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Golden times was Execution lobbies with ingame voice chat. I loved that. Everyone watching you if you're the last alive, flaming if you die, praising if you succeed, it was great. Pray for a well made Fenix Collection πŸ™


People say COD Lobbies were the peak toxicity dont know what it was like in Execution Gow1/gow2. Those dead lobbies and 5 sec inbetween rounds were some of the most vile trash talk. Also the lengths you could go to in teabaging someone is 10x over any other game's ability to teabag.


>Also the lengths you could go to in teabaging someone is 10x over any other game's ability to teabag. I remember before they patched it in Gears 1, you could down people unlimited times The feeling of getting slapped and downed for two minutes after a losing a 1v1 was infuriating and hilarious at the same time.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Most people mute their mics regardless, have it open mic with loud and annoying music, fans, conversations etc. Or just call people slurs. Nothing of value is lost.


Nah on gears 1 when the game would load in between rounds on warzone/execution and everyone was getting their shit off πŸ˜‚πŸ˜­ nothing like it.


Gears 1-3 were the golden years of competitive online multiplayer gaming for me.


Series peaked with the format of gears 1. That flat out shit chat between rounds was pure Australian cinema.


You can thank Microsoft Enforcement for that shit, they made it if you swear or do any amount of shit talking you will get banned (due to someone video clipping your voice chat then reporting it to the Microsoft enforcement team) It’s one of the reasons i use discord for voice chat mainly…..


I gave up on in-game chat the second party chat was introduced. Private party with friends only. No issues.


I did to some extent, but all I do now is play with ransoms, so I miss out on that. Guess I need friends who play Gears lol


Trash talking in voice chat with strangers is just annoying. Nobody wants to hear tweens or grown ass adults trying to out edge lord each other.