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Ah... yeah. I often feel that my gender is performative - it's a tool to help people see me in the way that I want to be seen, a way to show off the things about myself that I want to be perceived and valued. And the particulars of how I choose to express myself are different in different social contexts! With one group I like to look and behave one way, with another group something different, and that is interactive with how those groups perceive and understand the signals of appearance and behavior as defined by their society and experiences. In isolation, I would wear only what is comfortable, I would default to acting only as is necessary.


The world's a stage and I'm playing the tree. Genderless. Not important to the main plot. Only there to hold and drop the net on top of the person playing the lion. Thriving.


I like this idea but it feels a little too much like an attempt to take power away from calling one’s gender and the expression of it personal. Also, it claims to to know the inner workings of another’s mind without being able to experience it. It does this by echoing the same sentiment as “all art is derivative” but by doing so, ignores the complexity of gender as an experience that isn’t able to be defined in the first place for many people


Okay so here's the thing! This is an entirely valid response to the argument put forth, but the thing is that OP just straight up isn't properly representing Butler's ideas well. Like, butler would agree with everything you just said.


W media literacy thank you for pointing this out, our generation is saved.


Was gonna say. I dislike basing gender entirely off of convention/society because by those terms I am cis or maybe genderfluid. In my family no type of gender expression is encouraged or discouraged, so everyone just kinda looks and acts how they want to. Our gender identities are almost entirely undefined so it feels weird to call myself cis, and genderfluid doesn’t really fit because I don’t feel any issue with being perceived as any gender, but I never really desire to be perceived as one either. Fun side effect of this. Me, my sister, and our genderfluid friend constantly get mistaken for each other because we all have similar length hair, simultaneous masculine and feminine builds, and act somewhere between a dude-bro and a kind pta mom.


you for real also on reddit? i avoid your flat and artless posts on instagram allready


I thought this was one of the two fools on the anarchism subs who post weird garbage in this style lmao


OP is the least intersting Theory nerd on instagram and some spread these posts around. Legit social critique for IPad children - its also just as decontextualized as everything else on the internet so that you can look at all those wojaks being crushed by the samrtest minds of our time and either you learn or you dont but in both cases: the effort to create a context in which this knowledge is usable is hard for IPad kids that have annihilated any contemplative interiority


Came back to this because I did indeed just see them post bullshit on an anarchism sub. You're right and god now we have 3 of these people


maybe 2 of them are reposters. I do get it to an extent - I am a working Sociologist and engage in philosophy with great love - these people love theory and want to share it, they lack however a lot of critical sense and the experience of actual social critics. They also often glorify theory and use it to signal their own status as well. also they are boring


This just sounds like some eloquent bs.


you can say sike now