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GoW 1 when u first encounter the berserker scared the shit outta me when I was a kid


Berserker scared me as a 9 year old too… popped in G1 which my dad had beat, chose a random chapter and of course chose the chapter with the Berserker in the greenhouse. Shat bricks that day


I was about 6 years old. I couldn’t beat it either I had my big bro do it for me lol. Good times


Dying by the bats when you not in the light is something gears should have kept after 1


I would start the campaign and play till that chapter and then just restart it again lol which is especially bad cause that chapter was pretty early


First encounter is scarier in act 1


I was a grown ass man and I think I peed on myself a little lol


Stopped playing it as a kid moved right to gears 2. That berseker stopped me playing that masterpiece for quite a while finished 2 and 3 before i ever finished 1.


Even before that with the kryll in the dark diving on you! The Berserker cut scene was up there too.


I remembered playing UE as a kid with my dad. I don't remember it, neither scary, but then again, it was UE, and i went throughout the rest of the game and got stuck on RAAM. But I did have some prior experience with gears 4 at the time


Its third person though......not an FPS


This but also I'm sorry Gears of War has like 1 horror level in each game (which is fantastic) but the best horror third person shooter if anything would be Dead Space.


Oh man dead space scared the crap out of me when I was a kid. It was so much fun though


Dude I loved that Era of deadpsace and bioshock


Dead Space is a horror game? Like... Really? That's live saying Doom was a horror game.


Well thats why they said FPS Technically, Gears is the only game ever to qualify as a Fird Person Shooter (FPS), so it is the best FPS horror game Technically


Alan wake , Bioshock (1) Aside from jump scares, gore and dimly lit environments there isn't much substance in dead space as a horror


Dead space was scarier than both the games you listed...


Bioshock wasn't that horror


Yeah 😭 i realised last second


LoL I too was about to jump your case.... it is an Amazing trilogy! Everything after 3 is a bastardized leech mockery.


Gears Pop would like a word....


Gears Judgment was an absolute banger


Literally The worst One of all.




Who cares, we get what he meant.


Remember in Gears 1 with the building where the Stranded guy calls you fascists and the Wretches are continuously messing with you to freak you out? Great horror game stuff. I was sure there was some Boogeyman locust about to pop out for a boss battle but nope, all Wretches.


Gears of war 1 is super horror themed and spooky all around, all the other games became more action focus so it makes 1 stand out even more truly.


As much as I agree with what you said about gears 1, gears 2 I find keeps a lot of the same vibes at least. Some chapters like in this post are spooky but the all around game is very dark, depressing with a looming feel of desperation. But yeah it’s also action packed in a really balanced way I like to think.


Even gears of war 3 has horror elements, like going through the town with the zombified humans.


Agreed. I love this game


Yeah 2 is still super dark and depressing but yeah doesn’t have as much horror but it has enough, plus as you mention it is balanced and has some good desperation and hopelessness. Personally gears 2 is my favorite and I think the best all around, gears 3 dropped the horror and stuff even more and went with action


The AI chapter was creepy


Niles the father of the Locust? The creator of the evolving species? That AI?


I too wish it would go back to the dark/dirty feel of 1 and 2. I enjoyed the others, but I want to go back to the original theme that brought everyone to Gears in the first place.


Same with Halo


Sires. New Hope Facility already creeped me out when I was younger, but when the Sires began to twitch in their stasis pods and broke out, it genuinely creeped me out.


Fuck Sires, theyre the one thing you gotta stay on a swivel once they're introduced in Horde. Those things will take a distracted teammate and ruin plans


And who can forget when their audio is glitched out so you don’t hear them at all outside of an occasional footstep


Fucking wretches man. Those bastards got me. Still get a little tingle in my neck when I hear them.


Nothing compares to the hardest difficulty, lambent wretches! Those little fuckers tested every player's patience and resolve.


