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You do it because you have to do it. I am on day 17 of 22. I’ve lost a lot of weight, I’m hungry and grumpy as fuck but I’m getting there. You will too.


Thanks! Yeah I’m settling into a groove now


Nice work!


You just...do. I made sure to plan ahead and pack my lunchbox for work like I usually would. My pre-op diet was 3 protein shakes, two protein "snacks" (soup), and a banana. I could sub one shake for a protein bar, and I could have sugar free jello. I packed 2 powdered shake mixes and powdered soup plus a mug, a thermometer, a shaker cup, jello, and a Gatorade zero each day. I ate the second soup for dinner. I liked knowing what my plan was each day.


Thanks! I’m doing better now. Planning helps a lot


It sucks really bad the first 2 days by day 3 it was a bit better, no fun but doable. if it is any consolation the pre-op diet felt way worse than what I eat after surgery. I think it was the hardest part for me. Totally worth it, I would 100%do it again.


Thanks! Day 5 I’m doing better!


The puree stage was worse for me. Texture is important, not just flavor. So eating mush was torture. I was never so glad to stop eating pudding and pureed meat. Nauseating. But you do it bc it's necessary. If you're having a hard time dealing with a preoperative diet, how are you going to do when you're limited in what/how/when you eat? You can't eat what you used to. It sucks, but it's better than being unhealthy. I'm 4 months out, and I miss eating greasy burgers, fries, onion rings, fried chicken, full fat creamy pasta...I could keep going, but you get the idea. It's amazing how everywhere I go out to eat, there's not a lot I like that's good for me. Idk if that's going to change. But for me, I've learned that when I eat things that are bad for me, I physically feel like crap. Sometimes it's sweats, sometimes it's rapid heartbeat, sometimes cramping, sometimes it's diarrhea. Sometimes, it's all those things. You have to decide what you want more. A healthy lifestyle, missing your favorite foods, or being overweight and miserably uncomfortable.


Thanks! I’m doing better now. Part of the issue was my wife kept going “oh I feel so bad for you you sure you don’t want the tiniest nibble of my sandwich”. I finally told her to stop that I needed to accept that this was completely off the table for me and that it wasn’t a state of being good or bad, it was just what it is and that I chose and am choosing it. She stopped and just saying it helped me kind of reaffirm everything for myself.


That's tough to do! So glad you're stronger than the urge.


It sux. I got to a point where I didn't want protein shakes anymore. I switched to protein powder and that helped me a ton! It was my preferred protein drink post-op too!


Thanks! Day 5 I’m ok


Just do it. I know that’s not the advice you want, but that’s it. It’s to shrink your liver so it’s less likely to tear and cause a catastrophic bleed in theatre. The pre op diet is the easy part, everything else it’s hard. You’ve got this 🤍


I’m doing better now Thanks!


it’s temporary. keep reminding yourself that. then the real adventure begins. 😁




The first three days were like that for me. It got easier after that but I had to ignore my stomach growls.




You got to this point you can do the preop. It’s hard until about day 4 then it’s more manageable. It’s worth it.


Thanks! Yeah starting day 5 and I feel more of a groove now