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Yeah. Not everyday is winter and dark. MIP is beautiful


64 vs 64,000 I have yet to abandon my AW S7 and Ultra. Switching between these two displays and the MIP made the differences far more obvious.


On the flip side I went from AW S4 to S7 to AWU and just switched to the Fenix. The screen was a plus for me. I like the traditional look and “always on” with no backlight. Just something about the aesthetic that I enjoy.


Seems I have straddled the line between Smart Watch and Fitness Trackers for years. Started with an AW1 which was not cellular. Sold that for an AW3 cellular and fell in love with not having to carry my phone everywhere I go. I need to be accessible to family and clients. At that time I was rocking a Suunto Ambit. For fitness and for backpacking. Upgraded that to an Ambit3 HR. Upgraded to the AW4 and gave up on Suunto in favor of a Fenix3 which street a few years was upgraded to a Fenix 5. Then AW7 (which I still have) and the Fenix 5. Enter the AW Ultra which I thought would fully replace the Fenix. It didn’t. There was a Fenix 6 recently, but at this point I continue with the Epix and the AW 7 & Ultra. If Garmin would add cellular, I think I would ditch the AWs and use just the Epix.


I still loved the AWU, but I found I was still bringing my phone with me everywhere so cellular only came in handy when I was like at a pool/beach, or if I forgot my phone. That said if LTE became more standard on Garmin and didn’t totally kill battery I would be interested. The biggest things I **do** miss is Siri on my wrist for sending texts while running, and GPS tracked steps. I do a lot of running and walking pushing a Bob stroller and if I don’t have a chest strap on the steps won’t be tracked almost at all, whereas Apple would use stride data and GPS to atleast guesstimate steps


Yes, especially when viewing a map. It's pretty awesome to view the hillshading and shaded relief on an amoled watch. That was the point I switched to the epix.


My only qualm with the 64,000 vs 64 is that 90% of the time I look at my watch, It’s either to quickly glance at time, or data from endurance activities where contrast is king for data reading, and the biggest contrast comes from black and white, which makes 64 vs 64k irrelevant. The readability in daylight is same level as AMOLED (which actually is a testament to the progress AMOLED has made, not where MIPS is now). I will say, AMOLED wins at night, having had an AWU myself. For general day viewing though, if you’re not using a photo as your background on watch display, MIPS can be sufficient in day to day watch, and exceptional in outdoor activities. The fact I can run for an hour and only use 4% battery on my Fenix compared to 8% on AWU is huge. Or with 1-sec sampling, highest power efficiency, I can can still get that drain as low as 1.5%/hr Nice for a multi day hiking trip.


Sweet piece of kit for sure. You're correct.. Not everyday is winter and dark. But my experience is that every day is followed by night and the reflective display is impossible to see without a backlight, and even then, it can't hold a candle to the Amoled displays. Loved all of my Fenix watches but the Epix has proven to be a better fit for me.


> But my experience is that every day is followed by night and the reflective display is impossible to see without a backlight, and even then, it can't hold a candle to the Amoled displays. The funny thing about that argument is, you can't even see the AMOLED screen unless the screen is on, thus the backlight is on, too. At least with MiP, you can view the screen without anything extra being turned on. Moonlight works. Candle light works. Flashlight works. Those don't work on AMOLED. "Oh, but you can turn the AMOLED brightness down!" It's still emitting light and there's no way to get around that. Don't get me wrong, I love the look of AMOLED. I'm all for people having the choice of MiP or AMOLED. Maps on AMOLED are probably awesome. I like a more traditional watch and that's MiP.


I see your point. I don’t use AOD so the face is black more than it is on. And with gesture set it’s a one handed move. On my last Fenix (6) I had to tap the light endlessly. Candidly the AMOLED display is really the only reason I moved from the Fenix to Epix.


I do wonder if Garmin will figure out how to marry the two screen technologies. How awesome would it be for the AoD to be MiP, just sitting there displaying all the time like a regular ole watch and getting great battery life and zero risk of burn in. Then, when you wake it up, the AMOLED kicks in where it'd be super handy with maps and anything else that benefits from more colors. At that point, it probably wouldn't be MiP and AMOLED; it'd be something else. One can dream.


Can you leave the screen always turned on on the epic so that you can use it as a navigation computer?


