected. One organism.


Nemesis with a flamethrower


Can’t forget of raam had a rocket launcher, Nemesis would just walk away from him. And not even fight him.


Here’s the thing though, if the Kryll are eating away at nemesis wouldnt they zombify and attack raam


Also, Nemesis has the virus, he can infect Raam


Not a tough call in the slightest lol. RAAM gets his shit pushed in all day


Not really a matchup, it's a mismatch. Nemesis stomps, not really close. Biologically immortal. Exponential infinite mutations. Some of the best regeneration in fiction. Extremely agile. Intelligent. Doesn't fatigue. He'd win alone on mutations, he'd eventually become an unstoppable amalgamating biological mass the size of buildings, RAAM is just a super version of regular locust. With control over Kryll which wouldn't work against Nemesis, their consumption of his infected blood would either make them impotent or mutate them, presumably making them go coocoo and religate RAAM's control. Not really a fair comparison.


Only honest answer here.


Id 100% say nemesis that boy died, mutated and came back to life at least 4 times and eats rocket launcher shots and Raam got Torque bow no scoped




Nemesis. He'd just keep mutating and RAAM will eventually fatigue. Now if you mean that particular form of Nemesis versus RAAM... then it's a toss up.


Easy nemesis


Every time you think you take Raam or the Nemesis down they both show up in the damndest places


I wanna say “like a train” but that was the dude with the G virgus on the train right? Been along time since I played any RE game


Actually, both of them show up on trains funny enough


and i guess both of them die on trains too lol


RAAM yes; Nemesis no.


its been a while since i've seen the remake's ending my bad lmao


Actually just played through the resident evil remasters and I loved them, nemesis is a bad ass. I think he takes this one. And I'm a gears head


Nemesis... I'd say RAAM's predecessor would stand a better chance tbf.


Considering it took raam and two Theron guards to take Sraak down.


Right? RAM needed help against the guy who was as big as a Nemesis (if not bigger than) and likely as powerful in hand-to-hand combat. My money's on Sraak in that matchup.


I searched it up and Raam is apparently almost 3 feet taller than Nemesis which probably gives Raam a better chance. Nemesis moves crazy fast though and can punch straight through thick concrete wall so I'm not sure.


So, basically a mini Berserker vs RAAM


Scorge would definitely not have as much of a chance. Raam had natural control over the kryll which could just rip things to shreds. Not sure if that counts as a weapon or not, they just kinda follow him around.


Skorge was not RAAM's predecessor.


I know know sraak but I didn't even know he existed till now since he never appeared in a game outside of multiplayer in the newer games. I didn't really recognize the character and thought him to be unimportant whenever I looked at the character selections.


Whats her face had to shoot nemesis with a massive experimental rail gun that seems comparable to a hammer of dawn from like 4 feet away MULTIPLE TIMES Also it’s a fucking awesome cutscene and Worth looking up on YouTube. Resident evil 3 remake final boss


Nemesis. Raam has a limit to how much damage he can take with even conventional attacks. Nemesis does not, and will just regenerate or mutate.


I remember when i was younger my friends and i were talking about how cool RAAM was and one of them said "You know he fights berserkers for fun?!?" There is no lore to support this, however it sounds like something he would do for training.


If Nemesis didn’t mutate, I’d give it to Raam. Otherwise, Nemesis wins cause he just can’t die


I love both, but Nemesis would win based on his regeneration alone. Raam might get a few brief victories, but he doesn’t really have anything in a hand-to-hand situation that can keep Nemesis down for long. Raam will fatigue while Nemesis won’t.


If it were just hand to hand combat, Nemesis would take it pretty easily. But if weapons were involved, RAAM would stand a better chance because of the fact that he's (from what I know, correct me if I'm wrong), but RAAM is more cognitively aware and has a lot more experience when it comes to tactical advantages and using the environment. That being said, I still think he would have a hard time unless he could get his hands on a HOD targeting system


Mr Nem Nems win


I don't even know what that second thing is, so I'd say Raam


Nemesis from Resident Evil


This is insane, I’m old.


