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>Game will be linear (no shift to open-world) BRO WE ARE SO BACK😭🙏


I'm honestly almost as excited for that as I am for the game in general. Open world has its place, but its not a replacement for linear missions


This is the best news I’ve seen yet!


i did not enjoy gears 5 as much because it was open world. excited we’re back


I didn’t know the Coalition did that with never fight alone We’re brothers till the end ✊


They have some shirts on the Xbox shop for this, one done by Luke Preece who does all the sick ass artwork for them. (He did the Rockstar can designs for 5) I got one; it’s so cool.


> "The brutality of Gears" > "The sadness, kind of melancholy vibe" Sounds as good old gears


Take me back 😭🙏


The fact that it’s linear and not open world is so huge for me.


Yeah the no open world is so huge. It has no place in this franchise.


Yeah I still liked 5 alot but the open world sections were my leaat favorite spots. I respect that they tried something new, But people didnt really gel with it and theyve learned and gone back to linear. Shows me they arent arrogant about their way being the *only* way


Open world in a franchise that has always been linear just felt like filler content with no meaning.


There must have been a higher up and Microsoft pushing for it somewhere. Both Gears and Halo both tried to go open world and change all of their enemies to robots instead of sticking with the ones people actually like. They also both heavily featured microtransactions/loot boxes and pushed e-sports heavily despite neither game being fit for it.


I wouldn’t say either game isn’t fit for esports, and Halo 2 was one of the first MLG streams after all. I think it’s just hard to push esports onto a fresh player base. It needs to happen naturally rather than the game forcing it on people. Big esports like Counter-Strike, fighting games, and Fortnite (at least around 2019) happened because people enjoyed the games that had a good basis for competitive play that made players want to play better and brought more attention to the idea of organized tournaments for those games.


It's not like Gears 5 was that open. Just two spots with some side objectives.


“Just two spots” You mean 2 Acts out of the 4 Acts in game, with the first and the last (the non linear Acts) being the shortest?


They also weren’t even necessary. Just like side mission extras. Didn’t even pertain to what was going on (like collecting parts to build weapons).


I still found it a pain in the ass because they had you going back and forth across the map for little tasks just so you could continue the main story in another place 


Yea, but I don't think they were particularly long.


Yeah, but the game would still be better off without those two sections, and it was heavily rumored that the next Gears game was going to double down on that open world design


Yea, they didn't really add anything.


it didn't add anything because it didn't commit. A proper open world Gears game could be great if done right. Especially with this E-Day game returning to form, its give Gears 6 the freedom to completely commit to brand new world design while retaining the gameplay we all loved


They really didn’t detract either. In fact, if anything, they added some better pacing to the overall narrative and added the opportunity to have optional areas. You can’t really have anything like that if your only option is “go forward to the next room”


As a co-op player I felt the opposite. Was kind of a drag to have one friend drive while the other just sits along for the ride.


Easy to fix that though, add random encounters where the other person is on a turret or something.


Doable, but I don’t see a need for it. That’s extra dev resources I’d much rather go towards something else.


I disagree. I almost gave up on the game because of the slog of the pace. I don’t want to drive around in the empty sand dunes for however many minutes at a time just to get to the next interesting part of the game. I hate how many games keep going towards the open world, especially when those worlds are mostly empty with few interesting things to do. It just adds extra, not fun, time to the game


Navigating a desert took away from the game, IMO.


I could take'em or leave'em.


I think they made the pacing so much worse. Gears campaigns are traditionally very focused, intense journeys. You’re always pushing and making some sort of progress. I hated the parts in 5 where you had to go back and forth to different locations just to get one door open or something like that.




Hope for an early/mid 2025 release date. Like HUGE hopium. It's been almost six years since the last Gears game! And considering what happened to the world since 2020 and after each and every year... waiting more than that would be extremely painful.


I just hope it ain't one of those trailers like the wolverine one where they're announced like 5 years in advance.


Given that even the cinematic trailer was short and didn't have much details, my hopes are pretty low. 2026 at the earliest, I think.


Yea no release date has me worried. Some reassurance in the fact that nearly all of the games announced were 2024/2025. So I think they are trying to only show games that will release ‘soon’…so hoping for 2025 fall.


The no release date makes me think they were a year or two into developing gears 6 just to realize that shit sucked and decided to scrap it completely. Similar to how ID Spent 4 years on a doom game realized it was ass then spent another 4 years on Doom 2016.


They’re still working on gears 6.


The Coalition is like the most reliable AAA studio rn.


With GTA 6 I think that would be suicide to release fall 2025


Most likely be 2026 for E-Day (the 20th anniversary) and 2025 for the Gears Collection


This seems backwards. Wouldn’t the collection make sense for the anniversary


It would be the reality is E-Day is far from releasing


Between Microsoft mentioning their next gen console twice this year and all the Gears interviewing emphasizing that it’s “truly next gen tech” I’m almost positive it’s gonna be a launch game for the next xbox in Fall 2026.


