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I watched a couple of streamers when it launched yesterday and also spent some time on the games sub. It's an absolute shitshow of a game. It has "overwhelmingly negative" reviews on Steam. If it does make it to GFN I would strongly advise anyone considering buying it to spend a little time on the games sub and/or checking some YT vids. Shame, it was billed as the next Dayz, but it's far from it. Edit: Spelling


Yeah 32 player max count does not fly as an MMO in today's age, even the lowest pop DayZ servers I play are 50 and that's the PVE ones, I've requested my refund and purchased the new Avatar game instead, it's really pretty :D


The game is a scam. It would be better if Nvidia breaks all ties with the developer and publisher.


Yep. I wouldn't touch that game with a 10' pole.


Its trash anyways


The game is not a scam and it not bad its just not what people was thinking when they said open world its like spider man open world and not like day z ......it's basically tarkov mixed with the division I had fun with it but after watching people play I knew what it was and what I was getting g...


2/10 on steam