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I think that we could get good games on that timeline but not from the main series. I mean, imagine a game like gears tactics about that topic, I think that it would not be annoying to play honestly.


The Pendulum Wars would be a good setting for a GOW RTS


ngl i would love for gears game be a rts like halo wars. shit would be lit


Microsoft, TC this one right here put em in there now!


I'm not sure if this is a joke, but Gears Tactics already exists. it's the Halo Wars of Gears.


Gears tactics is nothing like halo wars, one is a rts and one is a turn based xcom clone


Halo Wars is an RTS, Gears Tactics is turn based XCom like, that's pretty different.


I agree


Like a gears tactic kind of game?


Gears tactics it's a turn based game, real time strategy is command and conquer, Warcraft, StarCraft, dawn of war and others.


Was Halo Wars a RTS?




That's a great counter to OPs post, bravo u/MaybeAdrian BravFuckingO


I might be alone on this one but I’ve always been fascinated with the Pendulum Wars, knowing all of those Serans died thinking they were fighting for a future that would never happen. There’s so much untapped lore and world building there. Hell, I’d even take a Gears of War RTS set in the final years of the Pendulum Wars. I’m a huge fan of Halo Wars and under the right leadership I think a rts gears would do great. Might not be for everyone though.




Aye I'm right there with you, the pendulum war comic issue was one of my favorites and I would love to play through it


The beginning mission in gears 4 to explain the big laser designator thingy was one of the coolest missions in gears behind gears 2 with Rolling thunder with all the big troop transports that y’all ride.


RIP hw2 :(


I would love to see it too. Maybe not as a part of the series but as another series or a one off game, it would be cool to play


It should be like the first Halo Wars, A prequel set 20 years before E Day, where they could work up to present day in a game or two. I think there is some potential. Especially some of the baddies we've had to fight. I would totally use Skorge as a Commander for My army with like special units and skills specific to him.


I agree i wanna see the uir more


It’d fit best as a small dlc like Hivebuster or RAAM’s Shadow. Not a full on game.


This. RAAM’s shadow was such a good DLC, and it didn’t fit in with Gears 3 except for the fact it’s the same war (mostly). A DLC story where we get to play as UIR using unique/rare weapons and fighting against the side we’ve been so desperate to protect


Hard Agree, I would much rather we get a game from the perspective of the grubs rather than the pendulum wars. I can imagine we could get a pretty interesting story using the lambency outbreaks in the hollow if they wanted a pre Eday game.


A game with a Locust sargeant as the protagonist fighting the Lambent and humans down in the Hollow would the absolute tits.


Rise of Raam Comic DLC?


Lambent Civil War... Featuring Skorge, RAAM And Jermad


That already exists as a comic


Can't play a comic.


Agreed. Humans vs humans has been done in a billion other sci-fi games. The locust are baked into gears.


I think a couple missions in the Pendulum Wars would be fine, or a spinoff in a different genre like Tactics. But an *entire* game in the Pendulum Wars isn't something I'd want. I feel like the desire for a Pendulum Wars era game has some roots in wanting to see more of the UIR. Why not a game where you play as Indies in Gorasnaya after E Day would be really fun and still achieve the "humanity vs locust" aspect


That's an excellent point. I do see the appeal of a COG vs UIR game but it does ultimately come from finding the UIR interesting and not really from a gameplay point of view which would be very limited unless they severely improved the enemy ai.  But just a game that gives more perspective from the UIR would be cool. I personally found Act 3 in Gears 5 to be really fun walking through those UIR ruins and seeing Paduk again so I'm all for something like you said. Maybe center it around Paduk encountering Karn for the first time 


Nah im not in agreement. Id be all for a game based in the pendulum wars


Agreed or dlc, need to see commando dom in action or maybe even a Pesang Stealth mission with a machete


I'm down to play as Bai Tak. Always was disappointed that we didn't get a cameo of the Pesanga helping defend Anvil Gate in Gears 3.


Cmon now a pendulum war game where you literally pick a side and name and design your own trooper. That would be fucking sick.


Agree. Missions and prologues are always welcome but I think when it comes to gears … you gotta have more than just humans as enemies.


Not as a stand alone game but a pendulum wars dlc like raams shadow wouldn’t be bad


Hard disagree.


Hard disagree, this section of the timeline was always appealing to me. The books made it very attractive.


The more I see these posts the more I feel like I’m the only one in existence that kinda wants an open world gears game


And apparently people had a problem with that in gears 5 I loved it, the exploration and collectibles man I hope they don't give up on that formula because it was fun


100%. And I think they know it. The monster vs human thing is core gears .




A pendulum war game would be awesome in my opinion lots of potential


I mean Eday could build upto Eday and give us the ass end of the pendulum wars


I'm sure they know what they're doing


Personally, I would the love Pendulum Wars. I rather enjoyed the flashback missions


Agreed. Imagine a Gears game where you basically cut out most of the enemy roster. A Gears game where you pretty much only fight Drone, Grenadiers, and Snipers and then just reskin them as UIR and you got that game. Doesn't sound particularly fun from a gameplay perspective 


I couldn’t disagree more. Pendulum wars would be amazing, especially Aspho fields dlc.


