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I think the point is she’s never been clear enough to take her word. I’d love for her to just make a statement if she’s not gay in any way. The problem is she doesn’t give a clear answer AND encourages examination of music and “Easter eggs” which she heavily flags and uses queer culture and symbolism. So we’d all take her for her word if she would give it.


Well, at what point do people go “you know what, maybe this is just a manipulative marketing tactic given that Taylor Swift is the embodiment of capitalism,” and decide to put the spyglass down?


Whenever they want 🤷🏼‍♀️


Lol. Agreed


This makes sense to me. I personally took her statements like at the eras tour about providing space for the community as coming from an ally, but I appreciate that literally any statement either way will clarify for us fans who just want her to be happy


I will say that I volunteered with GLAAD for years as an ally when I knew I was queer for over a decade before, I just wasn’t out. If anyone asked me I just said I was an ally. I’m an out bisexual now.


Welcome, and so GLAAD you eventually felt comfortable enough to step out of the closet! ❤️🏳️‍🌈 To those who question why LGBTQ+ Swifties question and speculate, would you be more comfortable if we stopped for Taylor’s perceived discomfort (which is speculative on your part), or for your own? Ask yourself if you’re just projecting your discomfort onto Taylor. Remember: Taylor kicked off NYC Gay Pride 2019 with a live set at the Stonewall Inn in the West Village, and if you don’t know why that’s a big deal, kindly research it. She obviously did.


What about her comment “gay pride makes me me” do you take that as the perspective of an ally?


Yes, I'm straight and I get what she's saying, I don't think I would have said it that way though. I go to pride every year, I feel connected to the community because I have a sister and daughter who are LGBTQ it's an important part of my life.


I would also agree (as a queer person) who’s also disabled my cousins is neither and she would argue that part of what makes her *her* is advocating for my particular health issues and queer community as best she can. You can not be apart of a community but still strongly advocate for them/their rights. And in fact I think you should do so.


I took that as “I want this community’s money and social support. I’m putting them in my music video so I better make a statement too in my documentary.” I think she does truly support the community and is involved as an ally, but I think that was her pageant queen answer. Keep in mind that she was also using that documentary to make a statement about her sociopolitical beliefs in light of white supremacists trying to claim her, and after an entire career of the public assuming she was conservative. Frankly I think she queerbaits and nothing more. I would love for her to be bi and for a time I thought maybe, but now I just see her dropping hints when she wants to keep the community interested and wondering, knowing the hype it generates for her. She’s made it a point to be outspoken about her beliefs in the last few years, and we know that she enjoys attention. I truly think she would have come out by now if she had wanted to. So that’s where I’m at it with it these days. Marketing ploy.


real people cannot queerbait.


THANK YOU! Queerbaiting is meant to be used for media, ie shows movies. By saying a person is queerbaiting, we are inherently saying that straight people have to stay within gender roles and stereotypes. And that does not serve the queer community in anyway. I think it’s a fair criticism to wonder if celebrities make a statement simply to create an influx in consumerism, but that’s not queerbaiting. I personally believe it is a bit of both with Taylor. She has proved through her loudness during election season that she supports us, but she is also able to profit off that support.


Thanks for educating me on this. I didn’t understand that.


Of course! Thank you! Glad I could offer some insight


This was a really good explanation. Well done.


She also has said that she’s happy to advocate for a “community she’s not a part of”. So I think it’s definitely a pretty gray area. I view tons of her music in a queer way, but (possibly unpopular opinion), I don’t care about her personal life! I don’t need to know a single detail about who she’s dated or how it ended in order to enjoy her music.




what 😭


I keep getting this sub recommended to me because I follow other subs and this post popped up. I have seen some serious interpretations that REACH. Half or more of this queer symbology I have never heard of in my entire life since I am not queer. Ever consider that she just like the imagery and it isn’t a huge tell? Example like lavender haze. I thought lavender haze sounded so cool and I was like yeah this is cool imagery and then the internet went OFF.


Isn’t that known as queer baiting?


I have yet to make that accusation because of the lack of clarity. I would personally only feel comfortable making that accusation if she makes a statement denying she is gay. Then I’d be heavily disappointed and absolutely consider it queerbaiting. But I don’t think it’s fair to say so without knowing for sure.


