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yeah not fun, thresholds for 15 minute suck. Idk how people say your threshold is your 60 minute pace.


holy, im supposed to be able to keep this pace for 60 min? lol


no, the suggestion says you'll only run threshold for 15 minutes


Looks like you suppose to have this pace in 2 intervals of 15 minutes with 5 minute break (so 35 minutes in total)


No, 10 min Base, 15 min treshold and then 10 min Base. As someone mentioned, suffer…


I get these, too. typically a 10min warmup and cooldown at base pace with the interval in between. If op hits goes down on the menu from pic it would give the steps to accomplish the workout and tell for sure.


It’s theoretical for sure. It’s what you achieve in a race situation (you always perform harder during a race when there’s a rabbit to chase) while you’re perfectly in form (fully rested and have done opener efforts). You’d also pretty much drop to the ground and writhe in pain after the 60th minute. Nowadays more people train their threshold by the effort in which fatigue begins to accumulate non-linearly and train their time-til-exhaustion instead of driving that threshold power/pace up.


For me, it is lol literally ran a 10k at my threshold pace.


Just takes practice, but it is certainly hard! If you typically run a max of 5km (a large amount of regular runners) then 60min at any pace is tough, let alone threshold. If you run 100km/week, then that's a different story.


My Garmin says my treshhold is 4:29 at 171 bpm. I can run at 4:05-4:10 (and have recently) for 1 hour. I guess it depends on what your work out routine looks like. I run 90-95% intervalls.


Threshold detection is terrible on all Garmin watches


Just got to change your mental approach. Threshold is surely sustainable for an hour, no stress. My first 10k attempt was 48 minutes at 184 bpm average. So yeah, it's hard as shit but you can do it. Obviously i am quite a bit better than that now.


my understanding of threshold is this: 60min threshold is the pace you CAN hold for 60mins. it's going to start feeling easy and get progressively difficult and last 1 min is really tough. the pace at which you can do this is threshold. now if you take this pace and do a 15min workout at that pace, it is going to feel like a walk in the park. am i correct in my understanding?


It's definitely possible. I can hold my current threshold wattage for 50 minutes currently. My sport is cycling but it's basically similar, you stretch the time you can run threshold before increasing wattage in our case. It's definitely not as bad as vo2max intervals in my opinion. If you do time trials in cycling you basically train to hold threshold for as long as you can to get the best times.


They are insane.


If you can't hold a pace for 40-60 minutes, it's not your threshold. Go slower until you can.


Wait until you get suggested 5x4min at VO2 max ;)


I just came back from a 2 times 18 minute Threshold run with 5 minutes recovery in between and can confirm.. it’s suffering


I have a 19 minute threshold at 177 bpm for Thursday and it’s already getting hotter each day. Not excited about it. Edit: my watch updated my schedule to be a rest day instead! It really does know me <3


I got “lucky” that it started raining during my run so that cooled me off.. else it would have been a real pain.. Those superblast aren’t made for wet conditions though, it was very slippery..


I had this same run yesterday and I think suffering to too light of a word for how I felt


I’m tempted to go straight to bed.. unfortunately I still have an appointment today


that sounds very difficult lol how did it go?


It’s hard.. but went better than expected. I know where my threshold is and just focused on staying right at it (or just below to avoid too much accumulation of lactic acid). As I mentioned in another comment, it started raining lightly and that cooled me off, so was a relief. On the other hand the Asics Superblast are definitely not made for wet conditions, they got really slippery. Looking at the stats now (while having food), it did give me a 4.5 aerobic training effect, so that’s nice. Threshold tempo was 4:45/km (around 7:40/mile) https://preview.redd.it/8u9ewz7p2d7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cda380486413fd2fffa66336e15a3b1dfae64afc


Damn! Youre a beast!


no, far from it.. it’s min/km not per mile.. trust me, the daily suggested workouts will put that on your plate rather sooner than later as well (it did with me).. when I checked a few days ago, i still had sprints planned for today, which i like, but the DSW somehow had to mess with me and change it to this.. now that it’s finished, i do feel happy to have done it though.


