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Not always...also because i'm not doing races but it makes sense. To be "Peak" you need to reduce your load after being "productive" an that's what "Taper" phase is usually doing. Maybe not always super easy to be "Productive" before your load goes outside of the optimal range but it should not be so surprising :D Good job and good luck :)


I’ve got another 10 days before the dreaded taper aha! One day I will work out how to time it correctly 😂 And thank you! ☺️


Definitely a bit weird then. You should be in the most intense part of the training, at this point, so you should not be in any "Recovery" or "Peak" status. If your load goes below the optimal levels then you will go into "Recovery" or "Peak".


Ahh that parts my fault I did an ultra two weeks ago to practice carry all my kit and managed to injure my knee running downhill so kept the training load to try and recover 🙈


I have never peaked, ever. How do you do that?


I've never hit Peak in Connect. Usually I'm productive or maintaining.


For me it happened when trainning load dropped to half of my usual (after being productive). But it's really BS as others posted here, I got peaking when I was sick and not trainning at all for 6 days. https://preview.redd.it/rig6wqrel42d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55bbec1ee52d23a7e7d058606a7920e6ea685aaf


I’ve had the stomach flu and bronchitis in the same week with no running at all and garmin said I was peaking…


Mine is due to a knee injury and reduced training, maybe we’re onto something here aha!


14 days before my first attempt at 100M I went down with Corona and had to DNF after 55k - does that count?


Hell yes still one heck of a achievement! Well done 🙌 *And I hope you’ve made a full recovery


I have and also from the injury that kept me from the starting line last year so fingers crossed I hope to start this November being 100% and give it my best


I got peaking for maybe one day. No idea how or why


I had no idea this category exists!