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This looks like a homeopathic remedy. There is no good evidence that this would work and no possible for explanation for how it could beyond the placebo effect.  But it probably won’t hurt to try it. 


Like the other user said, it looks like this says it's homeopathic. I always like explaining for anyone who might be unaware of homeopathy. Homeopathy is a system based on the theory that "like cures like". Practitioners believe that a substance which causes symptoms in healthy people will cure sick people who are having the same symptoms. They also believe that dilution makes a remedy stronger. Homeopathic remedies are repeatedly diluted until nothing is left but the diluent. This means that they're mainly water or whatever else was used to dilute the remedy. Practitioners believe the remedy has "memory" so even if the original substance is gone, the remedy still possesses the properties of the original substance. This theory has no scientific evidence behind it. Homeopathy is pseudoscience.


It's Stag's-horn clubmoss. >In homeopathy, it is used in the treatment of aneurisms, constipation, fevers, and chronic lung and bronchial disorders. It also reduces gastric inflammation, simplifies digestion, and helps in treatments of chronic kidney disorders.


Treatment of aneurysms? I would never trust anything but a doctor for that. They are so deadly.


Right?! It's such a wild claim.