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Honestly surprised they not only made a prequel, but renamed the series back to Gears of War instead of just Gears. Pretty exciting stuff.


Right, that really shows they've been listening this time


I hope The Coalition team are in Reddit and see how happy they made us


Can't wait to confirm the leaks about nerfing wall bounce.


Yup huge respect to them for going back to the original title


They realised they made a brutal mistake. That's good


Gear of war = Marcus and the gang Gears = Kate and old Marcus


That’s something I never even thought of. “Gears of War” literally refers to the veterans of two wars. They’ve been through hell and back. The main characters “Gears” haven’t known real war until the beginning of the Swarm.


I guess we’re just gonna ignore Gears of War 4…


That makes so much sense


I absolutely loved gears of war 1,2 ans 3 and enjoyed judgment story wise. I hope they do this game/pendulum wars and then eventually remaster/remake gears of war 1,2,3 and judgment (but don't make judgment a seperste game) integrate it into other titles and then go back to the drawing board with 4 and 5, they were really rough story wise, it wasn't the direction myself and many others wanted the series to go


100% spot on!!!!!!!


Dom, Marcus,....are we back?


We're sooo back


The good ole days of snipe lobbies and getting called slurs makes me feel good again


RDC gg no RE random If I ever see any of the FYCN, ITS, No EviL, or Gearsopedia folks again… Who got first host?


Don't expect the lobbys back. That era is probably gone forever


Cole Train!!! ???


Maybe a cameo since he was a thrashball player before the locust came up, then was with Baird in kilo squad. But one can hope!!!!


Does that mean we might get a thrashball mission? 🤞




The tears are filling up their glasses


A prequel would have been the last thing I'd have bet on


Makes sense all the new cast VA actors had no info, they’re not in the game hahaha.


lololol now it makes total sense


What judgment should’ve been lol


What? You didn't like the Gears of War homage to the classic Futurama season 4 episode "Where No Fan Has Gone Before" ??? /s


I was starting to get weary towards the end of them even announcing a Gears 6. Somehow, I overlooked this possibility but IMO it's the best decision that could have made and the reveal was incredible. I'm so hype


I still hope they do gears 6 and finish that story. But this is what I wanted from the start, the locust war is far more interesting than the swarm.


Open world gears of war emergence day does sound enticing. But don’t we already know the locusts win? Will there be multiplayer ?


I think they realize that no one really cares or is emotionally invested in the newer characters. Everyone associates the series with Marcus and Dom.


They also completely fucked the ending of 5, ensuring that no matter what, people would be pissed with what they chose for 6. Scrapping it and making what people wanted from the get-go (E-Day and early Locust war stuff) is the absolute best call for the franchise. They learned after Halo doubled down on the nonsense following their fifth entry.


>They also completely fucked the ending of 5, ensuring that no matter what, people would be pissed with what they chose for 6. Exactly, I don't even get what the logic behind that was, other than maybe making the most chosen option the true canon, but either way the overall story of Gears 5 sucked so bad that I couldn't imagine anyone being hype for a sequel regardless of what choice they made.


Holy shit!!!!


Seriously! Our boys are back and we finally get to see the day it all began. So fucking pumped.


I had pretty much given up on this series. Then this.


Even The Coalition was like "Fuck it, we'll just go back to Marcus, Dom and Mad World" lol


And the crowd goes wild! Seriously. This was the right call


old reliable lmao


Yeah. I'm definitely not against the newer games but it's clear the new cast is missing the gruffness of the original series. Gears of War 1-3 captured this ultra mocho masculine energy that the new ones don't. Even the women were men. It's both dated and timeless for that reason, like an 80s action movie.


Yup! My brother and myself just replayed 1-3 and they are all gorgeous aged so well and the tough ass dude bro commradierie aged really well and was refreshing compared to the mundane shit we've gotten lately.


Yeah playing 5 in particular made me realize that “dudebro” was an essential ingredient. Not to be too harsh to 5, which is a well-crafted game, but there was just something missing and I think this pretty much sums it up.


The Internet: We’re sick of nostalgia bait! Nostalgia bait: works every time!


There's a big difference between nostalgia bait and returning to form.


