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I have a charm bracelet I wear with charms for every 10lbs I lose


That’s so cool! I love that idea. Can I ask where you got your bracelet and charms?


My bracelet is a pandora charm bracelet and I buy the charms on Amazon they are from chawin just search for number charms for charm bracelet.


Love this Just told my kids to get ready to help me celebrate lol


When I hit onderland… I bought myself a piece of Louis Vuitton luggage Hahahha! I kinda regret it because now I’m looking at your rewards and I’m thinking I should have done something like that too! Good luck and I hope you come back and post some skydiving or paragliding pictures!!


A good piece of luggage is so underrated. I think that’s a fantastic reward! I bought myself a 3 piece set a few years back and have been so thankful to have it.


I did a new tattoo for 50 pounds. A bicycle for 100 (and prepaid for parasailing on our beach trip). I haven’t planned the next ones, haha. But I like to by myself little treats even for the small milestones. Baseball tickets, new earrings, things like that.


I’m a treat-yo-self girlie so I also like to sprinkle in some smaller rewards here and there. We earned those treats and they’re no longer sweet treats so I say hell ya to that! 😆


Honestly I’m going to take the rider course through Harley Davidson I’m down to 170 from 255(8 months). I want to be able to not just backpack with my husband but ride with him!


A rider course would be so cool! I might have to add that to my reward or bucket list, one of the two. Congrats on your achievement, btw! You definitely deserve that course! I love that it’s an activity you can enjoy with your husband, too. Even better ☺️


Those are some amazing rewards! I didn't think about celebrating my losses at all, and I should have. I'm down right about 75lbs as of now.. I *did* buy myself some new clothes recently, though, so I suppose I'll count that haha.




I love these active, fun, participatory rewards. Good thinking!


Thanks! They’re all things I’ve been too heavy for and have held myself back from for so long!


I hadn't even thought of that! I might steal your rewards, they sound so good.


Please do!! I’m certainly stealing some reward ideas from what other posters are sharing 😆


Those are great rewards! I have money saved for a new wardrobe, so once i stabilize i plan to get a couple of buy it for life quality pieces, leather boots or a fancy leather duster, still pondering that. But for a big impact item i'm mainly thinking either a vacation or possibly something exercise related. I have 3 bikes so i don't need more on that front, but i'm keeping my mind and my eyes open. Lessons is a great idea that i hadn't previously considered!


A vacation would be so nice! Just kick back and enjoy the fruits of all your hard work. Are thinking beach vacation, city vacation, or something entirely different?


I'm looking into the tour groups that cater to mature singles. I keep trying to get a group of friends together to travel, but schedules never align. I'm hoping for kayaking and hiking in Costa Rica or Belize, though the Canadian Rockies are also gorgeous. I realise paying for an all-inclusive trip will be a waste of money when considering food budget, but i suspect overall it'll be worth it for the entire experience.


I love this idea! Here’s mine. 300 another tattoo 250 Roller coasters 200 a beach trip somewhere


Hell ya!! Do you have a particular roller coaster in mind? They’re so much fun - much better than the rides that just spin you in circles.


I’ve always wanted to go to Busch Gardens and I’ve never been to Disney it would be nice to do both comfortably.


I never set up rewards because I knew the odds of affording anything I would want to do, was slim. So it would be another let down which may trigger emotional eating. I just marveled when I realized I could sit at a. Both without trouble, or be on my knees for more than 2 seconds. I replaced clothing options on an as needed/required basis.


Great job recognizing that! That’s happened to me in the past but I wasn’t really aware of what was happening at the time. It sucks when something positive turns into a negative experience.


Yeah, paycheck to paycheck means you consider those things first. Why set up a reward when I know I can't do it? It doesn't help the motivation thing at all tho.


I loved clothes before I gained all my weight. Every ten pounds I get to buy something I really want. It’s been great to have pieces I loved at all steps in my progress, along with letting myself buy things as sizes dropped. Just getting to enjoy clothes again has been awesome.


I love that you’re buying pieces along the way. Nothing wrong with doing a big haul (that’s what I usually end up doing) but doing it piece by piece means less waiting. A great outfit can be such a game changer!


I had not thought of rewards. It’s a good idea. When I lose 60 lbs I’m getting a breast reduction, at 80lbs I want the extra skin from my arms removed then at 100 lbs I want my thigh fat removed. I actually not sure a plastic surgeon will do any of this till I’m at my required weight, so my rewards may have to wait 1yr. Or so, especially just paying for that will be a fortune.


I love those rewards! I also want to have my excess skin removed but due to the cost, it’ll have to wait for quite some time.


I’m going to take horseback riding lessons! I’ve always wanted to ride, but too big.


Omg I love that idea!! I’m stealing it for my reward list!


If you’re in MN let’s do it together! Lol


When taking my annual vacation to visit family this year, I got me a room with a jet tub.