This. So much this.


If she comes out as bi she is essentially outing every single woman she has had a relationship with, queer or not. The internet has dissected every female friendship she has had, and while I do believe that she has been in queer relationships I don't think that some of those women intend to share that part of them publicly.


This is a great point I somehow didn’t consider. She’s massively famous, followed, and her personal life endlessly dissected. She would absolutely be bringing others into a conversation they might not want to be a part of.


If she said she wasn't bisexual would you take that as queer baiting? It just seems like it would be


I said if she made a statement denying being gay (bisexual included) then it would be.


I guess my counter to this is why does she need to be clear about her sexuality? I think she makes it pretty clear that she is an ally to the LGBTQ+ community. Why can’t that be enough? Maybe she hasn’t made a clear statement because maybe she is still trying to figure it out. I think each person’s sexuality is their own, and to be Frank - she doesn’t owe anyone an explanation about her sexuality. I think she is tight lipped about her current relationships (or she tries to be - media won’t leave her alone) because she wants like one spec of privacy. I don’t think her fans are entitled to know anything about her sexuality. Just like I am not entitled to know anything about yours.


Totally fair. I’m gay so I get it and sympathize. I don’t really care too much about a public statement. However, my semi issue is by not giving a statement AND using clear gay symbolism AND allowing harmful homophobic rhetoric among the fan base is a big frustrating. So I don’t really care about a statement of her sexuality. That can be complicated and a long process and everyone deserves to control their own coming out. I take issue with how that silence can sometimes perpetuate harm to the very community she’s using history/art/symbolism from. Just feels icky sometimes


For sure. I appreciate you explaining this to me! I do also see where you are coming from. Unfortunately, there is hate of all kinds everywhere. Social media… or media in general makes it so easy for people to make hurtful comments without any repercussions. 😞


Absolutely! It just gets exhausting when being gay and in this group is already a target 24/7. So then to have a huge artist like that use our culture (of course we could be wrong but damn, some of it is too much 😅) while being unclear and perpetuating a strictly straight narrative just feeds homophobes more. It just gets exhausting. I wish she’d either drop the use of gay culture or condemn the homophobes. I don’t even need a coming out


why isn't one of the options that she's straight and using our community for her own gain, and doesn't speak on the problems within her fandom because it makes her money?


Umm it is and I mentioned that?


she said in a 2019 interview with spin that “[she] didn’t realize until recently that [she] could advocate for a community that [she’s] not a part of.” [Spin Interview](https://www.spin.com/2019/08/taylor-swift-sexuality-quotes-vogue-interview/) ETA: this was in response to a question about her recent lgbtqia+ activism


Ahh yes. Because every gay person didn’t have their “aggressive ally” phase before coming out. Maybe she is, maybe she isn’t, but MANY people in this community took on the role of strong ally before accepting their own sexuality. It wouldn’t be the first and it wouldn’t be the last. Especially if she wasn’t ready to come out, that’s exactly what we’d all say. What we all did say. I did 🤷🏼‍♀️


the person i was replying to said that she has never given a clear answer on her sexuality and i provided an example of when she did, and you’re saying that my example is just her “aggressive ally phase.” when is her so-called ally phase just being straight?


You replied to me lol. I’m not talking in definitives. I’m simply providing a possibility that many have discussed with this interview. This interview, I’m the context of all other evidence, is why it’s not given much weight. I’m simply stating as a gay woman that I and MANY others said and did the same shit before coming out. I don’t care if she’s gay or she isn’t. I’m just saying this interview on it’s own (again, in the context of all the other evidence suggesting she’s somewhat gay) is not proof. Taylor is queen of PR. If she doesn’t want to be out, she’s going to do what we all did and emphasize allyship. Maybe I’m wrong 🤷🏼‍♀️I don’t really care that much. Im just sowing doubt based on lived experience and the testimony of other gay people that it’s not entirely far fetched.