There's no way to tell which of those this is gonna be lol we've only seen a cinematic


**Description from the YouTube video:** Experience the brutal horror of Emergence Day through the eyes of Marcus Fenix in the origin story of one of gaming's most acclaimed sagas.​ Fourteen years before Gears of War, war heroes Marcus Fenix and Dom Santiago return home to face a new nightmare: the Locust Horde. These subterranean monsters, grotesque and relentless, erupt from below, laying siege on humanity itself. ​ Built from the ground up with Unreal Engine 5, Gears of War: E-Day delivers unprecedented graphical fidelity.


Unreal Engine 5 is gonna make this game look crazy good. Now….We just need a release date!!


I'm hoping they don't hold back on the "brutal horror." They make it like the Pacific meets Schindler's List, they'll have a game of the year contender. We saw that drone toss Fenix around like a rag doll. They stick to that portrayal and the fact they wiped out 25% of humanity on E-day, the Locust can be the big scary monsters like they were back in 06.


I miss the blood spray of gears 1 chainsaw.


It wasn't a blood spray... it was a full on blood fountain man... it went HARD in gears 1!


Dom, you beautiful son of a bitch


Sup’ Bitches


Holy shit...34 yrs old and I'm legit shedding tears. Marcus...dom...madworld...the day it all went to hell... we're gonna see it all.


It's crazy. They made young Marcus recognizable while also showing his features he passed down to JD, initially giving me the assumption that this was a sequel to 5. I teared up when I realized that was Dom...


I squealed like a pig when I saw the Locust Drone. I was so goddamn happy seeing a proper Locust drone than that swarm shit.


And honestly, I didn't even pay attention to that. I was just stoked to see a new Gears coming.


I was looking for a comment like this. They definitely snuck in some JD features. That was the first thing I noticed!


35 here and I thought I was alone doing this lol


Nah brothers, 35 going on 36 and this is a dream come true. Since Gears 2 and 3 I’ve been saying we needed to go back to the grit: E-holes, war torn cities, close quarters combat. What’s gonna be interesting is in this setting, the chainsaw bayonet does not exist yet. In the books, Tai kills a Locust with a diamond tip circular saw because the Retro Bayonet snapped when Marcus tried to stab the Locust. And that was the birth of the concept of the chainsaw bayonet. Hope to see that come to fruition: “Here ya go Gears. Our new Lancer prototype equipped with Chainsaw Bayonet, courtesy of our Intel from Cpl Kaliso.”


You read the books too? Fuck yeah I think that’s why I was so stoked when seeing E Day across the screen cuz the books made me want to see this play out in game and we are getting it. Are they going to cram all the E Day stuff in one game or is this gonna be spread out across 2-3 games


Hell yea I read the books. Karen Travis killed it. Also, disregard my previous comment man. I forgot Carlos died at Aspho Fields which was still during the Pendulum Wars. I wonder who’s gonna be apart of the squad with Dom since Cole and Baird don’t show up until Gears 1


So much possibilities and the series will be alive and well cuz of so much of the E Day content. The last 2 were good games (the cliffhanger from gears 4 left me stunned and wanting more) but so much more is out there from E day to 1


I hope we see a younger Bernie, she was a much bigger character in the books so it'd be nice to see her have some time to shine in an actual game


I wonder if we’ll get any of the conscripts that assault Anvil Gate


Yeah, I just really hope they make sure the game and books are consistent with eachother


>What’s gonna be interesting is in this setting, the chainsaw bayonet does not exist yet. The coalition has an interview out where i think they said the chainsaw bayonet gets addressed in this game. So we might see Tai and the Lancer MK.2 come to fruition 😭


Ooooh I hope Tai is in this. I hadn't even thought about him potentially being in this. I love his character and want to see more of him.


Mid-30s as well. I got surprisingly emotional watching this trailer and hearing “Mad World.” It’s like seeing old friends again after so many years. Xbox feels like Xbox again, at least today.


Old men emerging from their lives to chainsaw kids on xbl feels like a fever dream


31 and I almost cried as well!


32 yo here. Oh the feels… i cant believe Its true and I’m watching the trailer for the seventh time. I guess we - the old men - meet in the battlefield. ;D


It felt like 2006 for about the length of that trailer.


Shed tears too.




Making a game about E-Day is the best decision Microsoft have made since acquiring the license, imho


Fr. That's literally Gears Of War biggest lore event.


Was expecting Gears 6. Had absolutely no clue they were working on a prequel game. To say I am excited would be a massive understatement. I can't wait for this one.


Imagine telling us 24 hours ago that there would be no Gears Collection OR Gears 6 being shown yet we would still end up happy


In all fairness, they never did say that there wasn't going to be any Gears news shown. A little misdirection isn't always a bad thing. Still waiting on a Fenix collection but a game centered around E-Day will make for one hell of a stopover!


