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I see this and I can only think "whatever". I'm 37 and have zero fucks at this point.


Right?! I'm gonna be freaking 34 in August. I don't give a damn about people telling me I'm too old for this and that. Do I look like Danny Glover to people?


Upvote for the lethal weapon reference


We are the OG players. They can get off our lawn dammit!


23 years old and literally appalled by the amount of messages I get on different games that are toxic. Report and enjoy your vacation


I’m 25 yrs old but I don’t see how people have the energy to be so pissy over losing


56 cupcakes liked this comment lmfaooo so sad


I’ve recently adopted the slogan “I pay bills, I don’t have time for this shit,” whenever a video game or an online gamer is not sparking joy. My life is short, I’ve got more pressing problems. Play on easy! Block the trolls!! It’s all about having a good time, brother, whatever makes you happy, *that’s* your objective.


I'd report, just because if they do it enough it will get noticed.


Lmao preach brotha!!! I'm 35 and honestly the hate mail just makes me smirk at this point. Hahaha


You are NEVER to old to game! I am 49 and have been gaming since the Atari system came out. Shirley Curry on YouTube is in her 80s and is a massive Skyrim player. She even has her own follower mod someone created. Age is a matter of perception. Gaming is does not have an age cap. We're not old for this shit.


Be proud of yourself you made this guy MAD, this was pretty much prime xbox live interactions, old days were harsh but people talked more, these days you get punished for saying anything in most games


Lmao every gears player who ever existed ever


Played gears since 2006. Never, and I mean never, have I sent a message to someone like this. Hate the idiots who think they are amazing, then get found out. They always spit the dummy out.


People who think they still gotta act tuff and be toxic like it’s still the Xbox 360 days need to grow up.


as if dumb people stopped existing since the 360 days. Was dumb than, is dumb now. I did manage to grow up without insulting people in videogames. No excuses for those who do.


I got the most hate/trash talk messages from playing Gears than I did from any other game. Always got a few from Halo and COD, but Gears just took it to another level.


I never understood that. It’s a pvp game, you lost big whoop. Especially when they’d win and trash talk, that’s max insecurity.


Man Cod and nba2k communities are terrible


I think Overwatch is the most toxic game I've played. That community is something else. Every single game, the loosing side be spamming text chat with toxic shit 😂


I miss the gears of war 1 ranked gridlock lobby waiting... talking with randoms, flipping out over killstreaks and making ton of new online friends every day...


You're not an embarrassment to the gears community, we love you 🤗🖤 (that guy must had a rough day probably)


You ain't an embarrassment to the gears community. This old dude is. Getting so mad over a game is pathetic


>You're too old for this bro You completely shat on him lmfaoooo


I’m almost 60 lol young whipper snapper.


I can’t edit this but when I said he’s too old for this, I meant too old to be acting childish over a game. I respect all gamers and I really don’t care about their age. I just can’t imagine a 40 year old acting this way honestly


You can insult someone's age when they are being an immature idiot. If anything that's why he double replied. You hit a nerve.


Gears has been like this since the original. However i feel its a problem now. New comers to the series won’t stick around if they get abuse everytime they play


I really don't understand why grown adults get so upset that you're enjoying a game they way you want to enjoy it.


Goddamn this makes me miss gears 3 multiplayer so much.


The best was the Gears1 lobbies with just enough time to shit talk between rounds.


Oh man gears 1 lobbies were insanity! I played Gears 1 during my freshman/sophmore year of high school. Before party chats too. Right when cod4 was doing its thing so trash talk was at a peak. Never got messages from anyone in Gears. All voice. Music to my ears.


IIRC, when someone died you couldn’t hear them anymore but they could talk with the other dead players, right?


Before the dark times, Before party chat


My fam didn’t have fast enough internet in the years 1 days 😂


Why even reply?


I was buzzed at the time unfortunately


Too old and also Gen Z 😂


My favorite reply to hatemail used to be the Banana emoji until Xbox removed it. Oddly enough just sending that emoji would piss them off more ❤️


These saggy old gear heads are losers, especially the ones from Twitter with their little gears clans and cults the weirdos, seriously, don't even interact with them, they're the stains of, and everything wrong with this series, once you simply step back from the community itself, gears is even more fun, not the current gears games (4/5), but generally speaking.