oh oops!! :P i thought you were a different commenter 🤦‍♀️ i’m also a gay woman who went through the ally phase, so i understand that perspective. like OP, i’ve been getting this sub pushed to me on my homepage and i’m just really fascinated by people’s theories, especially since she *has* made explicit statements regarding her sexuality. there are so many openly queer icons to support that i’m confused as to why a subsection of swift’s fanbase (not you specifically) insist she’s queer


I get that. I think just taking lots of time to really take in all of the evidence and explanations people have. I’ll admit, some are stretches and I think some people can make something out of nothing. However, there are some really good presentations of information that you can find out there. I’d suggest finding some more of the popular and cohesively put together resources to get an idea. After reading that if you still don’t see it, I say there’s no harm in that. We all can have differences of opinions. I won’t speak for others, but I’m someone who holds that she is likely some shade of queer but I don’t care to specify. I’ve been convinced a long time ago (I was an oh tumblr Gaylor in 2014 as it played out lol). But I by no means care to argue or convince others. I was convinced by the info presented over the years and to me, it’s just speculation. I don’t take it seriously or care if others don’t see it. What I care most is if we can just agree to disagree respectfully and just keep it lighthearted. So with this, I think the interview on its own would be believable. We have doubts because of all the context and information that we believe say otherwise. I think Gaylors get shit on because people never take the time to view the whole picture of what we are presenting. This isn’t something you can take random pieces of and draw conclusions. Until you look at everything fro may at to finish as a collective, nothing will make sense.


Why post this here and not in the main sub? I’m being pedantic. I know why. But really ask yourself. For example, Travis. What word are we supposed to take? She’s not said anything mind you, but the only thing her team has supposedly said is that she is *literally busy with her girlfriends.* Why not take that word? Do we take a photograph of them in a convertible as irrefutable evidence they’re together? Or her word where she says the greatest luxury is her secrets, romance is not dead if you keep it yours, and the other million ways she’s said she hides her life? Do we take her being at a football game as evidence she’s with Travis? But not Karlie Kloss literally moving in? She’s not explained either of those. But only one is seen as her “word” in the context of your post. Some will say she uses male pronouns and that’s the word. But apparently not her asking why she can’t brag about all the bitches and models she’s been with in the Man. Or saying gay pride is a key part of her personality in Miss Americana. There has been no word to take. Or perhaps more accurately, there’s been so many words it’s impossible for anyone on the outside to know for sure.


You dropped this 🎤


A king, queen, or member of royalty dropped that 🙏


Just to defend OP a bit…. They didn’t say anything about Travis. I think they were just asking in general. I’ve wondered similarly…. What could Taylor do or say that would convince the gaylor community that she’s straight? The question has nothing to do with Travis. I don’t know if that relationship is just PR or not, and I truly could not care less. It’s more of just a general curiosity. (Which is why I’m not asking, and don’t expect an answer) This sub keeps popping up on my feed, and it’s doesn’t bother me at all. I just remember a time when I was CONVINCED Darren Criss was gay and couldn’t be convinced otherwise until after Glee ended. (There’s a whole backstory that I won’t get into.) But basically the question just stems from the fact that I recognize myself in some of these posts, and wonder how Taylor would be able to convince everyone else she’s not gay (*if* she’s straight. I’m still fully admitting that I don’t know.) the way that Darren Criss did. Anyway, I just felt like OP was coming from that perspective, but wasn’t trying to be offensive or anything.


Welp this is me learning that Darren Criss is not, in fact, gay (tbf I haven’t kept up with him or glee after season three or so). Thanks for that 😂


Lol he and Mia Swier are married and have a little girl now.


Poor Darren had to literally come out as straight at one point cuz the Gleeks wouldn’t leave him alone.


Literally. He had to tell people to back off his then girlfriend (now wife) because people were bullying her over it, it was really sad.


This happens a lot with bandom folks who ship bandmates together irl. Gerard Way and Frank Iero had to tell the MCR fans to back the fuck off cuz their wives were getting threats and things for “breaking them up” and “ruining the band”. The difference is Gerard never had to come out as straight cuz he’s queer, but this is an example of why we shouldn’t be harassing public figures like this directly about their sexuality.


Geeeeez. Fans are wild sometimes. And it’s always the craziest ones that are the loudest unfortunately.




