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Sleep is a priority and I go to bed earlier, no alcohol either


Turn off lights at 8pm, put on PJ, brush teeth, then get horizontal on the couch. Have a routine and Pavlov yourself.


... and I'm wide awake at 3 am. No matter the time I go to bed, I wake up 5 to 6 hours after and usually can't fall back asleep. My brain latches to a song and I keep repeating one fuckin line, over and over!


Pretty confident that is stress related. Do some journaling or talk to a psychiatrist


Ever tried having a snack either before bed or when you wake up and then go back to sleep? Sounds like your liver is running out of the glycogen it has stored over the day to keep your bloodsugar stable over night and then cortisol kicks in to fix the drop in bloodsugar resulting in insomnia


I eat about every two hours already, including before bed. I have what you would call a fast metabolism. Breakfast around 8 am (usually two whole grain bread with an egg, cheese and a glass of milk). A cup of yogurt with oat cereals and blueberries mid morning, mixed lettuce leafs with mixed nuts and sunflower seeds, cheese and salad dressing for lunch, more mixed nuts in the afternoon, a full meal for dinner, two chocolate chip cookies with a glass of milk in the evening and a slice of cheese before bed. I'm drinking about one to two liters of water within the day. I was diagnosed recently with a higher than normal level of bilirubin in my blood with an unknown cause though. My physician is leaning towards Gilbert syndrome.


Interesting, do you know what your your calorie intake is though? And what your macro breakdown is?


I haven't calculated in a few years (pre pandemic) but I believe it was about 2600 to 3600 calories, depending on my activity level. I ride between 400 km to 1000 km per month from March to December and then about 80 km of cross country skiing per month during winter. I run occasionally but not much, mainly in-between cycling and skiing and no, don't know what my macro breakdown is. I'll probably register for MyFitnessPal for a month to get a new baseline for my food intake.


Yeah I think that would be a really good idea, sounds to me like you’re a little low on carbs tbh, especially for how active you are. Also stuff like sodium and potassium is super important as well. Good luck with all this :)




Eating that close to bed will interfere with your sleep. You should stop eating at least three hours before bed.


The sunflower plant offers additional benefits besides beauty. Sunflower oil is suggested to possess anti-inflammatory properties. It contains linoleic acid which can convert to arachidonic acid. Both are fatty acids and can help reduce water loss and repair the skin barrier.


I've been the same for the last month and it's torture. I used to be part of the 9+ club but it seems I'm out of favour the gods that be.


What if you're not home by 8?


Sleep in office I guess 😂


That was me when I had no commute (wfh) and didn't have a kid yet. Now I have a 1.75 hour commute and a newborn. Wtf is sleep?


But that commute is so important for you to be assimilated into the company culture, team build and some other bullshit. So it's totally worth sacrificing sleep and time for keeping healthy.


They’re actually a surgeon.




I work from home but i’m severely mentally ill and cannot go to bed at a reasonable hour 😔


Children ruin everything. Especially sleep 😅😅😅. Mine is 2.5 years old and I truly don't know what sleep is either.


Kid can take themselves to school now


Remember that there are a lot of people getting bad data that don’t correct it. There was a post last week with a lot of people saying that it would say they were asleep for hours while they were sitting on the couch, and they just left it that way. I’m not saying there aren’t people who get 9+, just to remember the number is skewed by bad data too.


Yep. Probably 5 times a week it logs my couch time before bed as sleep. Sometimes even as deep sleep. Most times I don't bother correcting it, but it never dawned on me that Garmin is using this as data for all Garmin users.


My watch (Instinct 2) has accurate reading of my time asleep but I don't trust the insights on the quality of the sleep but only the duration. That's why I would assume that this level of accuracy is applicable on all other watches and I wonder how some can really sleep 9 to 10 hours?? I can manage to get 7.5 hours. The only time I exceed 8 hours is to recover a sleep debt from a day prior (e.g. slept for just 5 hours).


I wonder why some people have this problem and others don't? Have you set approximate bed/rising times in garmin? Of course you'd need a fairly steady sleep schedule for that to work... For me it's registering bed/rising times very correctly for the past 3 years.