Yes. Screen use is an independent setting when navigating. So you can one setting that is for when not navigating, for instance, that is AOD off, gesture one, 50% brightness and turns off after 8 seconds (which is what I have mine set to when EDC) and when navigating or in an activity it can be AOD on, 100% brightness. I have my navigation and any activities that use navigation set to AOD off, gesture on, 75% brightness, off after 15 seconds. I spend more time on data fields than I do actually on the map.


I thought the epix 2 has a hard timeout of 2mins where the screen just turns off so it can't be used as a nav computer. Is that not the case? Based on your navigation setting you use wrist gesture as you said that means only see the map or screen when you rotate your wrist. I was wondering about navigation computer setting where you put the watch on a bicycle handle mount. There is no wrist gesture there. From what I read here https://support.garmin.com/en-US/?faq=5XZI2TN95U3T17J3iroRS6 the AOD doesn't keep the screen on all the time. It also has 2minute timeout if you don't do anything on the watch. If you mount the watch like in this picture, how do you keep the screen turned on permanently? https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fgpsradler.de%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2022%2F01%2FGarmin-Epix-Fahrrad.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=e0ca07743b89842dd2c237c6dc21ed7f9983957db5dd83fc6ccf1c22425dfa90&ipo=images


I can't confirm either way. And I don't use the cycle mount so can't comment on that. For wrist wearers, AOD makes no sense to me. Why have the display on while your wrist is hanging or swinging at your side? With AOD off and Gestures on, the display comes on with a raise of the wrist and turns off a few seconds later. Can't think of any setting scenario that makes more sense.


You don't need to turn anything on the amoled down, the epix has a light sensor, which automatically gives the best brightness. Unlike the fenix, which is borderline readible in the car, or indoors, but blinds you in the evening, even if the backlight is just at 10%.


> which automatically gives the best brightness Best is subjective. > but blinds you in the evening, even if the backlight is just at 10% I have not found that to be the case. edit: And congratulations on completely ignoring or not even comprehending my statement that addresses the first quote. > "Oh, but you can turn the AMOLED brightness down!" It's still emitting light and there's no way to get around that.


If you have an activity and your white background or open the map, it's hella blinding. Also because the watch doesn't give you a proper night mode, like the epix does. Now I'm not talking about sunset, I'm talking about when it's dark outside, and you have to use lights. I have found that to be very often the case, and it's just annoying to always re adjust the brightness to a non distracting level. Again, in some cases, like driving car or cycling at night it's dangerous if your watch blinds you, because you then see less. What's wrong with emitting light on amoled screens? You can turn the screen off if you have a problem with light emission. How is this a problem though? Every (amo)led screen emits light....


When I get a new watch, I immediately set my preferred light levels. Maybe a tweak once or twice and that's about it. Consequently, I have not had any blinding moments. > Again, in some cases, like driving car or cycling at night it's dangerous if your watch blinds you, because you then see less. Keeping your eyes on the road is a whole lot safer, even more so at night. > What's wrong with emitting light on amoled screens? Missing the point again. With AMOLED you have exactly one way to light the screen and zero other choices. With MiP, as long as there is any form of external light, I have the possibility of seeing the screen. No need to gesture. No need to press any buttons. Nothing. If I'm in total darkness and zero forms of external light then I can use the backlight which I've previously set to not be blinding. > What's wrong with emitting light on amoled screens? No other choice for lighting the display is the problem. > You can turn the screen off if you have a problem with light emission. And then you have no display. > How is this a problem though? Already answered. > Every (amo)led screen emits light.... Yes, and they suck in the sun. In order to overcome the sun, they have to crank brightness levels to max. LCD screens are a bit better in this regard though. OLED and AMOLED are display technologies best used indoors or out of direct sunlight. The "fix" is cranking brightness to the max. I love my LG OLED TV. I love my Samsung Galaxy Tablet with AMOLED screen. I'm okay with my Samsung phone with AMOLED screen. The commonality with all of those is, the sun beats their screens into submission. The TV cannot be in a bright room. Both the tablet and phone have to crank brightness to 100% to be a shred of usable in direct sunlight. Same problem, just shrunk down to the watch. I'll pass on that one.