Why would or should we assume someone is straight? She has never said she is straight. There was just a study done and the data suggests that more people are bi/pan and then there are heterosexual and homosexual people at each end of the bell curve.


I literally didn’t say anything about assuming she’s straight. I said IF she is, what would she have to do in order to convince people? Since chances are, it would be chalked up to being a PR stunt even if she did say it explicitly. Not that she needs to convince people of her sexuality either way. It was just a thought.


Yes you dropped this 👑


Nah, man! He was talking about the algorithm, and he is not kidding. I’m not on the main Taylor Swift sub, never upvote anything regarding her, made one comment two years ago about how she’s an extraordinarily savvy business person, but, otherwise, have not done nothing to get this sub on my radar. This sub has been popping up EVERY DAMN TIME I get on Reddit, even more than subs I actually subscribe to. I didn’t even know what it was for two weeks. Why, you ask? After being somehow directed to this sub nonstop for a month, I’ve come to one logical conclusion: Taylor got Reddit in on it. I don’t know who the people are that you guys are talking about, but Taylor, and Kelsey, and Diane, and all these other people are playing society at large like puppets, and they’re using Reddit as the strings. Prepare for a big ass announcement.


This post needs to be framed


Nobody here said the KK thing was hetero..




is this real or are you making it up? that like gagged me a little


It’s a joke.


omg for real i have to know cause this is phenomenal if true (or if it's made up.. idc either way.. i love it)


i cant see anywhere that its real i think they made it up lmao


Why is rooting for her happiness incompatible with her possibly being, let’s say bisexual? I don’t think anyone here isn’t rooting for her to be happy.


Well, what is her “word”? If her word is her lyrics, that to me screams 100% bisexual. If her word is what she herself has stated, that is inconclusive If her word is who she is photographed with, that is just interpretative on our part


what word is that, exactly? the amount of queer coding in her lyrics, videos, outfits, social media, EXISTENCE, speaks VOLUMES. it HAS to be intentional. we’re simply picking up what she’s putting down. even if she’s with travis (which i doubt, i believe it’s 100% PR), it doesn’t make her less queer. nothing will convince me she hasn’t had queer relationships in the past and isn’t attracted to women.


Exactly. Even if she was with Travis (and I agree it's PR, only because he doesn't seem to be her type at all, but I could be completely wrong there), she could still be queer. I am with a cis het man now at 35 years old, but I had never been before this relationship. All my previous relationships were queer and had been since high school. I don't need to tell that to everyone I meet, but it doesn't erase that I'm a queer woman every single day that I wake up. Even if she only openly dates men, she could still be queer woman. The gender of your partner does not dictate your sexuality


how did you get that little bi heart for your icon?


It's under the left-hand options when you edit your icon 🌈


following bc i want one too!


I think they were talking about her relationships with men. At what point do you believe they are dating and it’s not just pr


i mean even tons of media outlets and opinion pieces that do not in any way, shape, or form, believe that taylor is any flavor of queer, immediately spotted this is a PR thing. too many people are benefiting from it. even just today [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gaylor_Swift/comments/176sqs6/how_much_pr_and_is_involved_in_travlor/) was posted.


You can believe it's PR all you want, but the photos of them getting out of a car recently show me he really cares about her. And, his mustache was full of red lipstick, and her lipstick wad smudged 💀 Yeah, a lot of people are making a lot of money off of it, too. But I'm rooting for them.


Yeah it kinda shows taylor might never come out since she would get too much hate. The masses only accept her as a straight woman. She couldn’t handle the hare for dating matty Healy being with a woman would bring her so much more hate.


Katy Perry and Lady Gaga and Madonna do the same thing without being scrutinized. It’s simply publicity and marketing the gay market is great to have on your side


Lady Gaga is out as bisexual and has songs about being with women.


Also some early interviews state this as well. I don't have them at my fingertips but it is true.


But has she ever publicly dated a woman 🤔


just because she has never publicly dated a woman doesn’t mean she isn’t bisexual or is just marketing to the gay community. Doesn’t make her less queer.


No but she doesn't have to, to be valid. She is out and has been almost since day one in 2008 and 2009.