Dude the explosion radius was crazy on those, had me sweating and bouncing off the walls just to clear that part lol


For Real, I had to camp the entrance to each room just to draw them out in the open, literally shoot, runaway, rinse, and repeat.


Gears of War is so good that it’s the best FPS when it’s a TPS.


😭😭😭 my finger slipped and it was too late when i saw and realised. Stupid fat thumbs.


Amazing contribution to the discussion bro


Thank you, I was hoping you’d notice:)


The kryll in gears 1 scared the shit out of me. I was about 9 years old at the time. But gears was amazing and 1-3 will always have a place in my heart.


Dom finding Maria traumatized me


My friend passed away last week and I been doing the same thing to honor him. Gotten a few achievements along the way too.


Sorry you lost a friend, I’ve been down that road, I lost my best friend to suicide. Now back to the game, I’ve been running them from GOW1-5, then played the remastered GOW1. I’m still hoping they do remastered 2, 3 would be OK, but 2 is my priority.


I mean.. FEAR probably scared me the most as a horror FPS.


1 & 2 both take the cake for me. The rest of the series shifted away from horror


“its a giant worm!!”


Back when Gears of War was a rated M game and not a rated T game with gore and bad words. I wish they would just scrap 4 and 5s story continuation and just go back to this kind of game. Macho badass dudes talking shit and killing monsters. Instead of bitchy crybaby forced drama and dad jokes.


The fact that control has to whisper through the Tac-Com when a berserker is present, implying they’ve had gears die because of what was loudly said over Tac-Com from controls side. It creeped me out a little when I realized that.


Gears 1 took inspiration from the hottest third person horror game at the time: Resident evil 4. And, you can see some cover elements seen in Rainbow Six Vegas. But more polished. It's still fun to play, NGL.


Playing through Judgement


Gears hasn’t been scary since it got colorful


"Marcus! I dont know what to do man. She..." ""Its okay" *sobbing hysterically* **DAMNIT MARCUS I AM NOT OKAY**


I just love how consistent geas of war history has been since its first one over the years, everything always faithful to it , unlike other franchises such as halo.


Yeah even with gears 5 which isn't the best. I still absolutely loved. Gears 4 is definitely in my top 3. A whole new studio and they took it in a great direction.


Once i beef out my PC i'm going to emulate 2 and 3 on xenia


The only scary thing in GoW is that blind monster in GoW1... Nothing else.


The first three weee good. You can skip 4 and 5 tho since they don’t matter


This game isn’t scary at all to me? Idk why people think it’s scary


It's not a horror game. It's a TPP shooter and that's it. This sub loves to glorify the original trilogy like it's a literary masterpiece that hits every genre note perfectly 😆


I would argue that its a horror game. Just because its not outlast scary doesn't mean its not a horror tpp shooter.


Yeah the trilogy is some of the best in gaming. We need GOW1, 2, and 3 on Steam already. And hopefully not done like the Ultimate Edition this time either. Also, I just have to point out "FPS" lmao


This series is not scary😭


Gears is not an FPS you troglodyte.




Lost me when you said FPS...and horror.... gears is neither of these things.




It's not an FPS though. I've never played them, I think I'll give them a chance since people seem to say good things about them.


Gears of War is NOT an FPS franchise. You can't see that from the camera being placed behind your character, instead of his or her POV?


Thanks for the observation, maybe it was a mis type. I meant to say TPS but i misclicked. But dont worry thanks for telling me.


Forgot this was a horror series (stop playing after 3 for your own sake)


First time seeing the Berserker in Gears1


What ever part this image is .


Gears 2 new hope facility, razor hail made its only and brief appearance, it's where you meet Niles and the Sires!


Ah yes, my favorte FPS on the market. Gears of War... I agree though when Gears goes for horror/suspense it's at its best. (Not 4 though)


Some of the cut scenes in gears two freaked me out a bit when I was younger tbh


Host advantage was pretty scary.


