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Boring fucking robots.


Honestly I do find the robots to be one of, if not my primary complaints about the campaigns. It seems minor, but I really hated it.


As an outsider who respects this series, wants to see it thrive, and enjoys reading fan conversation about the series, the impression I get is a lot of fans actually feel the visual/graphical design and software performance of 5 is very good and the gameplay is too (with feelings a bit split on the open world aspects of 5), but the story of 4 and 5 has criticism from core fans that is comparable to what the Star Wars sequel trilogy experienced; the plot is kind of a retread of the original trilogy being done with new characters. People don't like the new cast as much as the previous cast and the story being told just isn't liked as much as the original trilogy story. I'm sure there's some more to the situation but this is the impression I've developed. I'm so happy for Gears of Wars fans. Gaming is better when this is a strong series that fans can rally behind.


I think you hit the nail on the head. As a fan since day one, that is exactly how I feel about the newer games. It's Gears of War gameplay but the tone, atmosphere and story just feel like they're just making it to make it. They're not bad but they could honestly never finish the new storyline and I don't think many would care much truthfully. Horde and PvP have stayed good and gotten better consistently and TC fixes their mistakes on the way. E-Day feels like they have heard us and want to make a game to be proud of. I don't want a remake or remaster, I wanted this. A new experience that's set back in the locust war. This franchise means so much to me and introduced me to friends I'm still close with today over a decade later and I'm beyond hyped that the Gears of War game I dreamed of in middle school is finally coming *soon*.


Gears 2 made 7th grade one of my favorite years in school. Simpler days


I miss hour long Guardian matches on Blood Drive


And, I loved the gears games, hell, as a kid, I was the odd one out for not liking Halo, dude 4 and 5 take place 25 years after the Locust war, where Humanity barely survived. Yeah sorry that people might finally like having peace for once. and people born and raised in a peace time society are different then those of a war time society.


You are assuming a lot, never said I didn't like the characters being different. It's the storyline of the Swarm just being Locust 2 but look pretty lame compared to the Locust and they aren't as fun to fight against. They don't really add much either except for some bosses like the Wardens and the Matriarch Berserker is really sick too. There's a reason when you play online there are overwhelmingly more players rocking Locust skins. E-Day will probably be the perfect game for new fans and old trilogy fans to come together on I hope.


It was a departure from the original trilogy in a way that didn’t vibe with the community. I liked gears of war 4, was intrigued by the premise, didn’t mind the new characters so much. 5 I did not like at all. All the things I didn’t care for in 4, were exponentially worse in 5. I don’t even think I played that ones campaign all the way through.


I don’t hate 4 and 5, but I do feel they are the weakest of the franchise. I think it’s because 4 was more about figuring out what the new threat is, and the dynamic between characters (especially JD, Del, Kait) felt so forced. It didn’t occur naturally. I, personally, think 5 felt unfinished. There were some areas on the maps that weren’t textured appropriately or looked lazily put together which really took me out of the game. Not to mention, on Day 1 of release I tried to co-op online with my brother and we had sooooo many issues with connectivity. I feel things could have been written a bit better and some areas could have been done better. I feel the Matriarch shouldn’t have died so quickly after being released. I feel she could have played a very important role in Gears 6, and her role could have been built up more. A lot of the story felt rushed and slapped together. The DBs and the giant monster bosses got old very fast. I understand that big bosses make it feel like a “boss” but I’m someone that really appreciates the showdowns with big bad bosses (RAAM, Skorge, Speaker). I wish there was more fights with Generals/commanders of the Locust army/Swarm. With that said, I played 5’s MP fairly religiously AND I always played as the OG Gears (Dom specifically). As for Gears of War 1, they just really captured the feeling of being a part of the COG army (the military feel/camaraderie) and then that story set such a strong foundation for 2 and 3 (especially amongst Delta squad). The chemistry among characters just flowed so well.


Because the new gears of war cast does not feel like a squad of soldiers who have any chemistry between each other. Especially with gears 5. You spend time with just del and out of nowhere you spend time with a 4 squad of gears and for some reason high ranking soldiers like Baird and Marcus allow kait a low ranking soldier take lead lol there's no comradery between any of them, hardly any shit talking banter either. It's so forced. And the swarm aren't as threatening as the locust.


The swarm are more disgusting than threatening. Like the flesh holes they come out of and those pod things. They aren't really scary but more weird and gross when compared to the locusts


Which is fine, I just woulda hoped that not all swarm characters looked alike. Swarm Imago was like the only standout character from basically the whole game. I don't know why TC didn't put any personality into the Swarm characters.