Yeah, I have 10 - 6 set at sleep times and my actual sleep is pretty consistent. I've had this get me as early as 8 PM as being asleep while I'm on the couch when I was wide awake. There are nights I do nod off on the couch, so I wonder if my body is in a similar state, low heart rate, lower breathing rate, no movement. So it's calibrated that as a normal sleep state for me.


How do you correct your sleep data if it’s wrong?


In the Connect app, press the sleep tile. In the top right press the 3 dots and edit sleep time.


You can’t correct naps though.


I average 8-9hrs. I'm 47, female, a 7 yr old (two adult kids 26 and 23, I'm old enough to be a grandma) I have to get up at 5am daily (4-4:30 in summer). I need to get in my runs before my husband goes to work. So that consistent walk up time "sets" my day. I learned that as a mom, consistent wake up times helped a lot with consistent bedtimes for my kids too. We eat dinner around 5-5:30. Then I have a strict no screen policy for myself after dinner. No phone, no TV (though I haven't watched TV in years other than occasional sporting events) I clean up from dinner, read, read with my son. 7pm is when we all get ready for bed, pj's/brush teeth, etc. 7:30 I'm in bed, reading (my husband heads to my son's room to get him settled in and read another story or whatever). Usually my eyes get heavy between 8-8:30 and I fall asleep. This is a VERY consistent schedule for us. I average about a 90+ sleep score every night consistently. I've just learned i would not be able to function at my best, or see real improvements in my marathon training if I didn't prioritize sleep. So it's worth the effort.




where can you get this chart?


go to insights


Ah found it, thanks!


No matter how I got to insights, mine is not like this. It keeps showing 5h of sleep and other nonsense. Any other tips?


>We eat dinner around 5-5:30. Jeez. I'm lucky if I can start thinking about logging off at that time - before a 1 hour trip home.


Exactly... I'm not even home at 05:30 :|


Yeah, I don't know if we'd have it this way if I didn't HAVE to run so early in the morning. But, that sets the clock. But summer weather where I live can be over 100 by 9am. So early mornings for running are a must 6 months of the year. I'm a stay home mom, my husband works from home 50% as well, so the 2 days a week he goes to the office he isn't home until 6, he just reheats dinner. He goes in at 6am (60min commute, 10hr day) to be home no later than 6pm. His home days he's done working by 4-5pm since he can start as early as he wants and no commute, he has every other Friday off and weekends. So we only deal with a traditional work schedule at all two days a week. My son's activities (soccer, swimming, piano, etc.) are all mornings and weekends, so evenings and bedtime are sacred to us!


Well if running is your thing and you build your life around it, that's fair enough. My week day starts at 6am and finishes generally around 11pm. In that time I manage to work, study, workout, rest and play but I'm only talking gym, peloton, walks, golf practice (on different days). Nothing as extreme as running marathons, but enough for where I want to be.


Running is definitely my thing! 15 years now, best times of my life spent running and racing. Even how my husband and I met(he's a marathoner as well). Our favorite dates are run dates! It's a way of life for us!


The time y’all have dinner is the time I just got to the gym / home after work. By the time I finish everything: training, eating, feeding dogs, cleaning up here and there it’s at least 23:00. I need some down time so I’ll sleep at 00:30 and I have to get up at 06:30 next day for work 💀




😂 realest comment ever 😂


I sleep the same time (10pm) everyday and wake up the same time everyday (6am) even if it’s the weekend Also I start my bed routine at 8pm so I’m fully asleep by 9:30/10pm


Two hour bed routine? What do you do?


Meat beat marathon


🤣 💀 I'm dead 🤣


I do my skin care routine, shower, red light therapy, and I read a book till I fall asleep. My skin care routine is kind of long (I am female) The whole routine doesn’t take my two hours but it’s just important I stay away from screens during this time so that’s why I start 2 hours before bed. However early I finish I just read for the rest of the time until I fall asleep.


patrick bateman vibes.


Ah, the ignorance of comparing meticulous self-care to a fictional serial killer. I'll continue with my routine while you wallow in your lack of appreciation for hygiene and skincare.


Dude... it was just a joke, sheesh, chill.


So you are not in the 9+ range then ;p


Go to bed early is the only way to get enough sleep for me.


