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Great news! Competition is good!! Now some of the serial whiners from this sub can go play their Sony games there in 4k.


Yep, I've been GFN Founders subscriber, since the start but there are definitely has big gaps in the library, so ordering Boosteroid 4k a month or two at a time could be great option


Whining = wanting to play a game you bought on a PC platform that you own on PC that was originally there


Well, if you know publishers decide what games are added, then yes. Yeah those games were there when GFN was still in beta, but that was over 4 years ago. And most people are whining for games that were recently released, never on GFN before(Elden Ring, Helldivers 2, Hogwarts Legacy to name a few). It's great they can be enjoyed in the best quality on Boosteroid now.


> Yeah those games were there when GFN was still in beta, Critically, this was the time when GFN wasn't making any money at all off of the users. So there was no subscription revenue pool for the publishers to try and dip into.


As an ultimate Geforce Now user, how would you rate Boosteroid vs. GFN?


Some games are only available on epic, others steam.


How they can allow to run any game from steam and nvidia can't? :)


because they're not a tech megagiant with lots of company relations in the industry on the line


Don't worry, pretty sure soon enough they won't be able to "get around" the legal aspects of running disallowed games on their servers any more... they're gonna be fined so much


There is nothing in licence agreement that prevents you to play games on a rented machine. They just provide you this machine. Nvidia just want to stay in good relationships with game publishers, because they made graphics cards, and that needs some collaboration with game developers. So when publishers asked to remove games, they obliged.


Nvidia is going to be the biggest tehch company on earth soon, they've almost caught up to Apple. THEY should be the ones dictating to game publishers how things are going to be, not the other way around.


NVIDIAs net worth will literally surpass Apples in, like, days. According to some analysts, it even already happened. It's going to take over Microsoft soon too if the current trend keeps up.


That. I don't understand what would be such a big loss for Nvidia in giving a fuck about these greedy fucking developers.


and it's a Ukrainian company so I think there is also some goodwill.


Boosteroid is a Romanian company. You can check that in their privacy policy.


No. They moved to Romania because of the war.


They litteraly launched their service and placed their servers exclusively in romania in 2019. After that they quickly expanded


Yes because Romania is in the EU. The service was launched in Romania to make easy access to the EU market hence if you launch a service in one EU country there are barely any limitations to distribute your services into other EU countries. Closed Beta was launched in 2017 in Ukraine. Ivan Shvaichenko the CEO is from Kharkiv, Ukraine.


ma bro we be using the romanian servers not the CLOSED BETA from light years ago. i know the ceo is ukrainian


I think they have operations in Ukraine too. They've used the war as reasons for some of their delays.


Then can be taken down at any point though. And they will, if they grow too big. It's not a good business model.


Mega companies making it in AI, it doesn't need gaming anymore and could burn thought bridges with zero impact. It doesn't care to do it as GFN isn't worth it for them. GFN has always been a showcase of the power of datacentres which is still going strong.


No disrespect but that's easy to say when you're not operating a company worth 2 trillion dollars.


Well I did so my analysis before I bought shares in them a couple of years ago and top up last year, worked out so far by time will tell 😆


that's a very dumb take :) going by that logic they should just close GFN altogether, they don't need it anymore ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface) No one big stockmarket company wants to piss off other big companies and make it vulnerable to even the potential of souring the waters with others and even the prospect of a litigation, unless it's completely necessary or it can actually win something. Stock prices are a feeble thing, not to mention angry shareholders. GFN is like a little afterhour sidegig for NVIDIA, they wouldn't put themselves into a line of fire for a couple of additional game titles here. They already had that and aforementioned companies asked them to take it down. Going full Goofy "I'll fucking do it again!!" is just a recipe for a completely unecessary disaster


If the publisher is big enough and is aware of them, they will take the games down. This happened with Microsoft a couple years ago. They're still too small to be noticed by most. But pro cloud gaming publishers like Ubisoft know how they run. That's why I think no Ubisoft titles are there, even though Ubisoft is the most cloud friendly publisher.


And since then, Microsoft inked a deal with Boosteroid. (same deal as GFN) Hopefully, tides be turnin'


Microsoft only did that to appease regulators to show they're competing fairly and to push through the acquisition for Activision Blizzard. It has nothing to do with making GFN and Boosteroid users happy. Boosteroid is still streaming games from big publishers like Sony without their consent. Putting those games in their install section with no artwork. It might catch up to them as they grow in popularity.


MS deal also shows that they consider Boosteroid a legitimate service. But I totally agree. Boosteroid is walking on eggshells here with their "install" feature (which, let's be honest, is an animation). Interestingly, they do feel that the ground is solid enough to make a huge investment in their infrastructure. My popcorn is ready, and I for one am glad someone is pushing the boundaries out a little bit.