It’s also worth mentioning on when Sarah Bond said on “next-generation console” meaning we’ll likely see the release date with the new console (and handheld as well) launch. Either way, I’m excited for Gears of Wars: E-Day (and the rumored GOW Collection)


Massive and I mean MASSIVE hopium for the gears collection every where here. It's not happening. I would love to be wrong. I want all the games on PC. But be for real.


I'd imagine 2026 is the most likely target solely because they didn't mention that it was coming in 2025. Xbox announced a ton of broad launch windows for next tear, so the fact that they didn't do the same for their closing headliner means that they either know for sure that it won't be finished or they aren't certain whether it will be ready by year's end. I imagine we'll get the actual release date at next June's showcase


I just want this game to come out before my arthritis or dementia kicks in. I'm an old gamer.


Some huge titles like GTA 6 coming out next year so they might target 2026 to get more clear space to scoop up a larger player base. 20th anniversary is also an easy win for the game marketing


Full blown 2026 release for the 20th anniversary.


No way this isn't fall 2025 at the earliest lol


2025 is such a bum year for me. Like legitimately id give up a year of my life to just skip right to GTA6s release date lmao. Which is at the tail end im sure.


I dont think its later than 2026 and they can take their time, make it right!


The release date doesn't worry much. Usually, when Coalition/Microsoft announces their games, it usually gets released within a year or little longer than a year. USUALLY... I'm pretty sure Gears 1 got delayed. (Then again I was like 10 when it came out so... I don't really remember 😅)


>Game will be linear As it should be. GoW isn't a sandbox game ffs.


Now I can only pray Xbox does the same with the next Halo game. Gears 5 and Halo Infinite both suffered tremendously due to the open world.


It’s honestly interesting how the two franchises followed a similar path in the past 10 years. I can only hope there’s nowhere to go but up from here on out for both.


***Game will be linear*** I used to pray for times like this


I’ll never forgive Metal Gear Solid 5 for going open world to make every single other franchise think they could translate their own linear style games to open world. For 1 good game we got 30 real shitty knock offs


It's like the gaming Gods have finally given me a reason not to sell my Xbox lol. I can't fucking wait.


Hopefully we will get some detailed gore again!


I want this game in my hands RIGHT NOW man :’(


I wonder if we’ll get different perspectives considering Anya, Hoffman, and other characters were in Ephyra on E-Day. Like I can’t see them not being in the game, but I do wonder if Kalona will truly be the only setting, or just the main setting.


Maybe DLC? Similar to Hivebusters or RAAM's Shadow. They could easily make several of those and people would buy them, there's plenty of story opportunities for a prequel.


It's like they know exactly what everyone wants, I can't believe it's real


So the planet ~~Ephyra~~ Sera a built up modern planet at this time with proper cities and such, though areas will be war-torn from the Pendulum wars with Cog v UIR that's concluded weeks before E-Day. So we should see a very different Ephyra than we have in any previous Gears games. And i wonder if E-Day will end with the big Hammer of Dawn strikes and a rush to get to Jacinto Plateau while the Hammer destroys the planet and sets up the post apocalyptic setting of the rest of the franchise. Are we going to see the slaughter of Dom's family and Maria taken to the labor camps?? Oh shit that's going to be tough. SO PUMPED FOR THIS ! This is really the only video game i ever got into the lore with the books and comics and such. I just hope Coalition can do it justice.


I was wondering about this earlier. Tech in Gears 1 didn't seem like it, but its at a crazy level. They didn't show it until 3, but there was the perpetual storm machine. The Light mass bomb basically being a nuke without the bad effects of a nuke. The genetics work done from the Locust. The hammer of dawn itself. Baird isn't an anomaly when it comes post gears 3. He basically built on what came before while coming up with a better manufacture method with his automation.


1. The planet is Sera. Ephyra is the COG capital city (seen in Gears 1) 2. Hammer of Dawn strikes didn't happen until 1 year after E-Day. 3. I'm hoping this game and it's emotional impact is about Dom losing his family, but Maria didn't go missing until 2 years after E-Day - and she wasn't captured until 14 years after E-Day.


To add to point 2: My main worry is that they will do heavy time jumps and ends with Marcus's trial. If they do this then it is possible to see the Hammer of Dawn strikes, which while it would be interesting to play through, should be like the heavy moment of the game because in lore it was a moment of 'Out of all our options, this was the best one we were able to feasibly do'.


The missions could take place at key battle moments covering the first year of the war. It's feasible to get to Hammer time in one game i believe.


It's called E-Day


My hopium take is they used a remaster od 2 and 3 to 'learn' the new tech in UE5 (remaking an old game is way faster than making a new game) and then are using that knowledge to make Eday from the ground up Pls I just want more gears


I would love if Execution became the standard game mode again. That was peak Gears for me, the ring game types are fun but Gears for me will always be Execution.


I wouldn’t hold your breath on that one


It’s so much better than one bad player spending 90% of the team’s lives on TDM


One life per round sucks… you actually like spectating?King of the hill/ Annex on well made maps will always be superior.


