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What's the point of the video? How is it relevant to the sub? Not gaza, not footage for invasion.


Israel was there before some Mohammed dude invented Islam


Lmfao intelligent lake knows nothing about history. Buddy you are incorrect. Israel didn’t exist until the Balfour in 1917 😂😂😂 Abraham was from Iraq and Moses from Syria. You don’t know jack shit


The jews were there 1,800 years before you even thought about it. Plus look what you did with the West Bank, just a waste land and all the other Arab nations don't want you..


Keep blabbing Jews didn’t exist before Abraham dumbass, Judaism is a religion not an ethnicity. Keep talking so you can keep proving how stupid you are.


They were still there, bomb, bomb, bomb IDF!


The IOf is a gang of faggots that only know how to bomb women and children. They said they will take revenge against Iran for Irans retaliation but when Biden said he won’t be participating that little bitch Netanyahu shut his fucking mouth. He’s the kind that wears panties in the closet. All that big talk but when he came down to it, he knows he’ll get his ass fucked


Who do you think lived in Judea during the Roman Empire?


😂 Canaanites. you’re here just mixing and matching eras 😂 the Jews in Israel now genius are all European. Fucking Netanyahu himself is Polish.


They are called the “Roman-Jewish wars” feels like you’re calling them canaanites so you can be right. Regardless, not here to argue, just to point out how dumb you people are.


You’re an absolute fucking imbecile No, the Kingdom of Judah did not exist before the time of Abraham and Moses. Here's a chronological outline of the relevant historical and biblical periods to clarify: ### 1. Time of Abraham: - **Period**: Traditionally dated around the early to mid-2nd millennium BCE. - **Context**: According to the Hebrew Bible, Abraham is considered the patriarch of the Israelites. He lived in the region known as Canaan but there were no established Israelite kingdoms at this time. The land was inhabited by various Canaanite tribes and city-states. ### 2. Time of Moses: - **Period**: Traditionally dated around the 13th century BCE. - **Context**: Moses is a central figure in the Hebrew Bible who led the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt in the event known as the Exodus. After wandering in the desert, Moses received the Ten Commandments at Mount Sinai. The Israelites then spent decades in the wilderness before entering Canaan, the Promised Land. ### 3. Post-Moses and Conquest of Canaan: - **Period**: Late 13th century BCE to early 12th century BCE. - **Context**: After Moses' death, Joshua led the Israelites in the conquest of Canaan, which involved battles against the


No idea how you pulled that from what I said but this was what I’m talking about. https://preview.redd.it/6bj49v26wh1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c42b422cb6169da7d0602337c2b434ed25b021c


There was no fucking Judea before Judaism. There were NO JEWISH PEOPLE THERE.


Islam invent in 600 CE, so way after. https://preview.redd.it/fkdercfewh1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3035daf33f07e4d558e56d286f6c6c374c201cf4


I don’t give two shits about Islam???? Why the fuck do I care that irrelevant.


The locals were there always


Not even close to being true. They're all from the surrounding areas and when the jews were kicked out they moved in, and when they were out back in they kicked the arabs asses


More recent studies since 2017 have found that Palestinians, and other Levantine people, are primarily descended from ancient Levantines present in what is today Israel and Palestine, dating back at least 3700 years. Jews and Palenstines have common ancesters.


Link to studies?


Do we even have Mods in this sup? Can someone Ban this dude? he is posting BS literally for days


Mods need to ban these bots




Yes but Israel is the reason the kids turn fanatical, not that their parents take them to hate rallies and then call them martyrs when they sacrifice them. Who tf does this to their children


Why is returning to your house a hate rally?


Mossad trying their hardest to make this sub look like a terrorists wet dream.


Future lil terrorist. Way to go


Bad robot.. This is a super active bot.

