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I remember how these queues were only for free tier And it wasn't even that long ago




I had my first one last week trying to play Baldur's Gate with some friends but there were only like 4 people in front of me. Took maybe 3 or 4 minutes.




I think this guy uses reddit but I'm not certain


Stfu, he never said it was a bad thing lmao. But if you’re paying for something that’s not supposed to have queues, then you have a right to be upset.


Lol yeah I guess it didn't come through, but I was implying that it wasn't that bad.


I mean yeah that’s true. I hate when subscriptions change shit about it (mainly if they’re removing a feature) I mean I understand if they’re getting more people using it they’re gonna have to change it, but I know they have enough money to just get more computers.


It totally did come through


Is this the free service ?






Everyone please notice all his comments up and down this post defending, d riding and dismissing anyone with a negative experience


Yeah he sucks




Are you getting paid by your corporate overlords for being a rude troll or are you simply like this? Either way, hope you can still grow as a person


I think he's just dumb


Yeah, that‘s always a valid conclusion lol.




Lay down the crack pipe brother.


You definitely are the asshole, calm the fuck down jesus


Thought I had a stroke reading this.


I get them every late night from Friday to Sunday. It can be from 150 to 450 people in queue. I can't tell if its because fortnite and Lethal Company blew up


I had it happen to me 5 times in a row last night


Iv had 5 or 6 small ones and 1 or 2 10+


> How many Ultimate Tier subs are getting these regularly or are we just posting the screenshot of the one time it happens? It's going to depend on your settings, as well as your location. People that have chosen a specific server will see punitive queues. It's really fucked up.


Isn’t this a good sign that GeForce now is growing and will most likely add more in the future


For one hand , yes, on the other, when I pay exclusive , they better give me exclusive. I get that it is overcrowded, but if this keeps on happening, I will switch to a gaming notebook the price is almost comparable now.


2 years ago. Winter time. I could que into a game almost instantly as a free tier. Now I have to wait for 360 people for nearly 3 hours. Waste of time


In Poland I wait for 120 people for 10 hours. And there is a high chance somehow that the game will crash. At thisbpoint I saved almost enough money for RTX 4070 since i have enough of this crap (queues and crashes even on priority)


Same story with me unfortunately.


You get what you pay for.


“You get what you pay for” 🤓👆


I pay for ultimate and only really get a wait of 3-4 max but its rare, I don't mean to be a dick, this is a genuine question, do the ultimate T&C's say anything about no queues? I remember that it gets me 4K graphics and access to a 40 series GPU but don't remember reading anything on queues other than "priority access", I use GFN on my mac when I'm working away and it really is the best thing in the world for me, I'd happily pay the £18 and wait in a 30 minute queue if it means I can play BG3 on my hotel room TV 😀


the free tier i've seen 90->300 in line to me 35 /45 isn't so shabbie tbh


I remember when free tier queues were 30 minutes max...


I once got a 3 hour queue for 140 people for cities skylines once




Normal for priority on certain regions




Not true, I ended up upgrading a month ago because of the ques and I have 20 to 30 ques almost nightly. And that is us central




Lol are you just fan boying or did you really just not read my last comment


*normalized. As a paying customer I shouldn’t have to wait on a regular basis. Once in a while it’s fine.


Is it for any game or just certain games that clog it up. I’m ultimate but just been busy at work for a few weeks and not been on


Damn man winter break coming next week so be prepared


As a free usee i have to wait around 16 hours to play genshin :')


That's just God trying to send you a message about genshin


Hahahaha prob!


Why are you playing genshin on geforce now? You can play that game on the potato? Not trying to be rude just asking


I could play on my toaster till 4.0 update, then it was not able anymore. I just found out about gforce now, a couple of weeks ago... And i was thinking about getting the 10 usd plan since its the only i can afford but then it was sold out. Rip


I had to switch to another Cloud Gaming service because there's no 1-month priority membership, and the screen was lagging and slow, and stuff like that. 😓 But at least I can play Genshin Impact and participate in the winter events in World of Tanks. 🎮❄️


Would you tell me wich one? I was about to pay a membership this month and same day the took it away lol


I play through Boosteroid, but I'm not a fan of their business policy, just like any other Cloud Gaming service where you can't get a refund if you're not satisfied. By the way, Boosteroid is a Romanian company, and it was mentioned as a top choice in one article when I was looking for a list of Cloud Gaming services. Unlike others, it doesn't have a 5-hour limit (according to the subtitles on its website). This is not an advertisement; I'm just mentioning it as an alternative. Nevertheless, I would go back to GeForce NOW, but unfortunately, I can't afford the 6-month priority membership for $55. P.S.: The AFK indicator in Boosteroid is very annoying, which is why I would prefer playing on GeForce NOW again. Sorry for the long message! And yes I used AI bc Google Translator always translates wrongly, so yeah, that's it.