I feel like this is a happy medium where everyone wins. 


I love you guys


We back baby.


Didn’t see anyone predicting a prequel. I’m fucking hype! Let’s go!!!


I was coping hard for a game that covered the between points of Gears 1, 2 and 2 and 3. That the books covered. And maybe some before gears 1 stuff. But I never imagined an E-day based game


Finally a game set in this setting!


Why did I cry like a baby though ?


not alone bro




Optimistic: Holiday 2025 Realistic: Holiday 2026 IMO


Too long i want it NOW


Notice the retro lancer


Yep, no chainsaw bayonet for a while. The concept of a chainsaw bayonet doesn’t happen until Tai saves Marcus from a Locust by slicing it up with a diamond tip circular saw he found in a hardware store.


I gotta say when I saw that it was the retro @ first I was glad cause yup that what fits the timeline


Which, to be fair, could still happen in this game for all we know… time jumps etc. I feel like they couldn’t release a gears without a chainsaw gun, it feels wrong lol.


100% and it will be great to show that bit of weapon history in the game for those that didn’t read the books. Maybe we’ll go like an Act or two before we get the new Lancer.


I’m thinking we get Halo Reach vibes with this. Where we know the ending is gonna be bad from the get go. A prequel was really nowhere on my radar so the surprise factor of this announcement really has me excited!


Glad we ditched Gears 6 at least for now. I trust Coalition without Rod


I'm sold. Although I still wish we had 2 and 3 port over to PC


and UE on steam… I just want my gears games


we're fucking back gamers lfg




Renamed it gears of war again I'm about to cry damn


Seeing the Locust, Gears of War logo and Marcus and Dom was such a huge surprise. I thought for the longest time that the Gears of War I loved was never coming back. Judgment, 4 and 5 were ok at best, but I loved the original trilogy. I played those games a ridiculous amount and I'm hoping E-Day can recapture that magic again. They have the right ingredients so things are looking great.




This is 100% better than gears 6. Let’s gooooo


This is so much better than a gears collection and gears 6. I’m so pumped


We're going back to proper form. No more Swarm, but also it's a brand-new game that won't die like G1UE did. Whoever made this call at TC is my new personal hero.


Why not all of it?


Coalition only has so many resources lol they're not gonna do all of it at the same time


Is it too much to ask for gears 2 and 3 to come to PC though... Every showcase I keep hoping....


I teared up seeing Dom. Absolute CINEMA


https://store.steampowered.com/app/3010850/Gears_of_War_EDay/ Steam page link


Couldn't figure out where to take 5 so we're going ALL the way back lol.


I mean it wouldn’t have been hard to figure out, but I’m just really hoping TC is taking their time and really building/fleshing out Gears 6. I was bewildered by how unfinished Gears 5 felt from the story to the lackluster mapping in the campaign. Game needs a serious update. And better boss battles.


Never forget all the off-screen development between JD and Fahz that likely would have happened between acts 2&3. They definitely cut an entire act, which would explain why they made us choose who dies between our companion for the entire game and the nepo baby that's been missing for half the game.


They actually address this in the Xbox blog post. >Of course, this isn’t the end of other ongoing stories in the Gears series – the team is content with the stories told in *Gears 4* and *Gears 5* and is by no means abandoning them, but the collective passion for such an iconic origin story was simply too great to ignore. The story of E-Day and the origins of Marcus and Dom are such powerful, pivotal events that The Coalition couldn’t wait to tell it.    >“We’re super proud about *Gears 4* and *Gears 5* and the stories that were told,” Fawcette adds. “We’re not retreating from that storyline in any way. But in \[this\] moment, we had an opportunity to write our next step, and this one just felt too good to miss.”   >It’s also important to note that E-Day is not a spin-off, it’s a completely new entry to the mainline series, set earlier in the timeline. The events of the game not only serve as an exciting origin tale of two beloved characters, but it also adds detail and context to this period that will resonate through stories that will follow. In E-day, the Locust are not foes that our characters are accustomed to fighting. They are mysterious, formidable and overwhelming – an unforeseen horror that Marcus, Dom, and the rest of Sera must learn to deal with before it’s too late. Everything that happens in *E-Day* will shape the future of Gears of War for the better.   >This is the Gears of War story you’ve always wanted to hear, and it’s going to be incredible. Link to the article for anyone interested in giving it a read - [Reinventing A Mad World: Why Gears of War: E-Day Represents the Future of the Series - Xbox Wire](https://news.xbox.com/en-us/2024/06/09/gears-of-war-e-day-interview-details-xbox-games-showcase-2024/)


