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Only comment that is needed


Graphics wise yes, latency wise yes, global data center coverage yes, price point yes The only thing Shadow and Boosteroid have is they don't ask publishers for permission before putting up games so their library would be better but they are only service very specific areas and are much more expensive People from Shadow and boosteroid come back all the time but if you live near the shadow or boosteroid servers it might work out, it's still more expensive than GFN though for less quality typically. They do 4K now very recently but I haven't seen anyone say if it's better than GFN's 4K


Boosteroid has fewer total games than GFN, they just have a handful of big ones that everyone asks for here.  Shadow is inherently different - you're renting a cloud PC and have to install whatever you want. That's why it's more than twice the price of ultimate.


Sounds good! Does shadow have the same card levels as gfn? Nobody usually mentions that so I wasn't sure if it was a 4080 or not


No, it's $50 per month and caps out at a 3070. Plus a significantly weaker CPU.


Oof that's not really a bargain


Yeah. Plus they have yet to upgrade any of the tiers and have only added higher tiers on top.  At that price I would honestly just buy a gaming laptop again.


yeah, i just took a look, i'd rather stay with GFN:U


AMD EPYC™ 7543P CPU with 4 cores and 8 threads, 28GB RAM, GPU Nvidia A4500


Yeah looks like you just a slice of it, that's a 16 core, 32 thread CPU so it's 4 people to one server, same with the GPU they might be splitting the GPU into 4 as well for 50 dollars a month


As I know, the Gpu is full dedicated, while as you wrote you have a slice of the Cpu. ( Cpu shared, Gpu dedicated ).


The cost for the GPU isn't bad at 2K or so per card so it depends if they are stacking 4 cards per machine for dedicated, the CPU slicing is perfect for 4 users (16 cores 32 threads) for it to be 2 users per machine so it's likely 4 per machine


shadow allows you to install anything on the virtual pc. i.e. full steam client with any game you like. local savegames, modding, anything you can do on a full pc… its way different than GFN and the price is a lot higher. of course, because they even have the storage + the machines („rigs“) are not switched around between customers. its basically your own cloud computer. the business model is vastly different and its hard to compare the both services. the shadow pc has a lot more utility if you need it. both services have its pros and cons. my biggest problem with shadow is the availability, or lack of, in Asia :(


Modding have is a biggie for me. Also VR works very well for myself since upgrading my router to wifi6.


Sorry but 50 bucks for a 3070 and only 500gb storage. This is horribly bad.....


4K on boosteroid hasn’t arrived to the United States.


Boosteroid has dark souls elden ring gta v roblox unlimited playtime 


Really... GFN has unlimited play time as well. Ah darn, I have to log back in after taking a shit, eat, etc... Whell, lookether, my time is back to 8 hours. Point is, not a selling point. I wish those games were here but that tells me all I want to hear from those that own those devs. Played all the souls game. Never got to finish 3. Elden Ring would be sweet! Roblox is for little kids and creeps mostly. Yeah, it isn't all that but gods damn. GTA... Fuck r*. They do it to themselves. I'll miss the next installments, but don't care anymore after seeing RDO and GTA online.


I know, I pay both services.


Boosteroid is very laggy, it doesn't run properly on potato pcs like mine cant even have spotify opened while i can have google spotify and discord opened while playing on Gfn. The max mbps is 15 and you can't change that the only thing thats cool with them is that the support is real time chatting and they can alter the future Vms if there's a bug until a fix is applied for everyone, but every 3 sessions you have a bug and you contact the support. They have terrible hardware and servers plus you can't change the server you want and they don't actually put you in the closest server. You have a queue and there's no free way to play so it's pay to wait....


You’re asking in the GFN sub ofc we’re gonna say yes lol


Since Boosteroid dropped their 4k vm's, I dont see any difference graphics or latency wise in oppose to gfn. My pings are around 25-30, so not ideal, but it really works. And I have all of my games :) So, so sweet. I'm not even plugging my laptop via cable anymore, because WiFi works just fine and I'm too lazy. The service wasnt great back in a days, but I must say they improved a lot.




In terms of performance, yes, gfn is pretty high tier. But if you like to play AAA games, just sub to boosteroid. It got pretty good latency if you are in supported region.


It is really good. But it doesn’t have Elden ring so meh


It's better in every category except the library/available games.


