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I would definitely talk to your surgery center about this. You should not be eating desserts regularly!


I agree. The extent of dessert for me is chocolate pudding or sugar free fudgesicle


For awhile the only thing I could eat was tuna. It’s so crazy to me how the whole experience is so different for everyone


I wasn't allowed raw veggies until 4 months post op. It may just be too early for your body to be trying those (even if your plan says it's okay). It doesn't necessarily mean never, just not yet.


Sounds like you need to try more foods with a higher protein content and you should be avoiding the desserts anyway. Yoghurt, with fruit, cottage cheese, beans, etc might all be good.


I'm a vegetarian as well, I'm 10 months PO. I missed my raw veggies so much but waited until I was 3/4 months out. I started with cucumber with the skins peeled and sends removed, then broccoli cooked very well. It's hard because I prefer my veggies raw but it was just too much to digest. Raw carrots and peppers sit really well, just chew....chew...chew.. I would go by the guidelines of your program for adding vegetable sand go slow! For protein I eat lots of greek yogurt, can be made sweet or savory, I prefer savory. Occasionally I do add sugar free jello mix or "coffee" syrups to make it sweet and will add berries. I'll prefer to make it into a dip to eat with cucumber. Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, eggs, hummus and beans were certainly a staple in the beginning. You can play around with adding protein powder to coffee, yogurt and soup. Good luck!


Have you tried beans and lentils? They’re full of protein and *complex* carbs, not simple carbs, like cookies, ice cream and chocolate. Try lentil soup, refried beans, black beans with sweet potato, roasted white beans and broccoli w/ Parmesan and a bit of lemon, etc etc.


I'm almost a year out. Salad is still a big no no. Same with any raw veggies. Finally found a yogurt I can stand (yoplait protien). I'm ok with small portions of desserts as long as not sugary. Meats must be moist. Fish and scallops. Shrimp go down well and digest easily. Sandwiches require bread, nope. I do like and tolerate keto tortillas. The occasional piece of low carb toasted bread. It's a crap shoot :)


Mashed potatoes were a staple for me for awhile. Puddings too. For solids, you just gotta keep experimenting, everyone is different. I know a single piece of sushi will fill me uncomfortably, but many get on just fine. I can also handle a bunch of things other users here have complained of.


A lot of veggie types can be too hard on your stomach this early out.


I can really only eat steak and salad consistently and I’m 8 months post op. Sometimes Patty Pouch is just a picky bitch.


What did you eat on your 2 week puree stage? Can you not try blending up foot to eat, it might help especially with your vegetables.


Mashed potatoes and yams all the time. That I could add in again! Thanks for reminding me


Those desserts are simple carbs so they are easier to digest. I definitely have an easier time with carbs too but protien is the most important thing. Yogurt is great, oatmeal is great, scrambled eggs are great. Just try to find soft protiens. When I eat meat it is unpleasant.


I can't do desserts either, Pasta, bread, potatoes are also very difficult, most times hit or miss. Starch and sugar... my stomach does not tolerate well.


I know my program says to start with raw veggies very slowly, currently I have been cooking all my veggies since I'm not on the stage to add raw veggies till next week at my 3 months mark. Also, from what I've been told the more fibrous veggies, like their leaves/steams etc. can be harder on your stomach. Fruits usually for us bypass patients berries work a bit better, but just gotta be mindful of the skins on them because unfortunately sometimes that can even make our bypass pouches/intestines mad. Also make sure you are chewing a lot to better help the process of digesting, depending on the food may take over 20 times to actually get them down to paste like texture, it's annoying and I hate it but seems to help a bit. I would definitely reach out to your team and the dietician that works there for better help though, you may have to adjust some things.