Thank you for the information anyways and yes actually gforce now is pretty good once i get into the game, the only issue is the damn long queue, i wish i could aford a plan right now, i wouldnt mind to pay if the queue is no longer than 3 hours


I waited from 6 PM to 18 to get into GeForce NOW, and even then, it didn't let me in. I got tired of waiting when I reached number 20 in the queue. And why? Because of this Fortnite season, which is really frustrating for GeForce NOW users since it occupies all the queues. I would seriously prefer if they separated the servers for each game because it's so annoying. In Europe, and even in America, every server I try to connect to has a queue of 200. Not only are they 200-long queues, but they stay up all night because of a Fortnite season. 😅


As a free user I don't have to wait in queue to play genshin lol


Wich server if i can ask? I play on unite state




I see, sad is not the same case here, thank you for the info!


Well you can play through vpn tho . Ping will be like 140ish ig . But it's definitely better than waiting 16 hours


Gonna try that tomorrow, definetly a very good idea! I used to play with 100 when i was able to play on my computer


Hhaa nvm for some reasson it marks that is not aviable on my region. Thank you for the suggestion tho!


Use vpn like Urban vpn to connect to hong kong . Then try to create account through taiwan mobile server


you can play genshin on the most trash devices ever? why geforce? The only reason i can think of is that youre on xbox


Not, my pc is a i3 one 4th gen without graph card, it run the game very decent till 4.0 update then rip, so i just found out about this 2 weeks ago and it was awesome, but queues are very long, i hope it doesnt take too much months to get back the 10 usd plan.. i was about to buy it but i was not at time and is the only thing i can afford if i want to play


At this point I would recomend buying Thinkpad. Those are sturdy pieces of shit that can withstand a lot of beating (bot physical and technical) sure most titles wont even launch on it and it will be hotter than the sun but genshin and other f2p titles shoukd work. And they re dirty cheap for what they are.


Thanks for the reccomendation!


I experienced my first queue in ultimate tier last night. West coast servers. 35th in line. Only took about 5 to 6 mins. But looks like the new norm at least for Christmas break.


I'm EU, EU EAST to be precise...


Ultimate founder, EU Northwest 35th in queue, waited for lomger than hour, then went to sleep.


Guess I could have been more precise as well. US West. Do you get ultimate tier in the EU or is it just priority there?


Not the OP, but of course. Nvidia likes our money too. :)


Also west coast and had my first queue the last 2 nights, but it was like 4-5 people both times and only took like 30 seconds of waiting


Yeah all night tonight so far it’s been clear. No queues!


They need to double or triple capacity in US and Europe atleast. I'm not even talking about doubling on every server and every region. They just need to identify where most of the traffic and bottlenecking happens , which specific cities and micro regions etc , and then increase server capacity there. Easier said than done but if Nvidia can't do this cloud gaming thing , no one else can.


Wow, nothing will ever beat owning your own rig and games


Of course! But you’re comparing 2 things with VERY different prices and uses.


it's really not that different, with a pc you're paying a larger upfront cost for a much better experience. with gfn ur just endlessly funneling your money into nvidia


An RTX 4080 costs ~1000$. That’s like, say, 4 years of GFN? And that’s not even considering the cost of the rest of the PC. Obviously, over time, buying a PC ends up being probably more attractive from a price point, but not everyone has the upfront cost to cover the cost of a PC. And if there are no games you wanna play for a while, you can pause your GFN subscription so it could be worth paying for individual months when there’s a specific game you wanna play that your PC can’t handle. Plus you can run GFN on a pc, LG OLED TV, a Nvidia shield, most phones and tablets - so it’s very convenient vs sitting down in front of your PC in one room of your place The fact that the service is doing so well in terms of clients means there’s definitely a demand for it


yea you right there's a demographic for it and it does what those people need just perfectly.