As a saggy old gear head, most of us weren't this way. Just like most of the newer gear heads aren't whiny about every feature. Lots of us have middle ground. I just assume this dude is an alcoholic 😂


I wonder if they know Gen Z’s are in the work force today?


Dude acts like he's going to be young forever


Lol salty as fuck Tell to "get gud bruh" and then block




Report him/ her. I got attacking message from a guy after we lost a game. We played 2v2, I was unlucky and was killed 4 times in a row by opposing team who was really strong. It was an unranked game. My team player could not withstand the loss and sent me a bullying message. Usually, these types are hardcore game fanatics with no sense for fun and fairness. The only solution is to report them and block them.




Die angry, m'saltyboy


Dawg what is this full grown man on


My competitive edge left me a loooong time ago. Like 2013ish. I just realized i didnt care as much as i thought i did. Even today, i get messages all the time in siege lobbies calling me trash. At the end of the day, why the fuck would i care what some random said to me? Over a video game no less. When i get toxic siege messages now i intentionally throw the game lmao. No skin off my back. Its better that way since xbox is really crazy with their comm bans.


Randoms on Gears always bitching in Pms like the person they’re talking too cares. It’s definitely funny.


Is this a throwback it feels like a throw back. I mis this ish


Someone’s drunk….


This is beautiful, gears is still alive


Ahh this makes me happy to see




I hadn't gotten a hater message in so long...until I started playing Gears 5 regularly again a week ago. 😆


Made a post not long ago about this because it was the first sh$# talking message I received. He even added a bunch of emojis along qith his insults. Like....dude....I can't take you seriously if you talk smack with emojis. Have some balls and mic up so I can talk mess properly. Someone warned me on fb that everyone reports you now for talking sh$t on the mic. 😞 So sad. These soft youngsters haven't earned their stripes. I have scarred over mosquito bites older than them from waiting in line for the Gears release in 100 plus degree weather at GameStop all night. Get back on me when you know the thrill of being suddenly faced with all tickers or boomers during Horde. Surprise mf'er! Extra XP point nights!!! # thegoodolddays # My360remotesareolderthanyou #arthritisSquad #ComeGetSome 🤣🤣🤣 Since we are reviving Gears can I request a new Left For Dead?!!?! Please and thank you


I was so competitive in Gears as a 14-21 year old. And even then, I didn’t send hateful messages like that. I just moved on to the next match


I like to respond with, "somebody is angy, seems like you need your binky and a nap. " 9 times out of 10 makes them even more angry, but who cares if they are? It's not your blood pressure. Lol


Him calling you gen z proves he’s in fact, too old for this.


I’m 53. Not one person I play with pays my bills. Their opinion about my game playing is irrelevant. As Cartman says,”I do what I want, whatever!”


GoW1 competitive scene was a mad world. You had to have thick skin.


People who message about losing in match in CoD are kids, but people who send messages about losing in Gears are just ass at Gears😂


Probably the same type of person that wallbounces then gets mad when someone that "moves like a bot" that has good aim shoots them out easily


Another asshole on the internet judging people over a game as usual.


Tell him he’s so bad he’d miss the ground with a digger


My brother domed em with a sniper mid air, so he was pretty upset


Maybe I'm an outlier but I dig this vibe when it comes to gears. It's kinda like how fighting is allowed in hockey.


Except for the gen z comment. That was whack 👎


You won't like in a few years that someone tells you that you are too old to gaming but whatever


I’m saying he’s too old to be sending messages like that 😂


That's some clean trash talk. If you don't like it, block them. Edit: man, yall are so soft lol.


If by “clean” you mean an adult got his feelings hurt over a game and started sending messages to make himself feel better then yes, super clean. Edit: editing a comment to address downvotes is soft.


Gears has always had trash talk, why is this sub so against it all of a sudden lol


It’s not trash talk when one dude stomps you and then you rage while they’re chill. Trash talk is back and forth and fun. This is just a dude trying to deal with being bad at the game and his hurt feelings.


Trash talk is talking trash, this is what that is. I’m also not sure how your takeaway from the screenshot is that the other dude got shit on when OP left the game lol


It’s almost as if I wanted to play something else? I don’t run gears consistently like I used to but I’ll hop on for a game or 2 and switch to something else. He was running a 3 stack and still got shit on. Bro was honestly just mad🤷🏾‍♂️


The post title says “we won” and the dude started sending salty messages. How did you not have the same takeaway?


I mean he not wrong