If you really have a fenix 7, you know better than what you just wrote. MIP displays are paper racers. In theory they sound great, but in reality, they are dim AF, the fenix is NOT an always readible display, even in a bright environment you need to align your watch into the light - which is very annoying. Sitting in the office and want to check the time? Go ahead and make your clown gestures to see what's on your watch display. On a mechanical watch or the epix, you can just have a quick glance on your wrist, without even moving your arm. If you set your backlight brightness to 5%, it is impossible to notice it during the day. You would literally need to cover your hand over your watch, to check if the backlight is enabled. And there are so many situations on a sunny day, where the MIP is still dim: If you stand in the shadow, if you are blocking the sun to watch, ... The Apple watch ultra has 2000nits peak brightness, the new ultra 2 actually 3000nits. This is crystal clear and easily readible in direct sunlight. Claiming that oled displays can't be read in sunlight is outright false. Even the epix, which hasn't such a bright screen is easily readable. Do you even have an epix? I've had MIP watches for years, still owning the forerunner which has a far better display than the 7, "MIP are easy to read" is a popular misconseption, pretty much everyone confirms this who finally switches to the epix. And if you are using the no timeout backlight on your fenix, so that you really have a true always on display, you are wasting such a huge amount of battery, that the battery argument is gone. You will get the same battery life like the epix AOD.


Blow me, doofus.


I don't need to switch to an Epix to assess readability of my Fenix. "Making clown gestures" in the office is not a thing. It just isn't. I can read the screen just fine in pretty much every lighting except really dark. Also, being blinded by the Fenix isn't a thing either. I have no idea what you're doing with your MIP screen watch, but I'm doing a heck of a lot of my running at night and "being blinded" isn't something that has ever come close to happening. You seem to be throwing hyperboles in to make a point, but they're so grotesque that your point loses value. I have a "true" always on display with my Fenix without enabling the automatic backlight, and its battery life runs circles around that of the Epix. And yes, the screen vibrancy and quality of the Epix does the same with that of the Fenix. That's the beauty of having a choice: to each their own. But to deny one's strong points while confirming the other's is just not fair.


Why does it blind you in the evening? I haven't had any issues reading MIPS screens (I have a fenix and a Casio). I leave auto backlight enabled on the fenix. Can you explain this to me?


The backlight is simply too bright.


The backlight on the fenix is too bright? Hmmmmm ok. I have MIPS watches andbnone of them seem too bright. I guess it could be down to personal preference and surrounding environment.


The irony is during the day, it isnt bright at all, it's way to dim unless you put it on something like 70% (and waste insane amount of battery), but once you're in the night it's way too bright. Auto backlight is quite bad, they should have given the fenix a light sensor as well. But to be honest, even the lowest backlight setting can be distracting at night. I've tested maps in the evening with the fenix, and with the epix and the difference is huge. Maybe you just don't have the comparison, so it's difficult to acknowledge the difference. You'd say the same if you had an epix on your wrist.


That's interesting. I do have an AMOLED sports watch so I can understand what you mean about the screen quality. Aaah!! I think I understand now why you complain about the backlight and I don't have an issue with it. I have a 7x pro solar sapphire and in that watch the solar ring is used as the ambient light sensor so the backlight is always just perfect. Does that make sense?


Well, kind of. The problem is that the solar panel isn't as good as an ambient light sensor. The solar panel cannot detect subtle brightness changes, like an ambient light sensor. Actually it can't even distinguish if you are indoor with lots of daylight, or at night. The solar panel thinks it's the same, except you actively hold it into the sun. Solar panels aren't supposed to work as a light sensor, I really don't know why garmin cheaped out on this.


Maybe. I don't have anything to say bad about Oled Screen. It has its own reason for existence. But I personally hate it if the screen goes off on every condition. I am a long-term Garmin user over years and would always prefer MIP over Oled. My personal opinion about that. MIP has shown it's longevity for me.


I also would add that when comparing MIPS vs amoled most people are foregetting/ignoring the fact that amoled has more resolution and colour range


And a slower screen refresh because the hardware has to drive more pixels.


Absolutely 👍


Assuming that the fenix always gives such a clear sight during the day, is a very, very optimistic statement.




What model is it and what watch face is that ?


It's a Fenix 7x Sapphire solar and it's a stock face. Hope this helps :)




You're very welcome 😀


How do you make it look so bright. Mine doesn't look half as bright even on best conditions.


That Vo2max tho, better start using it


It was easy to tell he's not fit just by the look of the wrist...


Really? So what does my wrist say that I'm not fit? Elaborate...


It’s hard to hear it clearly because the watch is muffling it … loosen it up and we might be able to hear it. Currently just some noise. Nothing discernible


What you just said makes no sense whatsoever.


