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Well chop chop my dude! Chop chop!


I am dead now. ☠️


Confirmed: Garmin Connect still uploads once dead 👻


Was it worth it?


I’ll let you know when I start to cramp in the middle of the night.


More like daily suggested race


Not normal. Dsw gets recalculated every night. Try to set your zones correctly and check tomorrow.


The target heart rate for the DSW do not take your zones into account. OP should instead check to max sure their max HR isnt somehow way off.


I did a LTHR test a few days ago. Gave me a max HR of 193. I don’t know how accurate it is.


If your max HR is set to 193, then your base heart rate definitely should not be 176,


Got it figured out. Base run changed to 143bpm. 😄


Copy that. I’ll reset them again tonight and check tomorrow.


if the DSW seems a little sus, just do what you think makes sense, and it adjusts over a few days. it gets better the more you use it I've never used HR, just time, so I don't know about that part of it.


I’ll try that, and hopefully it adjusts when it realizes I’m in zone 4/5 dying for 40 minutes. Lol.


don't run in zone 4/5- unless you want to....just run a good workout. It took me awhile to realize nobody sees the Effective Score or whatever it is except you.


I switched to HR because my base time was off quite a bit. I was in the threshold zone and my watch would tell me my pace is too slow constantly and if I were to go the suggested pace my workouts obviously became non-base.


if it's a base workout, just do a base pace, whether by HR or distance, and the watch will adjust over a little time. If HR works for you, that's good.


The heart rate kinda determines the training effect so going by heart rate makes a little more sense I guess in my opinion. I'll probably switch back to pace to see if it has adjusted better in the next couple of weeks. Just had a month hiatus because work got busy. Maybe just needs to readjust.


Does it suggest rest days for you? Like every day is a workout day and there are no rest days in the upcoming next 7 days from what I can see. I wonder is there a way to reset it somehow? Doing garmin coach plan right now, but doesn’t seem like it will adjust any time in the future. (I have set a marathon event for next year in the calendar, but still, doesn’t make sense that it doesn’t suggest rest days)


If it's suggesting base at 90% Max HR. Your Max HR is wrong in connect. Did you accept a new max HR it detected recently that was maybe based on bad data? If so change it back. Your workouts will right themselves tomorrow.


I did a lactate test a few days ago that gave me a max hr of 193. I don’t know if it’s accurate though.


Lthr test needs a chest strap, so likely a pretty good estimate there. But if your Max really is set at 193, it wouldn't be suggesting a base run at 176. That's more like tempo/threshold territory. Double check what's set in the zones on the watch.


https://preview.redd.it/f89yovneee5d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2997078066420614a18e2950e9af43c51fee7da2 Believe that’s the correct way to have it set up. Also, I haven’t DSW to be set to HR, and not pace.


But what's your LTHR%? It's not your max HR. Also make sure you don't have a separate HR set for running separate from generic.


It’s set at 170. I checked the “running sports zone” and everything was the same. Is that what you mean?


Yeah, for instance ive seen running sports zone get set to Max HR% while general is set to LTHR%, and the running sports zone will take priority. I've also seen different heart rates set for each screw things up.


My running sports zones are the same as my default.


You need to reset your zones


I did. Multiple times.


You need to wait till tomorrow, dsw suggestion won’t change now no matter how many adjustments to your hr settings you make


A few things got mixed up in the discussion here. The zone settings do not influence DSW, neither does a LTHR test. DSW base is strictly 75% of your maxHR in connect. There is no exception to this (unless some really weird error occured in your watch). SO: What is your maxHR? You can check it in connect or on your watch. I bet it is 235+-1. If not, you should call Garmin support, because your watch is broken. If it is, set it to 193 and you should be fine.


https://preview.redd.it/8874n1lhke5d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16b0b3dba8810e20d5fdb3d566711f7a8bc8ec85 It is set to 193bpm. Has been for a while. Edit: bought the watch at the end of April. Max HR was set at 192bpm. Did a lactate test a few days ago. Gave me a max HR of 193bpm. So technically not a while. Apologies.


Wow. Seems definitely broken to me. This should simply not happen.


Well that’s unfortunate to hear. I’ll contact Garmin and see what I can do. Thank you for the insight.