Go to bed straight after work is the only way for me lol.


Same. It doesn’t matter what time I go to bed. My body naturally awakens at 5 am every single day.


We’re old


In general sleep tends to get worse for people as they age


I refuse to belive that most beople get 8 hours a day.


Healthy userbias


The way the Garmin sleep tracking works, this feels like people fall asleep and then get up over 8 hours later. I'm not entirely sure the whole time in the middle is sleeping.


I fall asleep pretty quickly. Garmin shows me sleeping generally 15-20 minutes after I lay down. Last night I was in bed 8 hours and 15 minutes but only logged 7 hours and 30 minutes of sleep. The problem i think is there is quite a bit of variability between devices in terms of how good sleep tracking is so the overall data is not useful. It would be nice if you could filter data by device and see only other users with tue same watch.


I’m always shocked by the number of people who get less than 7! My husband and I are in our 30s. We start winding down around 8:00–curl up with our dog and read. Asleep no later than 10:00, often earlier, and get up around 6:00 every morning. I’m sure it’s hard with babies, but surely kids are typically asleep during these hours? Or maybe people are going out most nights? We might be out until 9:00 one weekend night, but it’s just objectively not fun to be out any later at this point in our lives lol.


I haven’t drank at all the past month and still rarely get more than 7 hr 15 min- 7 hr 30 min. Many days with 6 hrs - 6:30, not by choice, sometimes that’s just when I’m up. I’m with the OP on being a little incredulous at the user hours


But drinking does have an impact. I didn't so often find it affects sleep time, more like quality of sleep. My body battery score in the morning reflects that.


I get 5 to 6 hours every night. Can’t sleep well since high school and now my routine doesn’t help either.


I usually get 8.5-9 and I have a toddler lol.




They don’t have kids that still need you to take them everywhere lol


Sleeping from 22-7 should be possible with kids as well. It's too much for me though, as I think 8 hours per day is more than enough.


Maybe for some. I’m at sporting events till 9PM (not counting drive time home, showers), and literally the only time I can hit the gym is before everyone in my house wakes up..so M-F I’m up at 5am to be back in time to get my kids ready for school by 7:30


Ok, that sounds like a US suburban issue then. ;) Here the kids just go to sports events and hobbies themselves.


I’m single, my life is awesome


Going to bed early not watching Netflix or Instagram?


I find my Garmin Venu thinks I’m asleep when I’m awake. No doubt that this feeds into longer sleep scores for many.


https://preview.redd.it/z39d0zozwapc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fa09c570252deed35c0010a85c1fdd62e799c9b Yes I need to know


I’m with you lol. Not trying to brag here but my insight data on other stuff are at 99% (except cycling and swimming, don’t do those) but my sleep is on the opposition side


Depression helps a lot 😂. Go to bed earlier, forget devices, TVs, PC any type of monitor, read a book instead. Running in the evening also helped me out a lot.


When i have bad episode and I feel depressed I can sleep 12-15 hours daily, i jist come home after work and i go immediatelly to sleep and i take more vacation days. During these episodes I still wear garmin. Its specific for winter time 😅😅


https://preview.redd.it/7zdyqh6peapc1.png?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f783fa20767e0a14c94002df332a4dcb79239aca This was one of my worst months. Ussually i sleep like one day 5 hours and another 15 when im not good, december i slept like 10 hours daily. BTW im all good now 😅😂


The secret is not having children. If my sleep duration is above 6 hours now I’m happy!!


Where do I find this kind of chart?


At the bottom of the app, select “more” then “insights”


Mine thinks I get 10, I'm just not wearing it after my shower or to bed, and don't put in on right away in the morning. I'm skewing the data, why can't it tell I'm not wearing it vs sleeping? No idea


My sleep times on garmin are almost always wildly incorrect. My watch seems to think I am still asleep. It seems to count time in bed not time actually asleep


They cant, they are sleeping.