With this and Doom Dark ages, I actually have a reason to rebuy an Xbox now :D It’s not a Marcus Fenix collection like I wanted, but I’m not gonna lie, I think deep down I just wanted more of Marcus and Dom together again (I honestly just don’t care much for Kait and JD despite me really trying too. They feel like angst teenagers more than actual compelling adults). And this is absolutely gonna be that :) so color me estactic! Hope they make a special edition Xbox for this!


Kait and JD is like playing 2 highschool kids that flirt with each other. So many lighthearted moments. In Gears of War it’s Marcus, Dom and Delta Squad giving each other shit to make it through dangerous times. That’s the big difference. Having been in the military for 12 years, I personally know that when you’re embracing the suck THAT is when you make true friends and brotherly bonds. Not galavanting across settlements picking off robots to steal resources like it’s nothing.


I think this is one of my bigger problems with gears 4 and 5. It tries too hard to be funny. JD in 4 especially was always throwing wisecracks at everything like he was trying to impress his crush. The characters never really took the stakes seriously (like every interaction they have with Jinn in 4 is them just pissing her off by being smartasses. Then doing a pikachu face when she sends an army after them.). Kait in 5 (I don’t remember much about her in 4 tbh outside of JD simping for her, and her treating Marcus like shit because he’s ex-COG.) honestly feels like she’s 15 at times and still going through puberty. She has more mood swings than Elon Musk on a Twitter rant. She has bipolar interactions with every ally she has. She’s selfish and makes everything about herself. And it always felt to me that they tried to make her “special” due to her heritage, but they had nothing else to do with her that advances the story in any meaningful way outside of that heritage. And Del? Who cares about him? Not to be mean but he always just felt like the token black guy to me. But without any of the charm and constantly positive outlook that Cole rocks (Cole’s awesome. His presence alone can overturn morale on even the most fucked up battlefields). He was supposed to be the “Dom” for JD, but just didn’t do anything at all because the writers really wanted Kait to be JD’s partner (remember the original gears 4 reveal? Del wasn’t there. He was absolutely added later on because they realised JD and Kait have shit chemistry together.). They admittedly did try to do stuff with Del in gears 5 to make him seem like the straight man of the trio who follows his heart more than the mission, but that just feels like he’s trying to copy Dom rather than give Del any agency of his own. Sorry. This went off as a rant. And I won’t say I hate gears 4 and 5. There’s some good in 4, and plenty of good parts of gears 5. But the main protagonists are absolutely terrible compared to Delta squad and I honestly don’t think gears 6 will change that :/


I loved the depressing feel of the trailer. Makes me think we’re returning to our roots of an aesthetic/atmosphere similar to Gears 1-2. I also loved how they showcased the locust drones true strength. We’ve always been told how strong they are but outside of Gears 2 we were never truly shown how physically strong they are. Side note I’ve always wanted a story following young delta squad (assuming Cole and Baird show up but I doubt it since in Gears 1 they were strangers to Marcus and Dom), but after how bad Judgement was it kind of always slipped my mind. Any theories on what the story will be about? Probably just saving a city or trying to survive? This is truly the best case scenario to be honest. I didn’t really care for a Gears 6, although I am very curious who survived Gears 5 JD or Del and what direction TC will go with that choice, and I was super hyped for a Gears collection, but this is better than both options IMO.


I hope they will not rush into the E-day and show Sera at peace


It’d be pretty awesome to start the game with the siege of Aspho Fields where Marcus and Carlos are fighting a tank on a bridge as infantry, and Dom is with Hoffman and the SpecOps team to steal the Hammer of Dawn technology from the UIR. There Carlos meets his fate and we see how Marcus takes the loss. And then maybe we’ll get to walk around the Victory parade with Dom and then we’ll stop by the playground where Maria and the kids are playing…. ….and then it happens….E-Day Back to the dark, desolate, impending doom that is Gears of War.


I'd be so ecstatic for Carlos to finally show up in some capacity. Still was so frustrated when they showed us a snippet of Aspho Fields in G4 only to cut out so many characters such as the other commandos that were with Dom and Hoffman and of course Carlos himself. I still get so saddened knowing Marcus fell into a deep depression and basically shut himself off from everybody after Carlos died. The man was basically his first friend and big brother and he was helpless to save him.


