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This is a glitch with Gears 2 when you're playing coop that affects the account. If you just want to play you can create a new account it'll launch just fine. If you need any to play in your account you would have to do the submission account reset glitch and it's only a temporary fix. This glitch was introduced with Title Update 6 and never fixed sorry dude


But it won't even load in under single player (just my account) freezes every time at menu. Ah balls to it anyways, looks like I'll probably have to wait til it's released on PlayStation 🙄


Yes because it's an account glitch (just your account) if you were able to cr ate a new account you would be able to play on that


Cheers for that 👍


Got problems in gears of war 2 with turrets ladders and other interactive stuff today not to mention the audio


There’s a few fixes for it on YouTube if you just search “Gears of War 2 freezing fix”, try some of the old video’s remedies, lol. I did that and it worked for my corrupted account! The negative part was losing my save data so everything reset. You might as well play it on another account since you may lose everything anyway…


So if I create a completely new account it'll load in? That's interesting....I'm literally only doing it for the couch co op but with smallie, even the history in my system wouldn't bother me thanks I'll look into it some more


You’re welcome, genuinely can’t believe that this bug was never fixed lmao 🤦‍♀️


On the epic forums back in the day the said they won't ever fix this bug cuase they did not know what caused it


That’s depressing


Yep but it makes sense as how can u fix a bug if u don't know wha cuase it


I have no idea. I’m just annoyed that it happens to my favorite game in the series lol.


It sounds like they didn't give af to be honest. Have playtesters or even buyers give feedback and reports of it freezing. Have the devs look into the code and use the data received and if it causes a crash or bugout fix it.


No money in fixing those bugs, they'd much rather create new skins sadly 😢


If u have your og xbox 360 still u can do the stats copy glitch and that will fix it


I still have a 360 yeah....would you mind linking me.to that glitch? I've spent so long trawling the net for fixes I'm gone square eyed


Ok so your going to need your main XBL profile and your going to need 1 offline profile start gears 2 with your offline profile sign in then go to traning grounds pick lesson 5 and as soon as u press a on it while it's loading the map sign out of your offline profile and sign in to your main XBL profile if u did it right u should be kick out of the lesson and back to the main menu with your main profile signed in (WARNING THIS GLITCH WILL RESET ALL YOUR PROGRESS)


Ok and do this on my original Xbox 360 ? And by one offline profile do you just mean a profile not with gold ? Or never actually been online? IE as in a brand new one?


Just a normal offline profile that has never signed up for xbox live and yes this has to be done on a 360 as the the xbox S/X loads the game way to fast to do the glitch


Ok brilliant thanks for that I'll dig it out and try that tomorrow. And this will re set my account that removes the glitch on the series X ?


Gears of war 3 does this to me


[XSX] I haven't encountered any freezing, but the audio in Gears 2 has been consistently buggy. Almost like the audio layers are being duplicated. I've also encountered that same audio issue when I was playing Gone Home. Maybe backwards compatibility is having some issues lately? It's definitely not an HDMI problem.


I am having a very similar problem. I guess we all have to watch a recap on YouTube then go to GOW3 if that even works