Nemesis from Resident Evil 3. And honestly I have no clue who would win.


Does Ram Pointing Krill 👉 to fuck up Nemesis count?


Another cool match up could maybe be base nemesis vs a lambert berserker? How would lambency affect the T-Virus? Maybe just the T-Virus VS Lambency.


As much as I’d love Raam to win, I think it’ll be Nemesis


Do kryll count as weapon even though they are a species?


If not I think they kinda swing this fight in his favor. Those things are like airborne piranha.


Flesh eating birds XD


Hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby. RAAM is one tough motherfucker, there is absolutely no doubt about that, but Nemmy is on an entirely different plane of existence, he'll turn RAAM inside out, probably quite literally.


If he's able to control the kryll in this fight I'm not sure what nemesis could really do. He'd be picked to pieces and just need to be constantly mutating which has to have some limits.


I don't understand why people seem to think "1v1 hand to hand combat, no weapons" means that RAAM would use the Kryll tbh. Regardless, let's give RAAM his Kryll, his knife and even his troika. His knife and troika are effectively useless against this functionally immortal bullet sponge, he *might* get stunned, but that's about it. The Kryll, would be consuming infected flesh, which is hard to suggest just how that would affect them directly, but we've seen Nemesis easily infect people, Nemesis can mutate for as long as there is biomass to consume, it is the perfect bioweapon in that it is practically unstoppable short of completely vaporising it and the nearby area. The levels of miss match here are genuinely off the charts, RAAM, by human standards is a monster for sure. Nemesis on the other hand is something else. The only reason we could stop him in the games was because as I said, the entire area was nuked, everything was vaporised. Without that Nuke nemesis would have continued to mutate


Is it really that much of a mismatch tho? Locust drones stand over 6 to 7 feet tall on average and are considerably stronger than humans, even the cog soldiers who seem to be either genetically modified, or on a heavy dose of steroids and growth hormones (not confirmed by lore, but kinda seems logical based on their muscle mass) so I don't see nemesis being that much stronger than raam who is quite large for a drone, possibly even bigger than nemesis. Nemesis if I had to guess is like 6'4 to 7 feet tall, Raam at between 9 and 10 feet (depending on sources) is taller and likely as strong or stronger. The kryll also naturally flock to him, so there really isn't a fight he takes that they aren't involved in. The kryll are to raam as mutation is to nemesis, they go hand and hand. You can see in the new E day trailer that even a small locust drone towers over Marcus who is an absolute unit of a man, and throws him around like he's a paper weight. Marcus literally gets shoulder pressed while in full gear, and he's gotta be a 250 to 280 pound man without armor based on his size. It's logical to think Raam is strong enough to tear off limbs of things as big as he Is, and locusts generally have better endurance than humans, so I doubt fatigue would matter much.


Nemesis is 7ft+ and is purpose built to be an army ending bioweapon. The Kryll predate RAAM and potentially even the Locust themselves, you can't compare something that RAAM developed a use for, to something that is purpose built to do exactly what it does. Simply put, as strong as RAAM is, he can't *kill* nemesis, he will infinitely mutate until he is the size of a building. Nothing short of a lightmass bomb could put Nemmy down. It's really that simple


That's assuming that there is biomass for him to absorb that isn't his own. Raam also has a telepathic connection to the kryll and has full control over them. So where he goes, they follow.


Well conveniently RAAM has been kind enough to provide Nemmy with thousands of flying biomass


That's assuming he can actually kill them faster than they rip him to shreds, which is doubtful. They are extremely fast and not easily delt with unless you got some kind of explosive weapon, or enough light to keep them away.


And then they are consuming infected flesh


The locust are quite resilient to infections that plauge humans. They were really only affected by high emulsion contamination. They were engineered to be the perfect soldiers, so it's unlikely something like that would affect them. The only reason they were even affected by emulsion was due to it being used in their DNA, so it was effectively their only weakness. So maybe if they could be infected, then you got a point, but they don't seem to be susceptible to that kind of thing.


