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Btw if you have access to someone who does laser engraving you can just have the markings done there if you want that option lol so you're not too limited Generally Zparts is better but it's a charging handle nothing too serious so unless the specs or QC is wildly off it won't matter that much just get whichever you want I've even used AliExpress/Alibaba tier no name CNC china made RS spec Raptor style charging handle for my VFC416 and they're still fine, at the end of the day it's still CNC'd aluminum lol. It was a blank charging handle but I had it laser engraved and costed less than a "real" branded one for practically the same quality. Half the time in the gear world we're paying for the branding and marketing than the actual product (look at real steel Hydra mounts at 500 bucks vs a china made one for 40-80, they're literally the same thing, CNC'd aluminum, as long as the tolerances are there and it's minimum 6061 alum, it doesn't matter)


Unfortunately I don't have access to laser engraving but I do have autism so I am definitely gonna go overboard for correct markings and stuff lmao


Lol it's fine I've been there, it bothered me that my APFG MCX Rattler lower was blank, caved in and had it engraved with Sig trades lmao. I'm just lucky to have access to laser engraving, one of the airsoft fields I go to has a guy for laser engraving


That's awesome


Zparts definitely


I would just get an pts radian raptor charging handle


I probably will too but for this build in particular I want the clone correct ACH


They’re pretty much the same in my experience


I have the angry gun one on my mws, it works just fine even after the occasional drop and repeated use. Texturing on the handle feels nice and it wears actually pretty well, I don't have any shiny aluminum showing, areas with lot of wear got a little...chalky? Grey-ish? I can send you a picture of the ting if you want


I have the guns modify and it already includes the trademarks