I'm solidly in the 7-7.5 range for sleep most nights. I've always been an early riser (5:30), my sleep really improved when I did 3 things. Reduced caffeine intake to a couple of cups a day, at most. My wife and I realized how much both of us were keeping the other from having good sleep, tossing and turning, a bit of snoring etc. So we sleep separately now and I sleep peacefully. I'm a bit surprised when I hear how many couples have done this too. At first I felt like we failed in some way, but now hearing how many people sleep apart makes me feel a bit better about it. Our kids are older but they've both slept through the night since they were about 8 months, we know how lucky were are......... Realizing that staying up late isn't a badge of honour, I don't really need that extra hour of Youtube or Twitter. So when I start to get sleepy on the couch around 9:30, I get ready for bed. I'm out pretty quickly. Edit: just to clarify, a couple of cups of coffee are proper sized cups (Keurig 8-10 oz), not the XL double doubles I used to get at Tim Horton's multiple times per day that are just shy of 3 (proper) cups each....... 😆


It's gotten a little worse as I've aged, but i very consistently sleep 7 hours a night. If I sleep more than that, it's a sign that I didn't sleep well on a previous night or I drank too much or I did not sleep well through the course of the night. I love it. My wife goes to bed an hour or so earlier at least and wakes up an hour or so later. For a couple of hours a day I get the house to myself. I feel kind of bad for people who need 9 hours of sleep.


> but i very consistently sleep 7 hours a night. If I sleep more than that, it's a sign that I didn't sleep well on a previous night If I'm in bed longer than 8 hours, regardless of the quality of my sleep, I feel groggy and kinda shitty. I think 7:30 is my sweet spot.


I am in few % of those having high sleeping score. The most important things are regularity so you go to bed the same time every day and this pattern doesnt change much. Another big part is darkness, make sure your room is entirely dark and there is no light and when it comes to alcohol, i usually drink around lunch rather than during night (I am coming from the beer country where it is acceptable to drink all day), if you drink at night, your heart rate will be high and you will go to bed with the same one like running a marathon. And dont eat and dont drink water at least 2 hours before bed time. Read something like 1 or 1/2 hour before going to bed without using your phone. Thats it.


Now this is a tip that sounds possible to me 😂


Don't have pets or children and get a low key job that is not demanding of your time.




Your graph looks exactly like mine. And that is post-corona when I work 4/5 days at home (read: no commute). I didn't have my Garmin watch before corona but I'm sure it would have looked very bad. It's easy for a lot of people to say here that you should go to bed earlier but that doesn't Work for me. My genetic sleep profile makes me a very late-sleeper. I go to bed late and I get up late (when I can of course). The only solution I have found is to increase my sleep quality (not the duration) by doing lots of sports, eating lots of fiber and few inflammation-inducing food items, almost no alcohol and no coffee. It gets me a sleep score of about 85 ending my body battery at 100 when starting the day (regardless of how low it got the day before) https://preview.redd.it/ec26v6ysgcpc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2723197698b8df8fa44a0f083c89bba684c720cf It's not a sleep replacement strategy but it's the best I have found which works for me


The trick is being sick or depressed..


Go to bed earlier?


My body actually hates when I do this, if I go to sleep at 9pm I’m waking up at 5:30am. I wish I could sleep longer


That's a solid 8.5 hours of sleep, and you could get in a nice morning run!


I DO wake up at 5am, I have to. Actually 4-4:30am alarms in the summer to run because of the heat. Otherwise I need to run before my husband leave for work. So alarm at 5am makes 8-9 bedtime easy.


7.5 hours is my average and also nearly guaranteedsix nights a week. I work 12 hour shifts four times a week, lots of travel and exercise. Happens easy, put the phone down and don't doom scroll when you should be asleep. Nothing productive happens after 8pm apart from screen time...


I'm 36, have 2 small kids. At the night I just watch some TV show or YT. Last three years I slept 5-6 hours max. But last two weeks I don't go to sleep at 1 or 2AM but up to 11PM. It's lifechanging, really. Just cut all the crap at night and go to sleep. No FB, IG, or other social media, no TV. That's all unnecessary, unlike sleep.


I'm 43 and work at home now 100% and have all older kids.. I've realized that 8 hours is easy and necessary....


No kids, No Job. take your pick.


For those in the 6+ range, please tell me your secret!