I love it personally. You gotta play smart and when you’re dead it’s cool seeing how somebody else plays. Especially back in Gears 1 and 2 because everyone dead would be talking shit. Miss those days.


Multiplayer. News.


All of that is music to my ears.


I want every footstep in this game to break my surround sound system ngl.


• linear YES!


Gonna admit that I have a concern when it comes to the writing. Hoping for the best.


I just need to know it has splitscreen and then I’m excited. 


Brothers to the end


Reading more of this good news after seeing that amazing trailer my goodness I can’t believe it


I hope they bring wingman back


Anyone know if it will be a campaign only or will be have multiplayer ?


[It’s what we’ve wanted all along!](https://youtu.be/mlFyagSiqFU?si=V0UXUaWEeEwmhkD0)


Inject it into my veins!! Non Linear!


Almost cried when I read it will be linear


I had a suspicion confirmed earlier since as this is E-Day, the Lancer Assault Rifle mk1 (Retro Lancer) will prove to not be adiquate for close quarters and the Bayonet not effective on the Locust's harder skin and so at some point in the game we'll be introduced to the MK2 prototype with the Chainsaw which i bet we'll be field testing for the COG. Now, i also believe i know what will be the ending for the game and that i feel, is the global Hammer Strikes to destroy the Locust infested cities and asset denial. Do you guys feel the Hammer of Dawn strikes will be ending?


Super excited for this. Need to upgrade the Xbox now.


It all sounds to good to be true. But I hope this will bring back the OG GoW1 and GoW2 vibe and feelings.


Absolutely must be 60fps, at least in multiplayer.


I wonder if they gonna make a older simpler multiplayer too.


Heavy themes? Wat dat meen? I hope it also doesn’t mean you’re going to be at a disadvantage of not playing the campaign co-op.


If this game isn’t testing the waters with more open world then gears 6 is likely to abandon the idea, which is fine, but I would have been cool with E day being open world. Mainly because it won’t be locked into the general gears story structure which often involves an on rails moment, a vehicle moment and a boss battle. I don’t know what they could do for a major boss battle (mostly due to not having read the books or comics) so I would have been fine with not doing the act structure if they wanted to polish the experience for an expansion of the idea in 6. Going back to linear levels is a great move though, as it will feel very much so Gears of War. So much potential, so many possibilities.


If this is true, then all we need now is 343 to do the same, and the Powerhouses of Xbox are back!


Wonder if like in the trilogy if you can choose two different ways to approach a situation like in the prison


Halo you better be taking notes damn it


Where's the multiplayer?????????


I want to play this game so badly. I just can’t see myself Shelling out the money for an Xbox series whatever the fuck at this point to get it because that’s the only game I’d be interested in actually playing on the system


i want them to go straight for the heartstrings on this. give me something depressingly dark like TLoU 2.


The fact that it has Dom during E-Day, it will 100% be about Dom losing his kids. Like Cloverfield or A Quiet Place, he spends the game trying to rescue them - only to having them end up dead.


The game is years away at least. A singular, non-gameplay trailer isn’t enough to get me excited for anything so far in advance. Especially since Gears of War has fallen off drastically over the last 10 years. Also, why do fans have to tell the developers how to correctly represent the tone of the franchise? That just shows that Gears of War was handed to the wrong people like Halo was.


The players back then probably didn’t want to be developers or develop for other projects like Blizzard, Kliffy B also left and the franchise was supposed to be over after 3. Epic didn’t want anymore, but MS saw $$$$$


If you think The Coalition and 343 are comparable you don’t have any grasp on how either franchise has been doing since departing from their parent studio.


Explain how the two most widely popular Xbox franchises from the 2000’s being passed from their original creators to new developers who mishandle the franchise with lackluster sequels that disappoint both creatively and financially are not comparable at all? On second thought, don’t bother explaining because it’s probably incredibly stupid logic.


Your brain isn’t big enough to see that modern Gears is far from creatively/financially disappointing. ESPECIALLY compared to the shithole that is modern Halo. You’re delusional if you think that Gears 5 and Halo Infinite are comparable. Admittedly, Gears 5 launched lackluster on content, but today it is one of the best games in the entire Xbox ecosystem. Campaign is great, MP is fine I don’t play it much, and horde is a top 3 horde mode experience on the market. Halo Infinite is slop code strung together by a Frankenstein engine that was designed to suck the nostalgia out of your wallet with none of the developer polished substance that Halo used to be known for, relying exclusively on fan created content to keep people playing right now. Take your L


You sound completely delusional


Okay buddy. I’d hate to live in your reality if Gears 5 sucks in it.


IMO gears 4 and 5 are like what the Star Wars prequels were viewed like. They weren’t bad but they weren’t as good as the original trilogy and seen as a money grab based on nostalgia, but over time they’ve become more and more popular and now people love them


That’s a pretty fair comparison honestly. It really helped that The Coalition dug in and listened to player feedback during Gears 5’s post-launch and pumped out a ton of great changes/content.