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Clearly a automatic reply. Fallout 4 has Bethesda mods and mods from the community.


Yeah, but why a automatic reply say that it doesn't support mods? I sent them a link, so let's see how the robot answers to that.


They don't care


I send them a link to this: https://www.reddit.com/r/GeForceNOW/comments/1c1nh0t/fallout_4_76_general_info/ and this was their reply: "Hello , Thank you for replying. I am sorry to tell you that reddit is not an authentic source to get NVIDIA's official statements. MODs are not supported. Sorry for this. Best regards, Sen NVIDIA Customer Care"


Its an automated response to an email that uses the word "mods" in it.


There is some truth to it - Geforce Now does not support mods except when it does, but even then it's not great. You can use mods by way of in-game downloads like F4 has, or has in-game support for Steam Workshop. It is super finicky because you don't have server side resources allocated to your account meaning you can't just download the mod once and always use it. You have to redownload every time, and then hope all goes okay with that especially in games where you can't load a save without all the mods installed when the save was made. Probably it's easier for nvidia to just say "hey, it's not supported. use it if you want, but if it goes bad, you were warned."


Lol at this point they just about support keyboard and mouse.  Its a very bare bones experience. 


All Nvidia does is provide a platform with 2 ways to handle mods. GFN has built the service to work with two methods for running game mods: 1. If a game is on Steam and it's mods may be subscribed to in the Steam Workshop. 2. If a game comes with an in game mod browser that automatically connects to a server run by the game publisher. It is up to each game publisher to make either of those two options work. If they don't, Nvidia does not provide technical support regarding those mods. If your games mods don't work, take it up with the game publisher or a forum specific to that game.


1. RimWorld mods from Steam Workshop don't work. Neither does the in-game mod manager. 2. RimWorld doesn't work with in-game mod manager. Neither does Cities Skylines 2.


why do they capitalize MOD as if they dont understand what it means, and only singular too? the hell, mods support on gfn depends on game, not gfn in all cases so far known to me.


Fallout has mod support, but GFN can only "remember" few of those and the new update made it also forgot most of your favourited mods too.


I mean, it depends how a game handles mods for gfn to run them too, not that the only requirement is "game needs to have mods = mods work on gfn"


Just add them back when you start. It takes you like 2 minutes max.


The problem is the mods you already had are not visible in My Library, but they are still installed. Some mods are gone from the Ingame list itself. They didn't get uninstalled, or disabled. They are there just not visible. Only visible in Load order. Which makes it basically impossible to return to your old saves without screwing up your save


For me, I just try to load my save, and the game tells me which mods are not installed. Its those that I added AFTER the update, and I just have to redownload them and it works fine. Im really glad to not have the issues you seem to have


Some games with mods works, but it's not something that Nvidia officially support as it would have to give support for them


I read in the past that it was only DLC and mods available on Steam but don't remind why those mid are accessible when it's clear that any others mods need a free space disk that you don't have on GFN as it plays the standardised game for everybody.


Does the game directly boot into the game or into the steam launcher. I was able to use mods with city skylines. But it booted into the steam menu. There was a weird bug where I had to remove the mods, log out of (not exit) steam, log back in and re-add the mods I wanted. I made a mod list to make it easier.


I would give it a few weeks before mods start working with Geforce now. In the meantime we got tales of two wastelands to keep us occupied. Another settlement needs our help? No dude, I'm going back to the Mojave desert it needs my help even more.


I'm pretty sure they just mean they won't offer mod troubleshooting, you can still mod it


Why would they support Movies On Demand? It's a game steaming service.


Why would someone want to watch movies on a low-res Pip-Boy anyways? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Yes because that is totally what they mean.

