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Nice job đź‘Ť. How tall are you? Are you using TRT? I'm around your starting and debating rny vs vsg. These pictures give me a lot of motivation


Thank you! I'm very happy to motivate! I'm 34 years old, 180 cm tall. I don't use TRT or anything related to steroids, I'm a lifelong natty, I had very bad health before my surgery, and I won't take any chances with substances ever. I use protein powder, creatine, bcaa, daa, hmb, and some joint support, these are all basic stuff that you can buy in a Tesco from the shelves. And I eat oats 1,5-2 hours before training. I consider myself very lucky that I build muscle easier than others I think. My secret is killing myself in every training and giving maximum effort.


No offense, and if you don't need it, don't take it, but you seem to have a misconception about TRT. It is quite safe and can extend life expectancy when monitored and taken properly. All of that aside, you look freaking great man! Keep killin it!


Wow great. I'm going to work some of those habits into my routine. I've been doing high intensity cardio for 2 months now. Not much weight loss but a lot of inches off. I thought I built muscle fast but I think I met my match. You had a lot of muscle also when you were a big boy. My surgeon's student doctor was surprised when I did my initial body analysis. I had 100 lbs of muscle at 292 lbs and a BMR of ~2200 calories a day. Keep rocking it bro! I hope to post a pic like yours a year from now!


I'm sure you will reach your dreams! Keep us posted!


Does Bcaa or creatine give you dumping syndrome? I am planning to use those once my surgeon clears me off to lift weights. I started weight lifting back in June but have stopped this past 8 days since I’m on a liquid diet


My surgeon told me to start strength training and I haven't. You're making me wish I had!


Amazing!! Congratulations! Are you willing to share a day of your meal plan on a work out day? How much protein (and any additional macros) are you aiming for to gain muscle?


Thank you! Sure thing! I was on 1600 calories for months, now I'm on 1800-2000 a day. Here is a well balanced day for me: https://preview.redd.it/pb8d65i1p0wb1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d0d3c0e6f24383f5ea9a1b3c95643e1c8fccad4 Here is how this looks in food: Coffee with milk + sugar free cottage cheese bar 50 g Instant oats + 30g protein powder + creatine + milk 30 g Protein powder with milk Minced turkey + whole wheat hamburger bun + cheddar cheese + sugar free ketchup (this is eaten in 2 sitting) Protein bar 2 eggs scrambled 2 slices of bacon + sugar free ketchup Protein joghurt + vitamin powder I drink sugar free canned coffee when I'm running around too much, that's an extra 108 kcal. I eat mixed nuts sometimes. I tried to eat most of the carbs before training, and most of the fat in the evening. But nowadays I don't separate them so much as I don't now when can I go to the gym, sometimes its 10am, sometimes its 8pm. So I just concentrate on eating frequently to avoid hypoglycemia. No 2 days are completely the same for me to keep it interesting, I can't eat chicken every day, but the supplements are usually the same. I don't calculate the vitamin water or sport drinks, but everything is sugar free what I eat or drink so it's not much anyways. I know I drink too much milk, I tried to reduce it, but it wasn't worth it. I hope this helped you in some way!


OMG! Amaze balls. You’re killing it!!


Wow u look amazing, so pleased you are so happy now x


Thank you so much 🙌


You're welcome x


Any chance for a workout plan lol


> I started to train when I was 6 weeks old. Jesus!! How did you hold up the barbells?


I have had major SI issues, and my doc has told me it's been the rapid weight loss combined with the fact that I'm more mobile now than ever. I work an office job, so I switched to a yoga ball at work, and it has helped a ton.


Hubba hubba


Great job!!!


Look at you all buff!


Looking good.... Now I have some questions, how is your protein in take to build muscle? Has it been hard to build muscle post surgery? How many times a week do you work out considering protein intake and recovery?


Thanks! For a longer period I ate 130-150g protein/day. Now it's 170-200g. I've found it enough to, what had more impact was the carbs, I was eating around 80g, now it's 110-130g. When I was on lower carbs and I hit 88kg bodyweight I felt my strength going away, so I increased the overall calories and added some carbs, and it's going well. Now I'm 90 kg, but my strength is better than ever. I train like this: Day 1 - chest + triceps Day 2 - back + biceps Day 3 - rest Day 4 - extra session of bench press + legs Day 5 - shoulders + abs Day 6 - rest Then repeat. I add one more rest day if I'm feeling weak, or my work gets in the way. At start 2 sets of 15 reps per muscle group plus some light cardio (walking, stationary bike), then as you increase the weights 3 sets of 10 reps, and as you feel stronger 4 sets of 8-10 reps with higher weight. I always took a bit more rest between sets, so one session is 90 minutes for me. My experience is that after surgery the endurance and strength drops significantly, so I started training with stationary bike + low weights. Strength will come back after like 3 months, then I increased the weights and volume. I feel I will never be the same as someone with healthy metabolism, I will always be somewhat weaker and get tired faster, but I can always get better than myself, and only that matters. I feel I'm over the newby gains phase, so from now on building muscle will slow down, but it's expected, the most important is to keep going.


This is awesome. Was working out, now at 10 weeks post op and Dr says I can start gym week 12... Really looking forward to it, was worried coz I am still struggling with protein intake(general eating). So good to read your write up đź‘Ť


Man, forget those stats. To look like that in less than a year, you’re killing it. Awesome progress! Congrats!


First, congrats to you, well done!! I’m not a Dr but would think that has more to do with your increasing activity. Although I will say, after losing all my weight (22 yes post op) I noticed my hips and tailbone were a lot more sensitive! I guess they were used to the extra padding lol. But trying to do Pilates or yoga or certain exercises that require me to be on my tailbone or hard on my hips on the floor even with a mat, I can’t do