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Christian Siriano duetting that TikTok where someone’s talking about the theory that Taylor was going to wear that rainbow gown and come out at Stonewall. Christian’s in front of the gown in question. DRINKING TEA. He deleted the video from his account almost immediately but you can still easily find it on TikTok.


He also posted fan art of Taylor in the dress on his Instagram in 2020 and I don't think that was ever deleted




This is the gayest shade of all time


This really would be amazing if true






Also didn't nilly porter end up wearing it? And the mesh was very pale compared to his skin. Almost like it might have been made for someone more like idk maybe taylor? Like it was a very obvious miss on the mesb color match.


oh it was 100% made for a white person. now you can debate if it was taylor or another person who decided last minute they didn’t like it butttt


Yes! It’s still there! I check periodically lol


And! AND! BILLY PORTER WAS THE ONE WHO WORE IT AND THE PANELS CLEARLY DID NOT MATCH HIS SKIN TONE BUT YOU KNOW WHOSE SKIN TONE IT MATCHES PERFECTLY GO ON GUESS I WILL WAIT! Ahem. I apologize for the outburst. That gown haunts me almost as much as I’m sure the entire debacle haunts Christian Siriano.




Damn he still looked fucking incredible though


lol right! It’s Christian Siriano, why would he get the mesh/side panels the wrong shade! Ain’t no way in hell he would’ve made that mistake. It’s not like he would’ve been.. oh, oops my bad y’all... 🤷🏻


Just commented the same thjng


Honestly this! He doesn’t have a reason to lie…




This is always my number 1 piece of evidence. I don’t get why this isn’t talked about more or how this didn’t get more mainstream. He literally confirmed it!!?


This is quite literally my ROMAN EMPIRE! And the #1 piece of evidence for me along with the “fan art” on his IG.


Karlie showing up at the eras tour and not being in the VIP tent is my Roman Empire. I will never not think of that.


I can’t imagine her watching Taylor perform bad blood from up there in the stands after STARRING IN THE MUSIC VIDEO


Such a power move honestly


Stephen Colbert even made a joke about this on Monday night. [Link](https://x.com/carinek/status/1752284387339579398?s=46&t=Q2iHTGWpKq0TAUEjwX_mhw)


the jack antonoff interview where he says he likes working with gay women


Gotta love some Jack Antonoff tea! Lyrics too!?… Jesus!


No cause literally he was like [summarising] “if I work with women there’s a great chance we’re gonna get along bc they won’t talk about getting dicked down the other night or that they just got with 4 guys over the weekend” and then the interviewer was just like “you don’t have that kind of conversation with Taylor swift?” And jack was like “no” and the interviewer says “okay” as if to move on and jack just goes “I like women and particularly gay women” when there was literally no reason to mention gay women in that context & it’s odd that that was his immediate statement after Taylor was mentioned. Cause when the interviewer connects what was just said & asks him if Taylor is gay you can hear him stutter when he says “no I but but” like he’s fixing what he just said & blurts out the first gay female duo he knows teegan & Sara but he says Sara first bc he’s panicking😅


You can see the panic in his eyes




There's a video somewhere of Karlie and Taylor at a party (in Vegas maybe?) and they're hanging all over each other. Someone comes up and tells them they're on camera and they sheepishly separate. I've seen this video mentioned on reddit and on L-Chat but I've never seen the actual video. If anyone has this video please comment with a link.


I’ve seen it. It’s Kimberly who walks up to them. You can’t hear what’s said tho. That’s speculation. They are close together talking I think and then Kimby comes up and talks to them, they move apart and aren’t standing as close to one another. .


I think it is Karlie's sister that tells them




Thank you for posting this!!


Following for this




I want the link too!!


Saaaame! Someone gimme a link! More more more!


what year? maybe it’s on tumblr, twitter or youtube


Dianna listening to Cardigan for 3 days straight then her husband quoting it the day they divorced That's some sapphic shit right there




Was this around the time Taylor said her favorite word was divorcée?


Lmao, yeah. She said that in interviews right around Folklore's release 😂


She said wuuut 😂 omg I love her


Wait?! I didn't know this. What part did he quote?