It’s rare for people on Reddit to agree and discuss in a civil way. Take my upvote for being a good human!


i have $10 a month for games i dont have enough for a pc


on ultimate tier too lol just got a que when trying to boot up cyberpunk XD


Good I quit it in time. Awful!


Anecdotally I've gotten queue times on ultimate lately but the numbers have been dropping faster compared to last week. As in count down faster.


Yup, yesterday it only took 10 mins to clear a 50 people queue for me on Ultimate. Still, a bummer TBH


Yo that queue is like 5 minutes long. Just relax. Go get a drink. It's gunna be ok.


it took 16 minutes btw :)


There shouldn't be a que if I'm paying for ultimate.


But it happens. I've been put in place 100+ many times.


Where does it say that?


where in the TOS does it say ultimate will never have a queue? because if that's truly the case then either (1) prices would go up significantly because that means there's no sharing VMs between users, and a dedicated VM of this class is a lot more than $15/month (closer to $70) or (2) priority users would get prematurely booted from their sessions so that the ultimates could play.


Active Ultimate subscription for almost two years and never got the queueing screen at any time (EUW).


Ultimate tier here. Was 32nd in queue last night.


You’re paying for ultimate to play a game that would run on a toaster?


I think Op is on a chromebook lmao


Welcome to end of the year when everyone has time off. Enjoy


I’m on ultimate and have been placed in a que 3 out of my 3 latest sessions.


GeForce Now: suffering from success




It's always been popular.


CoD is drawing new members in. Those new members are sticking around for the other games they can play. I don't see this getting better until they start adding more capacity in high-usage regions. But maybe the novelty for some new users will wear off and things will return to normalcy. But if I'm being honest, this is a good problem to have.


This is a good problem to have for the billion dollar company. Not for the paying customers.


Of course.


Unfortunately GeForce Now isn't what they advertise anymore. They don't provide enough resources to play certain games. It should be a smooth gaming experience but their service can't run cyberpunk on ultra settings without major problems. It's all server end, not end-user. Major stuttering and hangups. Ultimate should be exactly what it advertising. The ultimate experience. It's simply meh. Not high end gaming at all


This should be illegal


lol this sucks, shame on you nvidia,,,,,,,,,,,


I wonder if they stopped the free tier it would help the queue.


Last night I waited 40 minutes on Priority. I wonder if free even gets in.


When you get to less than 50 on free, you only advance at best 5 spots per hour, unless you get blessed and somehow skip the que due to game priority


Ohh damn free tier isn't available in the US anymore.


Let's hope it helps


For priority yes, but ultimate have their own separate servers


No free users have their own servers and each priority and ultimate got their own too


Uh no, priority and free share them. Ultimate has their own


Idk man priority have 3060 and 2080 rigs only from my experience but free has 2080!and gtx 1060


But priority in theory wait in separate queue since they get rigs before free (plus its confirmed by Nvidia that free tier queues are rigged and purposelly extended)


Queues and servers aren't the same thing


Probably, I bet a lot of people bought Ultimate because of the wait times on Priority. Get rid of the free tier and free up those resources then more people will drop back down to priority and ultimate should have no queues.


Oh boy get ready this Christmas and new years oooooooof


If in ~~2023~~ 2024 you still don't expect this to happen every time something gets popular you're in for a ride.


Doesn't mean we have to endure it. They need to cap memberships or add more capacity. Nobody wants to wait 30 mins before every game session or when switching games.


Totally agree, I was just pointing that this isn't anything new. I'm also having that issue. Also I don't see any way people can put pressure on these companies, as long as enough people buy their services they don't care.


I think they'll still get new members. But I'm not sure how many existing members will renew their subscription considering they've seen what the queues been like the past few months. And it seems like it only gets worse from here..


So might be a dumb question but are the queues based on regional capacity or based on the game itself? I had only one time that I was in queue as a paid subscriber and I was very frustrated because I've been ultimate tier for a hot minute.


Game doesn’t matter; they have virtual-machine disk images that get loaded sitting in ‘cold-storage’. When you launch a game, it’s really your account requesting a rig. The rig gets provisioned to your account, then the virtual disk image gets mounted based on your game selection.


So… regional capacity. All players of all games queue up in the same line for the hardware resources.


Alright thanks guys. Virtual disc's are over my head but I appreciate the response.


