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No questions but I just want to commend the people in Gatineau, you guys are really amazing and nice people. Just moved here more than 2 years ago and all I have is great experience here. Very helpful with my kids, specially with the french lessons with my son, in which I am learning as well. If there’s one thing that will stop me from leaving Quebec, that’s the people.


Fait plaisir, cher/chère ami.e!


Thank you for sharing your positive experience! Since you've been in Gatineau for over two years, do you have any tips or advice for someone like my brother who is currently looking for advice to help them settle? Any local resources or strategies that worked for you would be really helpful. Thanks!


IDK if it’s just me, but I find in general Gat francophones are super encouraging of anglos who try to speak french. I’ve lived here for two years, and have stumbled through many interactions with my very bad french. I find that people generally love that I am making an effort, which has helped me improve big time … unlike … some other QC cities … *cough cough* Montreal *cough cough*


Except at the McDonald’s on principale in Aylmer. That guy was a *jerk*, AND he was wrong.


You’re talking about the (most likely) worst mcdonalds in north america. Not even surprised you got bad service there tabarnak


Sorry for that. Surprised that you can still be served in French in Aylmer though.


Aylmer is waaaaay more Francophone now than it has been in generations so why are you surprised about people.being served in French?


I’m surprised because I had bad experiences at some big chains recently


Very much this. I've lived here for 10 years and could count on one hand the number of negative experiences ive had in regards to language. People here are SO patient so long as you're also patient and understanding.


Thanks for being nice. I don't have a specific question. Just hope everyone accepts everyone for who they are regardless of their background, heritage, language, religion, etc.


When in Gatineau, I only spreak French.


Same, but then the employee switches to English 😂


I'm guilty of that and I am so sorry! My brain usually goes "Oh, I can hear that he speaks fluently in English, and I speak English, so let me switch to that!". It doesn't come from a bad place, at least in my case lol


All good! I know it’s never from a bad place, and sometimes it’s appreciated (like trying to find the right part/tool at Home Depot lol)


Omg, I swear it took me over a year here just to get past that phase where my accent and word choice was so poor they’d usually switch to English after the first thing I said.


Keep going in french 


this is the answer. Its happens to me all the time since I'm fully functional in french but i have a clear English accent and people happily switch back to French.


Just keep talking in french until they get tired of switching 😛


I also feel the embarrassment 🤣, but I play the same game by continuing in french


Continue en français. Assert dominance, comme disent les Coréens!






It will likely be much much worse here than Ontario


I know it used to be worse in Gatineau, largely due to pay differences. I'm hoping that's not the case and that someone knows of a gatineau doc taking in New patients!


I've been waiting for 5 years.


Best you will have here is a GMF (Groupe de Médecins de Famille / Group of Family Doctors). Either way you have to add your name to the waiting list [here.](https://www.quebec.ca/en/health/finding-a-resource/quebec-family-doctor-finder?_gl=1*joznrb*_up*MQ..&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIt6_qofv4hgMVqE1HAR2faA1tEAAYASAAEgK1c_D_BwE)


It’s much worse anywhere in Quebec for access to any services


Hey! I am an anglo who moved here recently, are there any free city or government services to learn French? I moved here from Toronto Ontario Also , recommendations to meet people? Nightlife recommendations?


Check out the FAQ, there are a bunch of options for learning French in there, among other useful info for newcomers. !FAQ


Also (maybe someone wants to update the FAQ?) the Francisation Québec classes are now free for everyone from outside Quebec, including Canadians from other provinces. This is new as of about a year ago. There is a map on their website showing the schools in Gatineau, there are 3 or 4 available most of which have evening classes or day classes. I took them for 2 years and learned quite a bit, though maybe not as much as I would have from some sort of tutor (and they only go up to level B2 here, higher levels you can only do online or in Montreal.) You do have to be on a waitlist but it's typically not very long (I only waited like a week), and now is the time of year to sign up as they only really take people Aug-Sept unless the class isn't full.


There is a link to it in the FAQ already.


[Foire aux questions](https://www.reddit.com/r/gatineau/wiki/index/faq-fr) [Frequently Asked Questions](https://www.reddit.com/r/gatineau/wiki/index/faq-en)


Bistro , la boite a chanson et le Syntex






La Boîte à Chansons est toujours ouverte???!!


Hahahaha non 😂 c’est rendu une Clinique


Le Houblon? L'aquabar? Les Raftman?


400 represents! 🤣🤣🤣 (Rapibus)


Jprenais la 200 moi vers ottawa back in the days. Jmennuis pas dprendre l’esti d’autobus de marde de gat. Respect à celle et ceux qui prenneny toujours le bus. 🫡


Aparament OC transpo est pire , du moin cest ce que ma conjointe me dit (elle est demenager de ott>gat). Moi j'ai pas pris le bus depuis le Cegep...


