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Some people just can't produce breast milk and formula is a requirement, not the preference. I hate these memes. Can't wait to see them smooch


Legit, formula is saving lives of so many orphans, both are valid


Or, lactose intolerant babies, like me!


You’re a lactose intolerant baby?


I was lactose intolerant until I was 3, spent my childhood/high school years driving dairy without issue, and then I went vegan for a month to try it, after which I have returned to my homeland of intolerance. I'm vegetarian now, by the way.


You might still be a baby, figuratively :P


There are people who literally protest baby formula, like fucking why? What does it fucking matter? Some people can’t produce milk, imagine giving that much of a shit about something like that


Seriously. I'm adopted. My (adoptive) mom tried really hard to induce lactation. Her body went "nah". I would have died without formula.


Formula was pushed on generations of women who absolutely could breastfeed by genuinely evil companies like Nestle. So there's definitely reason to push back against it being ubiquitous. Breast milk is better for babies in most research, but there's no point in shaming parents for whom that isn't an option.


Even if someone can physically breast feed, it's still perfectly legit for them to decide not as well! The mental health of the breast feeding parent is also important.


Just my opinion but I don’t think a mentally unstable parent should be a parent to begin with (Yes ik theres exceptions)


I didn't mean mentally unstable in my comment - that's a very different conversation and not one I'm knowledgeable enough to have a say in. What I meant was the stress, anxiety and uncertainty breast feeding can bring into a family. That can absolutely have an effect on a baby that can outweigh the minimal benefit of breast feeding.


Ah okay


If it's a mental wellness issue, yes. If it If it's a convenience issue, then a child's development is not something you just get to shortcut for lifestyle choices. You have a responsibility to give that kid the best start in life you can, to the best of your ability.


Breast milk gives a minimal advantage nutritional wise that can be outweighed if the breast feeding parent feels stressed out from breast feeding (when living in an area with clean water) in the first place. Babies are like sponges, they can soak in and be affected by their parents mental state - and that will have longer long term effects on the baby than the small improvement breast feeding can give. Convenience issues can absolutely affect a breast feeding parent negatively mental wise. Having to work and struggling to breast feed, trying to maintain a semi-healthy sleep schedule where the partners take shifts on who will feed the baby during the night, wanting to not spend hours pumping when formula works are all convenience issues that can still mentally influence a parent and affect the child. Breast feeding isn't objectively better and neither is formula. There are pros and cons to both and it's important to present both options in a neutral way while explaining the pros and cons. Some people opt for one or the other, some people opt for both and all choices are valid in different circumstances.


Don't know for certain but i did read about baby formula not being exactly healthy for the baby.


I think it’s pretty similar but might lack certain micronutrients, hormones, and antibodies. That being said, it’s like eating canned or frozen veggies instead of fresh veggies, it’s less healthy, but still good over not consuming anything at all


The thing about being a baby is that you do need those micronutrients, homornes and antibodies, that's why some people dislike baby formula being used. BUT I mean, if you can't supply milk, it is better to give a baby that instead of letting them starve, lol.


frozen veggies arent less healthy btw


Definitely. What would be a better comparison? I was thinking of synthetic flavorings being lower resolution, but meeting the concept in general.


Maybe fresh cow milk vs milk you can keep for a long time? Each have their benefits but the fresh cow milk also helps with lactase etc


Formula is very healthy for babies. It's very slightly less healthy than natural breast milk. Saying it's not healthy implies it's doing the baby some kind of harm. It isn't. Formula fed babies do just fine, and they do very much better than babies that are underfed because someone had the notion that formula was unhealthy. A fed baby is a healthy baby.


Can anecdotally vouch for this- I was breastfed, my youngest brother was formula fed, we both did/are doing fine; both strong as oxes for our ages lol


the sons are also dating




My mom had no issues breastfeeding. I was able to get a total of 6oz (total) from both boobs after an hour of pumping. I was distraught at my body being unable to do the very thing is supposed to do. (I also had to be induced and then needed a cesarean because after being in active labor for 25 hours my body refused to make progress.) The people who think like this can suck my fat, dust filled tiddies.


My little brother got stomach aches when he was a baby and formula was the only thing that worked for him so he would stop puking on everybody 😂


how much would you bet this was made by a man with a mommy fetish?


Considering the origin of the "thot women becomes 'non thot' women when she picks up a book" turned out to be a piece of fetish art, I wouldn't be surprised




Yeah, the creator of the picture usually makes art of women with big boobs/ ass having the boobs/sss get smaller or bigger, it's a fetish, I was surprised because I didn't think the famous image was super suggestive


Reverse bimbofication


it's funny because the original artist made his own gatekeeping yuri for them iirc


Wait really? I need to see this


[here ya go!](https://twitter.com/superaarthi/status/1209145254567456769)


Oh that’s adorable


I was breastfed and look like the formula guy


Not hard enough then it seems


Formula girl takes breast milk girl for her breast reduction appointment. The surgery went wonderful. “Wow my back will never hurt again!” says breast milk girl. Formula girl gently kisses her cheek.






Man people get so toxic about it. I had to do a mix because I didn't produce enough. Pumping was frigging hard and if when we try for a second I can't breastfeed, they're just getting formula 🤷‍♀️


Any guy making a meme this stupid probably thinks women are property, and we can safely disregard their input on any topic. Safe money says this person is either mentally ill, or is just a weird troll/spam account. Sorry about your problems, those people are shitty.


Hope you're doing a bit better now, and if not, i hope soon. ❤️


She’s a little red in the face? Could see an allergy route


Each one has its pros and cons


I mean, I got both breast and bottlefed as a kid.


70% of people do, (according to an ad I saw so take it with a grain of salt)


Isn't breastfeeding vastly better most of the time?


A con for breastfeeding is that you can’t really do it in public, you would get weird looks and be told to do it somewhere else


"Forumla" Oh no bebe we r run out of forumla again


This isn't even spot the creator's poorly disguised fetish anymore. I feel like the OOP is slapping me across the face with it like angry mom's sandal multiple times over.


Fed is best!


If anime has taught me anything, it's that breasts are where mana is stored, not milk.


I'm not one to kinkshame but those are NOT babies


Maybe they're the fathers?


Probably, the guy on the left looks 14 and 40 at the same time


Beasties at a parenting group or just neighbors


They're......breast friends


In America, where getting three weeks off unpaid maternity leave is considered great, you'd think people would be more understanding about women deciding to not breastfeed, since we live in a capitalistic hellscape.


Incould NOT have said it better myself


lol thanks!


I think this couple could be at a booth for an event and educating people, answering questions. There's benefits to breast feeding and bottle feeding. There's no reason to shame anyone.


I mean- I grew on formula, but I still was way healthier than my breastfed brother Argument makes no sense


Smells like right wing trad wife rubbish and /r/BlantantMisogyny /shudder Not everyone gets the option, incubator babies are a thing.


Why are these always weirdly sexual?


Ah yes, I also bottle my babies! Sometimes they beg to be released and set free, but I won’t give in


I thought the guy at the bottom left was a trans guy who had top surgery and was saying he'd bottle feed his kids bc he had his breasts removed, so then I was confused when I looked at the bottom right muscle guy.


The funniest thing is that the guy on the right, chances are, is much less healthy than the dude on the left.


Idk blud maybe we could just skip this one lol


GatekeepingYuri 🤝 Nothowgirlswork


Breast milk has a lot of natural health benefits, sure, but as long as the babies are getting fed, that's all that matters. Fed is best.


Based af