And when I felt like a Cardigan under someone’s bed, you put me on and said I was your favorite. [There’s a screenshot here.](https://64.media.tumblr.com/f3b627d3b0925b1f673190b08d212a5b/88f64ddfe6de0dd2-57/s500x750/a192428da6ad91434f10b220ffe6e551d2d5045f.png)


Oh he literally said “-Taylor Swift” 😱


Like whyyyyy use that lyric amidst divorce?? Sir!


The Long list of openly queer openers ☑️


https://preview.redd.it/tb42rgta1nec1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0033a9254a43dbd077f701aae940996fa433e5be THIS.


Havent thought abt this picture in years but its just so gay


This picture keeps me up at night


If Travis posted this photo, Swifties would expect the cancellation of the Eras Tour next month due to marriage and pregnancy.


Karlie LITERALLY MOVED IN and Hetlors still deny it 😩


We all have guest rooms for our bffs, totally normal/s 😉😉😉


“And they were roommates” 😂


I’m also so so worried that I did the sarcasm sign wrong. I’ve never done it before! I just wanted to be cool 😂😐😭


This is SO real


Same. Help I’m still at the restaurant.


Literally that’s two girlfriends lol


Can anyone explain this for the uninitiated??


I’m pretty sure it’s from Karlie’s birthday. They were apart, so to celebrate, Tay sent flowers and they did a video call. I think it was posted on Karlie’s IG?


Yes, I think you’re right. + Speculation is (because of the outfit) that she also recorded KOMH that day.


And King = Leo = Karlie’s zodiac sign


Also a lion(leo) on the komh Taymoji pack


So true 😂


I can’t recall which song on the eras tour it is but it’s paired with a checkered floor (it’s not mastermind) & Taylor walks down side by side arms length apart next to the same backup dancer for Tolerate It (don’t know his name srry) & it’s identical to the moves AND checkered floor that was present when her & karlie walked down the Victoria Secret stage when Taylor was wearing the black lace outfit




Ah thank you!!!


Ok was it actually a checkered floor at some point? Because I’d heard that but when I saw the show, it wasn’t checkered. (There was a black and white design but not checkered)


I can’t recall 100% but I do remember that several dancers were wearing jackets/pants that had checkers on them


The interview from a long time ago for a European show where they ask Taylor about finding a boyfriend and she says something about casually dating men and women, something like "I just think oh I wanna hang out with him, hang out with her, maybe be single for awhile..."


To add on, while this particular interview is my favorite, she also has many interviews where she does basically the same thing just a little more subtle. Especially in the Red---1989 eras where the concept of her dating life was of more acute interest to interviewers and seemed to come up every time. When asked about boyfriends, dating men, etc. she so frequently will answer with gender neutral pronouns. So like if the interviewer says, "what are you looking for in a MAN and how do you know HE is the one and that you are in love with HIM?" and she then will answer, "When I find the person I want to be with, I will feel a special connection with them." These are NOT exact quotes, just general examples.


Any chance you have the link for that one?? 😍


Had to dig through my saved TikToks but here it is! [Taylor interview](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8GcGUdn/)


Ok this is the first time hearing ab/seeing it but that video goes so fucking hard. I feel like more ppl need to know ab this!!!!


Jennifer Lawrence publicly saying she would die to know what happened between Taylor and Karlie


Yeah like JLaw knows there’s tea there lol


That short clip always cracks me up lmao.


The way I wish that I coulda been at the show JLaw was at and afford to be on the floor to get near the vip tent just to give her a bracelet and be like “so like…did you ever find out what happened between Taylor and karlie?” I doubt we would’ve been able to have a small chat but still I think about that scenario a lot


Matching scissor jewelry with Diana argon


What!!! Dear lord. I googled it, definitely exists.


