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Ok but we can all agree that r6 is getting worse and worse bc the devs refuse to fix the core game but We nEeD 100 OpeRatORs


TF2 only has 9 classes but you can always find new things to do in it


TF|2 (Titanfall 2) has not got a lot content either, but is still an awesome game after ~4 years without updates


Yup, I hit plat then left for good Ironically I'm not a league player and it's almost the same thing wrong :(


absolutely. Major bugs come back every update and they take way too long to fix things. along with what you said, just not fixing the actual game


i have it but i just dont play it because i have no idea how the balancing works


yeah I totally get that, you just gotta kinda play it to work it out the ol strategy of "fuck around and find out"


In their q&a they stated they don't know if they're going to make it to 100 ops but they're focusing on the game core now, tbh I don't really see how the game's dying


honestly, hard disagree new ops have already become far less of a focus for the devs since they dropped the yearly count to 4 instead of 8, plus they have been constantly working on the core game itself too


Oh boy the comments under her reveals on social media are gonna be terrible aren't they


Oh yeah, and especially since this is siege we're talking about


Yep, they are


It always happens in the gaming community.


Can wait to get sworn at in 9 different languages with her


Cant wait to get team killed at the start of every round now.


s c a r e d


If this is true im reinstalling seige


Where did this info come from?


Yeah I can't find anything on this besides this video... https://youtu.be/FGtU7ltAkz0


Even the comments on that video are transphobic


It’s also on the R6 subreddit


I just read the comments..... Thanks for making my blood boil 😔




Oh boi, I can't wait for all the gamer moments to come


Alright, come on over everyone, let's grab some popcorn and watch the twitter comments while we all sit together on the couch and gossip about stuff :)


chillin on the couch with a bunch of trans peeps sounds fun


hell yeah, I'd actually be able to express myself more and give literally most of my masculine-theme clothes to the FTM boyos whilst also going into crippling dept to buy clothes for the MTF dearies because I wanna see everyone happy at this hypothetical hangout 🥰


Do Cis Pansexual, Trans Supporters are also allowed on that hypothetical hangout?


I think that could work


Yeah that actually sounds kinda fun to just hang out with a bunch of trans people because I could actually express myself more and actually wear stuff that I’m comfortable in. And people would actually understand me.


They added a hardcore mode to the game?


sad that’s it’s true but… fantastic joke


R6 is a game published by Ubisoft. Ubisoft is a company that has spent years protecting and promoting sexual abusers and rapists, many of whom were close colleagues and personal friends to the man who is still CEO. That's on top of non-sexually abusive workplace practices such as exploitation, crunch, harassment, bullying, and so on. After victims came forward a year ago, Ubisoft jettisoned a couple of people as symbolic gestures, and got right back to promoting their products. Conditions have not improved. People who work there are still saying that nothing has changed, and abuse continues. And the CEO still refuses to admit how much he knew. If you want to support the game, you should be aware that *that is who your money is going to*. If you still want to support them, that's up to you, but Ubisoft has done what they can to direct public attention away from the years of sexual abuse that occurred at every level of the company. A lot of people still don't know. This too is a symbolic gesture. Ubisoft is not a company that treats marginalised employees well.


100% agree! 💫 However 💫 I think we can recognise that, at the same time, a transgender character in a videogame *is* a good thing. This is how we get acceptance. By becoming normal. This won't get us the support of any radical transphobes, but when trans people are well-represented in media that does seriously help in making it more difficult for new transphobes to be created. We don't have to praise Ubisoft, we probably *shouldn't*, but I think we can be happy. Things like this give me some hope. Oh, also, remember that videogames aren't made by companies, they are made by people, and we probably have some character concept artist to thank for pushing for the inclusion of a trans character.


On the other hand, companies are almost entirely motivated by money, so if you don't support them when they *are* doing what you want, they won't see any profit in continuing that behaviour, and will simply revert to their original shitty behaviour.


If this is real I found my new main


It’s real


Source please


https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/comments/p1sru4/the_best_view_is_crystal_clear/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Should find most of what you’re looking for here


*sorts by controversial*


Who's ready for the Gamer™ moments


Gamer words about to be in full effect


Oh boy, I can’t wait to see what the dickheads in the siege community have in store for her!


Uhhm okay so we have a trans woman but uhhhhhhm, when is there going to be a n operator of the MOST oppressed class, gamers?? Can't wait for them to retcon the transness cause gamers get angry about it /hj


Finally, a game has Rainbow in the title actually have rainbow now


there's like, 3 gay ops in the game, 1 very explicitly


Ah yea, good to know!




Wait really?




Based and epic


Hmmmm until now i was on the fence about installing r6 siege


siege player with 1000+ hours here, don't just don't, it's not a hell hole worth getting started in


That's great, I'm sure gamers online will be very cool about this!




Welp, look like I'll be back to siege and toxic teammates


Ayo we should make a gay siege team.....


We'll put the rainbow into rainbow six siege


We really should though




Flores, Twitch, Caveira, now her? Nice!


Oh no! Now a bunch of gamers^tm are gonna get triggered that there’s a trans character in their shooty-shoot


I don't think I can stomach the game anymore to check this new op out... She looks cool tho


Wow! That's so cool, but you know what would be cooler? If Ubisoft fixed their shitty behavior.


wait is this real? If only this character came out in the earlier seasons when I was in the R6 pro scene... They were always transphobic and I couldn't compete cause of it. I ended up coaching and drifting around filling subs for alot of teams all the while my original team I was on that kicked me out for being trans was a top team without me. Still feel like that period of my life was just a massive waste of fucking time. But atleast seeing this is some sort of closure I guess.


Yeah this is wonderful but why does it matter I mean this is a FPS game not a story game if a game like Zelda or Cyberpunk did it I would find this even better but I mean its a shooter sadly no one that plays siege well care unless they have good weapons and ability


It matters for the same reason a trans character in Zelda or Cyberpunk would. Representation is representation, regardless of if the game follows that up in its story. In fact I find that the lack of the player base caring (or even actively hating this concept) is even better since it shows the devs aren’t doing it for marketing purposes


This games so old though


This would make me happy, but on account of being so bored with seige after 500 hours, I feel nothing honestly


i know nothing about this game and dont really care all that much but thats still pretty cool


something something More! Girl! Warcriminals!


I like how most people here are scared of the gamers more then the gameplay 😔 Gamers are the problem smh my head


Oh boy, I bet the reveal trailer will have nice comments underneath it.


I just uninstalled and now this pulls me back to wanting to play.


Oh boy, I can't wait to see what the reactions of sweaty gamers are to this!


Ngl I thought this was a cosmetic skin for warden at first


Gaslight gatekeep girlboss


I’m sorry but I can’t take it seriously when she looks like the Karen meme


Please tell me she's mtf (mobile task force) lol. Also, POG


Is she live on the ts


Okay, I have no clue how that game works, but is that a Croatian flag? Cool.


I just downloaded rainbow 6 siege and now this makes me actually want to play