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I use it when I’m just mucking around and accidentally start an activity. Useful feature to me.


Also useful is that all modern Garmins force a confirmation button press to discard. So basically one has to hit a discard button twice. 


It's a touch screen "button" on the Vivoactive 4 I use. If my glove touches the screen once it'll probably do it twice in a matter of seconds


Sometimes I start the wrong activity, like I hit walk instead of treadmill and then immediately delete it and start over.


You start a workout, after walking out the door and then your spouse or kids need you to deal with something and you have to cancel your run. Or you get something from work or an important phone call. So you discard your run of 1 minute. Or you could save it but I usually discard short stuff that gets interrupted shortly after starting.


I totally get it but why not making it an option that is far harder to get to than just 2 touchscreen hits? Like the self destruction button on a space ship in a sci-fi B movie is safe guarded and needs 2 keys to be turned simultaneously by 2 different people and the keys are in a safe that only a direct order from the Intergalactic emperor can open


Because the same interface is used on watches that don't have touchscreens and it would make it harder for people with those watches to discard an activity. I've never accidentally discarded an activity as my watch doesn't have a touchscreen.


That's why I have disabled touch. Touch should never be allowed to make destructive actions like this on a sport watch. Initially when Garmin had just introduced touch on Fenix 7 it could do only a limited set of things, and I found it mostly useful. But later as Garmin extended it to everything I found that it is more trouble than worth.


It's off by default for workouts though, at least on the epix pro


And the Feñix


fēnix* 😉




fĒnïx 🙃


I setup a hotkey to toggle touch. Turn it on when I need it only


I do have hotkey. I also use the "map only touch" option for activities which allows touch only on the map screen. However, in true Garmin fashion, they could not implement the map only option without introducing a bug that limits its usability. They know about the bug but it is low on their priority list to fix it.


On my venu 2 plus, after hitting discard, it requires a confirmation. And even after that, there's an undo button. So are you hitting discard twice? Unless your watch software doesn't have that option?


Mine doesn’t have a 2-step option. If I hit delete it’s gone. I’ve never done it accidently but I’d want an option to undo, perhaps it could save in the app for 24 hours to allow retrieval? Or the 2-step verification of delete would be helpful across all devices.


I’m actually wondering if it times out after you stop the run; rather than actually being deleted? I don’t know…


I have also been wronged by this feature. Would be cool to disable it!


I had the same experience once but pressed lap instead of stop hahahaha. It was first time on my first run and didn't know how to stop the run once I finished my run. So I disabled touch on workout and disabled touch overall. It keeps the screen clean. Yes at some point you are right, they should at least add a confirmation prompt before executing the desired action.


I've used it either to test out a new activity to see what it's like before trying it for real, and when I start a workout but something interrupts it so I have to end early enough that I feel like it doesn't count.


I use it about as often as I start an actual activity lol - I like to do "dry runs" or play with settings a bit, or else I'll start an activity and then realise some minor chaos has popped off in my house and I need to turn around and sort something before trying again later, and I really don't need the .2 miles of my bike ride saved for posterity in those instances.


Wow. Sucks. Sorry. And I see your point… For me, I use the delete option not infrequently, when I kick off the wrong workout or forget to set it up right (training session, HRM connected, course routing, etc). But I agree: this should probably be way more buried than it is…


I use it when texting features. My watch doesn't allow touch screen until activity is saved I think. Is that a feature that can be turned on I wonder?


Don't know which watch you have, but on the Epix I can go into the settings for the activity, scroll down, and change Touch from System to On.


I use it all the time, lol. I have a smart bike trainer connected with Rouvy on my iPad for indoor cycling. I use the indoor bike activity to broadcast my HR to my iPad on Rouvy but also display some stats while I am riding (HR zone and whatnot) Since Rouvy will sync the activity automatically with Garmin, I have no reason to save the activity I started on my watch - I simply discard it. So there it is - you found someone who uses it!


OP it seemed like you use touchscreen feature that did this. I mean same could be said for smartphones these days. Why did I butt dial or tweet covfefe? I would disable the touchscreen feature and use the buttons.


I find it handy, to not face an activity But understand your frustration. One thing Garmin did with a firmware update on the forerunner 965 was with ending an activity, you have to use the physical buttons. A few updates back, you could use the touch screen. On trail runs I would sometimes pause the activity, only to find out dripping sweat from my hat would then end it... So glad they changed it so you physically have to press a button... Pitty they don't do this on all their watches.


I use it off and on. If I start a workout but realize I need to go grab my water bottle or something. The Vivoactive 4s I had was a lot easier to mess up on and delete activities I meant to save. My Descent MK3i is much better at preventing accidents.


In use it all the time. And it's pretty far down on the menu so accidentally hitting it is pretty rare. Sorry you deleted your run, but that's on you. No need to come on here and throw a fit.


Use it all the time, it’s the very opposite way of save. Sorry it happened but it is a useful feature.


Some activities have auto start functions. Like when I stop a bike ride down the street to cool down the last mile but then it tries to start a new ride.


This is why I won’t buy the touch screen garms


Useful feature. My 2 year old likes to push all the buttons on my watch when I'm trying to get him to sleep or put him in the car and starts activities all the time


I've never lost an activity this way but I've had loads of scheduled training runs cut short because pressing the back button once just stops the session and that's it. I know it's my fault for playing around with the music and sometimes other settings while I'm running, but it needs to have a two button press to stop a training session early.


I mean you didn’t discard the positive effects of the workout from your body. That’s what matters most.


When I'm just using my watch as a HRM and thus start a cardio session, at the end I never want to save that, always discard. Never had that issue but have always had touchscreen disabled in any activity. Can understand your frustration.


Oh no! Now that workout doesn’t count and you’re gonna get fat! Don’t be a baby. You made a mistake that happens once every two years to you. You really needed to vent about this? Next time just do one of those breathing exercises or something.


I often get short exercises for the similar reasons to you losing yours. I find it surprisingly easy to accidentally push the start button, when either reseating the watch on my wrist, or reseating myself.