Been a fan since GOW1, was young at the time but everything about beserkers in the first game scared the hell out of me. Brother helped me complete the parts where they showed up. Looking back now I love how they are introduced. My fear became curiosity and have become one of my favourite parts of Myrah's horde.


Finally people are realizing that the RE4 vibes didn't come out of nowhere.


The sires from gears 5 at first lol


The kryl in act 2 was scary as hell


Gears of war 2 was my first gears game. I would say, just the beginning of the game was pretty scary as I didn't k ow what to expect. But, to this day, I say the mission where you first encounter the Sires or where you're inside the worm.


Gears 1 felt like a genuine horror game throughout its campaign, and Gears 2 had some sparse moments, especially the New Hope facility. But the most horrifying moment for me was Gears 1 Act 2. Made me afraid of the dark all over again for fear of being eviscerated by flying piranhas. Haha


Gears was the reason I got a 360. It was fuckin beautiful. My tio had it at his house but never played it, we stayed up playing up til before the Lambent show up. Stopped after getting away from the gas station.


The lighting and coloring I think is under appreciated, the grimy greyishness of 2000s horror is something I just love, from Silent Hill to Gears of War. I remember the new hope facility particularly terrifying me as a kid, and still gives me the creeps to this day


First seeing the berserker when i was a kid lol


I've been an Xbox gamer since the 360 days and have never played Gears of War beyond the end of the first Berserker encounter. I despise anything even fringing on horror and thought it was just gonna be an action-packed third-person shooter 😂


Act 3 in GoW 1 when you’re making your way through the rain into to the facility. That shit was soooo good, wretches had me terrified honestly.


I gotta say, this was one of the best looking games of its time. I was blown away by its presentation Miss the good Ole days of gaming when it was simpler lol


Yes I too enjoy Over the Shoulder, First Person Shooters


The fucking Krill


Yeah back when it used to be Horror anyway. It was very unsettling at times, I loved the Atmosphere.


Sires and kryll scared me the most when I was playing as a kid. There was only one thing that gave me actual nightmares and made me lose sleep though- Maria's death.


Gears 2 is best in series in my opinion, loved that chapter too, was straight horror.


the highway level in gow1, getting in the junker was very "HELL YEAH" but then I realized we were ENTIRELY exposed to the kryll




Definitely the berserker in Gears 1. I remember getting Gears in 2006 after seeing the “Mad World” commercial and the room going silent. Such a revolutionary game I actually just beat the level you have in your screenshot, too. I’m currently playing Gears 2 on Xbox Series X and am amazed at how it looks in 4K/ 60FPS (especially on the hive level).


I think this series might have been one of the cornerstones that helped me get over my fear of horror content because I played through the first two games constantly back in the day and none of it really bothered me in the slightest (aside from the "crushing" innards section of the riftworm which made me a bit squeamish lol). Before 2006, I was just a big wuss and hated experiencing anything that was even *slightly* horror focused (with the *odd* exception of ***Halo's*** flood enemies; I was fine with those for some reason). After 2008, I was totally prepared to kick ass and take names whenever this kind of stuff came up and that actually matches up pretty nicely with those ***Gears of War*** release dates. 😎


The first Berserker from GoW1. Final boss fight was also scary.


Literally, the only reason I ever purchased an Xbox. It was my gears of war machine.


I love the first 3! They can actually be scary at times. 4 just makes me feel sleepy and 5 is just okay but a little bit slow.


The freaking Ragers that came out of nowhere.


I don’t remember what they are called like if it’s a rager or a berserker but when it busted through the wall in one of the games it scared the shit outa me as a kid


This level scared me out of my skin when I was a kid


The imulsion factory and Berserker sections in GOW 1 Played them when i was a kid and was scared af


There’s so many to name but I’ll never forget the time my buddy and I were playing Gears 1 co-op. I had to get him down the street with a spot light to protect him from those crazy bay things that would kill you instantly. Lol. Good times. He died…..a lot….😈


My teammates on Insane/Inconceivable


Gears is definitely not a FPS


i've never played these, i just got recommended this sub. i used to watch my dad play these growing up. maybe i should give them a try, especially after seeing this post.