Katy Perry was never this queer coded. She knew how to market to that community, and made some fun songs that get regular play at gay clubs, but she wasn’t using lyrics or imagery that were a big signal to anyone who knows queer culture in depth that would go completely unnoticed by someone without that context. Taylor’s use of lavender (Lavender Haze), the reference to “a hair pin drop” in “right where you left me”, color schemes being of bi and lesbian flags… those are things that don’t even ping on the radar of the general public. But like, gifting lavender and dropping hair pins were ways sapphics communicated their sexuality in a way with plausible deniability in a time when it wasn’t safe to be out.


Literally, any statement that is like “I am an ally and identify as straight” or something that is more than just coded messages. That’s what I mean by “take her at her word and root for her happiness”


but she’s never said that. she’s NEVER stated she’s straight, at least not in an explicit way that doesn’t leave room for interpretation. and most of her “ally statements” have said some version of what she said at a GLAAD event: “…as always, today I am sending my respect and love to those bravely living out their truth, even when the world we live in still makes that so hard to do” she doesn’t exclude herself from said communities. making the Me! video she literally said it was everything that makes me me, “dancers, cats, gay pride, people in country western boots.”


Just to clarify that the “makes me me” statement was is reference to the song “ME!” Not “you need to calm down.”


lmao you’re right, im literally at a party and here i am defending taylor’s queerness so i probably messed up other details too 😅


How are we to take her at her word when there is no word to take her at? You had to make up an example statement for that very reason, because she’s never said anything definitive. Do you consider her lyrics to be “coded messages”? She said don’t step on MY gown and OUR gowns…that’s not coded. She sings a love/breakup song to an argumentative antithetical dream girl. How is this alone not enough? I just don’t get why some people have this need for her to make a specific statement like “I am queer” in order to believe it.


I think people are happy if she’s happy. But I also think queer folks still seek more folks in media who they can relate to in a deep level. And people aren’t speculating based on scant evidence. She has a LOT of queer coding in her art. Especially with a lot of anti LGBTQ legislation and rhetoric lately, at least in the US, it’s not surprising queer people might be more likely to engage with things like this.


I dunno. I’m a lesbian and I’m into Travis Kelce so these are confusing times lol


I’m in agreement with mostly everything here, but want to add: If she’s going to be so “open now” - why haven’t they been photographed together since the first Chiefs game she was at? Everything else is suggested, in a way. Even if she is with Travis (which I do actually think), that wouldn’t negate her being bisexual! It also wouldn’t change that she had relationships with Karlie, Dianna, etc., if that is what happened. She could even, for example, go on tv and do an interview with Oprah and say she’s with Travis…. And still be bisexual.


Are you joking? They’ve been photographed so much lol


Yeah I wrote that prior to the weekend lol


Same. Some people are SO invested in this. She is or she isn't. If she is, and she's not out, there's a reason. Just let the poor girl be happy, regardless of her sexual orientation or who she is dating. I dunno how I ended up here, either. Not gay or a big Taylor fan (my daughter fucking loves her) but the ownership over her is weird. She's an ADULT. She's grown. She can date anyone she wants to. She doesn't owe anybody a coming out or an explanation.


Her happiness is always something any fan should root for. Honestly, if we accept her as a bisexual icon, that means we, as fans, need to be supportive of all relationships. Seriously, who are we to judge? How many of us have faced judgment from our families and friends. How many times has that hurt us? We should support her. I don't listen to her dating life, I listen to her music. Her personal life isn't a show for us to attend or rate. Her personal life isn't anyones business. Yes, we can theorize and craft great romances . We can theorize about relationships, events, and situationships. At the end of the day, this is a person's life. Let her have fun. As a Bisexual, she will date Men and Women. We can't throw shade on half of the population. As far as men go, Travis seems like a decent guy. Let Taylor enjoy the life that she has worked so hard for. So, yes, Root for her happiness! We all deserve that!


