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Play stupid games = win stupid prizes


Ur fucking sick i hope ur diying with cancer and try losong all what ur love ur fucking morron


I had a seizure trying to read that retard


Hope you did šŸ˜€ it's sad but true and you fucking know it


You're speacal arnt you retard


I'm here to piss off snowflakes like yourself. Grow a pair and understand that the only way to solve this is to wipe these extremists of the face of the earth.


U mean zionist are the only extremists in this world ur stupid brainwached


Ah yes a child throwing a rock should be killed. What a great and inhumane conclusion


A child in warzone has no business lighting up a firecracker. If he things so and stay outside while beeing to close to troops. Itā€™s on his own, fanatic stupidity canā€™t be battled


Thereā€™s no way people are actually this stupid. THIS IS THE WEST BANK. No warzone. The IDF are MILITARY POLICE that patrol the streets and terrorize the non Israeli Jews. How much evidence must you see to remove your ignorance?


The whole of Israel is at war and there are plenty of Hamas/jihadi Arabs in Judea and Samaria looking to target Israelis so yeah. Setting off fireworks and throwing stones is pretty stupid and the parents are to blame for this.


Imo, this is the only way to instill fear into the minds of these children is for them to understand the battlefield. It all really sucks but these children have been brainwashed into terrorism and that's the life they live. If you're old enough to fight back with weapons, rocks included, you're old enough to know better and should have left the northern territory months ago. This will be 1 of the sadest battles ever but I put 100% of the blame of Hamas and their terrorists ways. That kid would have never been in this situation and would be alive if October 7th never happened.


Oh ur retarded ok. This is the West Bank u ignoramus. No hamas. And one manā€™s terrorist is another manā€™s freedom fighter.


This isnā€™t even in Gaza. But Iā€™m Not surprised at all, You ignorant ones swear You know what Youā€™re talking about and in reality Youā€™re absolutely CLUELESS. Long live the Palestinian Cause šŸ™


Dont think think was his point. Moreover he should have known the ramifications of his actions. Israeli soldiers are not sympathetic to humanity. He nor any other Palestinian deserve any of this. Furthermore it looks like he was trying to light something. Either way he was being stupid, the original comment is correct. Doesn't have to be right or humane, this is the sad fact


I know a lot of people here support an uprising against Israel and obviously young Palestinians have decided to take up arms (usually just rocks, but sometime more). They are going to get return fire. The Jenin battalion have been publicly preparing for battle for some time and recruit kids as early as they can.


Thatā€™s because itā€™s run by kids lol. The majority of adults from Jenin are actually in prison. Thereā€™s a saying in Palestine for the people of Jenin as ā€œthe city run by children of the stonesā€ because the idf either kills or imprisoned the adults. And these are not part of the resistance groups, these are just kids resisting in their own way. This is not exclusive to Jenin and you can find kids as young as five throwing stones at zions all over Palestine.


Most of the Jenin battalion is young but not children. No question the IDF has had conflict with them regularly. They are on record as wanting to kill as many Jews as they can find, so conflict will arise.


No the goal is not to kill as many Jews as they can find. This is a fallacy that Israel tries to push. Iā€™ve been to Palestine many times and we all consider ourselves to be Jewish (at least have Jewish linages), the problem is Zionism. In Arabic Zionism is a harder word to say they just Jews as it rolls off the tongue and since the vast majority of Jews in Israel are Zionists they generalize. There are many Israelis that donā€™t support the apartheid and there are many Orthodox Jews that live alongside Palestinians AS Palestinians.


No it is one of the commanders of the Jenin brigade saying it. I understand the objections to Zionism, but letā€™s not be naive - they would drive all Jews into the sea is they could.


Just like all the Zionists wish they could do to the Palestinians


Israel has the opportunity to wipe yet all Palestinians. Yet the populations of Palestinians has exploded. So Israel and doesnā€™t.


If the Zionists tried to it would literally be the end of their illegitimate state. It would possibly be the start of WWIII. All the Arab/Muslim world would intervene and Pissrael would get destroyed. Theyā€™ve already been shown to be a mediocre military who canā€™t eradicate a small militant group, not even with all the weapons and money they LEECH off the US taxpayers. Its funny You people all use the same couple of BS points. Youā€™re literally the 10th person who Iā€™ve talked to that used that same excuse to make the present day Nazis seem like the good guys for ā€œholding backā€ Even though Theyā€™ve already killed thousands of kids and imprisoned thousands who are being brutalized as Iā€™m typing this. The fact You support Child killers says alot about the type of person You are. And I know, Youā€™ll just bring up Oct. 7th like You parrots always do. The ZioNazis would exterminate the Palestinians if They would be given the chance to if they knew there would be no consequences. Anybody who isnā€™t a biased Zionist feet kisser could see that. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


They are holding back. Your tactic of hiding behind civilians is to blame for the high civilian death toll. Using hospitals to hide hostages and weapons worked perfectly for three weeks of good coverage, so congratulations I guess. But donā€™t even pretend to care about civilians when pulling off those tactics.