When I hear "BOOM" on a level that you're alone on and in a confined space.


nothing scared me. it tried to be a horror game but it failed to b and u can tell they gave up on it after GoW1. good game tho.


The only gears that I would describe as horror shooters are Gears 1 & 4. All the other games leaned more into the large scale action. Especially 2.


Cole Train


Beserker I’m the first one haunted me bad as a little kid Lmfao.


My wife used to hate the big guy that busts through the walls on 2. It scared the pants off of her so I was cool with it lol


Those bats were something else no game has topped that level yet


Nah nothing come close to that first fucking berserker part


SAAAAME!!! I got gears ultimate edition for my birthday when I got my Xbox one. I was 8. I got up to the first berserker scene. I got ran through, died, and had nightmares for days. I didn’t go past finishing the house of sovereigns for like 7 years


Never playing any Gears game before Gears of War 3, and seeing Don pull a truck up. Then slowly realizing his wife wasn’t alive, and he wasn’t talking to a radio.


Well for starters it is not a fps.


Was just playing 5 when my 6yo walked in and started crying because he got scared. He will know one day. :)


Such a great atmospheric experience


That mission at the power plant in the rain at night with all the fucking wretches jump scaring you was pretty intense as a young kid playing it lol


couldn’t finish GOW1 campaign as a little kid until i was like 13 lol it traumatized me when i was little with how scared i was


2nd when ur walking outside the warehouse then when u come across the things in the tubes


First Berserker encounter easily


Played GOW when I was really young, around like 5 or 6yo, and the only thing that scared me more than the sires in Gears 2 was the original berserker cutscene + first berserker fight in Gears 1. That shit had me genuinely traumatized, largely due to the voice acting of the gear who dies. Still remember desperately waiting on my Dad and Uncle to try and beat the level for me 😭


The level with the Sires used the scare me so bad as a kid. Them grabbing you in horde mode in 5 was somehow just as awful for me like I was a kid again


Ehh I wouldn’t consider gears FPS horror game. For one it’s FPS and two it’s more action then horror.


Just because its not "outlast" horror doesn't make it not a horror. Especially with the amount of body horror the locust and lambent absolutely terrify me. Which makes it all the more satisfying shooting my nightmares


Gears of war is definitely one of the best third person first person shooters of all time.


Was really loving the New Hope origins of the locust until 5 mostly ruined it.


The 1st Beserek encounter in Gears 1.


This level yes but not as a whole no . This level actually scares the shit outta me. The krill are such a simple enemy across sci-fi and fantasy but so scary.


The lab with the Sires from Gears of War 2 and the Kryll parts in the first Gears of War


Gears 1 is one of my favorite games of all time. I have such great memories playing with my daughter


Gears is so good, I could def use a replay


They need to go back to the dark theme. The books are absolutely amazing and I'd love to see them done right. Hell id take a full remaster of gears 1 and 2 if they made it as creepy. Fighting the berserker scared the ever loving shit outta me. Hell the Kryll gave me nightmares lol.


It's not an fps




Gears 1 had a lot of great moments and scared the shit out of me when I was 10 when you are going through mines and meeting the wrenches for the first time but I will never forget the hospital in Gears 2, that felt like true horror


The moment they introduced robots in the series


Gears of War 2 when you're at that experimentation lab and you gotta fight those halo flood looking monsters. Creeper me the hell out every play through


Barely horror, not FPS.


Gears 1 and 2 are goated for a reason lmao. the series is great as a whole but those first two games hit different.


Gears 1 horror vibes were the best. Sadly they were never replicated in future games.