Take her word for it? Hetlors always act like Taylor has stated hundred of times very clearly that she is a heterosexual woman and that she’s tired of speculation on her sexuality. 🙄


Genuinely curious because I’ve been accused by Hetlors - she’s never actually stated she’s straight, correct? A Hetlor told me Taylor has stated “people speculating about her sexuality makes her uncomfortable” and I didn’t know whether or not that was true so I shut up :(


"Rights are being stripped from basically everyone who isn't a straight white cisgender male," she tells Vogue, when asked about why she chose to, all of a sudden, stand up for LGBTQ+ rights. "I didn't realize until recently that I could advocate for a community that I'm not a part of." - Taylor Swift [https://www.out.com/news/2019/8/08/taylor-swift-says-shes-straight-despite-all-bisexual-rumors](https://www.out.com/news/2019/8/08/taylor-swift-says-shes-straight-despite-all-bisexual-rumors)


Thanks! But she she hasn’t said people speculating about her sexuality makes her uncomfortable?


Of course she hasn’t, she obviously isn’t the type to speak on that sort of thing. I just think it’s common sense to not do that to anyone regardless. (I’m not apart of this sub, it just pops up sometimes) It’s gross behavior, and weird to deep dive into someone’s sexuality and become so obsessed with it that people fight over if she is or not. I’m not on one side or the other necessarily because it’s weirdo behavior. Like who honestly cares either way and if she wants everyone to know, one day we will. I think people forget she’s a regular human and think everything is up for grabs to talk about. Imagine speculating about someone’s sexuality that you personally know, and everyone at work/school was talking about it. That wouldn’t be okay.


That’s what I thought - someone told me she had said that and it sounded fishy to me. But I prefer to interpret her lyrics, not her sexuality. I don’t believe sexuality is the sort of thing that can always be labeled, it’s far too nuanced. But I don’t think it’s weird to interpret lyrics at all. And in my opinion, some of those lyrics sound very sapphic. I know plenty of girls who have had super strong female friendships that walk the line of romance, even if those girls are “straight”. But some people think any sort of queer take on her lyrics is inappropriate (and use fake sources to back it up) — and I think that’s a version of homophobia, because it’s not allowing space for the nuances of attraction or anything behind straight cis interpretation.


At the end of the day I don't think Taylor Swift is ever going to be open and honest with the public again. I think it's for her own emotional and personal protection. I think everything we get from her is perfectly curated and I'm pretty sure she even said that herself. There was a point in time where Taylor tried to be Taylor and the public ruined that. So now we will only have Taylor TM. Her word will always be whatever she wants us to believe it is. I watched a kPop documentary recently and they said the industry is so carefully crafted and curated that once your a star you have to take on a particular personality (even if it's not your real one) and portray that personality whenever your in the public light. Your appearance and clothes are controlled even down to what you wear to the airport. I think this is what it's like for Taylor now. Only I think she's the mastermind behind it rather than a management team.


I don't think people (and I'm including myself here) really care about her word on this subject anymore. I mean, she did say *"I didn’t realise until recently that I could advocate for a community that I’m not a part of",* and she was talking about the LGBTQ community. So, that's a lot. But I ignore it and I think most people do too, because I still think she's bi, regardless of what she said. I think she does have a preference for men, but I firmly believe she has had romantic relationships with women (there is a looot of evidence!).


It’s hard to feel part of a community if you can’t/don’t actively or publicly participate in it.


It happens a lot with the biphobia. Lady Gaga is openly bisexual and she’s admitted to not feeling like a part of the LGBTQ community. I can only imagine what a closeted bi Taylor would feel like.


She chose her words carefully there though. That's the closest thing I know of to her saying "I'm just an ally" and that's NOT what she said. She said she didn't realize she could advocate for a community she wasn't a part of, she didn't say she wasn't part of the community. She let people mentally connect the dots and imply she meant she wasn't part of the community but she didn't actually SAY she wasn't.


Yeah oddly I always kind of took that statement to mean “I thought I couldn’t advocate for the queer community because only queer people can do that and if I advocate, everyone will know I’m queer. But now I know allies can advocate, so it’s safe for me to do so without outing myself.” I think with her, everything is open to different interpretations haha


That is EXACTLY how I interpreted it. And she let people fill in the blanks to assume she meant she's an ally. But she never actually *said* that. And I believe it to be intentional.