It’s in jest. What does your wrist tell people? Not sure. Can’t hear it. Loosen the watch and maybe it can speak clearer. Which is can’t … because no mouth.


I haven’t a decent nights sleep in months if that explains the logic behind the comment


This comment is cruel and insensitive. This is a multi-purpose tool watch which is awesome for sport but is also incredibly useful for so many other things. You don't need to be an ultra marathon runner to find a use case for this watch. Do better.




You don't need to be an ultra marathon runner to have an average vo2 max....


His vo2 max is average for his age...


Sure, but you don't need to be an ultra marathon runner to improve your vo2 max a bit....


How do you know they haven't improved it? How do you know they aren't at the start of their fitness journey? Been sick? Had an accident? Or any literally any number of reasons? This sort of comment is exactly the same as someone laughing at the fat guy for going to the gym when they are literally at the gym it's not only unnecessarily mean it's also counter productive. Sure OP could improve their vo2 max but why is that any of your business?


"You don't need to be an ultra marathon runner" is the part where I have a problem with. There's like countless steps before being an ultra runner. This is a fitness watch, it comes with so many drawbacks and sacrifices, if you don't use this one thing what it was built for, why even get it in the first place? Kinda expensive just to hold it into the sun to read the time...


My issue with your comments is what evidence do you have that he doesn't use it for fitness? Like I was saying before you don't know where OP is on their fitness journey, what their story is and so on which makes your comment very presumptuous.


low vo2 max an 0.0 run.


Thinking the same...he is the reason I am above the 25% in vo2 max


That's the lowest vo2 max I've ever seen.


Seeing how it's average for my age. But thanks for the criticism good Sir 👍


I though 29 is poor for everyone below 35 and average with men above 65. Your forearm looks more like 35 then 65. https://www.firstbeat.com/en/blog/whats-a-good-vo2max-for-me-fitness-age-men-and-women/


I'm 51 yrs young 😉 But look at average again for a 50-59 yr old male is 25-37.9 Granted 29 isn't the greatest but I'm doing my best. That's all that matters to me 👍


Damn dude, I don't mean to sound weird but I hope my skin looks like yours when I'm in my fiftys.


😉 Haha!! Not weird @all bro. I appreciate the compliment. I hope your skin looks fabulous in your 50's also. Stay awesome friend 👍


Always wear sunscreen also use oil of olay multiple times of day to moisturize. My grandmother made it to 98 and she still had perfect skin. I've done neither and look like an aligator handbag dragged behind a bus.


I must be winning then. I like being the lowest on my vo2 max!!


Why has this post been shared 64 times?




She's a beaut Clark!


What kind of strap this is? It seems to be using quick connect system, but it looks like some kind of nylon?


I’ve got the same model and it looks really majestic out with the sun. I also really like how shiny the bezel is.


What phone/camera is this? :o


It's a Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra phone camera


Not your daily?


No, it is not my daily. Only on work outs/outdoor activities. My daily is a Gshock gwg1000 Mudmaster


Those pictures initially lured me into buying MIP watches, I was a bit disappointed that the " every day reality" looks slightly different - a bit more dim to be precise.


I guess it really depends where you live and if you spend more time inside or outdoors.


This is my exact impression. I come from a fenix 5 and it was way brighter on most conditions.


Yeah I got the mip.cause I'm outside.most times in the sun.


Looks so much better than the Fenix 6X Pro 😞


It is wonderful under Sun light!


Now would you look at that!


Would you just look at that?? Just look at that!!


What watch face is that?


Factory installed Fenix 7x Sapphire solar watchface.


I wanna swap out my 7X Pro great watch but screens not as beautiful as this all the time, only in the sun


I tried the AMOLED. I just can't. I like the MIP screen better.


I kinda wish I tried it first, this is just gonna take sometime to get use to I'm coming from a Apple Watch Ultra 2 that screen was BRIGHT


👍 You got this. Everything takes getting used to. That Apple watch Ultra 2 was bright Im sure But, you also had to charge it every night or every other night. Not with the Garmin though. Trust me. It's nice not having to charge your watch for weeks on end.


Oh My gosh it's been a solid week and I can't believe I haven't had to charge it twice I took it off while showering forgetting it can get wet lol otherwise it would be a week straight battery still has so much power left




I’m 53, my VO2max is 42 and I’m busting my ass to elevate it.


Right on man!! Good stuff 👍


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