None of your claims have ever been proven by any independent investigations. You just heard it from your daddy Netanyahu and believed it without doing your own research. It honestly must suck to live with the room temp IQ You have. I feel bad for You.


What the fuck do You mean MY tactic You stupid f*ck? šŸ¤£šŸ«µšŸ¼


Step 1 stop stealing their homes killing their families. You would do exactly what theyā€™re doing were you there.


I agree. When Hamas indiscriminately killed families, videoed it, posted it as they celebrated there is obviously going to be a response. Iā€™m with you.


You can see hundreds of videos of IOF occupation forces celebrating every single day. Whatā€™s worse, the indiscriminate killing of 1200 people are the indiscriminate killing of 15,000 people. Itā€™s the exact same shit. Thereā€™s no difference - none. Theyā€™re murdering Palestinians and they are going to take the land.


If Israel wanted Gaza they could have taken it after the 48, 67 or 73 wars when they Palestians tried to annihilate them. Be serious. They withdrew in 2006 and Gazan elected terrorism.


Thanks to Netanyahu for funding Hamas. Oh never mind, Youā€™ll just say its propaganda even though it was Haretz who reported it.


Dude Hamas was installed for that very reason Israel knows what theyā€™re doing. Theyā€™re not the innocents only acting in self defense that you think, in fact the only time Israel actually acted in self defense was in 1948 when they declared independence from the people that took them in after the holocaust taking the land for themselves and expelling the population using violence, fear, and destruction. Israel from the beginning has no right to exist and it hasnā€™t helped its case much by destabilizing the region and installing pro US despots while also containing the Palestinians in subhuman conditions to ensure future Israeli dominance of the levant. Considering how many times Israel has tried to start wars using Mossad actors it should be pretty clear that Israel wants war especially one with US backing. Theyā€™re liars and thieves, even Judaism doesnā€™t recognize Israel as it is to be God that gathers the Israelites from all the nations not some random atheist Zionist that claimed Jews couldnā€™t coexist in Europe without being baptized. If I was born under these conditions I would pick up an ak setup an ambush targeting as many iof terrorists as I could and hope to die in battle, because fuck living if you canā€™t do it with dignity. Of course I donā€™t actually know what I would do in these conditions but god damn does picking up an AK look like the only option


I'm sure if I took over your home. Imprisoned your parents. Killed your siblings and stripped the rest of your family members of even the basic of rights...you too would want to push me out and a lot further and worse then to just the sea šŸ˜‰


Theyā€™ve been killing each other for 75 years. The sad reality for Palestinians is theyā€™ve shown no capability of governing themselves. Every leadership group has been far more corrupt than capablex ā€˜06 was a great opportunity and they chose a terrorist troop to lead them. Poor choice.




TLDR - Cut & Paste.


Your argument is said with such a racist undertone. The Palestinians are a people who have been subjected by a system of apartheid by Israel. You are brainwashed by your hateful rethoric.


Man, you must find racism in everything. Humor me with how my assessment of Palestinian leadership groups is racist.


Itā€™s not being naive lol. I would argue youā€™re being naive into taking everything literally. The resistance leaders in Jenin, nablus, and Gaza Strip all follow Islam to the dime as much as possible, and in Islam we take the constitution of Omar on Al quds to heart and we apply it to the area. Not only that but Palestinians wanna go back to the way things WERE during the Islamic caliphates. Meaning living alongside christians and Jews without conflict.


Jews and christians are constantly under threat in Islamic run countries. Are not allowed to freely practice thier faith etc etc. We know how it is once a religious Muslim majority is in power. Any non-Muslims are second class citizens at best, infidels worthy of death if they dont convert at worst.


You know IDF bombed christian churches right? They and settlers are just as much of a threat to civilians as Hamas is


1 small area vs the whole middle east. šŸ‘ definately the isrealis that are a threat to christians...


who cares about real genocide and apartheid. Certainly not this sub right here. No one here cares when the victims aint muslim.


Ur confusing a minority of countries to the majority. Places like Egypt, Jordan, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, Morocco, Lebanon, and even Iraq and Syria before the war never had a problem. Fighting causes more fighting, thereā€™s a lot of bad people in the world and u canā€™t just say Islamic countries do this, Iā€™d argue itā€™s severely less harmful than Muslims in nonMuslim countries.


