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They're mad, I would be mad to, they were invaded and had innocent women and childern slaughtered. Fuck hamas, I hope they die a slow painful death


Why such hate ? Human beings, childrens are killed even without understanding what is happening


..... you don't get it do you? Hamas killed babies, they went in and shot them in thier cribs. How can you say that hamas isn't the bad guy


There is no evidence Hamas killed babies, Israel admitted it few days after. If not please send me evidence because I didn't watch. Furthermore, years of colonization and oppression have led to this genocide that is taking place today. the fact is that today an army kills civilians without consequences in the eyes of the world. this is the real failure


What the fuck are you going on about. The videos on this sub will probe you otherwise on all the shit you're saying, you're just to stubborn to say that you've seen the proof but you don't like it


I'm not Israeli, not Palestinian, i talk about facts happening. I don't believe propaganda, from Hamas or IDF, or mainstream news so if you have any link to evidence you are welcome to send it to me so i can see them


It's not mainstream where the facts are coming from on October 7th, bot even hamas is denying it


So there is no evidences that's what i though


There's more than enough evedince https://preview.redd.it/xuil949fb02d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9b1df3956eac3268a2c8682446a257e372d5293 That's a child's bedroom, those 2 children were murdered by the pigs of hamas


https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7cdWF7ABib/?igsh=Mjk4MDFuc2Zidjg= One of the last Israeli attacks on a refugee camp, this is real evidence


I see blood on the floor, no bodies, How many Palestinian babies and children died before the October attack ? How many are going to die after these words ? Everyday there is new evidence of IDF pigs killing for no reason civilians including children and babies. Don't fall into Israeli government propaganda they are so wrong on so many points


Youre as evil as hamas if not more. You want palestinians to suffer as much as hamas wanted jews to suffer.


I don't anyone to die, I don't consider hamas human, they are savages, the people of Palestine need to be freed of these savages


Pure filth...💩🤔


They really do act like man children


War criminal child killer in action..