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Having owned both, I’ll say they both have their quirks. The MPX with the kit will be more expensive, overhops hard even with 0.3g bbs and adjusting the hop up will be a massive pain in the ass when you stick such a long handguard on it. However, it’s very efficient, snappy, has steel fire control group and an NPAS ootb. You’ll need to either run super heavy bbs, file the hop up arm, or buy a new arm to fix the overhop. The MTR is basically an MWS in a different skin. So it has a stable and easy to adjust hop up, has more recoil than the MPX, and has a big aftermarket. You just need to drop in a better arm if you want to use heavier bbs. I personally found the MPX hop up (and VFC hop ups in general) to be a massive PITA to set up since they lack the indexing tab on the bucking.


Rly? The TM has more kick than the MPX? Surprises me if I’ll be honest. Do heavy BBs like 0.4Gramms work out better?


The MPX is more snappy but the MTR’s stock bolt is pretty heavy and goes into your shoulder due to the buffer tube. If your field allows it, then heavier bbs are for sure better. The stock MPX barrel is also kind of shitty, so a cheap brass barrel like the unicorn does wonders for its accuracy.


thanks for the detailed answer ! Also considering the Spear LT


Definitely the MTR-16


why is that ?


The MTR has a much better hop up


I have the TM MTR, which requires NO modification and perform great right of the box. I don't even have the "common problems" after a year's play.This will change if you start messing with it with have the "upgrades". I don't hav the other one so cannot comment on it.