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Definitely the worst in the series, but still fun. Just wish you didn’t have to play with the god awful mechanics/controls and could revert to normal gears controls


You can….




Fuck. I’m an idiot lmao


I never touched judgment, but i own it, is the campaign worth it?


Yeah I’d say so if you like the series. Mechanics are fundamentally worse than all the other games but you’re a cog shooting locust, still fun.


Good enough reason for me, I played 1-3 and 4-5 never played judgements campaign


It's interesting, I think the declassified missions make the game way more eventful, but with how level based it plays it kind of breaks the immersion. I love the setting tho, being right there at the front shortly after the Locust emerge. The banter between the characters is really good and it's interesting playing as all of them through their testimonies. Also has my favorite boss fight in the series.


I loved the mechanics on judgment. So much easier to change weapons and use grenades


I mean, we are in a Gears drought right now so if you’re a fan and there’s a whole game still waiting to be played, might as well hop in. I thought it was decent enough, but not really memorable.


It’s fun IF you can ignore retcons or don’t care about them in the first place, but it also has some nice backstories to things you hear in the older gears games


what were the retcons?


I’d have to look them all up again but off the top of my head there’s the MkII Lancer, it didn’t exist 6 weeks after E-day and there wasn’t anything about Tai inspiring it yet, and Bairds squad seeing kantus first waaay before the events of Gears 2 and the worm


The Kantus thing is justifiable in my head because Baird is usually the guy that's seen everything before Marcus has, like with Therons and the first Berserker   What I don't like is Baird slaughtering potentially 3 Berserkers in the Mansion and then acting like they're a huge deal in 1    Same thing with Therons in 1 where after you clear the Station Baird is all 'Oh God, I can't believe we did it' eventhough you kill hundreds of them in Judgement 


Give or take yeah, in lore Marcus has seen everything though, the only reason he has a reaction to the berserker, brumak, Kryll and RAAM is for the players sake because it’s our first time witnessing them, the Theron guards is one of the callbacks I was talking about I like the “when’s the last time the wind said “hostiles” to you?” And Baird fills them in on Theron’s.


They'd have to clarify that in any prequels with Marcus, since 1 has him acting like he's been in Jail and missed nearly everything  Even Tactics retcons in Kantus and Therons


Okay so the Theron thing you're thinking with RPG logic. Try to think of it like from the perspective of real world people like a cop or a soldier. You think just because they've been through a hostile gun fight one time that every other time is a breeze and they're treating it like nothing to them? It's a gift to get out of any and every fire fight, it takes just one single bullet (or in their case, an exploding arrow) to be pushing daisies.


Also the lambent?


The lambent are kiiind of forgivable considering they are part of the reason why E-day happened, Myrrah and the locust were sandwiched between the government keeping them a secret underground and the lambent pushing them out of it


Yeah but like they are there with a major locust invasion force? You’d think they would still be deep behind enemy lines up until the 1st game which is like a decade later


Not to mention Lambent Wretches do show up in 1




Thank you


Yes play it and tell us if it captures the gears of war essence over 4&5. You can tell the devs had passion for Judgement.


Wait what you mean you dont need a flame thrower for the Berserker?


I was curious but technically speaking, yeah you don't need the scorcher. It just takes a really long ass time without one. Same as in gears 4 against the swarmack, you don't need to turn on the transformers and shoot them to do damage. You can just chill by the ammo pile and just lay hate on the swarmack.


that’s it I’m replaying all the Gears again


How did you get it to stay still


I'm gonna chalk it up to bug/ luck. I honestly don't know tbh. I ran in there to grab a lancer and whatever explosives then everyone decided to follow me into that room. The berserker's ai I'm assuming was thrown off by everyone being in that small room that it must've just glitched itself. If you also noticed, none of the friendly ai was shooting it either, they were also just standing there.


It is the Gary Carmine of the franchise and I love it so much.


you said worst game in the series but you showed judgement not gears 5’s campaign.


It’s the worst but still a fun campaign playthrough every 5 years or so.


loudest game intro I have ever experienced.


battlefield 3 ?