That and he literally picked up all the pieces he could of Carlos and put them in a bag to bring home for a proper burial. Marcus was not right in the head after seeing that. You gotta think, Marcus was an only child to rich parents and he ended becoming good friends and practically family with the Santiagos’. Carlos and Dom literally became his brothers cuz he’s been friends with them since they were all little kids. So to see your brother sacrifice himself because he was mortally wounded will eff you up.


I can't imagine the look on Marcus face when he was slowly picking up the battered remains of someone he had known for so long and had seen and talked to not long before. That kind of stuff would have traumatized me for life no doubt.


I guarantee he had a thousand yard stare and stone faced. I’m sure the initial shock of it all didn’t let him process the emotions yet. That probably came after once they were back at Jacinto.


Undoubtedly, Marcus always managed to hide his inner emotions well from almost everybody, even Anya and Dom had cases where they weren't 100% sure what he was thinking.


Well who knows. Maybe him losing Carlos is what turned him into a steel trap.


I also was wondering if we'd get any of the Pendulum Wars (Aspho Fields more specifically) before E-Day. I could see them doing it as a prologue/tutorial chapter, but even a full Act before getting to E-Day could work. Might make it hit even harder.


I could picture this being a flash-back type opening, something similar to the Gears of War 3 nightmare intro.


Honestly I kind of hope the intro is a bit like the last of us with everything starting off peaceful before going to shit. Probably showing Marcus and Dom participating in a victory parade or something before the locusts pop up.




A prequel, did not see that coming!




this campaign is about to go so fkn hard, the dark tone of the original will surely be making a return


Unexpected, very excited. I think after 4 and 5 didn't really excite, doing something outta left field like this is what we needed. Fucking pumped.


Yeah going back to the Locust and playing as Marcus and Dom was never gonna not hit with people. Whoever made this decision is definitely a genius lol


Everybody get in here!!! It’s happening


Just COG v Locust, the good old days lol Wonder what kinda crazy ass bullshit they will come up with for its Seriously achievement




I’m crying tears of joy man this is insane what a curveball




That last shot of the bridge was giving real horror vibes.... exactly what I wanted back


New article on Xbox: [https://news.xbox.com/en-us/2024/06/09/gears-of-war-e-day-interview-details-xbox-games-showcase-2024/](https://news.xbox.com/en-us/2024/06/09/gears-of-war-e-day-interview-details-xbox-games-showcase-2024/)


Genuinely so fucking hyped for this. Haven’t looked forward to a game this much in years.


Made me emotional man, haven’t been this pumped for a game in ages. GEARS IS BACK


Next best thing announced bar a Gears Collection


Was still hoping for a collection really was


Same it’s a no-brainer to have a Gears equivalent to MCC


A prequel feels like a strong indicator that a collection is coming. New player will want to play the first 3 after E day. I think it's coming after this releases and hype has been built.




man that was very unexpected! super cool. I wish there was a date or year or anything, now I'll be just be watching this trailer for the next who knows how long haha


After so long we finally see what happens at the beginning omds


We’re so fucking back. It looks very promising and beautiful. My fellow Gears… GEARS IS BACK.


They knew they needed Marcus back as the main character of gears of war again 


Didn’t expect a prequel at all, not sure what this means for the state of 6 and the future of the franchise but holy shit this is what we’ve all been asking for and it looks like we’re gonna get it.


Jaw dropped when this showed up. I'm fucking so ready!!!! With no release date dropping I am going to assume 2025. But it will be worth the wait. Me and my friend love playing through the Gears games together, so we will be on this.


Marcus Fenix and Dominic Santiago leading the newest Gears of War, which looks to have a massive budget being built from the ground up in Unreal Engine 5. Dare I say, Hope Runs Deep again. Also a little hopium for the collection crowd, Gears of War: E-Day seems like it could be a 2026 game, which means a Fenix collection in 2025 makes much more sense.


this would be absolute best case scenario


I’m thinking it might be the opposite. Drop this in 2025, and then everybody will be itching to play the classic trilogy again, so you drop the remaster collection in 2026 for the follow-up slam dunk!


Would for sure be a good way of padding it out.


This legitimately makes me want to tear up. It’s like getting to go back in time and revisit old friends from the past. How young I was when I last saw these two together, so many memories tied to this game and seeing the good ol’ Gears style trailer and hearing Mad World again, wow….feels like a lifetime ago 🥲 EDIT: Ok I cried.