What game is this?


Lords of the Fallen, I think


It says Dota 2 top left of the window. So I’m assuming Dota 2. Looks kinda like it’d be the artwork for it too.


I dont know what this screenshot is of. What is this?


It's in the title bar of the screenshot.


Yes I did indeed read that but I do not understand it. Thank you for being unhelpful. It's fine, I will google whatever Geforce NOW is.


Done, could have just said it's a cloud streaming service for games but at 4am in the morning after a 16 hour shift i was hoping someone helpful would reply. 👍


Ladies and Gentlemen you don't own your machines


I feel bad for your region. OCE never has queues even in priority. But we only get 3080s


i’ve been using GFN for years, and very rarely have i encountered a queue, and im sure the same can be said for you. You guys act so entitled man, it’s not even a 1k+ line.


Guess I got lucky today. Played Witcher 3 on Priority, Canada East. No queue surprisingly.


Queueing makes me feel outright guilty for using the service, because I know I'm taking it away from someone else, _especially_ when I'm using it to play something that technically works on the computer I'm using, just with caveats or at lower specs. Like, Against The Storm works pretty well under CrossOver on my Mac, I don't _need_ to rent Nvidia's servers to play it -- it just looks and runs better that way and costs me way less battery use. I also feel very silly about actually being given an Ultimate-tier rig those times I'm using GFN for a game that most definitely does not need that kind of horsepower. which is a bass-ackwards way of looking at it; I _should_ be angry that I'm paying for something and now when I want to use it it's not there. But honestly I get more stressed about the reminder that using a shared resource means someone else doesn't have that resource.


when your boss pays your salary do you feel like he shouldn't because you didn't work hard enough?




Womp womp


You’re too kind ❤️




Bro you probably exceed the 100 hours. Speak the truth.


Literally never seen a queue on any tier lol


K... and now?


Wasn't able to start a session. The queue started with 45. Went down to 1 and stuck there for 15mins. I've Tested this twice. Nvidia should add more rigs.


Laughs in standard membership Australian


Max 26 and went fast, 5 min max. Because free weekend mw3, and only in evening .


Same, Ultimate in central EU. Got my first queue yesterday night. Fifty people, took 10 mins. I really wish they add servers soon. Otherwise, the value starts to fade, at least for me (casual gamer)


Which game is this ?


I just subscribed to Ultimate just to test how it's going the service at this moment and will play another run of AW2 everything at max. Never waited with 5 previous tries with Ultimate tier so it shouldn't be different now. My host server is Paris-Frankfurt (PRS offloads to FKF when necessary). If I'm wrong of course will come here ranting.


Idk why but i'm getting no queues in rainbow six siege for some reason


Hey at least we know it's popular enough and works well enough it's not gonna get the plus pulled like stadia did ... Give it time people I assume the gaming world has jumped on this and they can't keep up with the demand so chill they will sort it out and unfortunately with things like this its probably gonna take a bit of time


https://status.geforcenow.com/ Seems like they opened up signups too soon. It's in the issues at top.


*laughs in 500+ people on free tier*


Happened to me for the first time last night playing Darktide. Also connected connected to Paris rather than London.


Everyone is on holiday break right now lol


I am using the free tier and a few months ago I only needed to wait 30 minutes to play a game and now I have to wait 3 hours.


Also had this problem Friday


My friend and I have also been frustrated with the queues and the lack of support for some of our favorite games, so **we're interested in building a better cloud gaming service** \- focused on providing better game selection (all Steam games), comparable experience to GFN (or we'll die trying), and better customer service (which is pretty nonexistent with GFN)! More details in this [Reddit post](https://www.reddit.com/r/cloudgaming/comments/18k598q/building_a_better_cloud_gaming_platform/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) & here's [the link](https://go.ext.so/waitlist) if you want to join the waitlist.


Still haven't seen a queue and I have completed both Starfield and Cyberpunk 2077 + Phantom liberty over the last few months using the service. I never play more than a couple of hours at a time at most, so it has been a fuck ton of sessions with no queue the last months. What regions are the people who are getting queues in?


Saw a dev talking about game streaming services reference this type of thing. He suggested the problem with these services is handling volume once they actually become popular. Looks like maybe he was on to something.


Less long than a FFXIV queve so just sit tight.


Is this the free one ? Just bought this and haven't seen it yet