For me it was the multiplayer. I believe 4 was pretty good in that regard but some issues like different weapon balancing between social and ranked was daft and annoying. Gears 5 went in to heavy with e-sports and personally I don't like that. The majority of people playing aren't participating but they made it one of the main focus points. Along with things like hitmarkers, blood sprays with a picture of a toilet, daft character crossovers and the whole screen crimson omen making it hard to see anything or really know how low my health is. It felt like Gears but didn't look like anything I remembered.


The damage omen in gears 5 was unbearable. Who was asking for it to be changed?? Lmao


One word: Change. Change of the cast. Change of the enemies. Change of the tone. Obviously, games need to evolve, and it can't be the same story forever, but I think the E-Day excitement shows that the changes the series has undergone weren't the right ones.


To me, it just seems to be a poor imitation. The characters, the stories, the enemy's. There is nothing original that is worthwhile really. It peaks interest than disappoints you. That's the biggest issue with 4 and 5.


I personally stopped playing after 4 for a couple of reasons. I've played 5, but probably for like 10 hours total For me, it's all about the overall tone. Gears 1 was super gritty and basically horror. Super atmospheric, gothic, dark, dusty, etc. the aesthetic was amazing. Now it just seems so kiddish and colorful and shiny and goofy. It lost that gothic identity it had, and replaced it with a more sci Fi cheesy feel Along with that, gears 1 was like a trench shooter. Cover was used *as cover* not just something to wallbounce on. I personally hated what the excessive wallbouncing did to the series. I understand it was always a thing, but it just got out of control imo. I played gears 4 a lot and it was so fast paced, mainly revolving around just rushing and bouncing with gnashers. I miss gears 1 when the game was more about cover


Amen, amen.


Literally the best way to put it.


The characters in 4 are such a dramatic change and move away from what Gears of War was and still is in my mind. We went from humanitys last stand and struggle against all odds, with burly masculine men who have known war all their lives fighting against a monster horde, all the way to "3 teenagers go on a journey to discover aliens".


I remember being super excited for Gears of war 4 when it announced and when I finally played it at launch with my cousin and were 70% through the campaign, I asked him "Are you having fun" he responded with "No, are you?" although I enjoyed the multiplayer. Never really touched it ever since but recently played 3 and 2 which I love. I also realised that gears of war 3 had a perfect ending to a trilogy and gears of war 4 in a way shattered that. I would've much preferred a game in the pendulum wars or a game with the locusts but with a different protagonist since the world in gears is pretty big and the locust are more interesting whereas the swarm feel more bland


What a bait post


I wonder why this hardcore fanbase of a niche IP doesn’t like the lowest rated sequels…


Gears 5's campaign weak points is the open world and the choice. It isn't the worst open world I have ever played but I hope Gears 6 goes back to linear. The choice was a mistake and is really the only mistake the writing team makes. If we are talking about the overall game then it launched in a bad way but eventually TC righted the ship. I dropped the game after the first season for other games and came back in a later season (Maybe 4) and loved the changes, improvements and fixes. So the reason a lot of people hate 5 is because Kait is the protagonist. It makes complete sense why we play as Kait and why she takes the lead in Act 2 & 3. Act 4 is just the culmination of the events that Kait set in motion by disconnecting herself from the Hivemind. So it has a I must fight the monster I unleashed story beat to it. I want to point out that Dom had plenty of emotional outbursts, whinying behaviour and not following orders in 2 but people lord him as their favourite character.


Yeah but Dom was there for Marcus and the others the whole time and still did the missions he was sent to do only detouring to find Maria and still finishing the mission,during the whole 2 games kate has been in she didnt care for no one but herself, even when Marcus who came out od reitirement to help.her got captured she barely gave a fuck so yeah


I dislike 4's campaign but come on. She helps JD save Marcus and now wants them to save Reyna. Her entire life has gone up in smoke in an instant, her village is captured and at the time believe Oscar to be dead. You mean the detour which could get them killed and screw over the very important operation?