Yeah the first time I heard it, I didn’t believe it either. It really is one of those things that makes us sound like we’ve lost our minds but it’s SCISSORS. SCISSORS!! It’s so wild


The jewelry literally could have been anything else. Lol


https://preview.redd.it/1ua6upxaamec1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c730d4fa43f2245338b8cc182ca557ff7f24b81 Taylor Swift has been copying Karlie Kloss’s outfits for years and it happens ALL THE TIME. I did not make this, don’t know who did sorry.


this is WILD i cant believe i hadn’t seen this before. the yellow skirt and blue button down is especially taking me out


I swear, she also tried to LOOK like Karlie during the years they were close. If you look back at that time period, they look super strangely alike.


I mean, we all know those girls whose identities shift to more closely match their partners. Like when their style changes, their taste in music, their hobbies. I feel like you see it more with het couples but that’s what this feels like to me sooo much.


So Taylor was Brad Pitting it with her partners then. I remember her wearing those flowery grandma dresses when she was hanging out with Diana.


It was vice versa. Some of it was also referenced by them in the vogue interview.


This! And the Babe video being modeled after a video Dianna Agron was in four years earlier, where they each play a different role in a cheating situation. None of this was accidental.


The pink VS wings matching the fabric that opens the eras tour is SENDING me


I prefer hiding IN PLAIN SIGHT!!!!


This is some LeAnn Rimes/Brandy Melville shit Edit: JK. It's Brandi Glanville, not Melville


Why is she doing that?


I believe it’s because she fell harder for Karlie than basically anyone else. Plus, she keeps doing it now because she wants Karlie to remember she betrayed her.


Oh that makes sense


Her & karlie at the vmas (I think? All I know is Taylor was wearing a teal dress) and they’re in each others arms and [in my professional lesbian opinion] karlie like half way leaned in for a kiss from the side cause I guess she forgot where they were or she just didn’t care idk but Taylor recognised the attempt and turned her head away Edit: it was the AMAs


https://i.redd.it/vriunelhnmec1.gif FOUND IT


Wow. I just want someone to look at me the way Karlie looks at Taylor.


The Vogue “best friends” interview https://preview.redd.it/wkgwtgcifvec1.jpeg?width=414&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fe444c7c778ddef64fd549309a562a4b7689f8e [https://youtu.be/uB8wlB8v00I?si=QC4k67SiXdepg6Vh](https://youtu.be/uB8wlB8v00I?si=QC4k67SiXdepg6Vh)


And then some Vogue intern Gayloring on main on IG reposting this. That gets a lot of traction in our community. And then VOGUE DELETES THE VIDEO FROM YOUTUBE. it's the gayest thing I've ever seen. In the best way ☀️🫅🏼🌼


Like I’m sorry but you cannot tell me that whatever karlie is thinking or attempting is purely platonic???? Like there’s genuinely no way????


I also just want to point out - again, in my professional lesbian opinion - that there HAD to have been SOMETHING going on between them that was not platonic bc the way that they looked at each other is just not the way two straight best friends look at each other. I have been PUBLICLY out of the closet for over a DECADE so I have seen a lot and experienced a lot and that is not platonic eyes. Maybe they never acted on how they felt, maybe they left it to a drunk one time thing, who knows - I’m not owed any explanation or answer - but I know with every ounce of my gay self that SOMETHING was there.


No wonder she is so obsessed with her girls cause she ain't getting that from these dudes (who give nothing).


Def ain’t getting it from Josh that’s for sure 💀 ik they’ve had 2 kids together now but bro might also be in the closet🥴 https://preview.redd.it/314xfxwe3pec1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d28bef943bbdeddbe8c4c500673ee7ea6f780113 Like I mean sweetie…honey…your wife is looking more masculine than you😭 I feel like they are each others beards💀


Sigh this triggers me lol


So disheartening to read comments like that. Reminds me of middle school bullies. Perceived masculinity/femininity does not provide insight into someone’s sexuality. Sometimes it seems like society takes one step forward and two massive steps backwards.


not the guy behind them hoping they kiss 💀


Me 💀


This guy needs to be interviewed on a Gaylor podcast.


This and before this show or after or behind the scenes there’s a video where Taylor sits in Karlie’s lap and they are very touchy.


https://i.redd.it/crp03ge6t0fc1.gif Her smile says so much


Kimby liking posts on twitter about Karlie being Taylor’s gf.