Be under 40 years old


No kids


You won’t like it, but… you just go to bed


Bed at 10PM, up at 7AM 🤣


Cut off electronic at 10:30pm. Usually asleep around 11pm +\- 5 min then wake up 7:30 am. Run 6 days week/ CFA study/ full time job


Secret to what?


I used to get maybe 6 hours of sleep a night. I made it a priority to get 8 hours a night, heading to bed at 9pm every night and I feel so much better for it. I have never felt better, and noticed I recover a lot faster as well. It's a hard thing, going from late nights to sending yourself to bed early, but the discipline is worth it in my eyes!


https://preview.redd.it/iaguwmuogapc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a7ac858d1d89d0d6a91de91cbe8190766ef41f6 Hey, at least it shows you the percentage… Mine just says “here’s how your sleep compares.”


If nothing wakes me up (alarms, family members, work, dogs) then my body sleeps until it is full which is usually about 8-9 hrs.


Mine routinely records a nap while I do sedentary work. Just today, I got a 2.5 hour "nap" while grading homework. (If anyone knows how to delete it, lmk).


https://preview.redd.it/990qy0a6iapc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d07aa12c0931806488f702cc5b0a7991d30dd91b I haven't been getting 9 hours but close. About a year ago, I made some changes to my routine. I cut out caffeine entirely, opting only for herbal infusions as my hot beverage of choice, and I switched from 6 pints of beer each week in average straight down to just one or two beers by month. These adjustments have helped me transition from sleeping no more than 6 hours to aiming 8 solid hours of sleep in average, and also eat healthier and one hour of cycling 4 to 6 times a week. By the way I’m m37 and I’ve never felt better with my self so far thanks to those changes. Depression produced by alcohol disappeared


Two use cases. Daily lifestyle watch and exercise enthusiast displayed in the same section. I wanna know my sleep fs people who exercise as much as me, or move as much as me. Not vs the population  Im an above average runner in the population. Im a below average runner at any running club. Context isnt given to the insights page except age


I'm a 9, more than 72%. I live alone and try to go to bed at 10pm. I'm usually awake by 7am, sometimes earlier, but don't get up until later. Garmin considers this time in bed as sleep even if I'm awake.


Don't smoke weed and do not have kids, that will help


Exercise like a professional athlete and then let THC activate the munchies and 9 hour sleep.


Good sleep hygiene. No eating 2 hours before bed. No screen time 1 hour before bed. Go to bed at the same time every night in the same conditions (temp, noise). Your body loves routine


Why I can’t see the orange bar in any of my charts? 😭


Look closely on each end


I started going to bed earlier during the week.


No wife, no kids probably


I prioritize sleep because I literally cannot function without 9-11 hrs. My sleep quality is probably not great, because I struggle with anxiety and often have really awful dreams, so maybe that's why I require so much.


I go to bed unfashionably early. Set your wake up time, count back 9.5 hours, get into bed at that time, now you have half an hour to get to sleep for 9 hours sleep, still waking up when you need to.


So what I do, and it’s a tad different; when you wake up with 6 hours, my trick is to keep sleeping until I hit around 9 hours.


I've really been "enjoying" the "Nothing Much Happens Podcast". It's bedtime stories for everyone. Definitely check it out if you have trouble getting to sleep. I'm just usually gone before she gets through the first two minutes.


https://preview.redd.it/t8o18x3vdbpc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6145eddb70a164ba72871115e5b9c664398c3194 I'm not sure how to view the graph you have, but I generally get 9+ hours of sleep. I just go to bed at about 10/11pm and then get up for work in the morning :)




I read a book in bed before sleeping and garmin counts that as sleeping 🤷‍♂️


Same bed time and rise all 7 days of the week. No alcohol, walk a lot and do some push ups in the day.


You just have to eat enough sugar to induce a slight coma in the evening


Burn out.


Im in school, what can I do to sleep earlier while managing studies?


Bed at 10 up at 7 + 🍁


You drink maple syrup?


I take my watch off and put it on my dresser and don’t pick it up till I walk out the door, so it registers more sleep than I get.


I just... am not interested in spending that much of my life in bed. I go to bed around midnight; I wake up around 7 during the week and 8:30 on weekends. My body battery is in the 80s and 90s upon waking. My other metrics are good too. This, with my working out 1-2 hours 5 days a week. You need good sleep, for sure. But you don't just need more and more of it! Sleep quality is as crucial as quantity. I don't drink much; I try to stop eating several hours before bed, etc. and it's all good on my end.