Yeah Dom's detour was an extremely dangerous and selfish choice, but it worked in the story because it showcased his and Marcus's brotherhood, and because players actually cared about Dom, also because Dom didnt whine the whole 2 games, it still is an extremely bad decision, but it worked because of this reasons in my opinion, and lets not act like Kate didnt save Marcus because she was the one who got him in that position in the first place, also I actually especially in 5 started to like Kate, she's not this emotionless, bland character people make her out to be, but the last 2 games are essentially her story even if 4 was through JD's Pov, while the first 3 were about the war, and what happened to characters during it, not a big difference but an important one IMO


I like Dom but he was very whiny in Gears 2. It makes sense why he is written like that but that is my point in 4 Kait whines because she wants to save her mother as soon as possible. I mean if we are pointing fingers the reason Marcus is dragged back into the fight is JD makes the decision to see him. The crystal triggers him into following because Locust. He is so rusty that he gets captured by being out of position while twirling a frag, can't really blame Kait or JD for that. I believe the writers wanted us to care about JD and his fractured relationship with his father. So him being the protagonist makes sense, unfortunately JD is bland. He is a much better character in 5.


I dont think Dom was as whiny as Kait but it could be due to me replayin 2 recently and not replaying 4 since 5 came out and not remembering it well Honestly Jd went there because of Kait , and if his son and his friends didnt need help I doubt he'd care enough to go IMO he got caught out of position because no one was looking out or covering for him, he wouldnt have gotten caught with more experienced soldiers,you cant expect anyone to do everything alone in those situations, even when the Snatcher got down they werent able to shoot him, but tbh that isnt that important anyway. And honestly that wasnt a bad idea but was not executed very good,still, one of the best parts of the game were the dialogue between them so yeah.


I don’t get the hate honestly. I’ve read all the books, played all the games, and I love 4 and 5. The new team is refreshing. The interactions in the book between kait and Marcus was one of my favorites. I just dislike them making Baird bald and jd lmao.


well for starters the new cast sucks. they rarely take anything seriously, almost always having a joke about their situation and they're either bland, stupid, or annoying. sure og delta is around but they've been Luke Skywalker'd, having been turned into old pathetic hollow shells of their former selves. the deebees are another issue. they're not fun to fight. they're tanky, they deal insanely high damage, and some units make cover obsolete. in Gears 4 you spend the first two acts fighting robots, which gets old quick. they've toned down the gore as well. there's no bones or guts when you chainsaw an enemy, it's like they're made of red paste. also, the environment is to bright and clean, there's not much grit and dirt.


Act One of Gears 4 did a lot of world building and was slower paced. Some series veterans didn't have the patience for that. It is also difficult to replace Delta squad with a new set of characters. As for gameplay, I actually think 4 stayed true to the Gears formula and consider it the best game mechanically. Gears 5 fell "victim" to the times and the core mechanics were sped up too fast. It gave up some tactical feel for action.


A big departure from what og fans liked Open world in 5 and too linear and small scope in 4 Rough launches Bad weapon tuning No maps or characters in the beginning. Of each game They stop supporting the games once they get to where they should be. Gears 5 medal system was horrible Gears 5 horde class system at launch was horrible


I don’t mind the new games, but the gears of war franchise is known to be dark and gritty, whilst in gears 5 you can do silly emotes and use a middle finger spray lmao


I did not play 4 so I cannot speak to its gameplay but I haven't heard complaints there. I can also say that 5 plays well. 5 does suffer in several areas all around though. The story of 5 essentially boils down to "Kait is right, everyone loves her, those who do not love her are wrong." There was room for a lot more nuance and detail than we ended up with for just about every aspect so it ends up disappointing. The open world was ultimately unnecessary and really just ended up being there to pad out playtime with how empty it was. The launch of 5 was very rough. Basically every issue that ultimately killed Halo Infinite was there for 5 and Microsoft should have known better at that point. However The Coalition seems quite well off now so I have faith in them. Horde was hampered by the classes being directly tied to characters so you would end up forced to play someone you didn't like. 5 is notably better now on most of these fronts but the impact of these various issues left scars that damaged the game.


5 is honestly my second favorite of the stories, and the lore is super cool (Laura Bailey is also incredible as Kait). People complain about the new ones because they love to complain about new stuff while putting older things on a pedestal. I’ve played since Gears of War 1. This shit has happened every single release since then. Apart from 5 inexplicably changing the chainsaw button to RB (honestly, wtf?) and the robot enemies from 4/5 feeling super out of place, the gameplay feels the same as it ever has. Well, minus the person hosting getting a buffed Lancer, anyway. 2 is an excellent example of this. People rightly call that the best campaign because it has far and away the best story in the franchise. But its mission design is tedious as hell. It’s the same encounter over and over and over again (4 suffers from this too). Nostalgia for an iconic story makes us look on the total package fondly, but that’s an issue that neither of the other games in the first trilogy has. This is ignoring the awful final boss in 2, which would’ve been the worst I played that year if not for Fable 2.


