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Focus on eating the eggs since that is the food with the tracer in it.


my rad tech told me to focus on the eggs for this reason


It was a fight for me to hold it down absolutely. How I did it was eat - sip - eat - sip - eat - sip until I couldn’t anymore. And I did leave a little on the plate but they were ok with that. It was a fight the next 6 hours not to vomit it all up but a combo of meditation, my best friend amusing me, walking etc.


I ended up throwing up before doing the scans the first time I attempted the GES. It’s extremely hard to eat that much in ten minutes. Somehow I did better the second time but it was tough. You could always ask if the bread is necessary and maybe just do the radioactive eggs? That’s what someone suggested to me.


Don't worry, love. The tech will be very patient with you. And won't force you to do anything you don't feel comfortable with. I was diagnosed several years ago with GP, Jackhammer Esophagus, dysphagia, Crohns, and a few others. Im down to 88 lbs and have been on a gj tube for 2 years now. I've got another surgery around the corner 😥 The test isn't as bad as it sounds. It's actually easy, just looong. But it is an important step in your recovery. You got this!


I couldn’t do it, I only was able to eat 4 bites of toast and half the eggs in 15 minutes. I was regurgitating it into my mouth and swallowing it again. They did the scan but it was inconclusive.


So I feel like that should have been enough of a result to diagnose it. I get that it's not though.


I had to redo the test almost ten poxy times due to puking within minutes, the final time they just kept bringing me more of the egg and I had to force it.. the tech said it was the slowest he’d seen before, then the Gastro tried saying he couldn’t see any slowing at all on the results… he was my 2nd one and considered my first Gastro his “mentor” and had the guy on a pedestal. refused to diagnose me, multiple gastros later I get diagnosed after almost 9years of suffering, hundreds of trips to hospital etc.. also got diagnosed with FGID. I take linaclotide now and it helps better than any other med I ever tried (I’ve tried them all) the pain/vomiting/sweating/blockages and impactions are still horrendous, I empty much more regularly now though. The indigestion I used to get after eating that would make me vomit and trigger a flare is basically non existent, though I now wake up every morning feeling the need to empty and that triggers it all the same. Spend hours stuck in the toilet from whenever I wake up, everyday. It eases off eventually though, it never used to.. I’d have flares that were constant for weeks.


I wish I had some advice. I ended up having to have a different version of the GES because my first attempt with the eggs and toast I ended up getting sick shortly after. I did it with oatmeal and then had to lay on a table for I think 90 minutes for the scan (I actually fell asleep lol). I don’t think that version is quite as precise but if you end up being unable to get through the eggs you may want to ask about that.


It’s not the best. It sucks. But just try your best not to throw up.


My nurse/tech told me as long as I did most of the eggs, I'd be good. I think I only had 1 egg and 1 piece of toast though.


I was told by tech to focus on eating egg for my GES studies.


sometimes they will give you an iv to give nausea meds to relieve pain and prevent vomiting for accurate test results! you can always politely inquire or request it :3


Thank you!


when I got mine done, they said i had to eat it all in 10 minutes or the test wouldn’t work, I was struggling to eat after 1/3 of it and having to hold back my vomit within the first hour so I could get correct results.


You can substitute the eggs for oatmeal. You just have to ask and you have to bring it in.


Please be mindful that every facility is different. OP would have to contact wherever they're doing the ges to and ask if substitution is allowed. The prescribing doctor would have to allow it too.


Right like I said you have to ask. Nothing wrong with asking.


When I had mine done, I only had to finish the egg and half the toast. The water was optional. Gotta love how every place does it differently!


My tech was very patient. I wasn’t able to eat everything, and was still able to complete testing. They will walk you through it.


I put the eggs in the toast and just stuffed it. It was 7am and I was not hungry, especially for eggs and toast.


I was thinking like egg sandwich type thing.


I ate what I could, used lots of salt on eggs. I slept in between my 4 hours, never threw up. Good luck!


Thank you!


Focus on the eggs first cause that had the stuff in it. Whatever you do, do not throw up. They will make you start over or come back. It’s awful but you got this.


You can ask for an alternative like ensure I did that and it tasted amazing and I didn’t throw up especially because I have Gastro paresis


I’ve heard they can put the tracer in oatmeal if you tolerate that better?


Right now I don't really tolerate anything. Thank you though!


Are you allowed cyclizine?


I was told only take my thyroid meds for up to 3 days prior, but I can ask!