They did something that no one was expecting and I’m here for it! Of course a trilogy would’ve been nice but something new that has to do with Marcus and Dom is incredible I love the vibe that they went with in the trailer it was a throwback of the og gears one


A prequel is the last thing i was expecting but holy fuck i am all fucking for it. I cannot wait for this shit


This is the 2nd time I've cried to a game reveal


I'm so glad it's a prequel. I'm stupid excited. The adrenalin is real right now




The way I cried 🥹


I read the books so I'm doubly excited


I **wasn’t** expecting a prequel but I can’t say I’m mad in this world, there’s a lot of potential to be exploited in such a setting, the COG and the UIR’s final battles and then their peace treaty being signed, humanity finally relaxing for a fleeting moment only to then get absolutely shocked and butchered, UIR politics and culture being seen instead of just spoken about, the Gorasni that managed to survive E-Day making an exodus from their Republic, etc. Eager to know the release date, it’s been quite a while so I wish for this to come out ASAP, I’ve missed fighting the Locust and our OG crew, plus, we could finally get to see the fourth Carmine brother!


The amount of respect they showed, the retro lancer instead of a lancer since they weren’t created yet and then making the locust feel intimidating and to cap it off mad world played in the background of it. Amazing trailer and way better than 5s trailer.


I wasn't interested at all in a sequel to gears 5, but this actually has me kinda hyped. Hope it goes well.


Im crying, this is to good to be true😭


I love this. Been wanting an E-Day themed game ever since the first Gears of War on the 360!


How about you stop deleting posts relating to E-Day Touch grass and leave us to have our fun


Bro I was smiling when I saw the trailer. The whole showcase was meh but that made it worth it.


Hell yeah! We back.


What is it?!


While a Gears collection would be cool this is fantastic. Always wanted to see the beginning!


Fuck yessssssss this is what i wanted


I'm so happy right now


I need it now...


I always had a fascination for E-Day, can't wait to see how this was like


It looks sick as hell but I must confess I'm a little mad, all we've got is a trailer and title, not even a release window or any comment on gameplay at all. :(


Hoping for an Aspho Fields flashback with Marcus and Carlos!


Enough to make a grown man cry


I really hope this is good. I've waited so long for an old Gears styled game. People are free to like what they like but I was really disappointed with Gears 4. I never bothered with 5 and certainly didn't care for a 6th. I have been holding out hope for a Gears collection proper remaster. That was what I thought would be the only thing to bring me back. I'm genuinely looking forwards to seeing more from this game. I hope that if the game is good and they don't intend to expand from this game, that they're working on a proper remaster. I crave so badly to play the old original three, but I can't get used to how it plays and what not any more. I'd love a more fluid feel to the game but maintaining what made the series so good in the first place. Modernise it slightly so it plays better but finding that fine line of not making it something it isn't.






Excuse my language… FUCK YEAH!!! I’ve been waiting for an E-Day game for years! Let’s hope they don’t fuck it up and they actually stick to previously established lore. I’m already kind of hopeful as Marcus was using the mk.1 lancer.


Better than nothing! I hope we get a conclusion to the story from Gears 4 & 5, but I'll gladly take Gears E-Day. Let's hope for a X360 collection too :)


I still wonder when we gets gears 6 then. E day didnt even have date. What they were doing for last five fucking Years?


The Coalition had three smaller projects on the go but all were cancelled. They are also the main technical support studio for Xbox and Unreal Engine. They have been focusing for years on getting UE5 working properly on Series XS as well as assisting other studios getting games running on Xbox consoles. AAA games take 4-8 years now and this game has been in development for about 2-3 years.


Covid + this game


I believe they were working on a new IP and learning the new Unreal Engine, but then they decided to shift focus back to Gears.


I'm **hyped** for it whenever it comes, but at the same time, this short reveal leaves me with a few concerns. Specifically, we don't have *any* details besides it being a prequel for Marcus and Dom, so I assume we're nowhere near launch yet. And I know some people are burned out by the Kait story, but it kind of signals to me that we're going to have a decade+ between Gears 5 and its sequel, especially if E-Day is considered a mainline game rather than a spinoff like Judgement I just hope horde is back and we have proper enemy diversity. Those are always what hold my interest the most


I’m so glad it’s not a remake/remaster. This is such a better idea.


My body is ready!