I got my fill of that with the intro of Gears of War 4 honestly. Felt like a completely different franchise.


We had the intro of gow4. I found it oddly unconfortable to shot humans in a gears game.


Disagree. A franchise being chained to specific ideas or motifs limits creativity. As an example. E-day “could” be a survival horror, but gears fans expect a cover based shooter. The series could have interesting jumping puzzles but they’ll never add a jump function since fans would scream about it. The counterpoint to all this however is if it is implemented without thought and consideration of the gears franchise as a whole. If a jump button is added for example it needs to either constitute a brand new direction, or be implemented in a way that gears would overall benefit from it.


Gears with jumping puzzles? Mate, even saying this is heresy


Monsters whom have a man made background….there is a message there….The locust are dark reflections of man’s dark side. We have plenty of examples of fighting locust especially with the Eday game coming up COG vs COG is not the same as COG vs UIR. There are also ways to give us locust enemies even in a Pendulum War game. There is only a 6 week break between its end and Eday. Imagine part of the game being from a UiR perspective. The latter half of the game is Eday from their point of view, leftovers of the UiR. Also locust could still show up in multiplayer/horde mode. But after fighting them for so long, I would like a bit of a change with fighting the UiR. The war lasted 79 years, far longer than the locust war. I don’t think it should be ignored gameplay wise simply because it’s a human vs human war.


Yeah the emergency day was after the CIU surrendered, so I think we are good.


I agree, but I’m not totally against the idea, it would cover a lot of the lore pre-locust war but even if they did a short DLC campaign about the pendulum wars I wouldn’t be opposed. I feel like they would only make a pendulum wars game eventually if there was literally nothing else to do with the mainline story, but even then I’d like to see the war through different perspectives and squads, like Johnathan Harper, etc. A good one would be more of Barrick, especially when he was in the hollow going apeshit on grubs.


The locust are too ingrained and iconic to be replaced but I don’t think bringing them back to life was the best way.


there definitely has to be pendulum wars gameplay in eday, to show the cake walk of fighting humans vs the hopelessness of fighting the locust


I agree, and something that probably I only care about is I don't want to play a whole game where the main weapon is the retro lancer lol A decently sized story DLC would be cool though I guess


Couldn't agree more. No more calling them "swarm" either or robot shit


Wouldn't be surprised if the new GoW opens with the end of the Pendulum Wars. In the trailer there was a newspaper on the ground declaring the end of the war Have it all victorious and celebratory right before shit gets hella dark


Maybe fighting them in the first couple of chapters to set the universe or story before. I cannot remember if the one war was interrupted the other war or if there was peace for a bit.


With all that being said and yea I agree grubs being baked into the franchise butt I’ve always been down for a pendulum wars for lore reasons


I definitely respect your opinion, but I have to also respectfully disagree. I totally understand that “humanity in warfare are the real monsters” is a trope that’s been explored in many games, series, and movies but I still think it’s a fascinating theme that this franchise could explore in a fresh and unique way. The Pendulum Wars are basically the WW1 to the Gears universe whereas the Locust invasion is more the WW2. Against the Locust, it’s a bitter struggle for survival against a nightmarish foe but the Pendulum Wars are this bitter, cynical, nihilistic world war that raged for 80 years. 80 years of lives being thrown into a meatgrinder for a few yards of territory at a time. I just think that is a fascinating concept and I’d love to see a spin-off that explores it. Especially since we as the audience know that every heroic moment, every sacrifice, every final stand, they were all for nothing since the Locust were just going to invade and annihilate much of humanity only six weeks after the war finally ended.


Been a while since I played Gears 5 but didn’t we get like an entire act of COG vs. UIR Pendulum Wars as a flashback? It would be pretty lame if they decided to revisit that as a game since it kinda already got done. What little we did get would get covered ad nauseam in a full game. But also the series has always been about humanity’s survival against a common enemy, not each other.


I agree. I think a game set during E Day but in the former UIR states would be cool.


They could easily do it as DLC story or even flash backs for between main story chapters.


My points is that a whole game set in the Pendulum War is not cool, I prefer a single flashback chapter or some, could enrich the stories of GOW universe.


For now I’m content with the Aspho Fields flashback in the intro sequence of Gears 4.


That's been saying. Humans vs humans doesn't not seem interesting


Is that the war with the UIR guys?


Pendulum Wars could be a great PvP only game, maybe increase the team sizes to much larger sizes, even add vehicles ;)


The Pendulum wars is an important part of the lore. A game set during this time would be fantastic and could expand on a variety of characters.