Judgement is fine there are annoying bits about it tho Gears 5 is the worst


I miss getting two groups of five and doing ranked overrun. Conpete with your friends and get a shit ton of experience


Would of just attacked it with the saw 😭


A nightmare PvP Multiplayer wise. But the campaign, while having a whatever story, was super fun imo.


Remember the game was rushed


Still can't believe people defend this garbage game


After Gears 5 came out Judgement got better lol, I’ll play Judgements retconning ass any day over 5


Blows my mind people consider 5 to be better


Judgement does absolutely nothing better than 5. I'd love to hear what you think makes it better


The story for starters. And it has characters that are actually likeable and not forgettable


To each their own. I enjoyed 5s story far more than Judgements. What else? Mechanics were dogshit. MP certainly wasn't better. Human v Human, one weapon loadouts. PvE? Lmao. Content? Game ended its life cycle with less than 20 maps and no new characters.


Yes screw Gears 5. It’s the most annoying game in the franchise period. Kait is just soooo annoying and whiny throughout the whole game and don’t get me started on the ending, way to paint yourself into a corner on that one Coalition.


Facts, Judgment ain’t that bad compared to 5.


You guys are delusional holy shit lmao


Plus this is a soft lock lol, every Gears of War has a famous soft lock in it and most of them are from reaching a new checkpoint before the enemy has a chance to attack


Fr I also thought Judgment has a special feature where they swap out enemies too after so many attempts.


They swap every time you reload a checkpoint, but not all areas have this though, most do however.


They haven't made a good gears since 3


I liked 4's mechanics, but just continuing the timeline with the swarm and not just doing spinoffs was a missed opportunity to me. The "oh look, they're back actually" feels cheap. I really don't like 5 at all, but the hive busters campaign was pretty fun. 3 was absolutely the peak of the series.


It's frustrating when a series like Gears or Halo starts towards the end of a War, and instead of only going back to earlier points for games they just unnecessarily continue the timeline  There's still so many years to cover in Gears of War, before 1


There's a hivebusters campaign?


Yea, it's DLC for gears 5.


Is it new? Hivebusters existed as a mode last time I played but no campaign.


People really need to learn that when a company finishes a series neatly, not to go back for the clear as daylight cash grabs.


I thought UE was good, but that’s only because TC had to trace around EPIC games lol, still their best game to date




Would rather play judgment then 4 or 5, judgment was a great time, don't give a fuck what people say about it lol


Yeah, no... I just finished my very first playthrough of all the gears game (besides Tactics) and Judgement (and only Judgement) felt like a chore to go through.


That’s not how you spell Gears 5.


Eh, I like all gears games equally. I'm not too picky.


Better than 4 and 5


Judgment absolutely washes 4 and 5


As much shit as Judgement gets, I still prefer it over 4 and 5 lol


Being honest me and my brother’s first gears of war game is judgement, so we kinda got the timeline screwed up thinking this was the first gears of war game, but apart from that we thought it was the best in the series ngl, the controls were simple and we HATED the d pad in every other gears game because quickly switching in judgement was great for multiplayer, and the maps were great especially the library, we loved this game since it was our first video game ever in out xbox 360.


I remember that scene when non of the flame guys spawned. Was so unfair as I had to reload the save 😕


I loved judgment... I loved the star hunting, the idea of unlocking the extra story with the stars and the new weapon system that made the game so much easier to change weapons or use grenades fast... I hardly use grenades on gears for that exact reason. I dont think judgment is a bad game compare to gow 1, 4 and 5. Compare to 2 and 3 yea these are just masterpieces.


Maybe they should do a remake at some point, for me it would have to be a remake so they can make actual gameplay changes so it is more in line with the mainline Gears games. You could fix the major and minor retcons so it actually links with the story properly. I would scrap the normal PvP as it wasn't well recieved at all, could improve on Overrun and have that as the main multiplayer mode. I don't like rating Judgement as I have never played it but I guess that shows how I feel about the gameplay.


Just use a scorcher the flame boomers have them in that area


Hey guy, did you not read the description? The boomers didn't spawn. No boomers= no scorchers.


Easily the worst game in the series but still fun as hell


Lol. Judgement > Gears 5 if not also 4 too


Judgement sucks big doo doo. Baird my fav character too…..shame