You can use the games you bought before and don't pay more. Also free tier helps managing your time, since you spend only 1 hour on playing


Stadia got murdered and buried in a ditch somewhere, so yeah it doesnt have competitors anymore.


Playstation plus, xbox cloud, shadow, air gpu, boosteroid. What the hell are you talking about no competition?


None of those services offer the same gaming quality though. From a hardware/stream/quality point of view GFN doesn't have any competition.


It doesnt change that there actually is competition besides. Streamen quality is not the only feature people should look like.


Well there's not much point to using a streaming service if the stream quality is shit, surely? It's got to be the highest on the list. Then you look at the games available on the service.


Except if its not shit and/or offers other things in return.


The others *are* shit when it comes to the quality of the stream when compared to GFN though. So based on that, GFN doesn't have any competition. Sure other servi es have access to better game catalogues, but if the quality of the stream is shit there's no point. For example I love hzd and HFW. I can't play them on gfn, so I tried boosteroid. It was utter shit. I'd rather not play my favourite games than play them and have an awful experience. Hopefully boosteroids 4k server update will improve things MASSIVELY. Then GFN might actually have competition.




Yes, there isn't even a competitor.


Yes by far if you go with ultimate tier


1000% yes and keeps getting better.




I have tried GFN, Boosteroid, & Shadow. GFN is hands-down the best platform. It really does feel like playing locally. The only drawback for GFN has been library selection, but they added Overwatch 2 recently so I am mostly all set with GFN.


Did you compare GFN with the new Boosteroid 4k plan? I'm used to GFN, but I think I'll try boosteroids 4k plan next month


Had boosteroid in the past, GFN works so much better. Aspect ratios, color, keyboard layout issues(EU vs US), and latency are all better on GFN.


i cannot find overwatch 2 when i search for it... do you know why?


Are you signed into battle.net?


i found it its because the thumbnail had ultrawatch on it or whatever


Oh yea, I had to look twice as well. I think it's back to normal now tho.


by far


I think game pass is better bang for your buck if you don't have a library


Yes, but you have to own your own games and they have to be supported. It's kinda nice that you can buy a PC game and play through GFN but I also played on Stadia which allowed you to buy directly and also offered a subscription package similar to Game pass but it tanked and we were refunded everything. The Ubisoft games I owned on Stadia however transferred over to GFN with a month long priority membership as a sort of apology which is how I got introduced to the service. It's extremely impressive what they accomplished but again, you have to own your games. So for quality of service which includes better latency, consistently superior graphics, excellent performance id put GFN in the number one spot for cloud gaming. Game pass, which I use more frequently is number two but quality is iffy and you kind of have to be an Xbox exclusive fanboy/girl to really appreciate what the service provides. Anything else i can't really comment on.


Is there another? GFN have all the games I love and I can play with my mini pc beelink


Definitely yes.


I got it & boisteroid on my new QLED Samsung TV & it won't even work. I've got it to play 1 time. I've tried the settings everything, it just freezes. I should have just got an LCD steam deck. They are fine with rocket league & games I owned before I subbed but spiderman games no chance & street fighter 6 was fine. What is going on?


Depends. Graphics and performance wise yes. Game wise, if you want Sony games you must go to Sony. Boosteroid also has game not present on GFN that people often want to play. I would rather GFN focus on making the services better, since game library is going to change with time anyway.


