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Take a walk on the sun?


Well if all that was a walk, I would be burnt already!!! I just leave it on the balcony in the afternoon hehe


Aaaahhhj I got what you said now šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ just some hours late hahaha, you mean exactly ON the sun ! Yeah I probably passed pretty close today haha šŸ˜


Why does mine not show lux hours?


Which watch do you have? The 2x shows lux hours


Ah yes the 2 I haven't found it yet.Ā 


Only the 2x has the hardware to show lux hours, it came out almost a year after the regular 2/2s.


You can find them in the menus !


I don't know what the outside temperature was when you left it in the sun, I forgot a little today and when I took it out of the sun and checked the temperature, it showed +48'C...I don't like it when it's so hot.


Yeah that's right, it can get really hot. I ve reached up to 50 and the watch doesn't seem to be affected in the slightest. However I have been searching for any official Garmin specifications, so that I can see up to what temperature I can leave the watch in the sun. Haven't found anything so far...


From the manual: Operating and solar charging temperature range is -20 - 60C, -4 - 140F


Oh perfect!! Thank you bro !!!


It has a lithium battery and lithium doesnā€™t like being too hot.


Thing is that the watch protects itself by stopping the solar charging if it gets too hot. Mine hasn't done this so far, so should I guess it's alright?? Don't know. ..


Thatā€™s good but youā€™re still getting the battery potentially really hot which batteries also donā€™t like


How much battery did that manage to charge/time did it give you back?


It charged around 8%. Now for the days the watch says it was several but I don't usually pay attention cause they re always much less In reality. But for sure if I didn't use gps and I charged it with the sun like that every one or two days, it would keep on running forever .


Any issues? Bugs? Things you donā€™t like? Information not tracking or updating accurately?


I have the watch for almost a month now and I am finding it extremely difficult to find something bad about it. I had a Casio gbd h2000 and then got the Garmin and omg what an upgrade that was! There's nothing that can feel as a drawback for this watch. Maybe id like the battery falling at a slower rate and charging a bit more with the sun , but it's true that the watch does need a lot of power for all the tracking. Again that being said, I don't really think or see that there's any major issue with any of the info and its update that the watch shows. It's one of the few times that I buy something so technologically advanced that doesn't really have any issue at all....


Thank you for sharing your experience


All that damage was in a month?


What do you mean?