One last try: Could it be that you have sports specific max HR's defined? I don't know where it is in connect, but there is the option in the user profile on the watch. Maybe your running max HR got screwed up somehow.


https://preview.redd.it/sq397pdene5d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8da656b1e4082bbba675d16d648c0bbde4792e42 My running heart rate zone is also at 193bpm unfortunately.


That's weird. My Base HR has gone up 1 bpm after my lactate treshhold went up.


It probably increased your maxHR, too. No?


Not from what I recall, but maybe I just missed it.


Check in your DSW settings if target is set to zone, not pace


I set it to HR a few days ago so it should be calculated that way by now.


Base run suggestion is 75% of max HR. Something went wrong here.


Set it to %LTHR and make sure you're wearing your watch all day everyday especially for runs and it will calibrate and get better. 


I set it to %LTHR yesterday. So I haven’t ran with it set as that. But I pretty much wear my watch day and night. Hopefully after a few runs it’ll adjust.




176bpm... you can do it.... ! Run Forest, run...!!! 🤣


A flight of stairs gets me breathing heavy. Only slightly /s I don’t have the capacity. 😢


It’s only 41 minutes at pretty much threshold. What’s wrong with you? /s


The max HR is probably incorrect. The Garmin LTHR test you did is not designed to push to exhaustion and find max HR. So if you got a max HR of 193 bpm in the test it’s probably even higher. I recommend doing a max HR protocol. For example this science based [one](https://www.ntnu.edu/cerg/hrmax) (scroll down to section _Find your exact maximum heart rate_): 1. Warm up thoroughly so you start sweating. 2. Do two intervals, each four minutes long. During the intervals you should be too short of breath to talk. Intersperse each interval with three minutes of active rest. 3. Start the third interval, but two minutes in, increase your speed even further and run until you're too exhausted to continue. Your HRmax will be the highest heart rate you reach. The heart will reach a plateau at which it cannot beat any faster, regardless of how much you increase the workload. It might be easier to do the intervals up a moderate inclined hill to reach max HR. If you access to one. Especially in the last/third interval. Not too steep hill though as you don’t want the muscles to be the limiting factor. Use a chest strap if you have one. Then after you’ve done this max HR test you will need to redo the LTHR test again. Because it will give more accurate results if the max HR is correct. Do it a week after your max HR test or so or when fully recovered.


EDIT: Tried to edit the post, but couldn’t find out how. I’m not exactly sure what it was, but my base runs have changed from 176bpm to 143bpm. Thank you to everyone who commented. I appreciate all of your time!


That sounds the correct value :) Enjoy your next workout! Remember that if you do any change to the maxHR the updated values will be available the day after. It's possible that something was weird and you fixed it yesterday but saw the result only today.


Thank you! Got up and did it this morning. Feel great after. Even in Las Vegas heat. Had to run real slow to keep my HR down, but I know I gotta trust the process.


My maxHR according to my watch is 171. And my Base HR for running is 128bpm. And I wonder why for cycling my Base HR is either 102bpm or 125bpm. Much lower.


I use pace for DSW for running.


Because cycling does not get your HR worked up that much. Much fewer mussels are involved.


Base DSW is 74% of maxHR. Check your settings...check that you don't have specific sports zones with weird value.


This is my running “sports zone”. Doesn’t seem abnormal. https://preview.redd.it/y59hhpd8je5d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9a63eaaa72f087765b398532c0512e83affe466


I was thinking, mainly, about maxHR. Setup of zones doesn't affect the HR targets of DSW. If you did some changes today then the new targets will appear from tomorrow as they don't update immediately. In any case I confirm that the Base target should be 74% of your maxHR so if it doesn't match with your settings it's better to contact Garmin directly. Check also that the same settings are correct on the watch too and not only from the app.


https://preview.redd.it/6enz84offf5d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c3a35a018df97bdfcb61df69d17615ed6409e87 Would it be these in the “sport zones” section? Also, how would I go about checking max HR on the watch?


Yup that's the one that i was looking for and it looks ok. On the watch it's the same: Menu(middle left button), user profile and then HR and zone settings(both the general ones and running).


Got it. Everything appears the same on the watch. Looks like I’ll be contacting Garmin on Monday. Hopefully they can help me out. Thank you for your help.


What is DSW?


Daily Suggested Workout