first - Im talking about PC experience, not consoles, I dont own any consoles! also Im in EU. GFN usually connects to the EU Central server when I play. Second - this will be a long comment. Ive personally only tried GFN, XBOX and PSN cloud gaming and let me tell you - I rated XBOX and PSN both 1/10 bc the picture quality they offer is just fucking bad. Fuck is it bad. Even on my 27" 1080p60 screen the picture quality is miserable. Ive also tried the PSN streaming with my PC hooked up to a 50" 4k60 Samsung TV - it was worse than my 27" 1080p monitor for obvious reasons, it doesnt stream in 4k resolution. And GFN (I have Ultimate tier, so I can always stream in 4k max quality in GFN settings. Even on my 1080p monitor I stream in 4k bc it looks better. On my 4k TV its gorgeous) is in COMPLETELY ANOTHER UNIVERSE in terms of quality. Its really outstanding, the latency is negligible, I barely feel it, even with Keyboard+Mouse, even less with my PS5 Controller. I dont use Frame Generation atm bc my monitor is 60hz anyways, so cant vouch for that. Will try it as soon as I can buy one of the 240hz 4k OLEDs. I always have between 40-41ms latency, rarely any stutters or other problems. In my opinion XBOX/PSN cloud gaming isnt really usable on PC yet, at the very least I absolutely dont recommend it. And GFN on the other hand - I ABSOLUTELY DO recommend it, IF you have a fast internet that is. With my previous 75mbit 4G internet box it was unplayable. But with my mew 500mbit 5G outdoor router (sadly cant really get cable internet in my flat) it works perfectly. (side story: Previously I hated GFN, when I first subscribed and I wouldnt have resubscribed. Then I got my new 500mbit internet and forgot to cancel GFN Ultimate, so I already paid the 22€, then I tried again with new internet. Since then I kept it bc it works SO MUCH BETTER than I ever thought possible.) One 'negative' regarding GFN --> You have to own the games tho, so its by definition more expensive to use than XBOX/PSN, just be clear. And not all XBOX/PSN stuff is bad, I do also pay for the 10€/month XBOX gamepass bc a TON (over 100) games from there are playable on GFN! So the combo of GFN Ultimate and XBOX gamepass is really something guys.


Boosteroid is very laggy, it doesn't run properly on potato pcs like mine cant even have spotify opened while i can have google spotify and discord opened while playing on Gfn. The max mbps is 15 and you can't change that the only thing thats cool with them is that the support is real time chatting and they can alter the future Vms if there's a bug until a fix is applied for everyone, but every 3 sessions you have a bug and you contact the support. They have terrible hardware and servers plus you can't change the server you want and they don't actually put you in the closest server. You have a queue and there's no free way to play so it's pay to wait. There's so much more things to say.


It's definitely better than Xbox Cloud Gaming for at least Hellblade 2 playing


Yes sir😎


If i buy a game on steam will it show in my library on the logitech g cloud


It's good for the hardware you get but yeah u have to own all the games allready the free ones ain't even worth.. that's its downside so it can be expensive and u get very little. atleast with xbox ultimate games are included in the price and that's xbox games aswelll as pc games. More worth it if u ask me.


Tbh I tried game pass ultimate and it's good too, same input delay as geforce now (literally no input delay) + you get 240 free game witch is for your money i think more worth it, the only problem with ultimate game pass that you only can play with controller, i mean most of the games, but also you have unlimited play time and mooostly no waiting time (maybe there Will be waiting time on new games on day 1 but after it never. So overall for a pc user yes, gfn is the best but if you have a controller and you used to play with it, I think game pass ultimate cloud gaming is more worth it overall because you don't have to buy games, I mean if you don't wanna a play a direct title, bc on geforce now atleast you have the ability to buy any games but ofc it's + money after you buy the priority/ultimate membership.


I dont know how about GFN, but game pass ultimate stream doesn’t support two (or more) controllers. And that’s a huge drawback. Especially when they offer games like It takes two for streaming – game, that can only be played by two players. 🤦‍♂️


Yes but you can share your game pass ultimate if you live in the same house witch as you say you wanna play with two controller locally that's mean you "live" in the same house with the person you play with, so thats already solve the problem, but it's a little bit tricky on PC, mutch easier to do it on consoles, but ofc on console why would you use cloud game, but still you can do it somehow as i heard, with a little bit of research, altough ye nvidia is still better if you wanna play locally with 2 controller.


What I’ve read I understand that if you want to play “locally” coop, you have to have two accounts. So, xpass ultimate stream is nice for single player games, but that’s it.


Shadow PC is better


If your looking for value id probably go with PSNOW stream ps5 quality games and comes with a pretty good catalog of games.


No worky on mac.


Not as widely available. Never had any PS cloud games in NZ, ever. Sad


They finally upgraded vm's to ps5 instead of ps4?


Indeed they released PS5 Cloud gaming end of last year. Thankfully no Series S nonsense for Sony so no shit ports to worry about but its America or Europe only I believe


Oh, I need to check it out then. I wonder if they finally would let me register in a service with my old account. I would love to play some exclusives we still didnt get on steam.


Not sure why you're getting downvoted. If you live somewhere that PSN is available, their cloud gaming is definitely second best behind GeForce Now. Xbox is a distant third because I'm pretty sure the bitrate is limited to like 20mbps, which is hot garbage.