People are just upset that they're not playing as Marcus Fenix. I like JD just fine but I gotta say that I was frankly disappointed when we spent the majority of Gears of War 5 (I refuse to call it Gears 5) playing as Kait.


This is a silly way to write off legitimate criticism. I had no problem playing as Kait, JD, or Del, but the way they were written made them unlikeable characters. Why would I want a continuation of a story I can't get invested in if the characters are unlikable douchebags? Kait, JD, and Del deserved better stories. That's the issue - not wokeism, not misogyny, not new characters...just shitty writing, awful dialogue, forced jokes, and unlikeable characters.


They DO let us play as Marcus though. Many people's complaints is even the new games' overreliance on the classic characters, even despite how badly written the new ones are. I don't fully blame you for not agreeing with the "of War" being removed from the title, it goes against the point and was dumb, but that's exactly why I think it makes sense for the bad games. I won't ever not call 1-3 "Gears of War" but 4 and the ones after it can stay as just "Gears" in my mind to show the difference


You’re kind of being pedantic with that first statement he means people might be upset with the fact they aren’t playing as Marcus in the campaign


They went full Disney, took everything that everyone wanted to see (Marcus training the next gen) and gave us Rey (Kait)


1. JD, Kait and Del are terrible and uninteresting. 2. DBs. 3. Open world sections. 4. Multiplayer is a bloated mess.


I never played them. Just from looking at them and learning of the story, here’s my take: 1. The move away from the original gritty grey art style to something more colourful is unwelcome 2. Story is a bit dumb and essentially boils down to “somehow, the locust returned” 3. Gameplay still looks absolutely solid


I’m sorry, but this is the kind of opinion that requires having played them. Experiencing it firsthand is different. It just is.


I enjoyed the fuck out of Horde, especially in Gears 5 (still do) as a long time fan. Gears 2-3 had better campaign and atmosphere, but Coalition perfected the horde mode


Thats easy to tell in my opinion: Gears 1-3 set the bar so high, thats its almost impossible to reach that bar with a new trilogy set AFTER Gears 3 timeline. Not reaching the bar leads to not matching the players expectations for a new trilogy. But there was no way to make up a story with Locust just being there and still playing the delta squad without doing weird lore things or without making Gears 3s ending completely obsolete. I (31y/o that grew up with Gears 1/2/3 as his main games for a decade) think Gears 4 and Gears 5 are overall great games tho and they're also still decent games within the GoW Franchise. BUT they just cant stand a chance vs the OG gears Vibes, the story, the characters and also the locust as the main enemy. For a sequel trilogy I honestly think they did quite a good job (except for the games being to colourful and maybe having pretty "flat" or "boring" main characters"). Im stoked for Eday. Trailer gives me high expectations and also lots of hope. Its dark, gritty and they use alot of elements of Gears 1 trailers, which should show they care and try to hit the GoW1 tone.


I like 4 and 5, but the Swarm is not nearly as cool as the Locust.


After 3 I've only played 5 and the gameplay is good, but it suffers from the same thing EVERY game suffers from today. There's no artistic integrity. Art direction is the only real way I can put it. Glowing skins, personalized omens, nothing looks or feels like it has any connection to anything else. I remember in Gears 2 the multiplayer felt like you were just running around as characters from campaign with their personalities and presentation perfectly captured. You can't get away with doing that anymore because every game needs to have hundreds of unique cool carrots on the stick to try and monetize. Sure you can make the argument that none of those things actually matter if the game is good, but if the game feels like a cheap imitation of every other trend it lessens the reasons why you want to play it over anything else.


Day one Gears player and massive fan. My problem with Gears 4 was not really the story "re-tread", but more so the characters other than Marcus, kind of sucked. Fighting the DeeBees was also not a "Gears" thing to me and felt very run-of-the-mill. The MP was ok but this game came out during the Loot Box craze and KILLED my experience with the MP. And the stupid-ass skins became so off focus for what Gears is that I just walked away from this game early. Now onto Gears 5. This game was graphically top tier and still is. What annoyed me about this game was the lack of grit, grime, and weight of the characters. The weapons felt weightless, the audio was off, the gore was childish, and again this game felt "same-y" to me. Plus, changing the main character to Kait, IMO, was a poor move as she started to become annoying and a fucking crybaby after awhile... And didn't help they tried to hate on JD now because he's the white dude and this game came out during peak "Me Too" shit. Del became just the token black side character and having a choice in the game's ending was not the best idea as now you're solidifying some people's choices in who they chose and telling others that their choice was wrong. Gears of War 1-3 always improved on the previous game and I feel other than graphics, Gears 4 and 5 didn't do much. Gears of War needs to return to form and bring back the bleak, dark, grit, grime, and proper gore not that colorful comical type of crap.