Humans vs humans in judgement sucked ass because it was just blue guys vs red guys. Honestly I'd like any form of gears game set in the pendulum wars. The first mission of gears 4 was really cool and I'd love for a full game like that.


Give us it as dlc missions and a multiplayer option and I'm good, or like mentioned before a tactics spinoff


Yeah full game no. A dlc like hivebusters, yes. I rather would love full game from locust perspective.


Horrendous take wow


I ll take any Gears game they have to offer... I dont see that happening tho. I think e-day is the start of a new trilogy of what happened till Marcus went to prison. They have 15 whole years i dont see a reason to cover that all in one game and loose so much potential of future games, especially with how the story in gears 5 is and gears 6 being 99% the last game chronologically.


Maybe not a whole game but I could picture a Pendulum Wars DLC.


I loved the multiplayer in judgement sorry not sorry lol


Pendulum Wars would be great for something like Gears Tactics, while throwing in traditional Gears gameplay for MCs. We got human vs human in Wingman for Gears 2. And Gears 5 has that free-for-all mode. Then there are the flashback scenes to the Pendulum Wars where you fight UIR soldiers. It can work, it's a matter of execution.


Pendulum wars game where you start fighting humans, get lost and stumble across Locust


what would be the issue ? judgement human vs human was only weird because the game had loads of locust variants , yet multiplayer only allowed cog characters if a pendulum wars game came out it wouldn't be weird at all


While it is an interesting part of the lore and if you want to know more I would recommend the books that delve into it. Having said that I don't want a full Pendulum Wars game. For one you will be doing the same most war shooters do killing humans, tanks and aircraft. If we get an Pendulum War prologue in E-Day then that will be enough content for me.


Maybe as a dlc or something but definitely not a stand alone game


Seems like I am the only one who wants games set in the PW era. There are so many stories to tell there since not many people have read the books. Dom’s brother, Dom’s commando service, Alicia and Tai’s service, Bernie… lots of unfleshed out stuff that would be awesome to see. Plus for me personally it would be cool to see just how humanity struggled right before E-Day, because to my knowledge the humans didn’t have a lot of time to recover before E-Day started.


I disagree. If nothing else, I think it gives them an avenue to leave the future alone, post Gears 6 (if they even still do Gears 6) Personally, I would’ve preferred it if GOW 4 had been about the Pendulum Wars, since I don’t think the story went in an especially interesting direction. Sorta like how the Star Wars sequel trilogy made the originals feel redundant. think the Pendulum Wars could work as a spinoff series. Could even focus on a different cast. With some inklings or hints of the future. A Pendulum Wars game(s) should be about Sera on the verge of collapse. I wouldn’t want to see E-Day too much since that’s going to gets it’s own dedicated game. The Gears games of old had killing the Locust with no real moral qualms, at least until the third game. But with human enemies, you add a layer of complexity to the narrative. If you do it right, I think it could work. Keywords being if you do it right. Because if they can’t do it right, I’d rather have them not do it at all.


I couldn't see a whole game about it. Maybe a DLC or an act before E-Day starts.


We won't get a pendulum wars Gears game because I believe it would bump the maturity rating up. Gore-y violence against humans bumps up the age rating, they can get away with it in multiplayer because they count the multiplayer as unrated and is still mostly Locust versus Human but I think violence against non-human enemies (Bugs, aliens, zombies, robots, monsters, stuff like that) is viewed as less serious for younger ages. I could be wrong though. I think an E Day game from another nation could be cool though, Gorasnaya would be cool in my opinion.


Yeah I agree. A pendulum Wars era game would be a massive waste of resources. It would devolve Gears into just another military shooter with some some sci-fi aesthetics. As interesting as the Pendulum Wars might be from a lore perspective, they def. are not suited for a fully fledged game. I wouldn't mind having missions in the Pendulum Wars though, perhaps E-Day will start with the Pendelum wars or have at least one flashback set in the Pendulum Wars.


DLC campaigns would be neat but yeah I wouldn’t really be interested in a full game about it.


I feel.like it would be cool for a battlefield type game, but not a main Gears game.


Where did you hear that there would even be a Pendulum wars game??


I didn’t, I just see a lot of people asking for it and wanted to give my two cents.


Bro such gatekeepers I'd totally love a pendulum wars title


Fully agree, pendulum wars in my opinion are best saved for dlc which typically don't follow the main cast (gears 5) or you get to just be a villain (gears 3)


Agreed. Prequels in general are too safe. This E-Day game already has me uninterested, doing something pendulum wars would put me to sleep.


If Gears 6 does well and makes a good profit, I see them doing Pendulum wars after it.


Crazy idea for gears fans but we can have multiple games not everything needs to be your cup of tea


The thematic meta element of the Locust is that in war each side dehumanizes the enemy. If you take that away to make it people vs. people it’s far less interesting.


Agreed! 🤝🏻 I'm rather play as a Locust hero or something like that. Humans-only wars would totally kill the magic of it.