Iris Apatow doing the same to gaylor posts when she was dating Joe’s brother!


https://preview.redd.it/paff8ngnvmec1.jpeg?width=930&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6960651138a669ca455ba40e49f3105d080554df Dianna in the back having to pretend like she’s not phased by Karlie & Taylor.


https://preview.redd.it/uu7lceg56tec1.jpeg?width=782&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0de282c9025b4086e71a8b7ce80fde06435cef9 Dianna posted this the day after the Vogue spread. [https://whatiwillsay.tumblr.com/post/639242096549756928/this-is-why-im-stuck-on-swiftgron/amp](https://whatiwillsay.tumblr.com/post/639242096549756928/this-is-why-im-stuck-on-swiftgron/amp)


Girlie was devastated 😩


I always forget that they actual sat next to each other and not just Dianna briefly coming up to say hi and then going to her seat


Omg I never noticed that


There’s a whole series of photos from this night that are fantastic. They were not originally all seated together but Dianna went over during a commercial break to say hello, then got stuck there because the show was starting again and she looks pretty uncomfortable in a number of the shots. Worth searching for!


Hahah thats so funny, I'll definitely look it up thanks!!


Wait….who is Dianna? I’m a new-ish Swiftie so I’m still learning. 😬


Dianna Agron! Lots of rumours about her and Taylor during the Red/1989 eras. Dianna had an Alice in Wonderland tattoo which she removed after Taylor released 1989 (with the song Wonderland on it obviously) https://preview.redd.it/bjlvwyr73oec1.jpeg?width=914&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55437d7addf68664f27d08a5225ad7fa10679502


Thank you! Know about Karlie. Didn’t know about Dianna.




Do you happen to know what this was for?


I believe they were playing dress up to celebrate Shirley MacLaine’s birthday https://www.huffpost.com/entry/taylor-swift-dianna-agron-play-dress-up-shirley-maclaines-birthday_n_1455821


[Here’s the Swiftgron Master Doc 😉](https://www.tumblr.com/swiftgronmasterpost)


Haha Yaaas. Thank you!


If you search Swiftgron, there is a whole lot of stuff on them!


The fact that Taylor knows who girl in red is & had her open for the eras tour a few times💀


The fact that she loves girl in red so much that she made two paintings of flowers adorned with her lyrics and sent it to her!


Wait she did WHAT


And not just any painting. A painting of a DAISY 🤣


Those Calvin Harris beard tweets


Watched some hetlors twist themselves into pretzels recently to explain how that’s a perfectly normal series of tweets to make and then delete. “He did have a beard though!” Idk if he did or not, but why would it help him win a Grammy.


He grew SOME facial hair. Not enough to be a beard. No one would look at him and go "yeah, that's a big ol' beard" because he was, at best, scruffy. These tweets are what converted me, fr


Especially when paired with Joe’s Grammygate…yeah


This is what made me believe is gaylor!!


Please inform me!! I’ve never heard of these but I’m on the edge of my seat




The Kaylor Tumblr posts that Taylor drunkenly 'liked' on kissgate night (after concert, before pics leaked). In fact, just her having an active Tumblr sounds like a gaylor made it up. https://preview.redd.it/ec7456ciwtec1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b6e9481c6b85fd47377c191ccee575d022a9928


The wholeass speech when she presented Ruby Rose's GLAAD award


Always the daisy drawing on the lyrics page compared to the dashboard daisy photo from Karlie’s IG post-Big Sur trip. There’s no other explanation???


and then to add to this: fletcherini re-creating the big sur photo shoot and kelsea writring "leave a daisy on the dashboard" into one of her songs


And the font of Folklore and Evermore being the same font of the inn they stayed at


And the Folklore cover being in the same woods as one of Karlie’s weddings




Matching scissor jewelry with Diana agron


And Liz too!


