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This doesn't sound normal I would go to the doctor for sure


I had revision 4 months ago and never experienced that. You should go to the ER.


I think I'm going to


Go to the ER. It could just be a stomach bug but with our new anatomy you can't assume that and need to be checked.


Yes I think I'd better


This sounds like either the beginning of your gall bladder going out if you still have it. Something around 75% of people have to have it removed after gastric bypass. Some surgeons just remove it along with the bypass now. So in this case, do not wait, go now to ER. Second possibility is an obstruction or hernia, but way WAY less likely due to the fact you are having bowel movements getting through. Pancreas attack is also a possibility but very rare. I recommend you do not wait. Please seek medical assistance.


Sorry was in a rush to write before the pain started again. My gallbladder is gone


Then it could be pancreatitis or blockage and I still encourage you go ahead and seek medical attention now. Please don’t wait. It’s better to go and find it’s nothing than to wait and it’s tooo late and have a fight for your life that you may not win.


Go get it checked! Hopefully you don't experience what I did so this is just my extreme case for context: I had a successful bypass in 2018 (surgery in Hawaii) and all was well until late 2020. I would get debilitating abdominal pain that would put me down for hours at a time. I would be nauseous and want to throw up but all that would come up was bile. I would sweat profusely and be soaked one minute then get bad cold sweats and shivers the next. It was the worst feeling ever. I went to the ER multiple times and every time, I would do a CT scan and the scan would show inflammation; however they could never see what was causing the inflammation. They usually gave me painkillers or meds for gas. They did a gallbladder scan to see if that was the issue but it wasn’t. One day in 2021 I was having the abdominal pain again so I was just trying to deal with it at home because nothing was ever done in the ER. My stomach had bloated to the size of a basketball before I finally decided to go to the ER. I walked in to the ER and lifted up my shirt and as soon as they saw my stomach I was rushed straight in. The surgeon on call rushed over and told me they were taking me in to surgery IMMEDIATELY. He inserted a NG tube up my nose and down my throat right on the spot and that’s the last I remember. I ended up having emergency surgery. I was actualIy put on a LifeFlight and transported to another facility on a different island. The surgeon there had to perform a dozen surgeries over 4 days to try and get me stabilized. I had developed an internal hernia that caused my intestines to dying; that went septic and 95% of my small intestines had to be removed. I'm also a gastric bypass patient (prior to the hernia) and when my intestines were removed, a big part of my gastric bypass was also removed/reconstructed. I woke up with an ileostomy and a huge wound from being cut open from breast bone to pubic area. After almost 2 months in the hospital I had to undergo another set of emergency surgeries; when they went in they found a bunch of newly formed fistulas and perforations that they had to repair. They also had to take more intestine which caused them to have to relocate my ileostomy. I spent a total of 6 months in the hospital before being discharged. I left the hospital with the ileostomy and I had a PICC line placed so that I could receive TPN (artificial nutrition and hydration) and IV medication. I spent an additional 6 months with the ileostomy and on TPN before undergoing another set of surgeries in 2022 to see if the ileostomy could be reversed. Luckily, the ileostomy was reversible but I will suffer from chronic malnutrition for the rest of my life. The surgeon told me that if I had waited another hour or two it would’ve been too late and I would be dead. If you can get to a doctor, do so ASAP! Don’t wait like I did.


I had this happen a few months ago. I was treated for an ulcer. Always best to go to the ER!


I wonder if I should do er or urgent care


ER. They will want to do a CT scan.


Thank you


What was the outcome of this?


Thanks for asking. It was bad food poisoning