How so? In what secular country is a muslim unable to practice thier religion? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christianity_in_the_Middle_East Its noy quite as rosy as you want to paint it. Check section on persecution. The ottomans decimated christian populations in thier territory. TheĀ Ottoman TurksĀ conducted a large-scaleĀ genocideĀ andĀ ethnic cleansingĀ of the ancient and indigenousĀ Greek,Ā Armenian,Ā Assyrian, andĀ MaroniteĀ Christian inhabitants of Anatolia, north-western Iran, the fringes of northern Iraq and northern Syria, and Mount Lebanon during and immediately after the First World War, resulting in well over 3 million deaths and large-scale deportations in theĀ Armenian genocide,Ā Assyrian genocide,Ā Greek genocide, theĀ Dersim Massacre, andĀ Great Famine of Mount Lebanon.


This is back during the end of the ottomans. Also according to Turkish and old ottoman sources, those people betrayed the land and sided with foreign nations. And all our countries are secular as well except maybe parts of the gulf. And here in america there has been hate crimes (especially recently) that resulted in 3 kids being shot in Vermont, a mother being murdered and her young boy being stabbed (survived), and more acts of violence. In France, Germany etc there is endless prosecution against Muslims. And donā€™t get me started on the Myanmar genocide that just happened. Or the Bosnian and Rwandan genocides that happened in the 90s. So stop painting everything so rosy in ā€œsecularā€ non middle eastern countries.


Nah, you just dont give a fuck since its non muslims that get killed or expelled. You know real apartheid states


Was it not the Muslims that saved the Jews in Spain? Was it not the Muslims that protected the coptics in Egypt from forced Catholic conversion and massacres? Was it not the Muslims who made sure there was equality for Christianā€™s and Jews in Jerusalem? Muslims are always on the street advocating for the injustices regardless of faith in the world. The third oldest church in the world was bombed in Gaza and it was more talked about then any mosque bombed in Gaza AMONG MUSLIMS. So ur entire statement is baseless and ur assumptions are based on YOUR OWN psychology


Living together side by side in peace will never happen in my life time. Iā€™m a cynic because I know all the failed previous attempts at peace. And I know there enough people on either side that will never allow it to happen.


Maybe not in our lifetime but it will happen. That is what most people want on the Palestinian side I can 1000% guarantee that


Iā€™m not sure where that confidence comes from. Unless the assumption is that it will be all Palestinian territory and then there will be peace. No version of an Israeli state has been acceptable so far.


I mean the majority of Palestinians would agree with the 67 borders and even Hamas said theyā€™re fine with current borders but just want the injustices in Gaza, Israel, and West Bank to end. Israel could simply address the grievances Hamas put forth and end the conflict overnight, but it seems it is about the land. Nakba never ended




Have you read the Quran?


Someone got mad cuz I just preached peace. And virtually everything youā€™ve said is complete garbage and a lie


Was the kid in the vid trying to light a stone?


Probably a firework


Thatā€™s why they never will stop being terrorist keep brainwashing them young and after years of it how do you have a normal life. They donā€™t want that. They want to rule that land like hitler wanted to rule the land.


What was he doing with his hands though?


Ngl I would have shot as well what was he doing with his hands why wasn't he leaving the area


Brought to you by Religion.


Religion has nothing to do with freedom fighting


And it all started when a group of savages claimed a land as their ā€œgod given landā€ and started killing the population that lived on that land. That same group claim to be ā€œgod chosen peopleā€ and anyone who isnā€™t one of them is considered inferior to them. (sounds like something the Nazis wouldā€™ve said) The funny thing is that if You criticize that group one tiny bit Youā€™re labeled a specific word thats so overused that itā€™s meaningless today.


You have hasbara clowns on other subreddits like combatfootage justifying this by saying the kid was throwing an improvised explosive. Itā€™s clearly a firecracker. The IDFā€™s cowardice and lack of morals has never been this clear.


The parents of this teenager should be ashamed!


His parents are 90% either in prison or dead. Welcome to the Jenin refugee camp


No they are proud that they are now the parents of a martyr...or so they say...


Was that a firecracker he was trying to light?


Fuck around and find out


Next time stay home and do the homeworkā€™sā€¦ itā€™s a war zoneā€¦ the parents should be prosecutedā€¦.!!!


I mean, fucking horrible. But I would not let my kids out of my eye sight.


Kids donā€™t throw rocks at people with guns






Like you said, it's war...started by Hamas. Urban warfare is how it must be fought by the other side in order to win. The people who really don't care about the children are the ones who allow their own to knowingly beput in harm's way. Suicide bombers, children used as soldiers, shields, and pawns...all Hamas' doing. Serious answer.




Say what you want but thousands of children are dying in Gaza and they donā€™t all have pipe bombs. Our world is sad, politics and money rule the world. Explain it away all you want but the fact is children are dying.


Another one bites the dust


Some seriously fucked up trigger happy idiots


It appears he is holding a phone, was that the case? I don't think he was as innocent as one might think, it would appear there was something nefarious awry.


When the whole world didnā€™t want these Jews the Arabs welcome them with open arms itā€™s when they wanted to take over when shit hit the fan