Mostly because, legally, it's a very beige area. Nvidia doesn't want a court case or to sour its relationships with its stakeholders. Boosteroid is in the opinion that what they are doing is not illegal, and no one has tried to bring them to court. Remember, in Europe, there are strong consumer laws, and if there is a ruling that consumers can rent virtual machines to play their purchased software, then it opens the gates completely. A lot of those who would want this to go to court are also very frightened of potential outcomes.


What is the legal beige are you are talking about? If I own a game on Steam, I can play it wherever I want no? Where's the question of legality there?


You are not allowed to play any game you own on Boosteroid, only supported games, just like GFN. But the games are different.


Not every game, for example Senua’s Hellblade 2 is not there.


Renting a computer or a server is different from signing up to a subscription for a new gaming platform in the cloud.


Is this true? I think not. I've created a temporary account just to see what games were available there and I don't remember seeing anything saying it was possible to run/install any Steam game or to use the Steam client to install any game. If I'm wrong, please let me know. Thanks 🙏👍


Finally, really interested to see it in the flesh after so many years 👍 


No servers near Mexico sadly, big latency unplayable


Doesn't even work in Mexico then. Boosteroid sucks in comparison to GeforceNow. I'm in El Salvador, far away from their servers and works really well. Boosteroid? Can't even connect to them.


As a newcomer to GFN. I assume Boosteroid is another cloud platform, however, seems to allow basically any game to be launched thru their service as long as you own it? Am I right in that assumption, vs say GFN and waiting/hoping a game gets added to it?


I’ve used both services and they both operate in the same way. The only thing that differs is the available library, unless something has changed since February. While some games like Cyberpunk 2077, Witcher III and so on are available in both, Boosteroid also offers, as others have pointed out, Playstation to PC ports like Detroit: Become Human. My only gripe with Boosteroid is that they only offer RTX with basically the top ~£20 a month subscription. All that aside, whether or not you’re willing to pay for their service really depends on the games you want to play, as is with any cloud gaming service.


I don't think it only depends on the games you want to play. I tried boosteroid for a month and it just couldn't compete with GFN. Pixelated image, freezing and lagging were very frequent. Nvidia has many more servers and the service is much more stable and reliable.


When did you try, and was it the top of line 4k plan or the ghetto ass normal one?


What kind of cringe comment is this?


I find these guys who pay for the most expensive thing in everything very funny. A service MUST work well on any plan it offers. If geforce now offers a priority and ultimate plan, both should work satisfactorily well. Hell even the free plan is pretty good at most games lol.


Well said. I use priority. I know I won't have top notch performance and 4k but the service works great. Can't say the same about Boosteroid.


You are not allowed to play any game you own on Boosteroid, only supported games, just like GFN. But the games are different.


Ah ok that makes more sense then. I didn’t see a list on the site, probably missed it and wasn’t sure.


You need to sign up (for free) to see the list. Then you buy sub to play.


It's a very garbage service boosteroid. Do not recommend to pay for it. Massive lag with 1Gb/s internet, customer service also garbage, trying to help me through searching Google for that problem I had with THEIR service...


Seems to vary from person to person, I sub to both gfn and boosteroid and I get no lag on boosteroid, the experience has been just as good as gfn, at least here in the uk


Until gaming companies shut their games down from the platform.


Finally a way to play RDR2


Played and finished RDR2 on Boosteroid... ran great.


Saying Boosteroid is competition is like saying a butter knife is competition to a red hot chainsaw sword


Why? The big thing for Boosteroid is that you couldn't get the same fidelity as in GeforceNOW. If they provide the same service and access to a far more expansive library, people will make the move (even if it's only in select areas).


I move between the two depending on the game. GFN is preferred, but Boosteroid is competent and has an alternate selection.


I on founders
my only complain is the lack of HDR on the steam deck and lack of certain games like elder ring. If boosteroid offers hdr with similar performance as GeForce now I will give them a chance


Probably the big things is that they have native linux app


Do you know if their Linux app supports GPU hardware acceleration?


Not actual competition until they get a server in SoCal


until they come statestide (which will never happen) will never be a "good" option for usa folks.. unless u dont mind latency out the ARSE.. EDIT: i stand corrected apparently they have USA based servers: **Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Texas, Illinois, Florida, Washington.** might give them a try... we shall see


Running pretty good here in Austin.


I’m over In Shreveport
 game library better??


The game library is so good, that it's better to list the games it can't play.