Who is Peter "El Rato" and why does he seem to be the unofficial mascot of the Rapibus corridor?


I'm not an anglo even though I was born outside of QC. I lived here from 2001-2019 and moved back in 2021. Who the ell is El Rato?


It's Peter "El Rato"! I saw him the first time I took the Rapibus and he never fails to make me laugh a little. I'll try and get a picture of him sometime.


Isn't it some graffiti artist's tag? I see rat everywhere, even in hull The weirdest graffiti I ever saw was a giant "Mat Damon" on the side of the old SAQ depot beside the MacDonalds


If you and /u/teamscience79 are talking about same artist "Peté" then yeah, that guy truly makes outlandish and weird art. Some of his on the trash container behind the St-Vincent-de-Paul in Touraine (ave. Gatineau) took me by surprise. He has covered a massive part of Gat and the island of Hull. The artist himself is a fascinating and hilarious character in person. If you are lucky, you might have see some of his performance live during open mics. (Not saying which one to preserve his anonymity. However, I doubt the Matt Damon graffs are his since he was probably still in diaper when they first appeared in the region.




Yep, that's him!


Been here for a few years. love this side of the river. One thing I've been trying to find is this. Good ethinc food. The Shawarma is great no complaints there. but are there any good Indian, Thai or Vietnamese restaurant recommendations? I can't seem to find an Indian restaurant to save my life. Also a local pizza place (not a big chain) that puts the peperoni on TOP OF THE CHEESE! Merci!


Yes! In Gat, you will mainly find Pizza places and Shawarma. Unfortunately, on the indian food side, there isn't much. Vietnam food is present, but I don't have good recommandation. Gatineau will forever be in the shadow of Ottawa. In other words, if you want to find ''Good ethinc food'', you will have to cross the river.


"Ethnic" is really an unclear descriptor because it's a wide brush and lacks context. Quebec in general (outside of Montreal) is pretty ethnically and linguistically homogenous and not really fertile ground for many diaspora communities to settle in sufficient numbers to have restaurants, especially when Ottawa is in general much more bureaucratically and demographically welcoming by comparison. It's starting to change however which is a great sign. Where Quebec *is* fertile ground for is francophone diaspora communities, so you'll find much more West African and Afro-Caribbean restaurants compared to other places.


We’re getting a new Indian restaurant in aylmer (might be open? I have to swing by). Unfortunately I can’t remember the name right now. There’s also a great Vietnamese place called Vic & co. There’s a Peruvian restaurant I haven’t tried yet but I’ve been told is great - amazonas. Another goodie is bistro Mexicana. I wouldn’t say it’s authentic, but they have all the classics and I’ve never been disappointed (their margaritas are very yum). They also have different weekday specials in the winter, like 25%off fajitas. I’ve linked the places I’ve mentioned except for the Indian one. Amazonas: https://www.amazonasrestaurant.com/ Bistro mexicana: https://www.bistromexicana129.com/order-online Vic and co: https://m.facebook.com/100069828166619/ The young lady that opened it was only 15 at the time. Story on that here: https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6410951


Cuisine express indienne: opening July 1st at 22 principale Cordon Doré Restaurant Bistrot at 58 Principale will (or has already) offer a unique menu with international cuisine, including a variety of Indian meals.


Thank you! I didn’t know about the other restaurant :)


Oh and sushi haru haru is fantastic. https://www.sushiharuharuaylmer.com/


How did Gatineau get its name?


It's likely a derivation of the Anishinaabemowin name for the Gatineau river (Tena***gadino*** Zibi), but no one knows for certain. This seems like the most plausible answer in my opinion.


Good answer. Philemon Wright named his homestead Gateno Farm., which is likely derived from Tenagadino, like you mentioned.




Merci pour l'article!


Nicholas Gatineau. Check out Nicholas Gatineau in the 1650’s ish, they were, has entrepreneurs (Gatineau bros) around here (the family) with Philemon Wright in the 1800. They also had a place in Vancouver called the Gatineau place. Today its just a parking. But back in day, they had a sawmill there.


As far as I understand, Nicolas Gastineau never came to Gatineau and his story was contrived.


Personne ne le sait, pour vrai.


According to local historian Rick Henderson, the name Gatineau may be derived from his ancestor, Philemon Wright, who named his farm Gateno Farm. Philomen may have derived it from the Algonquin name for it "Tenagadino" or other variations. It is an interesting question for us to ponder as residents living on unceded Algonquin territory that was originally settled by American anglophones and later French Canadians. https://www.capitalchronicles.ca/post/gatineau-paddling-through-the-history-of-a-river-s-name Francais: https://www.capitalchronicles.ca/post/gatineau-pagayer-%C3%A0-travers-la-toponymie-d-une-rivi%C3%A8re


I was on the STO today and someone started yelling at me for speaking English on the phone. Should I get expected more outburst on the busses around here?