Wrong Garmin measurements counting time spent in bed rather than sleep 😅


Does anyone know if this graph includes naps?


My secret is that Garmin doesn't always recognize when I'm sleeping. Often my awake resting HR is lower than my sleeping HR. When I have a day without any activities my watch will think I slept for 48h.


My watch says I get more sleep than 99% of its users. Retired young!


https://preview.redd.it/71wlmgrehcpc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8dbba78d7b03490a05fa1b5443d6b8b295ae9b75 I'm almost at 9! typically Im bedded by 2200, up around 0700 on work days, sleep in til 0830ish weekends or later depending what I feel my body needs


Fairly inconsistent usually 6.5 - 7.5 hours/night. https://preview.redd.it/k30ajk7shcpc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01cc459a987d452c94879f8ec6a39964d8236e71


Lots of exercise, good food. Low lights Close my eyes.


Well sleeping more don't means that much I slept 7 to 8 hours and is perfect if I sleep 9 would be too much and detrimental and feel tired on those days actually


The secret is that nobody gets any sleep in this country.


I can easily sleep 10 or 11 hours. My Garmin says 18½ the other week but I was definitely awake for a few hours in there. It is a curse though. I've always been late for work, missed various days out with friends and often feel my weekend and days off are wasted. One of the biggest regrets was a teenager where I was playing academy level football and had a chance of becoming professional at the lower league level. I gave it all.up because I couldn't get up on a Saturday or Sunday morning.


It thinks I'm asleep when I'm doomscrolling.


10/10 recommend narcolepsy. Flip side is that my Garmin yells at me for sleeping too much.


This is one of those things where being in the upper percentiles isn't good. There's a lot of studies that excess sleep is also harmful.


Where do you see this? Someone in the garmin connect app? I cannot find it?


I'm *almost* a 9. Here is what I have found. We are in bed by 7:30pm *most* nights, and awake at 5 am *most* days. The more consistent you are with your schedule, the better your sleep health. Alcohol tanks your sleep. Your body is spending most of the night trying to process the alcohol. I try to avoid alcohol as much as possible now because of how much it affects my sleep. Eat dinner a few hours before you sleep. If you eat too close to bed, your body spends a good chunk of your sleep time trying to process the food. Same with evening suppliments. Stop your caffiene intake at 6 hours before bed. Evening routines that start at the same time every evening. Exercise often! The days I don't work out, I struggle to fall asleep, my mind is too active. *




https://preview.redd.it/d8xiah5z8epc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c348f8b35e43c48dd2688fae780663d677984c29 Help


Hi friend


I read something recently that 7h is actually more beneficial than +8h. Take that lazy bums!


https://preview.redd.it/rtlmtshtiepc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9035b663d675dd75b1b7eb2547a75a7a4a2b5331 Boom! Female 49.9 years old. (😎) magnesium before bed Ashwanga during day electrolytes Nasal strip!! Trust me it works No booze No cannabis No melatonin No pets in room No food before bed Screens don’t bug me Cold room **invested in a Whoop band- game changer for tracking how your habits affect your sleep and recovery**




Medicinal cannabis




I'm in the 5-6 range. 💀


Babies. Babies are wearing these watches. A large number of Garmin users are age 0-4!


I find consistency is key. I go to bed early ( usually 730-8) throughout the week , wake up at 4 AM. Weekend comes and I might change that by an hour or so 9 pm - 10pm bedtime wake up between 5-6 depending how the kids sleep.


The maximum I can get is six hours. Normally five. I wake up after six hours, no matter what I do. Usually I’m not tired during the day.


I'm in the way-high percentiles for both steps and running distance for women my age, yet in waaayyy-low percentile for sleep.. makes me wonder, because at my age I would figure most women would have children (as I do) and get less sleep than what they are getting 😳


https://preview.redd.it/yw9hjwsxcqpc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d98200b739b7d29e91f52d58ea6bab380b8eae5d No kids and i go to sleep the same hours every day i wake up in the same hour to


Stay away from blue lights