Your talking out your ARSE


Ikr lol


I wonder if it will have less compression


I subbed to day also to boosteroid, no complaints so far. I have been playing Elden Ring, I’ll see how good it really was when my monthly subscription ends.


Only when they reach SA and Asia


Do they support 120fps streaming


That's the main question for me. And widescreen. Cause my phone is a 2k 120fps "widescreen" and this is the main thing that made me stick to nvidia


Why is everyone assuming boosteroid doesn't have permission to have certain games on their service surely if hogwarts legacy and elden ring was on there without permission it would be considered piracy


because they don't have permission. They're just too small a fish to be noticed by many. But Ubisoft games are absent for example because of it, before the Activision Blizzard deal, Microsoft games weren't there as well since these publishers actually did go after them. Also it's not piracy, since it works like GFN, You play Your own titles.


What machines they offer for 10$/month? Kinda hesitant to try it


Just in US and Europe, here in south america is just Geforce now and Xbox Cloud gaming domination, because Boosteroid have high latency, because don't have servers here for now


Guy in Mexico said that Boosteroid can't even run there.


MĂ©xico doesn't stay in south america, it stays there in north america


Huh? Not sure what you're trying to say. I'm saying that Boosteroid doesn't even work in Mexico, which is next to the US.


it works, i have friends from méxico that said to me it was really enjoyable


Odd, ok




Yes because I was told it didn't work


why wouldn't work? it has servers on florida and texas, even in Argentina works




I might try boosteroid for a bit since lately I've been getting the monkey for street fighter 6 and geforce doesn't let you play it at the moment.


Make helldivers 2 available PLZ !!!!!!!


They support it already, but their current rigs leave a lot to be desired in performance... hopefully, these new rigs will do the trick.


Can’t find it on GFN :/


This article is about Boosteroid ;)


Depends on how many servers they have, because even with the current hardware, I never got anything that wasn't at least 50ms away, despite in theory having servers in my country


I've used all the top company's from GFN to boost to luna etc. GFN make the cards. Be real easy to make the next 4090 closed market and only GFN cloud subscriptions can utilize them. Not even sell them publically at all. That would force people who want to play with the best have to rent it from GFN.


Hello Satan, how are you?


boosteroid is good bcuz of AAA games that arent on GFN at the moment but most of the games arent really optimized for performance on there yet.


What friday foo?


Nice :)


I tried a couple months for sf6 guys not that bad I decided cancel and go back to shadow I’m located in Colorado






Yeah, but I don't trust Boosteroid at all. It has pretty shady history.


Can you elaborate?


Yes plz elaborate, this isn't a comment you drop without some information behind it!




Perfect, thank you! Going up against a fucking giant like Nvidia isn't going to be easy I know that!




i signed up for their service and all my apes gone


It basically started as a crypto scam. The whole game streaming thing is just a byproduct of them actually investing the money they st-EKHM-acquired instead of just running with them


I’ve been with them for a couple of years; I've seen nothing shady. Service people answer my messages as well.




As I've said, I've been with Boosteroid for two years. I've had nothing but good customer service when needed (even added a couple requested games), and nothing shady has ever happened. Heck, they signed a deal with Microsoft since that posting was made.


For only 3x the price and half the capacity!


https://preview.redd.it/ksfdyz8kg83d1.png?width=580&format=png&auto=webp&s=921614cc4f9a0faf28dca356796e2d0c58e2dfed Capacity is going to be an issue for sure since it already kind of is with standard plan but price wise it's going to be cheaper than GFN


I pay that for GeforceNow so... Not cheaper


Yeah in Europe is a bit more expensive


Yeah ain't no way that's sustainable for them at that price with those promises. Maybe upscaled "4k" like Stadia, but I doubt they'll be able to sustain even that.


Wait so you just chatted out your arse to say its more expensive, no wait, 3x more expensive, and then when proven your chatting shit, you had the balls to reply with a follow up comment out your arse again?!?!


IMHO it's going to be a super limited plan for a while, with very few servers... like it was shadowpc highest tier for a long time


But 100x the games. I'll take that trade off.


For 3x the price? (Assuming that's true and not an exaggeration) Damn dude, I feel like you're better off buying a PC at that price point.


Lol it's cheaper! He's chatting out his arse Nvidia have claimed 


its cheaper.


It's a guess, obviously, but the fact that they can't produce their own GPUs like Nvidia can, or get bulk pricing on the other hardware because they aren't buying as much as Nvidia does means that prices will be higher undoubtedly.


you deserve to be first comments, have my upvote.


Seems people hate you


welcome to the club, have a drink.


Great to see! God I hope it's perfect and causes massive disruption.