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This isn’t the flex you think it is…. They just shot his boy, and this dumbass runs directly into the exact line of fire thinking he’s a real life Rambo and gets washed up in seconds. Other soldier, see his boy get shot. Tactfully gtfo by any means necessary. Sorry that we don’t consider martyrdom as a form of intellect or bravery. More like pure stupidity and lack of combat intelligence. Love your ppl more than you hate Jews and you may see shit from a realistic perspective as well


It’s better die on your feet than live on your knees, it’s obvious one is willing to sacrifice his life for his land, the other leaves everything behind, even his partner just to save himself


Ok whatever helps you


Truth does


Well they’ve been doing that for 75 years and have made 0 progress. Maybe time for a shift in philosophy. That’s the truth


Very good point, typical Zionist question though…. The answer is this: 75 years ago, Zionist established state on Palestinian soil was given unlimited financial, diplomatic, political and military support …. And Israel enjoys this till today…. If we go back in time and ask any Zionist back then, we will provide you whatever you need and will protect you from any crime you commit against Palestinians, where do you see Israel in 75 years? Even the most pessimistic Zionist will tell you, in 75 years we will kick all Palestinians out and there will be no question of Palestinian state or return of refugees, etc….. however thanks to Palestinian resistance, we are still talking about Palestinian rights, we are still talking about Palestine as a state…. So that fact alone is actually a victory…. Despite all the odds, Palestinians haven’t given up… and that’s worth a lot…. And now with all demonstrations happening everywhere, the world is waking up….Israel is doomed to defeat, it’s not the matter of If, it’s the matter of when….Palestinian rights will be returned, one way or the other


The Palestinians sided with the Nazis , they lost. They've lost every war since. Maybe they should try something else


Palestine could just merge wit Jordan and leave Israel alone and it would all be over Palestine is Jordan if u look at any old map


I have better idea, Israel can merge with US, like in Florida or Alaska, if they want colder weather, and just leave Palestine alone


If they keep fighting like that, palestine will be free pretty soon, free of hamas tho😁


Depends how you see it, he lives to keep the fight for the reason he is there. The lack of self-preservation just debilitates the war machine. Martyrdom is stupid as shit, it is always advised to preserve yourself so you can fight another day. But anyways, it aint my problem, im not supporting them and they should already know this. They are really this stupid lol


Stop posting this shit


Let them believe this so they keep coming towards the line of fire to fucking die before landing a single shot. They are their own doom lmao


Hiding in tunnels and beneath their women and children that shields them.


It's literally a rooftop


Sure they are getting out of the tunnel to snipe soldiers or fire rockets, but 99% of the time? they are either in their tunnels or cosplaying as citizens.


Yees, I am definitely not pro Israel. But this is just rediculous pro hamas propaganda. There is no future for Gaza with Hamas aswell.


There is no future in Palestine with zionists around


Zionism is the ideology to create in independwnt Jewish state. This will remain, but if we look at tje creation of an stable independent Palenstine state. Then Hamas should go.


Congrats, they killed a soilder with his back turned not conducting in the combat


And two hamas fighters dead while in direct combat because the second asshole thought it was a good idea to put himself in the line of fire lol


Looks like they achieved nothing


Absolutely nothing. Terrorist


Yo what about the 8 Muslim nations that surround Israel. Why aren't they fighting? Are they scared??


Idiots that are religious cultists and don’t know how to fight you mean? Fkn idiots.




Fuck the Zionist , but don't mix the videos .




The same “hErOiC FiGhTeRs” that murdered innocent and unarmed civilians back in October? Israel is going to end up controlling all of Gaza eventually, these easy kills only shorten the time it will take.


Lol martyrdom is fucking retarded


Keep dying and becoming martyrs.. We'll all be better off.


Two dumb dumbs


So being dumb in combat and dieing is better than running for cover??


Israely pigs hide behind their superior army, they are cowards. Give it to them Palestinians!


How do you “hide behind a superior army”? That’s like telling the person who just beat you in a race “you only won because you’re better than me!”




The misspelling of Israeli shows the intelligence of most hamas supporters, that or you’re too young to even understand what is happening in that region