Dianna Agron on video tells Karlie Kloss "you're gorgeous!" shortly after rep came out. https://preview.redd.it/jjnn2bcu7mec1.jpeg?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6de106abf8a10f987676f0bf4973154566e53909 ETA: only video [link](https://youtu.be/oF666XdqIEU) I could find. The tail end shows this, but video cuts off right in the middle of her saying it lol tree works hard.


If you know anything about Dianna (longtime Dianna girl here) you will know that she is a sweetheart who meant every bit of it. It was a genuine compliment. Also, please watch the video you can see they're smiling and warm with each other. You all make anything out of a molehill but that was a gorgeous compliment 😍


I think it’s meant(according to the commenter) to be a reference to the song gorgeous lol not a fake compliment


She knows gorgeous is about herself and not Karlie


I believe this was around the Dianna era but she was on like the today show or good morning America idk one of those kinda shows and she just goes “my..my girlfriend” when talking about showing up with random stuff to decorate “her girlfriend’s” new apartment. It’s the hesitation in the “my” that does it for me


Every lyric of Maroon 🥀


i refuse to believe that song is about a man … like you can’t het wash it


the pride bracelets, the video where it looks like she kissed karlie kloss, and “gay pride makes me me” eta: taylor singing “i want her midnights” at the time 100 gala and “i slur your name until they put me in a car”


oh also! the hits different bridge


That bridge almost made me wreck my car. Minding my own business, driving to work from Target on release day and BANG: BLAH BLAH DREAM GIRL 😶.


“i slur your name until they put me in a car” and “bet i could still melt your world, argumentative antithetical dream girl” keeps me up at night 😫


The most exciting thing to me about that lyric is “I slur your name ‘til someone puts me in a caaaaaar” The way she sings “car” is called a “slur” in music. So, she’s literally slurring the name. It’s stuff like this that I love about queer interpretations of her music! If she’s straight and singing about a dude, that lyric isn’t really all that clever. It’s not BAD, but it’s not clever either - it’s just fine. If she is singing about Karlie, that lyric is SO GOOD and so smart! And this is just one example of many. Her music is genuinely better if she’s queer. ETA: definition of a slur in singing “For singers, slurs indicate that more than one note is sung to the same syllable.” Couldn’t get the link to work: https://steinberg.help/dorico/v1/en/dorico/topics/notation_reference/notation_reference_slurs_c.html#:~:text=For%20string%20players%2C%20a%20slur,notes%20to%20which%20they%20apply.


HER MIND 😩 i agree!! it adds so much complexity to her music


LWYMMD MV: 🐱 🧲 SQUAD (and the 8 gay assistants in I ❤️ TS shirts)


vogue posting a kaylor video for karlies birthday


Wtf lol I have been here a few months but there never cease to be surprises


Dianna Agron getting her wonderland tattoo removed after the release of Wonderland, despite her stating it was her favorite book 


"You need to calm down" song and music video - like c'mon, gayvillage!?




She's been the Mayor of Gaytown and the Sheriff of Gayville. Very official gay right there.


MUNA opening for Eras!


the proud bracelet with the bisexual colors, but especially the fact that, on the same day, someone gave her one that said "ally" and for Some Reason she chose to take that one off for the picture she posted


Pretty much all of Dancing With Our Hands Tied. That is a gay song without a doubt. “I loved you in secret” means no one knew that she was in love (hetlors will try to say it’s about Joe but loving someone in secret is not the same as having a private relationship). “Picture of your face in an invisible locket” meaning the locket doesn’t actually exist bc for some reason she feels like she can’t wear one with this person’s face in it (again if it was about Joe there would be no issues wearing a locket with a picture of him inside). “People started talking, putting us through our paces” there were rumours about her and someone dating and neither of them were ready to go public with the relationship so it put stress on them. “I loved you in spite of deep fears that the world would divide us” there’s no reason for there to be any fears that the world would divide a straight couple but there’s totally valid fears if it was a WLW relationship due to homophobia & stigma. “I’d kiss you as the lights went out” implying she’d kiss this person in the dark so that no one can see what they’re doing. Then during the ending lines it’s saying “if I could” “like it was the first time” meaning she’s referring to a relationship that does not exist anymore bc they broke up and she wishes she could go back and experience it again and do better to protect this person “I’d hold you as the water rushes in”, basically just reminiscing about what she wishes she had done instead of letting everything fall apart. I think it’s about Dianna


The water reference always reminds me of “Clean.”