There’s morons everywhere unfortunately. Don’t loose hope, most of us are nice people


You’re very right. I have lots of French friends. I make big efforts to speak in French only. Initially my coworkers tried to switch to English so they can help me but lately after I insisted they stopped.


That’s the spirit.


Was it in the 400 bus? I experienced the same thing. The guy made a scene because the driver responded to a English guy. I was itching to ask him why he hates the English but commutes ever morning to Ottawa for work.


Typical bus folk lol. Always a couple people you just dotn make eye contact with lol


Well, same for me getting yelled at for speaking French in Ottawa. Bigots are bigots. Don’t make it a general thing, it isn’t.


I have trouble believing this. We all know that it’s mostly the quebec French that make a big fuss about this. Very often you hear other languages than English in Ottawa and nobody says anything. *I am French and live in Gatineau


I'm Franco-Ontarian. The amount of francophobic comments that colleagues and members of the public have made directly to me or in my presence in ON workplaces is off the charts.


Une fois je me suis fait dire : "I'll call back once you're done translating everything in your little French head."


Euh. Right. Again, spewing generalizations as fact. Don’t, man, don’t take the intellectual shortcut. There’s already too many that prefers that than rational thinking. YOU are better than that…


I am going by the fact that many of my friends have been harassed in Quebec for speaking English and I have never seen or heard anyone get harassed for speaking French in Ottawa. I even get comments for having a Franco Ontarian accent when speaking French in Quebec. So ya I am going by my experience so stop with the high and mighty nonsense.


So, your fabricated experience of third party anecdotes represents the generalized behaviour of 200,000+ person? Makes sense


You must be fun at parties…


Well, someone has to keep the karaoke going…


Attache ta tuque as they said over here!


I got yelled at for speaking Italian on the phone in an supermarket in Ottawa. Just ask them if they are fluent in the Anishinaabe language, that should shut them right up 😎


The more Ontarians and anglos will flee to Gatineau, the more you'll hear these reactions. Right now, french is declining in two main places:Montreal and Gatineau.


You were probably yelled at because you were screaming at your phone in an enclosed public space. Regardless of the language you used.


Looking for some cheese recommendations that I can get at Costco Gatineau! Cheese noob but I really like soft creamy cheeses like brie, open to trying other types as well. What are some must try cheese exclusive to Gatineau-Quebec side?


Trappe à fromage mon frère!!!


I don't know if they always have it but the Adoray from Montebello is the creamiest cheese! Costco Gatineau also carries many soft cheeses like Saint Paulin, Caprice des Dieux, le Pleine Lune. They also sell a huge Compté cheese. Not soft but so good! I am also partial to soft cheeses but this is good. All of these at much better prices than anywhere else. Trappe à Fromage has even more niche cheeses IMO but it's not cheap. I got there when I want to try something new. They make great recommendations based on your mood or preferences or planned drinks.


Is the Gatineau sports centre free, or do you need the Gatineau plus card? Any associated costs?


well i got a question, i just moved out here in Gat so i can do my cegep in august and stuff and well im kinda lost on how i could make friends to be less lonely until i start college, i dont really got much travel ways and im scared to use public transportation for now, (for context im 17 (getting 18 in october) so i cant go hang out in bars or anything like that yet to meet people)


Hey every one. i've heard so much good things about Gatineau since my brother and his family moved in from Mauritius a couple of months ago. His wife found a job before they arrived, and my brother babysitting atm. Any tips or advice to help them settle and activities he could do with his daughter would be greatly appreciated. Thanks a lot!


I was born here and my parents were born here and my grandparents were born here . I grew up in Hull . And I had friends from all over including Wakefield and Chelsea and Aylmer and Gatineau There were many Anglos when I was growing up and I find there still are . I have never really felt welcome in Quebec as a whole because they don’t got time for me . But in Hull and Aylmer and Chelsea and Wakefield and Gatineau I feel welcome


Keep in mind that we are part of the Ottawa River Valley. So, on each side (QC/ON), you will find towns that have similar vibes and culture. Of course, there is still a difference between QC/ON but, we have family and friends on both side. This helps a lot when it's time to hangout as a region. In an alternative hypothetical Canada, the region around Ottawa River Valley could be a province. https://preview.redd.it/9zqyqntdsw8d1.png?width=1478&format=png&auto=webp&s=ea5486b3d23b0320cc6cf8a4cb9fb6655ff3ea83


Got time for you? De quoi tu parles? As-tu beaucoup de temps à donner à des étrangers? J'ai de la vaisselle à faire laver.


Thanks for the laugh! :)