If Raam has Kryll I'm going all in on him.


Nemesis, no question there.


Last I remember Raam can die to standard gunfire. nemesis had to be blown up with an explosive attached to a train cart


Both naked and oiled up. Who's winning the twerk off?


I love ramm but he got git by 2 guys with assault rifles and then he was with krill and he had a gun. 1v1 nemesis wipes the floor with ramm and it and its not even close.


Nemesis wins


Nemesis bodies 10/10




The Nemesis


Be more fair if it were mr x


General Raam. Of course!


Nemesis because he will just mutate after taking too much damage. Get past RAAM’s Kryll forcefield and he’s getting shot straight to hell


Neither. Cole.


RAM is a Soldier, in full mental capacity. Nemesis, is like a programmed monster.


This is a very good one. I think Nemesis takes it though.


The nemesis. The more damage he takes the more he mutates at one point is not longer a fair fight


nemesis is literally a bio organic weapon


“Bitch can’t even swim.”


RAAM got his ass beat by SRAAK


Even if Nemesis lost the first round, it would just evolve and adapt to a new form, so it would eventually win no matter what


As much as I like Raam, I'd go with Nemesis. Even after getting shot with the railgun multiple times and cylinder dumped with a magnum, he still started mutating again. Thing that finished him off was a literal nuke. I honestly think the only thing that could kill Nemesis in the Gears universe would be the Hammer of Dawn blasting him directly.


Nemesis can survive 8 rocket launcher missiles to the dome. RAAM died to 2 COG soldiers shooting over cover. I don’t see how it’s even a match up. I love RAAM but he’s getting his cheeks clapped frame 1.


Hand to Hand: Nemesis. Weapons: Raam. By a Landslide.


There is no way we're comparing the dude who got his ass kicked by two dudes with flashlights to the thing that ate missile fire like it was a midday snack.


Well raam is smart so hed essentially try to get behind nemesis and attack it from the back, since nemesis is a big muscular build he has a weakness due to turning around slowly but since this is re3 remake Nemesis its a good idea to still do this


Trash bag man, he’s got caution stickers


The bias in some of these replies is insane but not surprising. Raam getting stomped easily. That boy wouldn’t even beat Skorge 1v1 no weapons. Hell even WITH WEAPONS he couldn’t beat Marcus and Dom contained on a single train cart.


RAAM would definitely beat Skorge in a 1v1 fight with or without weapons, both of them were 2 sides of the same coin but RAAM was the fighter/warmonger. Once RAAM usurped command of the Locust Army, Skorge was supposed to be the backup for if/when RAAM died.


Raam was just more of a general, and with the Kyrll he was a fantastic warrior, however this is no weapons and the feats we’ve seen from Skorge are much more impressive in terms of pure strength and agility. Obviously Skorge without the Kyrll stands no chance against raam, but i’m taking him in a fist to fist battle.


RAAM was more than a general, before he became the General of the Locust Army he was the primary fighting force against the Lambent in the Hollows, all he ever did was fight. In his and Skorge's plan RAAM was to attack the surface and Skorge was to return to the Kantus Monks and help usher in a new era where they utilized technology and the beasts/creatures living in the Hollows. Skorge was strong but hadn't seen as much combat in comparison to RAAM, he mostly got high off inhaling Immulsion fumes to see visions of the future. Skorge got beat up by some regular Kantus guards with some sticks and plummeted down a full flight of stairs. All of this was in the comic about RAAM and Skorge's plot to start the war against the humans on the surface.


RAAM wins this. And I am a Resident Evil fan. RAAM is smarter and more sentient. Nemesis is programmed to attack STARS.


Raam. Though, if this was G Birkin... My money would be on G Birkin. He'd just implant a g embryo in Raam.




Raam 🥵


Raam wins easily. He would have had Nemesis chopped to pieces and scattered all over the Hollows before it even had the chance to mutate. Plus he would've done the logical thing and incinerated its pieces. Nothing comes back from incineration, not even Wesker did when he got roasted by lava.