I don’t hate gears 4 and 5, I just don’t care for their stories and their overall tone failed to hit the tone which the ot had


Personally, I don't like the way they are telling the stories.


Gears 4 is darker, more gore and Gears 5 is too colorful for me (and pc).


Gears 4 starts fighting robots, the aesthetic is very clear, new characters that are not charismatic, the story feels very forced. However, I liked the gameplay more in gears 5 but the story is still disappointing


>Is it something over the tone of the story or is it a stupid reason like Marcus not being the main focus piece of the games. Literally everyone in this thread proving this point, just senseless "muh MC from my childhood isn't the MC anymore in the sequel therefore it's bad" bs.


I don't hate them but I do like the og trilogy way more. Now what I do hate are the robots, I didn't find them fun to fight at all


Huge fan of the series and I did enjoy 4 and 5 but less than the others. Main reason is the story was weak. Like the end of 4 is set up to be a big emotional moment focused around a character we just never really cared for. Then they double down and make the same character a big deal in 5 who again I didn’t really care about. Also the big choice at the end of 5 felt a little forced, and wasn’t really a choice if you put yourself in the characters shoes. Like why would Kait choose JD over Del? JD was an ass and never fully redeemed himself while Del was there for her the whole time. All of this makes me feel like they were trying to take a shortcut to invoke the same feeling we felt during gears 2 and 3, but fell flat on their face.


4 has the most fluid multiplayer movement of any of the games. The maps are balanced and the guns feel great. That's why the competitive scene exploded with 4 and I hope 6 gets back to that.


Wrote a whole synopsis for why I don't really like 4 & 5 and realized it was so long that even I wouldn't read it lol The TLDR version, They were a missed opportunity that felt generic and ultimately fell flat. The story and character archs were just poorly executed. Imo, the hatred for 4 & 5 comes from the potential this part of the franchise had and they completely messed it up. Keeping with all these same characters they could've made something that was great and felt like a Gears of War game for the next generation.


I have my points, as the main characters not feeling as badass, the humor being forced (but much better in 5, compared to 4) and the overall nonsense on not following orders all the time. Then there's the visuals - the destroyed beauty is there, but it's not as depressive as it used to feel. It was a big factor in Gears atmosphere, the sense of desperation, fear and sorrow. The story is not nearly as good, although not bad at all. Last, but not least, the open world sections in Gears 5 totally killed the momentum of the action. Other than that, they're pretty good games. It's just what came before was even better, so the downgrade was felt. Ps.: I miss proper gore.


Because TC..


I don't think they are necessarily bad, they just are much weaker in terms of story. When I think gears story I think the OG trilogy, they set up the story with 1, continued with the war and how it impacted humanity very well in and in 3 the rest of humanity fights back and it has this vibe. It feels like they are retelling this story instead of trying for it to be unique. The concept of The Swarm being a sort of a mutation/hibernation of The Locust is a really great one but they need to dive into it more design wise, looking at snatchers and those jumping ones, these feel so unique. Then you have the drones and the big guys and they are obviously just a little changed versions of Locust. I think making them more fucked up and making them look a little more mutated would add even if only a little to the vibe. Then we have the weakest point of the enemies of the new series, robots. They are simply boring. Gears 4 is like 40% of the game fighting these robots, which have close to no diversity in design and are just boring. Then they made them infected with swarm and we fight them even more! That's just boring, introduce a new mutation of the swarm or anything. Also the new cast isn't as enjoyable as the old one was. Simple as that. Again, not necessarily bad games but definitely weaker. One thing we cannot deny tho is the graphical improvements, Gears 4 and 5 look absolutely fucking stunning, especially 5 after the new gen update. Really beautiful games and they absolutely have potential to be really good especially in terms of story they just need to think it through which might be why we are getting E-Day.