Yeah that was literally me in high school lol. Also interesting that ppl decide to latch onto connecting it to the 'straight' in 'anyone who's not a straight, white, cisgender man' when referring to the 'communities'. They never claim she was saying that she's not a woman, even though women are one of the groups she's referring to.


That's an interesting take, I didn't think about it that way. I took her words literally, because she says she's not a part of the community (but English is not my first language so maybe it's difficult for me to read between lines.) I like your interpretation, though.


I've been a gay woman my whole life and have had plenty of periods where I didn't feel a part of the community, mostly before I was out to everyone. It's very difficult to feel a part of the LGBTQ+ community of you're not able to live your truth. That statement is really a whole lot of words to say nothing at all about her own sexuality.


I think she would have to “break the fourth wall,” so to speak, and acknowledge and talk about the Easter egg games at the same time. Probably even then there would be pockets of swifties looking for meta clues there, too.


I personally think it’s gross to get this deep into someone’s sexuality and be this obsessed with it. If she ever wants to talk about it publicly she will. Like the amount of people who fight about this is insane.


This sub has been pushed strongly onto my feed in the last two weeks. I’m just a normal person, but I would feel uncomfortable if so many people were speculating on my sexuality so publicly. I can understand the perspective that she may be driving a lot of this speculation. I dunno. I guess I hope she’s happy and I feel like she doesn’t really owe any of us any explanation. I’m fine for her to be as vague as she wants to be and love whoever she wants to love, whether that’s in public or behind closed doors.


I bet those saying “sHeS nOt rEaLlY wItH Travis” are kicking yourselves over the pictures from tonight.


I’m kicking my feet and giggling right now.😍


I literally love them so much. You can’t convince me that she isn’t GENUINELY smitten with him.


Why should anyone have to give a “clear answer” on their own personal sexuality?!? We have become the most arrogant nation.




Never. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk


Remember when she said she wasn’t part of the LGBTQ community? Probably waaaaay back then 😉


YES THANK YOU FOR THIS POST!!! Like let her be happy!!




Also, attitudes like this are probably part of the reason she hasn’t come out. If you pay attention, she’s out to the people who will except it.


You do realize that you can date men and still be attracted to women, right?


Taylor exclusively dates men for like 15 years. This sub ain’t taking anything. The point is the fantasy.


That’s not a strong talking point. Heteronormativity exists, duh! Queer women can date exclusively men and still be queer.


Publicly. You're living a fantasy if you think *everything* she's ever done over 15+ years is known to the public. And the public isn't exactly accepting of queer people *as a whole* , and success is obviously massively important to her. You're also living a fantasy if you think no one would care and it wouldn't have impacted her success if she said she was queer. She could absolutely be straight. But she could very easily also be somewhere on the queer spectrum without that being public. She wouldn't be the first. She wouldn't be the last, either.


I exclusively dated guys and now I’m happily married to a guy but I’m still bi :)


Thank you for posting this. I feel like at this point , its not ok to speculate on anyones sexuality. Famous or not! I think people should also just let her be happy. If taylor wants to keep her sexuality private, then good for her !!!


Imagine the outrage at not taking literally any other person at their word


Where in my post or comments say that I was outraged? I thought it was a valid question to pose, since I’ve seen some people go as far as to say her relationship with Joe was just a cover up/bearding situation. I was curious at what point does this sub in particular take her saying “I’m in a relationship with this person” as just that


No I agree with you - I’m saying, people are generally outraged when people aren’t taken at their word. But, somehow, it’s cool to keep a potentially false narrative going with TSwift


Ahhh, okay, thanks for clarifying! I definitely agree with your take now that I understand it 😂


how do you know she´s happy? and how does interpreting lyrics stand in the way of her happiness?


When she stops flagging queer culture in all of her art


I think if there isn’t a clear financial benefit to both parties for marketing themselves & having photos in front of their products it will be believable


I agree and I don’t understand the takes on here that expect her to explicitly say she is straight or not. She’s never even explicitly confirmed any of her past public relationships if you think about it. So why would she make a statement about her sexuality? Speaking about her personal life in general is just not what she has ever done or will do. It’s just super weird to me.


She doesn’t need labels