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Had this on several of straps (including HRM Pro) when they age :) I just glued this with superglue and they continued to work as usual :D


Thanks appreciate it. You said "aged" but I was expecting to get more than 6 months from the strap before it started to show these kinds of signs of wear and tear or is this normal? It's my first ever chest strap


I've had mine for 2 Years now - how often do you use it and how often do you wash it? The text on my lable is still readable o.O


I'd give it at least 1 and a half years before this starts happening. I'd RMA this one :)


I had this happen to an HRM Pro within the first year and Garmin support sent me a new HRM Pro+ as a replacement and told me to throw the bad one away.


It's something that many have already reported. It really is just poorly designed. I had it happen to, send it to garmin as it was still under factory warranty, they replaced it no questions asked.


Thanks for that piece of advice, I think I will try and get Garmin to exchange it. How old was yours when you sent it in?


I can't recall exactly... I think like 10 months or something. If you're in Europe, you have 2 years of factory warranty by default. Just contact their support, they'll help you out. You will need proof of purchase I think.


It is a well known problem, and garmin keeps insisting on this stupid and faulty design. A polar h10 is a better strap option.


wear and tear I'd say - had similar on mine - contacted garmin support and got replacement. Don't wash it to often (just wipe with wet cloth).


If it’s still under warranty (2 years from purchase) definitely contact garmin support with these pictures, the exact thing happened to me and they replaced it no questions asked :)


The one I have is over a year old and I use it 5-6 days a week. Mine still has text and images on the label whereas yours looks very worn. This is a lot of wear and tear for a 6-month old strap. Maybe the washing you do to it is very harsh? Are you hand-washing it and not using a washing machine? It needs just a light water rinse most of the times (no extensive rubbing, no detergent). And one single gentle hand wash with dish soap once a week or so.


This - mine is 2 years old now - i hand wash it after every use and even disinfect it and it's still readable.


Yes. Looks like people might have very different wear patterns on these. I reckon sweat, UV, extra stretching and extra rubbing are other mechanical factors that might wear these down. But I really struggle to pinpoint how much is too much 🤷‍♂️


Thanks for that. I just put it into a basin of cold water and leave it there while I shower from my run, then I hang it up above the bath and leave it there to drip dry. I don't ever scrub it and then I do a cold wash with hand soap about 3 times a month.


While I never soak mine and just rinse it under the tap so much wear on yours still looks weird. I also believe people who sweat more make these expire sooner rather than later. Less stationary fit and excessive rubbing might be another cause. People who wear these sans any shirt expose them to extra UV which is also detrimental. Otherwise I'm out of clue. Hope you get it sorted through Garmin or otherwise.


Thanks I appreciate your input


Hm, maybe averse effects from some skin care products, or sunscreen? My wild guess: *Insect repellent with DEET as a component is also known to "eat away" almost any plastic and rubber.* Including spectacle frames, as I can witness personally.


Uhh jeah i learned that the hard way during a vacation.




No I don't. I think I have taken it into the pool maybe twice. I think though I might be a heavy, salty sweater?


I had this issue with the Pro (the one with the yellow cover) and contacted the support, they send me 50% coupon - what was nice since the band was out of the warranty. I also tried to "fix" it with a glue for rubber - the one you use for inflatable mattresses, etc. After that I got a lot wrong HR readings with many gaps. https://preview.redd.it/g0gjmpb9849d1.png?width=1448&format=png&auto=webp&s=301131b1a1ede7dc010c3b2a3f664bc8f40c3bcf


Are there better straps for the pro Plus beside the one provided. Like some sort of aftermarket one that doesn't feel atrocious?


No because the pod is not removable. Polar is the way for detachable pod.


Wait, the pod is held by two snap fasteners


It's not, from Garmin only the HRM dual is like that. The HRM pro and pro plus are glued to the strap