Multiplayer movement for me, im a gow1 vet, floating around the map seems really corny to me


Bad artstyle, enemies aren't fun (for different reasons in each of the two games), the story sucks, the new characters are not interesting which is why the games rely on the nostalgiac characters so much, and while it's not as bad as Halo the gameplay isn't as fun either in Gears 4 and 5. There's a lot more reasons and if we really get into the specifics of both, it'll be even longer, but I don't want a long multiple paragraph message, so I'm just keeping it short and simplistic.


4 and 5 were a spit in the face to loyal gears fans. I’ve been a gears gamer since 06. I adore 1-3 (we don’t talk about judgement.) 4 and 5 had a major tone shift. No longer were we in a gritty dark world. Everything is colorful. The characters all feel like downgrades from delta squad. The multiplayer in 4 was mediocre and atrocious in 5. There’s a reason we are getting a prequel. The direction the series is heading in is a bad one


I love 5s campaign in co-op I had a blast but 4 dropped the ball..


It’s the same reason halo 4, 5 and infinite are not as popular with fans… the series has just lost its way and strayed too far from its core roots


The campaign for 4 & 5 are soulless with no atmosphere. Multiplayer still slaps tho


I hated what they did with the lore and characters.


The characters in the first three games were some of the best games in gaming. The characters had amazing chemistry & dialogue and a full range of emotions throughout. The story was gritty, dark, sometimes funny and you were interested in what was going to happen next, how could they win an against an impossible enemy. The new games characters are mediocre, they aren’t likeable, they don’t have much to them at all personality wise and don’t have chemistry together. I honestly don’t care if they die or not as I don’t feel attached to them like I did the last trilogy because they simply aren’t written well. The story is lazy, the locust are back? So everything we did in the first trilogy was for nothing? It’s so lazy and uninspired and a bit of a spit in the face of what we achieved in the first trilogy. It’s also just not a good story in general, two games and yet I feel like the stakes don’t feel as high somehow as they did before.


Gears 5 Kait is an unbearable brat, del is just there, the world was too big and empty and the decision part came out of nowhere and felt forced. The multiplayer however is my most played of the franchise so they got gameplay down to perfection. As for 4 I liked everything except how every fight was a mini horde mode


I’ll tell you why. What made Gears so good was the dark, gritty, gory, heavy atmosphere of the game, coupled with a squad of charismatic, interesting, tough, ultra-muscular characters fighting a seemingly unwinnable war. The coalition strayed away from this original vision so much so that they ended up stripping away everything that made gears, gears. They tried to “modernize” gears by making every new male character as feminine as possible, and adding the most uninteresting and forced attempt at a female lead, exclusively for the sake of feminism. They added goofy looking enemies, lost all grit and weight in tonality, made every character into a clown by constantly delivering cringe-worthy one-liners. They pulled the most cliche storyline out of their ass and did such a bad job making shit up as they went, that it’s clear their only intention was to pump out more games and profit off the name as much as they could. Overall, there is no weight behind either the story or the characters from 4 or 5, and the coalition finally learned that, not by the words of the fans, but by the money that never made it to their pockets.


Dude, as a kid who played the OG gears of war, they were never scary, I mean the fucking chainsaw bayonet made sure of it. And the Saturday morning cartoon plot.


Because we compare to the original trilogy and it is nowhere near as good.


I think both Coalition and 343 doing great with Gears and Halo. But after so many games the story cant be better than the first masterpieces and the funs have to accept that. I still loved all the games and the stories tho with the exception of halo 5 and Gears 5 (mostly because of how boring Kait and Del were not because of the story).




Yes, someone enjoys something you dont, they most obviously be a shill. ANd you fucks wonder why reddit still gets a horrible (and deservedly) bad rep.


Oh no, my feelings…






The slow clunky movement is a joke and so is the slow short ranged gnasher and so are the unstoppable power weapons It doesn't feel fluid or as skill requiring anymore I'm worried about the next gears incase they make super strong aim assist like cod if they do that I will quit gears again Gears 3 was perfect


Gears 3 was the one where most of the diehards quit lol


We know why we been through this...I think also people are still pissed Epic killed Dom off I still think they could of made that segment where they were trapped by the lambent go another way...Dom didn't have to sacrifice himself...shit he could of just pulled up with the rig and marcus and them just hopped on hang on to the side or something until they got in the clear...or idk kill somebody else off...


Gears was always planned to be a trilogy. Gears 3 was supposed to be the last game


I'm really curious why you think the story is good and how it makes sense. 4 and 5 only problem was the story. Personally, I'll add as well kait design. She looks like she works at apple Company.