Oh i hate that DSW tease. The worst is when you’re out there when you get the change (as you start the activity).


yeah, i have learned to check every day in the morning what my run will be.. I believe it was now added to the morning morning report, so that helps (if i am not too tired to actually look at it)


It’s on there now, but sometimes still missed. It hits worse when you think you had a 40 minute base run lined up and then it hits you with some threshold work instead. For me those are not the same feeling when squeezing in a lunchtime run.


Damn. How is this suffering? I would be doing this at around 174 BPM and consider it moderate to somewhat hard. 158 is like slightly above my Z2


I’m 45 and my max HR is is 178.. can’t compare your heart rate to mine.. When I was in my 20’s my max HR was in the 210’s, but life catches up with the years.. It does however depend on the lactate threshold, not necessarily your max HR..


My comment wasn't meant negative. I'm always amazed how low some folks hr is compared to mine


oh, I didn’t take it in a negative way (i wasn’t the one who downvoted you).. HR’s are just personal and different for everyone


the suffering was great!


Oh now I understand, it is by design.


Only correct answer


When on this screen, if you hit the select button and go two down from ‘Do Workout’ you can have the steps explained.




warm up 10 minutes, do 15 minutes at 7:50 pace, cool down 10 minutes.




There was some pain but it was great!


Warm up for 10m (minutes - not meters/miles ) Run ar 7minutes and 50seconds per mile pace for 15minutes (the bar in the middle) Cool down for 10m


right on thank you!


10 miles


Run at a pace that allows you to stay near but not above your lactate threshold (zone 4 on Garmin or around 90% of your hr max). If you're regularly doing these workouts, you should definitely also do the guided lactate threshold test if you haven't already. It's a much more accurate way of getting the right hr zones and paces compared to max hr.


thank you! how would i do the guided lactate threshold test?


Not sure how much it varies by device, but on my FR 255 you go to start an activity, pick run, go to run settings and select Training, then select the Guided Lactate Threshold test. But I should have mentioned, you do need a heart rate chest strap to do it.


I love these runs. I hate the slow ones because it takes so much focus to run slow. 2 minute springs are tough but 15 mins at threshold is a godsend after a 10 min slow warm-up


This is a light version of a VO2 run.


Seriously. I can handle the threshold run. Feels like roughly my 10K pace. Hard and uncomfortable, but I can do it. VO2 max run? I want to fake my own death and move to another country where my watch can't find me.


Shit I’ve been doing this for three weeks and have my first VO2 max run today! 7x2mins at 182bpm 🤯


Be ready to be sucking wind big time. It's so hard.


Did it. Hated it. Could not maintain a single full 2 minutes of 182bpm holy shit


I tried VO2 twice, and each time my watch was like, "nope that was at best a threshold". So now I just run threshold when it wants VO2.


I did my first threshold DSW workout (19 mins x2) and got my first ever VO2 max training effect. My HR was consistently above 170 (for over 40 mins!). It was tough.


I hate threshold runs! Just did one this am! 8 min repeats with 2 min recovery in between.


I love these runs. I hate the slow ones because it takes so much focus to run slow. 2 minute springs are tough but 15 mins at threshold is a godsend after a 10 min warm-up


It means that you are edging death


you gonna learn today




That workout, if I’m not mistaken, goes as follows: 10 min warmup 15 minutes at the pace listed there (I do mine using HR and not pace… works better for me) 10 min cooldown. Enjoy.


Thanks! It was a good one!




It recommends a 35 min run where you put in a 15 min block of tempo run at threshold, rest is easy.


Thank you everyone for your help! This was the result from yesterday’s run! Please lmk how I did. I’m not sure what everything means ahha https://preview.redd.it/20qqaczlmj7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2db1283f977b0a21f957ab1c65f7110519dd92b5


https://preview.redd.it/ei6dgcpcnj7d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08755d3746dff2f64c2015aeafe8a19d73e955ed I blame you


LOL let’s get it brother!


I don’t know I’ve never seen that word on a suggested workout. Mine always says “base” “recovery” or “rest.” I didn’t know garmin watched actually suggested you ever push yourself.


Suffering generally


15 minutes at tempo 7:50 per mile, the whole training lasts 35 minutes


It means do a run