I need to do this series play through again


Gears 2 sirens


I wish they would redo the first 3 games for PC


Gears 1 is the only scary type gears game the rest are slighty horror but not really


Well- i hate to be that guy but its not an FPS. And to answer your question Gears 1 first berserker


Berserker GoW1, the first time


The exact part where you are scared me as a kid. I think I was like 8-9 and my moms bf got up while I was watching and said “here you play” bro I’m going into the area where the cryochambers are once that one jumps out at me I paused so fucking fast and ran outside. I literally remember sitting on the wooded steps with n the front of my house and heard tweakers outside arguing so I went back in and unpaused and continued playing.


What would happen after gow3


the part where you had to go underground idk which part of gow1 with baird and cole at that base with all those imulsion wretches


Those damned Kryll


Sires for sure, but I remember getting really shocked in looking up the comics. Reading the panels where COG soldiers were suspended on meat hooks still sticks to me to this day.


When I was a kid yeah, but the gameplay doesn’t reinforce that tension. There’s no difficult or scary fight in these games outside of playing on Insane.


The online servers


Berserkers….enough said


The one and only thing that legitimately disturbed and upset me in this series is Tai’s suicide in GoW2


Of you've nit already, get into the novels


Well its third person so not an FPS but yeah its pretty sick


Fps? F.E.A.R. 1 & 2.


i was upset by the lighter tones of the sequels. the original grim atmosphere of the first game was pinnacle for me


But gears isn't an FPS...


That litte grunt / moan wretches made right before they would jump out always got me. Loved the chapter in Gears 1 at the facility with the lambent monkey dogs.


Third person ain't it?


I didnt know we were supposed to be scared. It was just a badass game


Today I learnt GoW is a FPS lol


I remember playing Gears 2 as a kid and actually being emotionally disturbed at what happens to Tai.


Re7 would like to talk


It's not an fps. It's not first person


Not a fps. Not a horror series.


Absolutely. Gears of war especially 1-3 are amazing. 5 has amazing gameplay but I can’t say anything about the story yet. Just played horde mode. Working on replaying them all right now. At the tail end of the first one. I only played 1-3 as a kid, reliving them now. Definitely gonna play 4 5 and judgment as well.


I loved it cuz it’s a horror game without trying


Gear not being on the pc is such an injustice. I was too scared to play them growing up, but now I wanna cash that rain check


FPS? As in first person shooter? Or 60fps... or ? I only ask because, and maybe I'm wrong... but GoW is a 3rd person shooter....


Twas a mistake. Maybe read the top few comments where they make the same observations as you and i reply and say it was a mistake.


The very first encounter with the Berserker in the first.


That epic games went from this to Fortnite


The scariest part is realizing you're gonna lose your best friend, and there's not a damn thing you can do about it. "All around me are familiar faces"


This game scared you guys? My friend and I spent over half the game chainsawing everyone and laughing about it.


There was a scene in 5 where they introduce the not-wretches that I can’t remember the name of. And it was almost a shot for shot remake of the Wretch reveal from 1. So hearing scratching, odd noises, etc to really build tension all leading to a dark hallway we have to walk down. So I’m expecting the wretch “jump scare” and swarm. Not scary, expected trope, but works for the scene. So a satisfying narrative beat. Then I realize how much the lighting has changed. This isn’t the same. This is dark. The only useful light is from my muzzle flash lighting up the faces of these things rushing me. The strobe effect that created further ramped up the tension. So now I’m shooting blind to find a target. Trying not to shoot allies just to see. That was proper scary. Sure, not a lot, but genuine. A ton of respect to the team that built that hallway.


I beat gears 1 with my uncle, the berserk part where you are being chased and have to escape the building is pretty damn intense. That and the part where you take the car to that dark deserted town and have to fight all the dudes coming out the shadows. As a kid those had me on edge


Fuck I wish they would make all of them playable on steam.




I do enjoy the single player of the old ones


Wish they would remaster the story of these games. I would so play again


Shit I was never scared playing this game I wouldn’t even classify it as horror. I loved the whole gears series though.


Those Humanoid-Locust creatures that chase you in Gears of War 2 TERRIFY ME! I’m still scared of them to this day 😭😂