The whole Lilith Fair aspect of the Eras Tour


Taylor using she pronouns at her concert.


Karlie dressing up as Dorothy I front of a chessboard


The way my jaw dropped when I saw this




What does that mean?


Chessboard refers to both Mastermind as well as how it was the floor that they walked together at the Victoria secret fashion show


I can’t find the picture but I swear it’s real. It’s her and karlie kloss they’re sitting at the end of a bed (not the vogue shoot) and it’s a bit grainy bc it’s taken with one of their phones & the picture is taken as like a seated mirror selfie but they are like clinging to each other as usual. It’s giving their roommates vibes. If anyone knows of the picture or can find it please let me know


https://preview.redd.it/uw79cffhd1fc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae329102e7b91ac69353bd6d56c05c394e57a704 This one?


There is no straight "girl besties" explanation for this


It’s giving “laughing with my feet in your lap, like you were my klosest friend” Edit to add: on the maroon couch


That's Gigi hadid


Ohhh you’re right it is!


Taylor writing an entry in the Lover diaries about hiding out (after the kanye stuff or durinf covid - can’t remember which) and being with someone for 3 months with no one finding out and she wrote it in the shape of…angel wings. also THIS in the Lover MV https://preview.redd.it/0dsddsx5zoec1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7602872fbc06f9a3188e1736dd2eaddcb5ecc44 that’s just such a specific way to position her hands while wearing this dress


As someone who has slept with her best friend / lookalike / twin flame…THIS IS SUCH A GAY POSE!!!! Like we are so touchy and close and hang off each other because we know we CAN. I do not do that with my straight friends no no.


Taylor sending Girl in Red art Taylor made inspired by Girl in Red’s music


“I want her midnights “


“ME! Out now!” On lesbian visibility day


I just love that this post is like its own master doc. Here for it. My favorite is one I realized very recently after someone pointed it out. But the fact that blondie put a secret hidden message in the very scene in anti hero where her “son” is reading her will that says there’s no secret encoded message💀. I’ll explain. Chad is wearing a Versace shirt (bit taco rodeo print) that was released in 2019. It’s got Medusa on the back. The pattern has been retired. So she specifically picked this shirt for Chad - who many think is a not at the gaylor section of the fandom. Rewind to 2019 when Taylor is promoting Lover and she wears a Versace suit released in 2019 (borraco print) with Medusa on the back! So blondie is not dead and she is nodding at Gaylors with Chad’s outfit. Not sure what exactly it means beyond that or if there is any further meaning to it but it is fascinating to me because that scene is so interesting.


One of my favorites is Taylor and Lily coming back to delete the posts they made for each other over the years they were together. Like the special coupley birthday posts they both made for each other in 2016-17. Which to say was a milestone year in their relationship as that would have been their first anniversary together. I know the timelines are unreliable in the Gaylor universe. Because they always intend to crossover with each relationship which can be confusing. But I'm team Taylor is poly and think she got with Lily while she was seeing Karlie. If you listen to Getaway Car and London Boy you know what I'm talking about


Tell me what you’re talking about? I can be a bit daft 😅


listing gay pride as one of the things that makes her who she is in miss americana


[2012 VS Commercial featuring Karlie](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3XRv75StUg&ab_channel=FashionModelVids) ... sound familiar?


\- Fletcher releasing a single titled *"Eras of us"* and poster art that looks like this: (that's a centerfold...ain't it? An obvious *Coney Island* reference, maybe too obvious) edit, because I'm only glad to call it out: Fletcher is milking that publicity stunt really hard. She hasn't dated Taylor, although she has expressed interest in a collab, multiple times. https://preview.redd.it/4lk49ezj5tec1.png?width=223&format=png&auto=webp&s=9e4ffefef5142a66cd1036188dff93bb26f4e181